introduced mldata_t, updated README file

This commit is contained in:
gurkenhabicht 2018-05-18 18:51:59 +02:00
parent 9743c82408
commit 26158281ef
2 changed files with 236 additions and 146 deletions

View File

@ -13,60 +13,78 @@
#include <float.h> // DBL_MAX
#include "nlms_types.h" // added types
#define WINDOWSIZE 5
#define learnrate 0.8
#define RGB_COLOR 255
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <BaseTsd.h>
typedef SSIZE_T ssize_t;
double xSamples[NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES] = { 0.0 };
typedef struct {
double *weights;
unsigned windowSize;
unsigned samplesCount;
double learnrate;
} mldata_t;
point_t points[NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES]; // [0] = xActual, [1]=xpredicted from localMean, [2]=xpredicted from directPredecessor, [3] = xpredicted from differentialpredecessor, [4] = xError from localMean, [5] xError from directPredecessor, [6] xError from differentialPredecessor
enum fileHeader{
static imagePixel_t * rdPPM(char *fileName); // read PPM file format
void mkPpmFile(char *fileName, imagePixel_t *image); // writes PPM file
int ppmColorChannel(FILE* fp, imagePixel_t *image, char *colorChannel); // writes colorChannel from PPM file to log file
void colorSamples(FILE* fp); // stores color channel values in xSamples[]
double *xSamples;
mldata_t *mlData = NULL; // Machine learning
point_t *points = NULL; // Graphing
/* *graph building* */
static imagePixel_t * rdPPM(char *fileName); // Read PPM file format
void mkPpmFile(char *fileName, imagePixel_t *image); // Writes PPM file
int ppmColorChannel(FILE* fp, imagePixel_t *image, // Writes colorChannel from PPM file to log file
char *colorChannel, mldata_t *mlData);
void colorSamples(FILE* fp, mldata_t *mlData); // Stores color channel values in xSamples
/* *file handling* */
char * mkFileName(char* buffer, size_t max_len, int suffixId);
char *fileSuffix(int id);
void myLogger(FILE* fp, point_t points[]);
void mkSvgGraph(point_t points[]);
//void weightsLogger(double *weights, int var);
char * mkFileName ( char* buffer,
size_t max_len, int suffixId );
char *fileSuffix ( int id );
char *fileHeader ( int id ); // Header inside the logfiles
//void myLogger ( FILE* fp, point_t points[] );
void bufferLogger(char *buffer, point_t points[]); // Writes points to graph template
void mkSvgGraph ( point_t points[] ); // Parses graph template and calls bufferLogger()
void weightsLogger ( double *weights, int suffix ); // Writes updated weights to a file
/* *rand seed* */
double r2(void);
double rndm(void);
double r2 ( void ); // Random val between 0 and 1
double rndm ( void );
/* *args parser* */
void usage ( void );
void usage ( void ); // Help text called by args parser
/* *math* */
mldata_t * init_mldata_t(unsigned windowSize, unsigned samplesCount, double learnrate);
double sum_array(double x[], int length);
void directPredecessor(double weights[WINDOWSIZE][NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES]);
void localMean(double weights[WINDOWSIZE][NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES]);
void differentialPredecessor(double weights[WINDOWSIZE][NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES]);
//void directPredecessor(double **weights, unsigned int windowSize, unsigned int samplesCount);
//void localMean(double **weights, unsigned int windowSize, unsigned int samplesCount);
//void differentialPredecessor(double **weightsi, unsigned int windowSize, unsigned int samplesCount);
double *popNAN(double *xError); // Returns array without NAN values, if any exist
double windowXMean(int _arraylength, int xCount);// returns mean value of given window
void localMean ( mldata_t *mlData,point_t points[] ); // First,
void directPredecessor ( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[] ); // Second,
void differentialPredecessor ( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[] ); // Third filter implementation
double *popNAN(double *xError); // Returns array without NAN values, if any exist
double windowXMean(int _arraylength, int xCount); // Returns mean value of given window
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
char *colorChannel = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)* 32);
double weights[WINDOWSIZE][NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES]; // = { { 0.0 }, { 0.0 } };
char *colorChannel = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)* 32);
char *inputfile = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 32);
unsigned int *seed = NULL;
int i,k, xLength;
unsigned int windowSize = 0;
unsigned int samplesCount = 0;
unsigned k, xLength;
unsigned int windowSize = 5;
unsigned int samplesCount = 20;
char *stdcolor = "green";
colorChannel = stdcolor;
unsigned int uint_buffer[1];
double **buffer = NULL;
double learnrate = 0.8;
while( (argc > 1) && (argv[1][0] == '-') ) { // Parses parameters from stdin
switch( argv[1][1] ) {
@ -94,11 +112,17 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
case 'n':
sscanf(&argv[1][3], "%u", &samplesCount);
case 'h':
printf("Program name: %s\n", argv[0]);
case 'l':
sscanf(&argv[1][3], "%lf", &learnrate);
printf("Wrong Arguments: %s\n", argv[1]);
@ -107,56 +131,51 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
if ( windowSize > 0 ) {
buffer = (double *) realloc (weights, sizeof(double) * windowSize * NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES );
weights = buffer;
} else if ( samplesCount > 0 ) {
buffer = (double *) realloc (weights, sizeof(double) * WINDOWSIZE * samplesCount);
weights = buffer;
} else if ( (samplesCount > 0) && (windowSize > 0) ){
buffer = (double *) realloc(weights, sizeof(double) *windowSize * samplesCount);
weights = buffer;
init_mldata_t(windowSize, samplesCount, learnrate);
xSamples = (double *) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->samplesCount );
points = (point_t *) malloc ( sizeof(point_t) * mlData->samplesCount);
imagePixel_t *image;
char fileName[50];
image = rdPPM(inputfile);
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), TEST_VALUES);
FILE* fp5 = fopen(fileName, "w");
xLength = ppmColorChannel(fp5, image, colorChannel); // Returns length of ppm input values
xLength = ppmColorChannel(fp5, image, colorChannel, mlData); // Returns length of ppm input values
printf("%d\n", xLength);
FILE* fp6 = fopen(fileName, "r");
colorSamples(fp6, mlData);
if ( (seed != NULL) && (seed >= 0) ){ // seed >= 0 is redundant
if ( (seed != NULL) ){
srand( *seed ); // Seed for random number generating
printf("srand is reproducable : %u", seed);
} else {
srand( (unsigned int)time(NULL) );
printf("srand from time"); // Default seed is time(NULL)
printf("srand from time\n"); // Default seed is time(NULL)
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < WINDOWSIZE; k++) {
weights[k][i] = rndm(); // Init random weights
printf("%lf\n", weights[k][i]);
// for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; i++) {
for (k = 0; k < mlData->windowSize; k++) {
mlData->weights[k] = rndm(); // Init random weights
printf("%lf\n", mlData->weights[k]);
// }
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), PURE_WEIGHTS);
FILE *fp0 = fopen(fileName, "w");
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; i++) {
for (k = 0; k < WINDOWSIZE; k++) {
fprintf(fp0, "[%d][%d]%lf\n", k, i, weights[k][i]); // Save generated weights to to file
// for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; i++) {
for (k = 0; k < mlData->windowSize; k++) {
fprintf(fp0, "[%d]%lf\n", k, mlData->weights[k]); // Save generated weights to to file
// }
// math magic
localMean ( mlData, points );
directPredecessor ( mlData, points);
differentialPredecessor( mlData, points );
@ -169,51 +188,56 @@ Variant (1/3), substract local mean.
void localMean(double weights[WINDOWSIZE][NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES]) {
double (*local_weights)[WINDOWSIZE] =(double (*)[WINDOWSIZE]) malloc(sizeof(double) * (WINDOWSIZE+1) * (NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES+1));
memcpy(local_weights, weights, sizeof(double) * WINDOWSIZE * NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES);
void localMean ( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[] ) {
// double (*local_weights)[WINDOWSIZE] =(double (*)[WINDOWSIZE]) malloc(sizeof(double) * (WINDOWSIZE+1) * (NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES+1));
//memcpy(local_weights, weights, sizeof(double) * WINDOWSIZE * NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES);
double *localWeights = (double *) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->windowSize + 1);
memcpy ( localWeights, mlData->weights, sizeof(mlData->windowSize) ); // TODO: check size !!!
char fileName[50];
double xError[2048]; // includes e(n)
memset(xError, 0.0, NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES);// initialize xError-array with Zero
int xCount = 0, i; // runtime var;
memset(xError, 0.0, mlData->samplesCount);// initialize xError-array with Zero
unsigned i, xCount = 0; // runtime var
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), LOCAL_MEAN);
FILE* fp4 = fopen(fileName, "w");
fprintf(fp4, "\n===================================== LocalMean =====================================\nNo.\txPredicted\txActual\t\txError\n");
fprintf( fp4, fileHeader(LOCAL_MEAN_HEADER) );
double xMean = xSamples[0];
double xSquared = 0.0;
double xPredicted = 0.0;
double xActual = 0.0;
for (xCount = 1; xCount < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; xCount++) { // first value will not get predicted
for (xCount = 1; xCount < mlData->samplesCount; xCount++) { // first value will not get predicted
int _arrayLength = ( xCount > WINDOWSIZE ) ? WINDOWSIZE + 1 : xCount;
unsigned _arrayLength = ( xCount > mlData->windowSize ) ? mlData->windowSize + 1 : xCount;
xMean = (xCount > 0) ? windowXMean(_arrayLength, xCount) : 0;
xPredicted = 0.0;
xActual = xSamples[xCount + 1];
// weightedSum += _x[ xCount-1 ] * w[xCount][0];
xActual = xSamples[xCount];
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) { //get predicted value
xPredicted += (local_weights[i][xCount] * (xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean));
xPredicted += (localWeights[i] * (xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean));
xPredicted += xMean;
xError[xCount] = xActual - xPredicted;
xSquared = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) { //get xSquared
xSquared += pow(xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean, 2);
if ( xSquared == 0.0 ) { // Otherwise returns Pred: -1.#IND00 in some occassions
xSquared = 1.0;
for ( i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++ ) { //update weights
localWeights[ i + 1 ] = localWeights[i] + mlData->learnrate * xError[xCount] * ( (xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean) / xSquared );
fprintf(fp4, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", xCount, xPredicted, xActual, xError[xCount]);
points[xCount].xVal[1] = xCount;
points[xCount].yVal[1] = xPredicted;
points[xCount].xVal[4] = xCount;
points[xCount].yVal[4] = xError[xCount];
xSquared = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) { //get xSquared
xSquared += pow(xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean, 2);
if (xSquared == 0.0) { // Otherwise returns Pred: -1.#IND00 in some occassions
xSquared = 1.0;
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) { //update weights
local_weights[i][xCount+1] = local_weights[i][xCount] + learnrate * xError[xCount] * ((xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean) / xSquared);
fprintf(fp4, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", xCount, xPredicted, xActual, xError[xCount]);
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
double xErrorLength = *xErrorPtr; // Watch popNAN()!
@ -234,7 +258,7 @@ void localMean(double weights[WINDOWSIZE][NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES]) {
//FILE *fp2 = fopen(fileName, "w");
fprintf(fp4, "\nQuadratische Varianz(x_error): %f\nMittelwert:(x_error): %f\n\n", deviation, mean);
//weightsLogger( local_weights, USED_WEIGHTS );
@ -250,46 +274,53 @@ substract direct predecessor
void directPredecessor(double weights[WINDOWSIZE][NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES]) {
double (*local_weights)[WINDOWSIZE] = (double (*)[WINDOWSIZE]) malloc(sizeof(double) * (WINDOWSIZE+1) * (NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES+1));
memcpy(local_weights, weights, sizeof(double) * WINDOWSIZE * NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES );
void directPredecessor( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[]) {
double *localWeights = ( double * ) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->windowSize + 1 );
memcpy ( localWeights, mlData->weights, sizeof(mlData->windowSize) );
char fileName[512];
double xError[2048];
int xCount = 0, i;
unsigned xCount = 0, i;
double xActual = 0.0;
double xPredicted = 0.0;
// File handling
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), DIRECT_PREDECESSOR);
FILE *fp3 = fopen(fileName, "w");
fprintf(fp3, "\n===================================== DirectPredecessor =====================================\nNo.\txPredicted\txAcutal\t\txError\n");
fprintf( fp3, fileHeader(DIRECT_PREDECESSOR_HEADER) );
mkFileName ( fileName, sizeof(fileName), USED_WEIGHTS);
FILE *fp9 = fopen(fileName, "w");
for (xCount = 1; xCount < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; xCount++) { // first value will not get predicted
int _arrayLength = (xCount > WINDOWSIZE) ? WINDOWSIZE + 1 : xCount;
for (xCount = 1; xCount < mlData->samplesCount; xCount++) { // first value will not get predicted
unsigned _arrayLength = ( xCount > mlData->windowSize ) ? mlData->windowSize + 1 : xCount;
xPredicted = 0.0;
xActual = xSamples[xCount + 1];
xActual = xSamples[xCount];
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) {
xPredicted += (local_weights[i][xCount] * (xSamples[xCount - 1] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1]));
xPredicted += ( localWeights[i - 1] * (xSamples[xCount - 1] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1]));
xPredicted += xSamples[xCount - 1];
xError[xCount] = xActual - xPredicted;
points[xCount].xVal[2] = xCount; // Fill point_t array for graph building
points[xCount].yVal[2] = xPredicted;
points[xCount].xVal[5] = xCount;
points[xCount].yVal[5] = xError[xCount];
double xSquared = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) {
xSquared += pow(xSamples[xCount - 1] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1], 2); // substract direct predecessor
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) {
local_weights[i][xCount+1] = local_weights[i][xCount] + learnrate * xError[xCount] * ( (xSamples[xCount - 1] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1]) / xSquared);
localWeights[i + 1] = localWeights[i] + mlData->learnrate * xError[xCount] * ( (xSamples[xCount - 1] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1]) / xSquared);
fprintf( fp9, "%lf\n", localWeights[i] );
fprintf(fp3, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", xCount, xPredicted, xActual, xError[xCount]);
fprintf(fp3, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", xCount, xPredicted, xActual, xError[xCount]);
points[xCount].xVal[2] = xCount; // Fill point_t array for graph building
points[xCount].yVal[2] = xPredicted;
points[xCount].xVal[5] = xCount;
points[xCount].yVal[5] = xError[xCount];
// weightsLogger( fp, localWeights, USED_WEIGHTS );
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
//printf("%lf", xErrorPtr[499]);
double xErrorLength = *xErrorPtr; // Watch popNAN()!
@ -312,9 +343,8 @@ void directPredecessor(double weights[WINDOWSIZE][NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES]) {
fprintf(fp3, "\nQuadratische Varianz(x_error): %f\nMittelwert:(x_error): %f\n\n", deviation, mean);
//weightsLogger( local_weights, USED_WEIGHTS );
@ -327,45 +357,47 @@ differential predecessor.
void differentialPredecessor(double weights[WINDOWSIZE][NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES]) {
double (*local_weights)[WINDOWSIZE] = (double (*)[WINDOWSIZE]) malloc(sizeof(double) * (WINDOWSIZE+1) * (NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES+1));
memcpy(local_weights, weights, sizeof(double) * WINDOWSIZE * NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES );
void differentialPredecessor ( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[] ) {
double *localWeights = (double *) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->windowSize + 1 );
memcpy( localWeights, mlData->weights, sizeof(mlData->windowSize) );
char fileName[512];
double xError[2048];
int xCount = 0, i;
unsigned xCount = 0, i;
double xPredicted = 0.0;
double xActual = 0.0;
// File handling
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), DIFFERENTIAL_PREDECESSOR);
FILE *fp6 = fopen(fileName, "w");
fprintf(fp6, "\n===================================== DifferentialPredecessor =====================================\nNo.\txPredicted\txAcutal\t\txError\n");
for (xCount = 1; xCount < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; xCount++) { // first value will not get predicted
for (xCount = 1; xCount < mlData->samplesCount; xCount++) { // first value will not get predicted
int _arrayLength = (xCount > WINDOWSIZE) ? WINDOWSIZE + 1 : xCount;
unsigned _arrayLength = (xCount > mlData->windowSize) ? mlData->windowSize + 1 : xCount;
xPredicted = 0.0;
xActual = xSamples[xCount + 1];
xActual = xSamples[xCount];
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) {
xPredicted += (local_weights[i][xCount] * (xSamples[xCount - i] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1]));
xPredicted += ( localWeights[i - 1] * (xSamples[xCount - i] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1]));
xPredicted += xSamples[xCount - 1];
xError[xCount] = xActual - xPredicted;
points[xCount].xVal[3] = xCount;
points[xCount].yVal[3] = xPredicted;
points[xCount].xVal[6] = xCount;
points[xCount].yVal[6] = xError[xCount];
double xSquared = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) {
xSquared += pow(xSamples[xCount - i] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1], 2); // substract direct predecessor
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) {
local_weights[i][xCount+1] = local_weights[i][xCount] + learnrate * xError[xCount] * ((xSamples[xCount - i] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1]) / xSquared);
localWeights[i+1] = localWeights[i] + mlData->learnrate * xError[xCount] * ((xSamples[xCount - i] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1]) / xSquared);
fprintf(fp6, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", xCount, xPredicted, xActual, xError[xCount]); // Write to logfile
points[xCount].xVal[3] = xCount;
points[xCount].yVal[3] = xPredicted;
points[xCount].xVal[6] = xCount;
points[xCount].yVal[6] = xError[xCount];
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
@ -390,9 +422,9 @@ void differentialPredecessor(double weights[WINDOWSIZE][NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES]) {
fprintf(fp6, "\nQuadratische Varianz(x_error): %f\nMittelwert:(x_error): %f\n\n", deviation, mean);
//weightsLogger( local_weights, USED_WEIGHTS );
// weightsLogger( localWeights, USED_WEIGHTS );
@ -427,31 +459,55 @@ Contains and returns every suffix for all existing filenames
char * fileSuffix(int id) {
char * suffix[] = { "_weights_pure.txt", "_weights_used.txt", "_direct_predecessor.txt", "_ergebnisse.txt", "_localMean.txt","_testvalues.txt", "_differential_predecessor.txt" };
char * fileSuffix ( int id ) {
char * suffix[] = { "_weights_pure.txt",
return suffix[id];
Contains and returns header for logfiles
char * fileHeader ( int id ) {
char * header[] = { "\n=========================== Local Mean ===========================\nNo.\txPredicted\txAcutal\t\txError\n",
"\n=========================== Direct Predecessor ===========================\nNo.\txPredicted\txAcutal\t\txError\n",
"\n=========================== Differential Predecessor ===========================\nNo.\txPredicted\txAcutal\t\txError\n"
return header[id];
Logs x,y points to svg graph
void weightsLogger (double weights[WINDOWSIZE], int val ) {
void weightsLogger (double *weights, int val ) {
char fileName[512];
int i;
unsigned i;
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), val);
FILE* fp = fopen(fileName, "wa");
for (i = 0; i < WINDOWSIZE; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < mlData->windowSize - 1; i++) {
// for (int k = 0; k < WINDOWSIZE; k++) {
fprintf(fp, "[%d]%lf\n", i, weights[i]);
// }
fprintf(fp,"\n\n\n\n===================== NEXT =====================\n");
@ -460,30 +516,37 @@ void weightsLogger (double weights[WINDOWSIZE], int val ) {
formats output of mkSvgGraph -- Please open graphResults.html to see the output--
formats output of mkSvgGraph -- Please open graphResults.html to see the output--
[0] = xActual,
[1] = xPredicted from localMean,
[2] = xPredicted from directPredecessor,
[3] = xPredicted from differentialpredecessor,
[4] = xError from localMean,
[5] = xError from directPredecessor,
[6] = xError from differentialPredecessor
void bufferLogger(char *buffer, point_t points[]) {
int i;
unsigned i;
char _buffer[512] = "";
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES - 1; i++) { // xActual
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { // xActual
sprintf(_buffer, "L %f %f\n", points[i].xVal[0], points[i].yVal[0]);
strcat(buffer, _buffer);
strcat(buffer, "\" fill=\"none\" id=\"svg_1\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0.4px\"/>\n<path d=\"M0 0\n");
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES - 1; i++) { // xPredicted from localMean
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { // xPredicted from localMean
sprintf(_buffer, "L %f %f\n", points[i].xVal[1], points[i].yVal[1]);
strcat(buffer, _buffer);
strcat(buffer, "\" fill=\"none\" id=\"svg_2\" stroke=\"green\" stroke-width=\"0.4px\"/>\n<path d=\"M0 0\n");
for (i = 0; i <= NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES - 1; i++) { //xPreddicted from directPredecessor
for (i = 0; i <= mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { //xPreddicted from directPredecessor
sprintf(_buffer, "L %f %f\n", points[i].xVal[2], points[i].yVal[2]);
strcat(buffer, _buffer);
strcat(buffer, "\" fill=\"none\" id=\"svg_3\" stroke=\"blue\" stroke-width=\"0.4px\"/>\n<path d=\"M0 0\n");
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES - 1; i++) { //xPredicted from diff Pred
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { //xPredicted from diff Pred
sprintf(_buffer, "L %f %f\n", points[i].xVal[3], points[i].yVal[3]);
strcat(buffer, _buffer);
@ -521,12 +584,12 @@ returns length of new array without NAN values
double *popNAN(double *xError) {
int i, counter = 1;
unsigned i, counter = 1;
double tmpLength = 0.0;
double *tmp = NULL;
double *more_tmp = NULL;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; i++ ) {
for ( i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++ ) {
counter ++;
more_tmp = (double *) realloc ( tmp, counter*(sizeof(double) ));
if ( !isnan(xError[i]) ) {
@ -701,26 +764,26 @@ gets one of the rgb color channels and writes them to a file
int ppmColorChannel(FILE* fp, imagePixel_t *image, char *colorChannel) {
int ppmColorChannel(FILE* fp, imagePixel_t *image, char *colorChannel, mldata_t *mlData) {
// int length = (image->x * image->y) / 3;
int i = 0;
unsigned i = 0;
printf("colorChannel in Function: %s", colorChannel);
if (image) {
if (strcmp(colorChannel, "green") == 0){
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES - 1; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].green);
} else if (strcmp(colorChannel, "red") == 0){
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES - 1; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].red);
} else if (strcmp(colorChannel, "blue") == 0 ) {
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES - 1; i++ ) {
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++ ) {
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].blue);
@ -730,7 +793,7 @@ int ppmColorChannel(FILE* fp, imagePixel_t *image, char *colorChannel) {
return mlData->samplesCount;
@ -743,12 +806,12 @@ creating the SVG graph
void colorSamples(FILE* fp) {
void colorSamples ( FILE* fp, mldata_t *mlData ) {
int i = 0;
char buffer[NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES];
//char buffer[NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES];
char *buffer = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * mlData->samplesCount);
while (!feof(fp)) {
if (fgets(buffer, NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES, fp) != NULL) {
if (fgets(buffer, mlData->samplesCount, fp) != NULL) {
sscanf(buffer, "%lf", &xSamples[i]);
//printf("%lf\n", xSamples[i] );
points[i].yVal[0] = xSamples[i];
@ -792,12 +855,31 @@ void usage ( void ) {
printf("POSIX options:\n");
printf("\t-h\t\t\tDisplay this information.\n");
printf("\t-i <filename>\t\tName of inputfile. Must be PPM image.\n");
printf("\t-n <digit>\t\tAmount of input data used.\n");
printf("\t-c <color>\t\tUse this color channel from inputfile.\n");
printf("\t-w <digit>\t\tCount of used weights (windowSize).\n");
printf("\t-l <digit>\t\tLearnrate, 0 < learnrate < 1.\n");
printf("\t-s <digit>\t\tDigit for random seed generator.\n\t\t\t\tSame Digits produce same random values. Default is srand by time.");
printf("lms compares prediction methods of least mean square methods.\nBy default it reads ppm file format and return logfiles as well\nas an svg graphs as an output of said least mean square methods.\n\nExample:\n\tlms -i myimage.ppm -w 3 -c green -s 5\n");
Contains meachine learning data
mldata_t * init_mldata_t(unsigned windowSize, unsigned samplesCount, double learnrate) {
mlData = (mldata_t *) malloc( sizeof(mldata_t) );
mlData->windowSize = windowSize;
mlData->samplesCount = samplesCount;
mlData->learnrate = learnrate;
mlData->weights = (double *) malloc ( sizeof(double) * windowSize + 1 );
return mlData;

View File

@ -20,7 +20,15 @@ Use `$ ./lms -h` for help.
### Usage
coming soon ...
There are a bunch of options you can predefine but do not have to. The only parameter needed is __-i__ which is the inputfile.
| Parameter | Description | StdVal |
| -i | The inputfile, has to be PPM | none |
| -n | Amount of input data used | 500 |
| -w | Size of M (window) | 5 |
| -c | Choose RGB color channel | green |
| -l | Learnrate of machine learning | 0.8 |
| -s | Reproducable seed randomizing weights. Choose for repoducability. | time(NULL)|
This code is ANSI compatible no POSIX, C99, C11 or GNU libs, because it had to be VS compatible . There are way easier methods like getline() or getopt(), I know ...