# Cross-Site Scripting A web application is vulnerable to XSS if it uses unsanitized user input. XSS is possible in Javascript, VBScript, Flash and CSS. ## Stored XSS This is where a malicious string originates from the websites database. Such as (stored in a db) * User profiles * Chats and comments * Part of link * Blind xss is stored inside the app but effects are only visible by proxy, [xsshunter](https://xsshunter.com/). ### Examples Sanity test by changing DOM content ```html ``` Cookie stealing ```javascript ``` Navigte to `/logs` and take sid Open nc port and collect cookies ```javascript ``` ## Reflected XSS In a reflected cross-site scripting attack, the malicious payload is part of the victims request to the website. The website includes this payload in response back to the user. To summarise, an attacker needs to trick a victim into clicking a URL to execute their malicious payload. * URL parameters inside GET queries * File paths ### Reflected XSS Usage As script inside parameter ```html http://example.com/search?keyword= ``` Show server IP ```html http://example.com/reflected?keyword= ``` Session stealing, base64 encoded ```javascript ``` Open netcat binder to catch the http queries ## DOM based XSS With [DOM-Based XSS](https://portswigger.net/web-security/cross-site-scripting/dom-based), an attackers payload will only be executed through the DOM when the vulnerable Javascript code is either loaded or interacted with. It goes through a Javascript function like so: ```javascript var keyword = document.querySelector('#search') keyword.innerHTML = ``` DOM based XSS also works out directly through the URL if parts of the URL (URL fragments) are put into a javascript function. These fragments inside the URL are marked by a `#` char and are executed inside the DOM not the server. An example of a URL is as follows. ```html https://example.com# ``` Measurements against DOM based XSS are URL encoding and httponly cookies. ### DOM based XSS via JQuery Put the payload inside an iframe to use it through JQuery through triggering `hashchange`. This is described on [the portswigger](https://portswigger.net/web-security/cross-site-scripting/dom-based) page. ```html