""" u can run this in the following format: For decimal: python3 ip2dh.py D For Hexadecimal: python3 ip2dh.py H """ #!/usr/bin/python3 import sys if len(sys.argv) < 3: print('\nYou must give desired format and IPv4 address as input...') print('e.g.: D') print('Valid formats D=Decimal H=Hexadecimal\n') sys.exit(1) Format = sys.argv[1] def long(ip): IP = ip.split('.') IP = list(map(int, IP)) LongIP = IP[0]*2**24 + IP[1]*2**16 + IP[2]*2**8 + IP[3] return LongIP ip = long(sys.argv[2]) if Format == 'D': print('\nIP as Decimal format: %s' % (ip)) if Format == 'H': print('\nIP as Hexadecimal format: %s' % (hex(ip)))