Forced browsing is the art of using logic to find resources on the website that you would not normally be able to access. For example let's say we have a note taking site, that is structured like this. It stands to reason that if we did we may be able to access user2's note.
pip install wfuzz
wfuzz -c -z file,/usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/big.txt --hw 57
|Parameter|Detail| |---------|------| |-c|Shows the output in color| |-z|Specifies what will replace FUZZ in the request. For example -z file,big.txt will read through all the lines of big.txt and replace FUZZ with| |--hc|Don't show certain http response codes| |--hl|Don't show a certain amount of lines in the response| |--hh|Don't show a certain amount of words| |--hw|Don't show word response return val of this length|