Seatbelt is a C# project that performs a number of security oriented host-survey "safety checks" relevant from both offensive and defensive security perspectives.
@andrewchiles' HostEnum.ps1 script and @tifkin_'s Get-HostProfile.ps1 provided inspiration for many of the artifacts to collect.
@harmj0y and @tifkin_ are the primary authors of this implementation.
Seatbelt is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.
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Available commands (+ means remote usage is supported):
+ AMSIProviders - Providers registered for AMSI
+ AntiVirus - Registered antivirus (via WMI)
+ AppLocker - AppLocker settings, if installed
ARPTable - Lists the current ARP table and adapter information (equivalent to arp -a)
AuditPolicies - Enumerates classic and advanced audit policy settings
+ AuditPolicyRegistry - Audit settings via the registry
+ AutoRuns - Auto run executables/scripts/programs
+ ChromiumBookmarks - Parses any found Chrome/Edge/Brave/Opera bookmark files
+ ChromiumHistory - Parses any found Chrome/Edge/Brave/Opera history files
+ ChromiumPresence - Checks if interesting Chrome/Edge/Brave/Opera files exist
+ CloudCredentials - AWS/Google/Azure/Bluemix cloud credential files
+ CloudSyncProviders - All configured Office 365 endpoints (tenants and teamsites) which are synchronised by OneDrive.
CredEnum - Enumerates the current user's saved credentials using CredEnumerate()
+ CredGuard - CredentialGuard configuration
dir - Lists files/folders. By default, lists users' downloads, documents, and desktop folders (arguments == [directory] [depth] [regex] [boolIgnoreErrors]
+ DNSCache - DNS cache entries (via WMI)
+ DotNet - DotNet versions
+ DpapiMasterKeys - List DPAPI master keys
EnvironmentPath - Current environment %PATH$ folders and SDDL information
+ EnvironmentVariables - Current environment variables
+ ExplicitLogonEvents - Explicit Logon events (Event ID 4648) from the security event log. Default of 7 days, argument == last X days.
ExplorerMRUs - Explorer most recently used files (last 7 days, argument == last X days)
+ ExplorerRunCommands - Recent Explorer "run" commands
FileInfo - Information about a file (version information, timestamps, basic PE info, etc. argument(s) == file path(s)
+ FileZilla - FileZilla configuration files
+ FirefoxHistory - Parses any found FireFox history files
+ FirefoxPresence - Checks if interesting Firefox files exist
+ Hotfixes - Installed hotfixes (via WMI)
IdleTime - Returns the number of seconds since the current user's last input.
+ IEFavorites - Internet Explorer favorites
IETabs - Open Internet Explorer tabs
+ IEUrls - Internet Explorer typed URLs (last 7 days, argument == last X days)
+ InstalledProducts - Installed products via the registry
InterestingFiles - "Interesting" files matching various patterns in the user's folder. Note: takes non-trivial time.
+ InterestingProcesses - "Interesting" processes - defensive products and admin tools
InternetSettings - Internet settings including proxy configs and zones configuration
KeePass - Finds KeePass configuration files
+ LAPS - LAPS settings, if installed
+ LastShutdown - Returns the DateTime of the last system shutdown (via the registry).
LocalGPOs - Local Group Policy settings applied to the machine/local users
+ LocalGroups - Non-empty local groups, "-full" displays all groups (argument == computername to enumerate)
+ LocalUsers - Local users, whether they're active/disabled, and pwd last set (argument == computername to enumerate)
+ LogonEvents - Logon events (Event ID 4624) from the security event log. Default of 10 days, argument == last X days.
+ LogonSessions - Windows logon sessions
LOLBAS - Locates Living Off The Land Binaries and Scripts (LOLBAS) on the system. Note: takes non-trivial time.
+ LSASettings - LSA settings (including auth packages)
+ MappedDrives - Users' mapped drives (via WMI)
McAfeeConfigs - Finds McAfee configuration files
McAfeeSiteList - Decrypt any found McAfee SiteList.xml configuration files.
MicrosoftUpdates - All Microsoft updates (via COM)
NamedPipes - Named pipe names and any readable ACL information.
+ NetworkProfiles - Windows network profiles
+ NetworkShares - Network shares exposed by the machine (via WMI)
+ NTLMSettings - NTLM authentication settings
OfficeMRUs - Office most recently used file list (last 7 days)
OracleSQLDeveloper - Finds Oracle SQLDeveloper connections.xml files
+ OSInfo - Basic OS info (i.e. architecture, OS version, etc.)
+ OutlookDownloads - List files downloaded by Outlook
+ PoweredOnEvents - Reboot and sleep schedule based on the System event log EIDs 1, 12, 13, 42, and 6008. Default of 7 days, argument == last X days.
+ PowerShell - PowerShell versions and security settings
+ PowerShellEvents - PowerShell script block logs (4104) with sensitive data.
+ PowerShellHistory - Searches PowerShell console history files for sensitive regex matches.
Printers - Installed Printers (via WMI)
+ ProcessCreationEvents - Process creation logs (4688) with sensitive data.
Processes - Running processes with file info company names that don't contain 'Microsoft', "-full" enumerates all processes
+ ProcessOwners - Running non-session 0 process list with owners. For remote use.
+ PSSessionSettings - Enumerates PS Session Settings from the registry
+ PuttyHostKeys - Saved Putty SSH host keys
+ PuttySessions - Saved Putty configuration (interesting fields) and SSH host keys
RDCManFiles - Windows Remote Desktop Connection Manager settings files
+ RDPSavedConnections - Saved RDP connections stored in the registry
+ RDPSessions - Current incoming RDP sessions (argument == computername to enumerate)
+ RDPsettings - Remote Desktop Server/Client Settings
RecycleBin - Items in the Recycle Bin deleted in the last 30 days - only works from a user context!
reg - Registry key values (HKLM\Software by default) argument == [Path] [intDepth] [Regex] [boolIgnoreErrors]
RPCMappedEndpoints - Current RPC endpoints mapped
+ SCCM - System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) settings, if applicable
+ ScheduledTasks - Scheduled tasks (via WMI) that aren't authored by 'Microsoft', "-full" dumps all Scheduled tasks
SearchIndex - Query results from the Windows Search Index, default term of 'passsword'. (argument(s) == <search path> <pattern1,pattern2,...>
SecPackageCreds - Obtains credentials from security packages
SecurityPackages - Enumerates the security packages currently available using EnumerateSecurityPackagesA()
Services - Services with file info company names that don't contain 'Microsoft', "-full" dumps all processes
+ SlackDownloads - Parses any found 'slack-downloads' files
+ SlackPresence - Checks if interesting Slack files exist
+ SlackWorkspaces - Parses any found 'slack-workspaces' files
+ SuperPutty - SuperPutty configuration files
+ Sysmon - Sysmon configuration from the registry
+ SysmonEvents - Sysmon process creation logs (1) with sensitive data.
TcpConnections - Current TCP connections and their associated processes and services
TokenGroups - The current token's local and domain groups
TokenPrivileges - Currently enabled token privileges (e.g. SeDebugPrivilege/etc.)
+ UAC - UAC system policies via the registry
UdpConnections - Current UDP connections and associated processes and services
UserRightAssignments - Configured User Right Assignments (e.g. SeDenyNetworkLogonRight, SeShutdownPrivilege, etc.) argument == computername to enumerate
+ WindowsAutoLogon - Registry autologon information
WindowsCredentialFiles - Windows credential DPAPI blobs
+ WindowsDefender - Windows Defender settings (including exclusion locations)
+ WindowsEventForwarding - Windows Event Forwarding (WEF) settings via the registry
+ WindowsFirewall - Non-standard firewall rules, "-full" dumps all (arguments == allow/deny/tcp/udp/in/out/domain/private/public)
WindowsVault - Credentials saved in the Windows Vault (i.e. logins from Internet Explorer and Edge).
WMIEventConsumer - Lists WMI Event Consumers
WMIEventFilter - Lists WMI Event Filters
WMIFilterBinding - Lists WMI Filter to Consumer Bindings
+ WSUS - Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) settings, if applicable
Seatbelt has the following command groups: All, User, System, Slack, Chromium, Remote, Misc
You can invoke command groups with "Seatbelt.exe <group>"
"Seatbelt.exe -group=all" runs all commands
"Seatbelt.exe -group=user" runs the following commands:
ChromiumPresence, CloudCredentials, CloudSyncProviders, CredEnum, dir,
DpapiMasterKeys, ExplorerMRUs, ExplorerRunCommands, FileZilla,
FirefoxPresence, IdleTime, IEFavorites, IETabs,
IEUrls, KeePass, MappedDrives, OfficeMRUs,
OracleSQLDeveloper, PowerShellHistory, PuttyHostKeys, PuttySessions,
RDCManFiles, RDPSavedConnections, SecPackageCreds, SlackDownloads,
SlackPresence, SlackWorkspaces, SuperPutty, TokenGroups,
WindowsCredentialFiles, WindowsVault
"Seatbelt.exe -group=system" runs the following commands:
AMSIProviders, AntiVirus, AppLocker, ARPTable, AuditPolicies,
AuditPolicyRegistry, AutoRuns, CredGuard, DNSCache,
DotNet, EnvironmentPath, EnvironmentVariables, Hotfixes,
InterestingProcesses, InternetSettings, LAPS, LastShutdown,
LocalGPOs, LocalGroups, LocalUsers, LogonSessions,
LSASettings, McAfeeConfigs, NamedPipes, NetworkProfiles,
NetworkShares, NTLMSettings, OSInfo, PoweredOnEvents,
PowerShell, Processes, PSSessionSettings, RDPSessions,
RDPsettings, SCCM, Services, Sysmon,
TcpConnections, TokenPrivileges, UAC, UdpConnections,
UserRightAssignments, WindowsAutoLogon, WindowsDefender, WindowsEventForwarding,
WindowsFirewall, WMIEventConsumer, WMIEventFilter, WMIFilterBinding,
"Seatbelt.exe -group=slack" runs the following commands:
SlackDownloads, SlackPresence, SlackWorkspaces
"Seatbelt.exe -group=chromium" runs the following commands:
ChromiumBookmarks, ChromiumHistory, ChromiumPresence
"Seatbelt.exe -group=remote" runs the following commands:
AMSIProviders, AntiVirus, AuditPolicyRegistry, ChromiumPresence, CloudCredentials,
DNSCache, DotNet, DpapiMasterKeys, EnvironmentVariables,
ExplicitLogonEvents, ExplorerRunCommands, FileZilla, Hotfixes,
InterestingProcesses, KeePass, LastShutdown, LocalGroups,
LocalUsers, LogonEvents, LogonSessions, LSASettings,
MappedDrives, NetworkProfiles, NetworkShares, NTLMSettings,
OSInfo, PoweredOnEvents, PowerShell, ProcessOwners,
PSSessionSettings, PuttyHostKeys, PuttySessions, RDPSavedConnections,
RDPSessions, RDPsettings, Sysmon, WindowsDefender,
WindowsEventForwarding, WindowsFirewall
"Seatbelt.exe -group=misc" runs the following commands:
ChromiumBookmarks, ChromiumHistory, ExplicitLogonEvents, FileInfo, FirefoxHistory,
InstalledProducts, InterestingFiles, LogonEvents, LOLBAS,
McAfeeSiteList, MicrosoftUpdates, OutlookDownloads, PowerShellEvents,
Printers, ProcessCreationEvents, ProcessOwners, RecycleBin,
reg, RPCMappedEndpoints, ScheduledTasks, SearchIndex,
SecurityPackages, SysmonEvents
'Seatbelt.exe <Command> [Command2] ...' will run one or more specified checks only
'Seatbelt.exe <Command> -full' will return complete results for a command without any filtering.
'Seatbelt.exe "<Command> [argument]"' will pass an argument to a command that supports it (note the quotes).
'Seatbelt.exe -group=all' will run ALL enumeration checks, can be combined with "-full".
'Seatbelt.exe <Command> -computername=COMPUTER.DOMAIN.COM [-username=DOMAIN\USER -password=PASSWORD]' will run an applicable check remotely
'Seatbelt.exe -group=remote -computername=COMPUTER.DOMAIN.COM [-username=DOMAIN\USER -password=PASSWORD]' will run remote specific checks
'Seatbelt.exe -group=system -outputfile="C:\Temp\out.txt"' will run system checks and output to a .txt file.
'Seatbelt.exe -group=user -q -outputfile="C:\Temp\out.json"' will run in quiet mode with user checks and output to a .json file.
Note: searches that target users will run for the current user if not-elevated and for ALL users if elevated.
A more detailed wiki is coming...
Note: many commands do some type of filtering by default. Supplying the -full
argument prevents filtering output. Also, the command group all
will run all current checks.
For example, the following command will run ALL checks and returns ALL output:
Seatbelt.exe -group=all -full
Runs checks that mine interesting data about the system.
Executed with: Seatbelt.exe -group=system
| Command | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | AMSIProviders | Providers registered for AMSI | | AntiVirus | Registered antivirus (via WMI) | | AppLocker | AppLocker settings, if installed | | ARPTable | Lists the current ARP table and adapter information(equivalent to arp -a) | | AuditPolicies | Enumerates classic and advanced audit policy settings | | AuditPolicyRegistry | Audit settings via the registry | | AutoRuns | Auto run executables/scripts/programs | | CredGuard | CredentialGuard configuration | | DNSCache | DNS cache entries (via WMI) | | DotNet | DotNet versions | | EnvironmentPath | Current environment %PATH$ folders and SDDL information | | EnvironmentVariables | Current user environment variables | | Hotfixes | Installed hotfixes (via WMI) | | InterestingProcesses | "Interesting" processes - defensive products and admin tools | | InternetSettings | Internet settings including proxy configs | | LAPS | LAPS settings, if installed | | LastShutdown | Returns the DateTime of the last system shutdown (via the registry) | | LocalGPOs | Local Group Policy settings applied to the machine/local users | | LocalGroups | Non-empty local groups, "full" displays all groups (argument == computername to enumerate) | | LocalUsers | Local users, whether they're active/disabled, and pwd last set (argument == computername to enumerate) | | LogonSessions | Logon events (Event ID 4624) from the security event log. Default of 10 days, argument == last X days. | | LSASettings | LSA settings (including auth packages) | | McAfeeConfigs | Finds McAfee configuration files | | NamedPipes | Named pipe names and any readable ACL information | | NetworkProfiles | Windows network profiles | | NetworkShares | Network shares exposed by the machine (via WMI) | | NTLMSettings | NTLM authentication settings | | OSInfo | Basic OS info (i.e. architecture, OS version, etc.) | | PoweredOnEvents | Reboot and sleep schedule based on the System event log EIDs 1, 12, 13, 42, and 6008. Default of 7 days, argument == last X days. | | PowerShell | PowerShell versions and security settings | | Processes | Running processes with file info company names that don't contain 'Microsoft', "full" enumerates all processes | | PSSessionSettings | Enumerates PS Session Settings from the registry | | RDPSessions | Current incoming RDP sessions (argument == computername to enumerate) | | RDPsettings | Remote Desktop Server/Client Settings | | SCCM | System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) settings, if applicable | | Services | Services with file info company names that don't contain 'Microsoft', "full" dumps all processes | | Sysmon | Sysmon configuration from the registry | | TcpConnections | Current TCP connections and their associated processes and services | | TokenPrivileges | Currently enabled token privileges (e.g. SeDebugPrivilege/etc.) | | UAC | UAC system policies via the registry | | UdpConnections | Current UDP connections and associated processes and services | | UserRightAssignments | Configured User Right Assignments (e.g. SeDenyNetworkLogonRight, SeShutdownPrivilege, etc.) argument == computername to enumerate | | WindowsAutoLogon | Registry autologon information | | WindowsDefender | Windows Defender settings (including exclusion locations) | | WindowsEventForwarding | Windows Event Forwarding (WEF) settings via the registry | | WindowsFirewall | Non-standard firewall rules, "full" dumps all (arguments == allow/deny/tcp/udp/in/out/domain/private/public) | | WMIEventConsumer | Lists WMI Event Consumers | | WMIEventFilter | Lists WMI Event Filters | | WMIFilterBinding | Lists WMI Filter to Consumer Bindings | | WSUS | Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) settings, if applicable |
Runs checks that mine interesting data about the currently logged on user (if not elevated) or ALL users (if elevated).
Executed with: Seatbelt.exe -group=user
| Command | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | ChromePresence | Checks if interesting Google Chrome files exist | | CloudCredentials | AWS/Google/Azure cloud credential files | | CredEnum | Enumerates the current user's saved credentials using CredEnumerate() | | dir | Lists files/folders. By default, lists users' downloads, documents, and desktop folders (arguments == \<directory> \<depth> \<regex> | | DpapiMasterKeys | List DPAPI master keys | | ExplorerMRUs | Explorer most recently used files (last 7 days, argument == last X days) | | ExplorerRunCommands | Recent Explorer "run" commands | | FileZilla | FileZilla configuration files | | FirefoxPresence | Checks if interesting Firefox files exist | | IdleTime | Returns the number of seconds since the current user's last input. | | IEFavorites | Internet Explorer favorites | | IETabs | Open Internet Explorer tabs | | IEUrls| Internet Explorer typed URLs (last 7 days, argument == last X days) | | MappedDrives | Users' mapped drives (via WMI) | | OfficeMRUs | Office most recently used file list (last 7 days) | | PowerShellHistory | Iterates through every local user and attempts to read their PowerShell console history if successful will print it | | PuttyHostKeys | Saved Putty SSH host keys | | PuttySessions | Saved Putty configuration (interesting fields) and SSH host keys | | RDCManFiles | Windows Remote Desktop Connection Manager settings files | | RDPSavedConnections | Saved RDP connections stored in the registry | | SecPackageCreds | Obtains credentials from security packages | | SlackDownloads | Parses any found 'slack-downloads' files | | SlackPresence | Checks if interesting Slack files exist | | SlackWorkspaces | Parses any found 'slack-workspaces' files | | SuperPutty | SuperPutty configuration files | | TokenGroups | The current token's local and domain groups | | WindowsCredentialFiles | Windows credential DPAPI blobs | | WindowsVault | Credentials saved in the Windows Vault (i.e. logins from Internet Explorer and Edge). |
Runs all miscellaneous checks.
Executed with: Seatbelt.exe -group=misc
| Command | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | ChromeBookmarks | Parses any found Chrome bookmark files | | ChromeHistory | Parses any found Chrome history files | | ExplicitLogonEvents | Explicit Logon events (Event ID 4648) from the security event log. Default of 7 days, argument == last X days. | | FileInfo | Information about a file (version information, timestamps, basic PE info, etc. argument(s) == file path(s) | | FirefoxHistory | Parses any found FireFox history files | | HuntLolbas | Locates Living Off The Land Binaries and Scripts (LOLBAS) on the system. Note: takes non-trivial time. | | InstalledProducts | Installed products via the registry | | InterestingFiles | "Interesting" files matching various patterns in the user's folder. Note: takes non-trivial time. | | LogonEvents | Logon events (Event ID 4624) from the security event log. Default of 10 days, argument == last X days. | | McAfeeSiteList | Decrypt any found McAfee SiteList.xml configuration files. | | MicrosoftUpdates | All Microsoft updates (via COM) | | OutlookDownloads | List files downloaded by Outlook | | PowerShellEvents | PowerShell script block logs (4104) with sensitive data. | | Printers | Installed Printers (via WMI) | | ProcessCreationEvents | Process creation logs (4688) with sensitive data. | | ProcessOwners | Running non-session 0 process list with owners. For remote use. | | RecycleBin | Items in the Recycle Bin deleted in the last 30 days - only works from a user context! | | reg | Registry key values (HKLM\Software by default) argument == [Path] [intDepth] [Regex] [boolIgnoreErrors] | | RPCMappedEndpoints | Current RPC endpoints mapped | | ScheduledTasks | Scheduled tasks (via WMI) that aren't authored by 'Microsoft', "full" dumps all Scheduled tasks | | SearchIndex | Query results from the Windows Search Index, default term of 'passsword'. (argument(s) == \<search path> \<pattern1,pattern2,...> | | SecurityPackages | Enumerates the security packages currently available using EnumerateSecurityPackagesA() | | SysmonEvents | Sysmon process creation logs (1) with sensitive data. |
Executed with: Seatbelt.exe -group=GROUPNAME
| Alias | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | Slack | Runs modules that start with "Slack" | | Chrome | Runs modules that start with "Chrome" | | Remote | Runs the following modules (for use against a remote system): AMSIProviders, AntiVirus, DotNet, ExplorerRunCommands, Hotfixes, InterestingProcesses, LastShutdown, LogonSessions, LSASettings, MappedDrives, NetworkProfiles, NetworkShares, NTLMSettings, PowerShell, ProcessOwners, PuttyHostKeys, PuttySessions, RDPSavedConnections, RDPSessions, RDPsettings, Sysmon, WindowsDefender, WindowsEventForwarding, WindowsFirewall |
Command that accept arguments have it noted in their description. To pass an argument to a command, enclose the command an arguments in double quotes.
For example, the following command returns 4624 logon events for the last 30 days:
Seatbelt.exe "LogonEvents 30"
The following command queries a registry three levels deep, returning only keys/valueNames/values that match the regex .*defini.*
, and ignoring any errors that occur.
Seatbelt.exe "reg \"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\" 3 .*defini.* true"
Seatbelt can redirect its output to a file with the -outputfile="C:\Path\file.txt"
argument. If the file path ends in .json, the output will be structured json.
For example, the following command will output the results of system checks to a txt file:
Seatbelt.exe -group=system -outputfile="C:\Temp\system.txt"
Commands noted with a + in the help menu can be run remotely against another system. This is performed over WMI via queries for WMI classes and WMI's StdRegProv for registry enumeration.
To enumerate a remote system, supply -computername=COMPUTER.DOMAIN.COM
- an alternate username and password can be specified with -username=DOMAIN\USER -password=PASSWORD
For example, the following command runs remote-focused checks against a remote system:
Seatbelt.exe -group=remote -computername= -username=THESHIRE\sam -password="yum \"po-ta-toes\""
Seatbelt's structure is completely modular, allowing for additional command modules to be dropped into the file structure and loaded up dynamically.
There is a commented command module template at .\Seatbelt\Commands\Template.cs
for reference. Once built, drop the module in the logical file location, include it in the project in the Visual Studio Solution Explorer, and compile.
We are not planning on releasing binaries for Seatbelt, so you will have to compile yourself.
Seatbelt has been built against .NET 3.5 and 4.0 with C# 8.0 features and is compatible with Visual Studio Community Edition. Simply open up the project .sln, choose "release", and build. To change the target .NET framework version, modify the project's settings and rebuild the project.
Seatbelt incorporates various collection items, code C# snippets, and bits of PoCs found throughout research for its capabilities. These ideas, snippets, and authors are highlighted in the appropriate locations in the source code, and include:
We've tried to do our due diligence for citations, but if we've left someone/something out, please let us know!