is the overiew.tables
.tables <tablename>
.schema <table_name>
select * from <table>;
select * <attr>,<attr> from <table>;
UPDATE and DELETE is possible on run-time tables
SELECT pid, name, path FROM osquery_info JOIN processes USING (pid);
Where clause operators
[not equal]>, >=
[greater than, greater than or equal to]<, <=
[less than or less than or equal to] BETWEEN
[between a range]LIKE
[pattern wildcard searches]%
[wildcard, multiple characters]_
[wildcard, one character]Matching wildcard rules
: Match all files and folders for one level.%%
: Match all files and folders recursively.%abc
: Match all within-level ending in "abc".abc%
: Match all within-level starting with "abc". select * from yara where sigfile='<sigfile>' and path like '/home/%%';