## NLMSvariants # Objective The goal of our task was to implement three kinds of a least mean square filter. According to the given task we created implementations in ANSI C, C++ and C#. Input of these filters are image files, namely BMP, GIF, EXIF, JPG, PNG and TIFF in C#. PPM in ANSI C and C++ _only_. In each of these implementations there are log files and graphs as an output. More information can be found inside the according folders. # Structure ``` │ Aufgabenstellung.md │ README.md │ ├───bin │ CS_NMLS_with_UI.exe │ ├───doc │ Doc.txt │ └───src ├───ansi_c_implementation │ .DS_Store │ graphResults_template.html │ lms.exe │ Makefile │ NLMSvariants.c │ README.md │ ├───cpp_implementation │ graphResults_template.html │ NLMSvariants.cpp │ └───c_sharp_implementation NLMSvariants.cs ```