nmap -oA nmap-full -Pn -sS -T4 -p- --defeat-rst-ratelimit <IP>
nmap -oA nmap-vuln -Pn -script vuln -p <Port,Port,Port,...> <IP>
sudo nmap -oA --nmap-full -sS -sC -sV -p- --defeat-rst-ratelimit <target-IP>
searchsploit --nmap ./nmap-full.xml --verbose
nmap --script http-wordpress-enum --scripts-args check-latest=true,search-limit=1500 -p 80 test.com
nmap -iL <ListofHosts>
nmap -sL -n
nmap -PR -sn
nmap -PE -sn
nmap -PP -sn
nmap -PM -sn
Syn on port 23-PA80-8080
ACK on port range 80-8080-sN
, port is open when there is no response. Otherwise the response is RST/ACK
, same procedure as null scan.-sX
is sent. RST/ACK
when port is closed.-sM
, sends FIN/ACK
. Packet is dropped when port is open. Only viable on old BSD networks.-sA
, sends ACK
. Receives RST
regardless of the state of the port. May be used to explore firewall rules.-sW
, sends ACK
, and receives RST
as well. Inspects the window part of the response. Used to expose firewall rules.--scanflags RSTACKFIN
, set flags randomly.-PU
-S <spoofed-IP>
--spoof-mac <spoofed-MAC>
-D <decoy-IP>,<decoy-IP>,<decoy-IP>,RND,RND,ME
--version-intensity <level 0-9>
Installed at /usr/share/nmap/scripts
* auth Authentication related scripts
* broadcast Discover hosts by sending broadcast messages
* brute Performs brute-force password auditing against logins
* default Default scripts, same as -sC
* discovery Retrieve accessible information, such as database tables and DNS names
* dos Detects servers vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS)
* exploit Attempts to exploit various vulnerable services
* external Checks using a third-party service, such as Geoplugin and Virustotal
* fuzzer Launch fuzzing attacks
* intrusive Intrusive scripts such as brute-force attacks and exploitation
* malware Scans for backdoors
* safe Safe scripts that won’t crash the target
* version Retrieve service versions
* vuln Checks for vulnerabilities or exploit vulnerable services
--top-ports 100
to a initial SYN
, not random--min-rate
and --max-rate
and --max-parallelism
8 bytes, -ff
16 bytes or --mtu
-sI <pwnd-device-IP>
via pwnd host inside the targets network--reason
, -d
, -vv