# amd64 instructions This pages lists and describes basic instructions used in amd64 and x86 assembly language. Please take a look at [the intel 64 instruction reference book](https://cdrdv2.intel.com/v1/dl/getContent/671110)the instruction set as well as the [registers supported](https://cdrdv2.intel.com/v1/dl/getContent/671098) is growing further with every CPU generation. The reference book is currently 2522 pages strong. * `;` starts a comment ## Operands Three types of operands are used in amd64/x86 assembly * __Immediate__, numbers (e.g. `0xDEADBEEF`) * __register__, existing registers (e.g. `rbx`) * __memory__, memory addresses in brackets (e.g. `[0xFF]`) ## Move Basic instructions to used to move values are the following * `MOV`, from source to destination, exception: no mem to mem movement allowed * `LEA`, loads memory address and stores it in the destination. Addresses can have an offset. Does not dereference `[var]` or `[var+x]` * `PUSH` & `POP`, put & retrieve registers to/from stack. ` * PUSHA` puts all 16 bit general purpose registers, `PUSHAD` puts all 32 registers onto the stack * `POPA` retrieve all 16 bit general purpose registers, `POPAD` retrieve all 32 registers from the stack ## Arithmetic Basic arithmetics are the following * `INC`, increment by 1 * `DEC`, decrement by 1 * `ADD`, result is stored in dest * `SUB`, substracts source from dest and stores in dest, ZF is set if result is zero, CF is set if result is lower than the substracted value * `MUL` & `IMUL`, result may be stored in upper and lower halfs (rdx:rax) because of resulting size of the product * `DIV` & `IDIV`, rax is divided by rbx and may be stored in two halfs as well * `SHR` & `SHL`, shifts bits from dest times the count `n` of source right or left, respectively (`2^n`). Uses carry flag (CF) for overflow. * `ROR` & `ROL`, shifts bits from dest times the count `n` of source right or left, respectively. Does not use CF but appends the value on the other end of the value, like a ring structure. ## Boolean Boolean instructions on binary numbers * `AND`, stores result in dest * `OR`, stores result in dest * `NOT`, for example is used to flip ones and zeros of a value * `XOR`, for example is used to zero the value of a register by XORing it with itself ## Frame Basics * `RET`, return value to the caller * `CMP`, compare two values and sets flag. Next instruction is a jump condition to a line number. Works as follows * `JE`, `JEZ`, `JLE` ... followed by linenumber * `NOP`, `\x90` operates nothing, but the duration is exactly a single instructions * `CALL` a function, prepare function prologue, save `EBP` and `ESP` of the frame in before hand ## Address Handling A value with brackets around it like `[var]` is a reference to memory address at `var`. If var contains an address then after `mov [var], 42` var points to the value 42. `[` dereference. ## Zero Handling in Registers * Move to `eax` will result in zeroing the upper 32 bit of an `rax` register, move to `ax`, `ah`, `al` will not. * `MOVZX` zeros anything but the value moved to the register inside of it. ## Conditionals Test uses just the flag register's ZF to store the status of the result, it executes an `ADD` on the values * `TEST` (ZF=0) if result is 0 Compare instruction `CMP` is used to set the following flags, it executes a `SUB` on the values * `CMP` (ZF=1 and PF=1) if dest and source values are equal * `CMP` (CF=1 and SF=1) if source is greater than dest * `CMP` (ZF=0 and CF=0) if dest is greater than source For signed value comparison the following instructions are available * `JZ` (ZF=1) * `JNZ` (ZF=0) * `JE` and `JEZ` are used after `CMP` * `JL/JNGE` (SF <> OF) ; Jump if less/not greater or equal * `JGE/JNL` (SF = OF) ; Jump if greater or equal/not less * `JLE/JNG` (ZF = 1 or SF <> OF); Jump if less or equal/not greater * `JG/JNLE` (ZF = 0 and SF = OF); Jump if greater/not less or equal For unsigned value comparison the following instructions are available * `JB/JNAE` (CF = 1) ; Jump if below/not above or equal * `JAE/JNB` (CF = 0) ; Jump if above or equal/not below * `JBE/JNA` (CF = 1 or ZF = 1) ; Jump if below or equal/not above * `JA/JNBE` (CF = 0 and ZF = 0); Jump if above/not below or equal ## Flags Resulting status of other registers is stored in the flag register. * `eflags` 32bit * `rflags` 64bit ### Status * __Zero Flag__ (ZF), 1 if the result of the comparison is equal * __Carry Flag__ (CF), a 1 is stored if a carry is needed after a calculation * __Overflow Flag__ (OF), a register overflow results in a 1 * __Sign Flag__ (SF), 1 if result is negative * __Adjust/Auxiliary Flag__ (AF), carry flag for BCD * __Parity Flag__ (PF), 1 if the last 8 bits are even * __Trap Flag__ (TF) * __Direction__ (DF) A string is processed backwards if 1, forward if 0 * __Interrupt Enable__ (IF), hardware interrupt is enabled if 1, disabled if 0 ## Calling Conventions ## cdecl `#TBD` ## fastcall * First four are passed __left to right__ * int -> RCX, RDX, R8, R9 * float -> XMM0, XMM1, XMM2, XMM3 * Rest is __right to left__ * Basepointer is saved by the caller * Return values is passes via `rax` or `xmm0` * Caller allocates space for at least four values, so 32 bytes are reserved. `$rsp to $rsp+0x18` * Volatile registers are `rax, rcx, r8, r9, r10, r11, xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5`. These are destroyed after function call. * Nonvolatile registers are `rbx, rbp, rdi, rsi, rsp, r12, r13, r14, r15, xmm6-15` ares saved and restored after function call.