added comments

This commit is contained in:
gurkenhabicht 2018-05-19 20:52:39 +02:00
parent 74cb76f23d
commit 45804b1916
4 changed files with 266 additions and 276 deletions

View File

@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
unsigned int *seed = NULL;
unsigned k, xLength;
unsigned int windowSize = 5;
unsigned int samplesCount = 501;
unsigned int samplesCount = 512;
char *stdcolor = "green";
colorChannel = stdcolor;
unsigned int uint_buffer[1];
double learnrate = 0.8;
double learnrate = 0.4;
while( (argc > 1) && (argv[1][0] == '-') ) { // Parses parameters from stdin
@ -132,51 +132,52 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
init_mldata_t(windowSize, samplesCount, learnrate);
xSamples = (double *) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->samplesCount );
points = (point_t *) malloc ( sizeof(point_t) * mlData->samplesCount);
imagePixel_t *image;
char fileName[50];
image = rdPPM(inputfile);
init_mldata_t ( windowSize, samplesCount, learnrate );
xSamples = (double *) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->samplesCount ); // Resize input values
points = (point_t *) malloc ( sizeof(point_t) * mlData->samplesCount); // Resize points
imagePixel_t *image;
image = rdPPM(inputfile); // Set Pointer on input values
char fileName[50]; // Logfiles and their names
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), TEST_VALUES);
FILE* fp5 = fopen(fileName, "w");
xLength = ppmColorChannel(fp5, image, colorChannel, mlData); // Returns length of ppm input values
printf("%d\n", xLength);
xLength = ppmColorChannel(fp5, image, colorChannel, mlData); // Returns length of ppm input values, debugging
FILE* fp6 = fopen(fileName, "r");
colorSamples(fp6, mlData);
if ( (seed != NULL) ){
srand( *seed ); // Seed for random number generating
printf("srand is reproducable : %u", seed);
srand( *seed ); // Seed for random number generating
printf("srand is reproducable\n", seed);
} else {
srand( (unsigned int)time(NULL) );
printf("srand from time\n"); // Default seed is time(NULL)
printf("srand depends on time\n"); // Default seed is time(NULL)
printf("generated weights:\n");
// for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; i++) {
for (k = 0; k < mlData->windowSize; k++) {
mlData->weights[k] = rndm(); // Init random weights
for (k = 0; k < mlData->windowSize; k++) {
mlData->weights[k] = rndm(); // Init random weights
printf("%lf\n", mlData->weights[k]);
// }
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), PURE_WEIGHTS);
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), PURE_WEIGHTS); // Logfile weights
FILE *fp0 = fopen(fileName, "w");
// for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; i++) {
for (k = 0; k < mlData->windowSize; k++) {
fprintf(fp0, "[%d]%lf\n", k, mlData->weights[k]); // Save generated weights to to file
fprintf(fp0, "[%d]%lf\n", k, mlData->weights[k]);
// }
// math magic
/* *math magic* */
localMean ( mlData, points );
directPredecessor ( mlData, points);
differentialPredecessor( mlData, points );
mkSvgGraph(points); // Graph building
@ -190,74 +191,71 @@ Variant (1/3), substract local mean.
void localMean ( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[] ) {
// double (*local_weights)[WINDOWSIZE] =(double (*)[WINDOWSIZE]) malloc(sizeof(double) * (WINDOWSIZE+1) * (NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES+1));
//memcpy(local_weights, weights, sizeof(double) * WINDOWSIZE * NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES);
double *localWeights = (double *) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->windowSize + 1);
memcpy ( localWeights, mlData->weights, sizeof(mlData->windowSize) ); // TODO: check size !!!
double *localWeights = (double *) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->windowSize + 1);
memcpy ( localWeights, mlData->weights, mlData->windowSize ); // Copy weights so they can be changed locally
char fileName[50];
double xError[2048]; // includes e(n)
memset(xError, 0.0, mlData->samplesCount);// initialize xError-array with Zero
unsigned i, xCount = 0; // runtime var
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), LOCAL_MEAN);
FILE* fp4 = fopen(fileName, "w");
fprintf( fp4, fileHeader(LOCAL_MEAN_HEADER) );
double xError[2048]; // Includes e(n)
memset(xError, 0.0, mlData->samplesCount); // Initialize xError-array with Zero
unsigned i, xCount = 0; // Runtime vars
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), LOCAL_MEAN); // Create Logfile and its filename
FILE* fp4 = fopen(fileName, "w");
fprintf( fp4, fileHeader(LOCAL_MEAN_HEADER) );
double xMean = xSamples[0];
double xSquared = 0.0;
double xPredicted = 0.0;
double xActual = 0.0;
for (xCount = 1; xCount < mlData->samplesCount; xCount++) { // first value will not get predicted
unsigned _arrayLength = ( xCount > mlData->windowSize ) ? mlData->windowSize + 1 : xCount;
xMean = (xCount > 0) ? windowXMean(_arrayLength, xCount) : 0;
for ( xCount = 1; xCount < mlData->samplesCount; xCount++ ) { // First value will not get predicted
unsigned _arrayLength = ( xCount > mlData->windowSize ) ? mlData->windowSize + 1 : xCount; // Ensures corect length at start
xMean = (xCount > 0) ? windowXMean(_arrayLength, xCount) : 0;
xPredicted = 0.0;
xActual = xSamples[xCount];
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) { //get predicted value
xPredicted += (localWeights[i] * (xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean));
for ( i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++ ) { // Get predicted value
xPredicted += ( localWeights[i - 1] * (xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean) );
xPredicted += xMean;
xError[xCount] = xActual - xPredicted;
xPredicted += xMean;
xError[xCount] = xActual - xPredicted; // Get error value
xSquared = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) { //get xSquared
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) { // Get xSquared
xSquared += pow(xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean, 2);
if ( xSquared == 0.0 ) { // Otherwise returns Pred: -1.#IND00 in some occassions
if ( xSquared == 0.0 ) { // Otherwise returns Pred: -1.#IND00 in some occassions
xSquared = 1.0;
for ( i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++ ) { //update weights
localWeights[ i + 1 ] = localWeights[i] + mlData->learnrate * xError[xCount] * ( (xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean) / xSquared );
for ( i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++ ) { // Update weights
localWeights[ i + 1 ] = localWeights[i] + mlData->learnrate * xError[xCount] // Substract localMean
* ( (xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean) / xSquared );
fprintf(fp4, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", xCount, xPredicted, xActual, xError[xCount]);
fprintf(fp4, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", xCount, xPredicted, xActual, xError[xCount]); // Write to logfile
points[xCount].xVal[1] = xCount;
points[xCount].yVal[1] = xPredicted;
points[xCount].xVal[1] = xCount; // Save points so graph can be build later on
points[xCount].yVal[1] = xPredicted;
points[xCount].xVal[4] = xCount;
points[xCount].yVal[4] = xError[xCount];
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
double xErrorLength = *xErrorPtr; // Watch popNAN()!
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
double xErrorLength = *xErrorPtr; // Watch popNAN()!
xErrorPtr[0] = 0.0;
// printf("Xerrorl:%lf", xErrorLength);
double mean = sum_array(xErrorPtr, xErrorLength) / xErrorLength;
double mean = sum_array(xErrorPtr, xErrorLength) / xErrorLength; // Mean
double deviation = 0.0;
// Mean square
for (i = 1; i < xErrorLength; i++) {
for (i = 1; i < xErrorLength; i++) { // Mean square
deviation += pow(xError[i] - mean, 2);
deviation /= xErrorLength;
printf("mean:%lf, devitation:%lf", mean, deviation);
deviation /= xErrorLength; // Deviation
printf("mean:%lf, devitation:%lf\t\tlocal Mean\n", mean, deviation);
// write in file
//mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), RESULTS);
//FILE *fp2 = fopen(fileName, "w");
fprintf(fp4, "\nQuadratische Varianz(x_error): %f\nMittelwert:(x_error): %f\n\n", deviation, mean);
fprintf(fp4, "\nQuadratische Varianz(x_error): %f\nMittelwert:(x_error): %f\n\n", deviation, mean); // Write to logfile
@ -277,14 +275,14 @@ substract direct predecessor
void directPredecessor( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[]) {
double *localWeights = ( double * ) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->windowSize + 1 );
memcpy ( localWeights, mlData->weights, sizeof(mlData->windowSize) );
memcpy ( localWeights, mlData->weights, mlData->windowSize );
char fileName[512];
double xError[2048];
unsigned xCount = 0, i;
double xActual = 0.0;
double xPredicted = 0.0;
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), DIRECT_PREDECESSOR);
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), DIRECT_PREDECESSOR); // Logfile and name handling
FILE *fp3 = fopen(fileName, "w");
fprintf( fp3, fileHeader(DIRECT_PREDECESSOR_HEADER) );
mkFileName ( fileName, sizeof(fileName), USED_WEIGHTS);
@ -305,15 +303,19 @@ void directPredecessor( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[]) {
double xSquared = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) {
xSquared += pow(xSamples[xCount - 1] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1], 2); // substract direct predecessor
xSquared += pow(xSamples[xCount - 1] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1], 2); // substract direct predecessor
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) {
localWeights[i + 1] = localWeights[i] + mlData->learnrate * xError[xCount] * ( (xSamples[xCount - 1] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1]) / xSquared);
fprintf( fp9, "%lf\n", localWeights[i] );
if ( xSquared == 0.0 ) { // Otherwise returns Pred: -1.#IND00 in some occassions
xSquared = 1.0;
for ( i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++ ) { // Update weights
localWeights[i + 1] = localWeights[i] + mlData->learnrate * xError[xCount]
* ( (xSamples[xCount - 1] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1]) / xSquared);
fprintf( fp9, "%lf\n", localWeights[i] );
fprintf(fp3, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", xCount, xPredicted, xActual, xError[xCount]);
points[xCount].xVal[2] = xCount; // Fill point_t array for graph building
fprintf(fp3, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", xCount, xPredicted, xActual, xError[xCount]); // Write to logfile
points[xCount].xVal[2] = xCount; // Fill point_t array for graph building
points[xCount].yVal[2] = xPredicted;
points[xCount].xVal[5] = xCount;
points[xCount].yVal[5] = xError[xCount];
@ -322,22 +324,20 @@ void directPredecessor( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[]) {
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
//printf("%lf", xErrorPtr[499]);
double xErrorLength = *xErrorPtr; // Watch popNAN()!
xErrorPtr[0] = 0.0;
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
double xErrorLength = *xErrorPtr; // Watch popNAN()!
xErrorPtr[0] = 0.0; // Stored length in [0] , won't be used anyway. Bit dirty
//printf("Xerrorl:%lf", xErrorLength);
double mean = sum_array(xErrorPtr, xErrorLength) / xErrorLength;
double deviation = 0.0;
double mean = sum_array(xErrorPtr, xErrorLength) / xErrorLength; // Mean
double deviation = 0.0;
// Mean square
for (i = 1; i < xErrorLength; i++) {
deviation += pow(xError[i] - mean, 2);
deviation += pow(xError[i] - mean, 2); // Mean square
deviation /= xErrorLength;
printf("mean:%lf, devitation:%lf", mean, deviation);
deviation /= xErrorLength; // Deviation
printf("mean:%lf, devitation:%lf\t\tdirect Predecessor\n", mean, deviation);
// write in file
//mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), RESULTS);
//FILE *fp2 = fopen(fileName, "wa");
@ -360,19 +360,19 @@ differential predecessor.
void differentialPredecessor ( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[] ) {
double *localWeights = (double *) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->windowSize + 1 );
memcpy( localWeights, mlData->weights, sizeof(mlData->windowSize) );
memcpy( localWeights, mlData->weights, mlData->windowSize );
char fileName[512];
double xError[2048];
unsigned xCount = 0, i;
double xPredicted = 0.0;
double xActual = 0.0;
// File handling
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), DIFFERENTIAL_PREDECESSOR);
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), DIFFERENTIAL_PREDECESSOR); // File handling
FILE *fp6 = fopen(fileName, "w");
for (xCount = 1; xCount < mlData->samplesCount; xCount++) { // first value will not get predicted
for (xCount = 1; xCount < mlData->samplesCount; xCount++) { // First value will not get predicted
unsigned _arrayLength = (xCount > mlData->windowSize) ? mlData->windowSize + 1 : xCount;
xPredicted = 0.0;
@ -385,10 +385,13 @@ void differentialPredecessor ( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[] ) {
xError[xCount] = xActual - xPredicted;
double xSquared = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) {
xSquared += pow(xSamples[xCount - i] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1], 2); // substract direct predecessor
xSquared += pow(xSamples[xCount - i] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1], 2); // Substract direct predecessor
if ( xSquared == 0.0 ) { // Otherwise returns Pred: -1.#IND00 in some occassions
xSquared = 1.0;
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) {
localWeights[i+1] = localWeights[i] + mlData->learnrate * xError[xCount] * ((xSamples[xCount - i] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1]) / xSquared);
@ -401,21 +404,20 @@ void differentialPredecessor ( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[] ) {
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
//printf("%lf", xErrorPtr[499]);
double xErrorLength = *xErrorPtr; // Watch popNAN()!
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
double xErrorLength = *xErrorPtr; // Watch popNAN()!
xErrorPtr[0] = 0.0;
// printf("Xerrorl:%lf", xErrorLength);
double mean = sum_array(xErrorPtr, xErrorLength) / xErrorLength;
double deviation = 0.0;
// Mean square
for (i = 1; i < xErrorLength; i++) {
for (i = 1; i < xErrorLength; i++) { // Mean square
deviation += pow(xError[i] - mean, 2);
deviation /= xErrorLength;
printf("mean:%lf, devitation:%lf", mean, deviation);
printf("mean:%lf, devitation:%lf\t\tdifferential Predecessor\n", mean, deviation);
// write in file
//mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), RESULTS);
@ -433,21 +435,21 @@ void differentialPredecessor ( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[] ) {
Writes the current date plus the suffix with index suffixId
Writes the current date plus suffix with index suffixId
into the given buffer. If the total length is longer than max_len,
only max_len characters will be written.
char *mkFileName(char* buffer, size_t max_len, int suffixId) {
const char * format_str = "%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S";
const char * format_str = "%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S"; // Date formatting
size_t date_len;
const char * suffix = fileSuffix(suffixId);
time_t now = time(NULL);
time_t now = time(NULL);
strftime(buffer, max_len, format_str, localtime(&now));
strftime(buffer, max_len, format_str, localtime(&now)); // Get Date
date_len = strlen(buffer);
strncat(buffer, suffix, max_len - date_len);
strncat(buffer, suffix, max_len - date_len); // Concat filename
return buffer;
@ -477,7 +479,7 @@ char * fileSuffix ( int id ) {
Contains and returns header for logfiles
Contains and returns header from logfiles
@ -492,9 +494,9 @@ char * fileHeader ( int id ) {
Logs x,y points to svg graph
Logs used weights to logfile
@ -532,22 +534,22 @@ void bufferLogger(char *buffer, point_t points[]) {
unsigned i;
char _buffer[512] = "";
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { // xActual
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { // xActual
sprintf(_buffer, "L %f %f\n", points[i].xVal[0], points[i].yVal[0]);
strcat(buffer, _buffer);
strcat(buffer, "\" fill=\"none\" id=\"svg_1\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0.4px\"/>\n<path d=\"M0 0\n");
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { // xPredicted from localMean
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { // xPredicted from localMean
sprintf(_buffer, "L %f %f\n", points[i].xVal[1], points[i].yVal[1]);
strcat(buffer, _buffer);
strcat(buffer, "\" fill=\"none\" id=\"svg_2\" stroke=\"green\" stroke-width=\"0.4px\"/>\n<path d=\"M0 0\n");
for (i = 0; i <= mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { //xPreddicted from directPredecessor
for (i = 0; i <= mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { //xPredicted from directPredecessor
sprintf(_buffer, "L %f %f\n", points[i].xVal[2], points[i].yVal[2]);
strcat(buffer, _buffer);
strcat(buffer, "\" fill=\"none\" id=\"svg_3\" stroke=\"blue\" stroke-width=\"0.4px\"/>\n<path d=\"M0 0\n");
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { //xPredicted from diff Pred
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { //xPredicted from diff Pred
sprintf(_buffer, "L %f %f\n", points[i].xVal[3], points[i].yVal[3]);
strcat(buffer, _buffer);
@ -578,9 +580,9 @@ double sum_array(double x[], int xlength) {
returns length of new array without NAN values
returns new array without NAN values
@ -603,10 +605,8 @@ double *popNAN(double *xError) {
counter += 1;
more_tmp = (double *) realloc ( tmp, counter * sizeof(double) );
tmp = more_tmp;
*tmp = tmpLength; // Length of array has to be stored in tmp[0],
// Cause length is needed later on in the math functions.
// xError counting has to begin with 1 in the other functions !
printf("tmpLength in tmp:%lf, %lf\n", tmp[counter-2], *tmp);
*tmp = tmpLength; // Length of array is stored inside tmp[0]. tmp[0] is never used anyways
return tmp;
@ -651,20 +651,20 @@ void mkSvgGraph(point_t points[]) {
FILE *input = fopen("graphResults_template.html", "r");
FILE *target = fopen("graphResults.html", "w");
char line[512];
char firstGraph[15] = { "<path d=\"M0 0" };
char firstGraph[15] = { "<path d=\"M0 0" }; // Position where points will be written after
if (input == NULL) {
char buffer[131072] = "";
char buffer[131072] = ""; // Bit dirty
memset(buffer, '\0', sizeof(buffer));
while (!feof(input)) {
fgets(line, 512, input);
while (!feof(input)) { // parses file until "firstGraph" has been found
fgets(line, 512, input);
strncat(buffer, line, strlen(line));
if (strstr(line, firstGraph) != NULL) {
bufferLogger(buffer, points);
if (strstr(line, firstGraph) != NULL) { // Compares line <-> "firstGraph"
bufferLogger(buffer, points); // write points
@ -708,18 +708,18 @@ static imagePixel_t *rdPPM(char *fileName) {
c = getc(fp);
ungetc(c, fp);
if (fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &image->x, &image->y) != 2) {
if ( fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &image->x, &image->y) != 2 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid image size in %s\n", fileName);
if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &rgbColor) != 1) {
if ( fscanf(fp, "%d", &rgbColor) != 1 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid rgb component in %s\n", fileName);
if (rgbColor != RGB_COLOR) {
if ( rgbColor != RGB_COLOR ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid image color range in %s\n", fileName);
while (fgetc(fp) != '\n');
while ( fgetc(fp) != '\n' );
image->data = (colorChannel_t *)malloc(image->x * image->y * sizeof(imagePixel_t));
if (!image) {
fprintf(stderr, "malloc() failed");
@ -738,8 +738,8 @@ static imagePixel_t *rdPPM(char *fileName) {
gets output from the result of rdPpmFile and writes a new PPM file. Best Case is a
carbon copy of the source image. Build for debugging
gets output from result of rdPPM and writes a new PPM file. Best Case is a
carbon copy of the source image. Build for debugging.
@ -766,35 +766,30 @@ gets one of the rgb color channels and writes them to a file
int ppmColorChannel(FILE* fp, imagePixel_t *image, char *colorChannel, mldata_t *mlData) {
// int length = (image->x * image->y) / 3;
unsigned i = 0;
printf("colorChannel in Function: %s", colorChannel);
if (image) {
if (strcmp(colorChannel, "green") == 0){
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].green);
printf("colorChannel : %s\n", colorChannel);
if ( image ) { // RGB channel can be set through args from cli
if ( strcmp(colorChannel, "green") == 0 ){
for ( i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++ ) {
fprintf ( fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].green );
} else if (strcmp(colorChannel, "red") == 0){
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].red);
} else if ( strcmp(colorChannel, "red") == 0 ){
for ( i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++ ) {
fprintf ( fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].red );
} else if (strcmp(colorChannel, "blue") == 0 ) {
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++ ) {
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].blue);
for ( i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++ ) {
fprintf ( fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].blue );
} else {
printf("Colorchannels are red, green and blue. Pick one of them!");
return mlData->samplesCount;
return mlData->samplesCount; // returned for debugging, TODO: void PPmcolorChannel
@ -809,13 +804,13 @@ creating the SVG graph
void colorSamples ( FILE* fp, mldata_t *mlData ) {
int i = 0;
//char buffer[NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES];
char *buffer = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * mlData->samplesCount);
while (!feof(fp)) {
if (fgets(buffer, mlData->samplesCount, fp) != NULL) {
if (fgets(buffer, mlData->samplesCount, fp) != NULL) {
sscanf(buffer, "%lf", &xSamples[i]);
//printf("%lf\n", xSamples[i] );
points[i].yVal[0] = xSamples[i];
points[i].yVal[0] = xSamples[i]; // Fills points so actual input values can be seen as a graph
points[i].xVal[0] = i;
@ -828,7 +823,7 @@ void colorSamples ( FILE* fp, mldata_t *mlData ) {
returns mean value of given input, which has a length of WINDOWSIZE
returns mean value of given input
@ -836,7 +831,7 @@ double windowXMean(int _arraylength, int xCount) {
double sum = 0.0;
double *ptr;
for (ptr = &xSamples[xCount - _arraylength]; ptr != &xSamples[xCount]; ptr++) { //set ptr to beginning of window
for (ptr = &xSamples[xCount - _arraylength]; ptr != &xSamples[xCount]; ptr++) { // Set ptr to beginning of window
sum += *ptr;
return sum / (double)_arraylength;

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ There are a bunch of options you can predefine but do not have to. The only para
| -n | Amount of input data used | 500 |
| -w | Size of M (window) | 5 |
| -c | Choose RGB color channel, green has least noise. | green |
| -l | Learnrate of machine learning | 0.8 |
| -l | Learnrate of machine learning | 0.4 |
| -s | Seed randomizing weights. Choose for repoducability. | time(NULL)|
This code is ANSI compatible no POSIX, C99, C11 or GNU libs, because it had to be VS compatible . There are way easier methods like getline() or getopt(), I know ...

View File

@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
unsigned int *seed = NULL;
unsigned k, xLength;
unsigned int windowSize = 5;
unsigned int samplesCount = 501;
unsigned int samplesCount = 512;
char *stdcolor = "green";
colorChannel = stdcolor;
unsigned int uint_buffer[1];
double learnrate = 0.8;
double learnrate = 0.4;
while( (argc > 1) && (argv[1][0] == '-') ) { // Parses parameters from stdin
@ -132,51 +132,52 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
init_mldata_t(windowSize, samplesCount, learnrate);
xSamples = (double *) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->samplesCount );
points = (point_t *) malloc ( sizeof(point_t) * mlData->samplesCount);
imagePixel_t *image;
char fileName[50];
image = rdPPM(inputfile);
init_mldata_t ( windowSize, samplesCount, learnrate );
xSamples = (double *) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->samplesCount ); // Resize input values
points = (point_t *) malloc ( sizeof(point_t) * mlData->samplesCount); // Resize points
imagePixel_t *image;
image = rdPPM(inputfile); // Set Pointer on input values
char fileName[50]; // Logfiles and their names
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), TEST_VALUES);
FILE* fp5 = fopen(fileName, "w");
xLength = ppmColorChannel(fp5, image, colorChannel, mlData); // Returns length of ppm input values
printf("%d\n", xLength);
xLength = ppmColorChannel(fp5, image, colorChannel, mlData); // Returns length of ppm input values, debugging
FILE* fp6 = fopen(fileName, "r");
colorSamples(fp6, mlData);
if ( (seed != NULL) ){
srand( *seed ); // Seed for random number generating
printf("srand is reproducable : %u", seed);
srand( *seed ); // Seed for random number generating
printf("srand is reproducable\n", seed);
} else {
srand( (unsigned int)time(NULL) );
printf("srand from time\n"); // Default seed is time(NULL)
printf("srand depends on time\n"); // Default seed is time(NULL)
printf("generated weights:\n");
// for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; i++) {
for (k = 0; k < mlData->windowSize; k++) {
mlData->weights[k] = rndm(); // Init random weights
for (k = 0; k < mlData->windowSize; k++) {
mlData->weights[k] = rndm(); // Init random weights
printf("%lf\n", mlData->weights[k]);
// }
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), PURE_WEIGHTS);
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), PURE_WEIGHTS); // Logfile weights
FILE *fp0 = fopen(fileName, "w");
// for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; i++) {
for (k = 0; k < mlData->windowSize; k++) {
fprintf(fp0, "[%d]%lf\n", k, mlData->weights[k]); // Save generated weights to to file
fprintf(fp0, "[%d]%lf\n", k, mlData->weights[k]);
// }
// math magic
/* *math magic* */
localMean ( mlData, points );
directPredecessor ( mlData, points);
differentialPredecessor( mlData, points );
mkSvgGraph(points); // Graph building
@ -190,74 +191,71 @@ Variant (1/3), substract local mean.
void localMean ( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[] ) {
// double (*local_weights)[WINDOWSIZE] =(double (*)[WINDOWSIZE]) malloc(sizeof(double) * (WINDOWSIZE+1) * (NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES+1));
//memcpy(local_weights, weights, sizeof(double) * WINDOWSIZE * NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES);
double *localWeights = (double *) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->windowSize + 1);
memcpy ( localWeights, mlData->weights, sizeof(mlData->windowSize) ); // TODO: check size !!!
double *localWeights = (double *) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->windowSize + 1);
memcpy ( localWeights, mlData->weights, mlData->windowSize ); // Copy weights so they can be changed locally
char fileName[50];
double xError[2048]; // includes e(n)
memset(xError, 0.0, mlData->samplesCount);// initialize xError-array with Zero
unsigned i, xCount = 0; // runtime var
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), LOCAL_MEAN);
FILE* fp4 = fopen(fileName, "w");
fprintf( fp4, fileHeader(LOCAL_MEAN_HEADER) );
double xError[2048]; // Includes e(n)
memset(xError, 0.0, mlData->samplesCount); // Initialize xError-array with Zero
unsigned i, xCount = 0; // Runtime vars
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), LOCAL_MEAN); // Create Logfile and its filename
FILE* fp4 = fopen(fileName, "w");
fprintf( fp4, fileHeader(LOCAL_MEAN_HEADER) );
double xMean = xSamples[0];
double xSquared = 0.0;
double xPredicted = 0.0;
double xActual = 0.0;
for (xCount = 1; xCount < mlData->samplesCount; xCount++) { // first value will not get predicted
unsigned _arrayLength = ( xCount > mlData->windowSize ) ? mlData->windowSize + 1 : xCount;
xMean = (xCount > 0) ? windowXMean(_arrayLength, xCount) : 0;
for ( xCount = 1; xCount < mlData->samplesCount; xCount++ ) { // First value will not get predicted
unsigned _arrayLength = ( xCount > mlData->windowSize ) ? mlData->windowSize + 1 : xCount; // Ensures corect length at start
xMean = (xCount > 0) ? windowXMean(_arrayLength, xCount) : 0;
xPredicted = 0.0;
xActual = xSamples[xCount];
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) { //get predicted value
xPredicted += (localWeights[i] * (xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean));
for ( i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++ ) { // Get predicted value
xPredicted += ( localWeights[i - 1] * (xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean) );
xPredicted += xMean;
xError[xCount] = xActual - xPredicted;
xPredicted += xMean;
xError[xCount] = xActual - xPredicted; // Get error value
xSquared = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) { //get xSquared
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) { // Get xSquared
xSquared += pow(xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean, 2);
if ( xSquared == 0.0 ) { // Otherwise returns Pred: -1.#IND00 in some occassions
if ( xSquared == 0.0 ) { // Otherwise returns Pred: -1.#IND00 in some occassions
xSquared = 1.0;
for ( i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++ ) { //update weights
localWeights[ i + 1 ] = localWeights[i] + mlData->learnrate * xError[xCount] * ( (xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean) / xSquared );
for ( i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++ ) { // Update weights
localWeights[ i + 1 ] = localWeights[i] + mlData->learnrate * xError[xCount] // Substract localMean
* ( (xSamples[xCount - i] - xMean) / xSquared );
fprintf(fp4, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", xCount, xPredicted, xActual, xError[xCount]);
fprintf(fp4, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", xCount, xPredicted, xActual, xError[xCount]); // Write to logfile
points[xCount].xVal[1] = xCount;
points[xCount].yVal[1] = xPredicted;
points[xCount].xVal[1] = xCount; // Save points so graph can be build later on
points[xCount].yVal[1] = xPredicted;
points[xCount].xVal[4] = xCount;
points[xCount].yVal[4] = xError[xCount];
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
double xErrorLength = *xErrorPtr; // Watch popNAN()!
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
double xErrorLength = *xErrorPtr; // Watch popNAN()!
xErrorPtr[0] = 0.0;
// printf("Xerrorl:%lf", xErrorLength);
double mean = sum_array(xErrorPtr, xErrorLength) / xErrorLength;
double mean = sum_array(xErrorPtr, xErrorLength) / xErrorLength; // Mean
double deviation = 0.0;
// Mean square
for (i = 1; i < xErrorLength; i++) {
for (i = 1; i < xErrorLength; i++) { // Mean square
deviation += pow(xError[i] - mean, 2);
deviation /= xErrorLength;
printf("mean:%lf, devitation:%lf", mean, deviation);
deviation /= xErrorLength; // Deviation
printf("mean:%lf, devitation:%lf\t\tlocal Mean\n", mean, deviation);
// write in file
//mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), RESULTS);
//FILE *fp2 = fopen(fileName, "w");
fprintf(fp4, "\nQuadratische Varianz(x_error): %f\nMittelwert:(x_error): %f\n\n", deviation, mean);
fprintf(fp4, "\nQuadratische Varianz(x_error): %f\nMittelwert:(x_error): %f\n\n", deviation, mean); // Write to logfile
@ -277,14 +275,14 @@ substract direct predecessor
void directPredecessor( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[]) {
double *localWeights = ( double * ) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->windowSize + 1 );
memcpy ( localWeights, mlData->weights, sizeof(mlData->windowSize) );
memcpy ( localWeights, mlData->weights, mlData->windowSize );
char fileName[512];
double xError[2048];
unsigned xCount = 0, i;
double xActual = 0.0;
double xPredicted = 0.0;
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), DIRECT_PREDECESSOR);
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), DIRECT_PREDECESSOR); // Logfile and name handling
FILE *fp3 = fopen(fileName, "w");
fprintf( fp3, fileHeader(DIRECT_PREDECESSOR_HEADER) );
mkFileName ( fileName, sizeof(fileName), USED_WEIGHTS);
@ -305,15 +303,19 @@ void directPredecessor( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[]) {
double xSquared = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) {
xSquared += pow(xSamples[xCount - 1] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1], 2); // substract direct predecessor
xSquared += pow(xSamples[xCount - 1] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1], 2); // substract direct predecessor
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) {
localWeights[i + 1] = localWeights[i] + mlData->learnrate * xError[xCount] * ( (xSamples[xCount - 1] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1]) / xSquared);
fprintf( fp9, "%lf\n", localWeights[i] );
if ( xSquared == 0.0 ) { // Otherwise returns Pred: -1.#IND00 in some occassions
xSquared = 1.0;
for ( i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++ ) { // Update weights
localWeights[i + 1] = localWeights[i] + mlData->learnrate * xError[xCount]
* ( (xSamples[xCount - 1] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1]) / xSquared);
fprintf( fp9, "%lf\n", localWeights[i] );
fprintf(fp3, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", xCount, xPredicted, xActual, xError[xCount]);
points[xCount].xVal[2] = xCount; // Fill point_t array for graph building
fprintf(fp3, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", xCount, xPredicted, xActual, xError[xCount]); // Write to logfile
points[xCount].xVal[2] = xCount; // Fill point_t array for graph building
points[xCount].yVal[2] = xPredicted;
points[xCount].xVal[5] = xCount;
points[xCount].yVal[5] = xError[xCount];
@ -322,22 +324,20 @@ void directPredecessor( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[]) {
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
//printf("%lf", xErrorPtr[499]);
double xErrorLength = *xErrorPtr; // Watch popNAN()!
xErrorPtr[0] = 0.0;
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
double xErrorLength = *xErrorPtr; // Watch popNAN()!
xErrorPtr[0] = 0.0; // Stored length in [0] , won't be used anyway. Bit dirty
//printf("Xerrorl:%lf", xErrorLength);
double mean = sum_array(xErrorPtr, xErrorLength) / xErrorLength;
double deviation = 0.0;
double mean = sum_array(xErrorPtr, xErrorLength) / xErrorLength; // Mean
double deviation = 0.0;
// Mean square
for (i = 1; i < xErrorLength; i++) {
deviation += pow(xError[i] - mean, 2);
deviation += pow(xError[i] - mean, 2); // Mean square
deviation /= xErrorLength;
printf("mean:%lf, devitation:%lf", mean, deviation);
deviation /= xErrorLength; // Deviation
printf("mean:%lf, devitation:%lf\t\tdirect Predecessor\n", mean, deviation);
// write in file
//mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), RESULTS);
//FILE *fp2 = fopen(fileName, "wa");
@ -360,19 +360,19 @@ differential predecessor.
void differentialPredecessor ( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[] ) {
double *localWeights = (double *) malloc ( sizeof(double) * mlData->windowSize + 1 );
memcpy( localWeights, mlData->weights, sizeof(mlData->windowSize) );
memcpy( localWeights, mlData->weights, mlData->windowSize );
char fileName[512];
double xError[2048];
unsigned xCount = 0, i;
double xPredicted = 0.0;
double xActual = 0.0;
// File handling
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), DIFFERENTIAL_PREDECESSOR);
mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), DIFFERENTIAL_PREDECESSOR); // File handling
FILE *fp6 = fopen(fileName, "w");
for (xCount = 1; xCount < mlData->samplesCount; xCount++) { // first value will not get predicted
for (xCount = 1; xCount < mlData->samplesCount; xCount++) { // First value will not get predicted
unsigned _arrayLength = (xCount > mlData->windowSize) ? mlData->windowSize + 1 : xCount;
xPredicted = 0.0;
@ -385,10 +385,13 @@ void differentialPredecessor ( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[] ) {
xError[xCount] = xActual - xPredicted;
double xSquared = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) {
xSquared += pow(xSamples[xCount - i] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1], 2); // substract direct predecessor
xSquared += pow(xSamples[xCount - i] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1], 2); // Substract direct predecessor
if ( xSquared == 0.0 ) { // Otherwise returns Pred: -1.#IND00 in some occassions
xSquared = 1.0;
for (i = 1; i < _arrayLength; i++) {
localWeights[i+1] = localWeights[i] + mlData->learnrate * xError[xCount] * ((xSamples[xCount - i] - xSamples[xCount - i - 1]) / xSquared);
@ -401,21 +404,20 @@ void differentialPredecessor ( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[] ) {
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
//printf("%lf", xErrorPtr[499]);
double xErrorLength = *xErrorPtr; // Watch popNAN()!
double *xErrorPtr = popNAN(xError); // delete NAN values from xError[]
double xErrorLength = *xErrorPtr; // Watch popNAN()!
xErrorPtr[0] = 0.0;
// printf("Xerrorl:%lf", xErrorLength);
double mean = sum_array(xErrorPtr, xErrorLength) / xErrorLength;
double deviation = 0.0;
// Mean square
for (i = 1; i < xErrorLength; i++) {
for (i = 1; i < xErrorLength; i++) { // Mean square
deviation += pow(xError[i] - mean, 2);
deviation /= xErrorLength;
printf("mean:%lf, devitation:%lf", mean, deviation);
printf("mean:%lf, devitation:%lf\t\tdifferential Predecessor\n", mean, deviation);
// write in file
//mkFileName(fileName, sizeof(fileName), RESULTS);
@ -433,21 +435,21 @@ void differentialPredecessor ( mldata_t *mlData, point_t points[] ) {
Writes the current date plus the suffix with index suffixId
Writes the current date plus suffix with index suffixId
into the given buffer. If the total length is longer than max_len,
only max_len characters will be written.
char *mkFileName(char* buffer, size_t max_len, int suffixId) {
const char * format_str = "%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S";
const char * format_str = "%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S"; // Date formatting
size_t date_len;
const char * suffix = fileSuffix(suffixId);
time_t now = time(NULL);
time_t now = time(NULL);
strftime(buffer, max_len, format_str, localtime(&now));
strftime(buffer, max_len, format_str, localtime(&now)); // Get Date
date_len = strlen(buffer);
strncat(buffer, suffix, max_len - date_len);
strncat(buffer, suffix, max_len - date_len); // Concat filename
return buffer;
@ -477,7 +479,7 @@ char * fileSuffix ( int id ) {
Contains and returns header for logfiles
Contains and returns header from logfiles
@ -492,9 +494,9 @@ char * fileHeader ( int id ) {
Logs x,y points to svg graph
Logs used weights to logfile
@ -532,22 +534,22 @@ void bufferLogger(char *buffer, point_t points[]) {
unsigned i;
char _buffer[512] = "";
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { // xActual
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { // xActual
sprintf(_buffer, "L %f %f\n", points[i].xVal[0], points[i].yVal[0]);
strcat(buffer, _buffer);
strcat(buffer, "\" fill=\"none\" id=\"svg_1\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"0.4px\"/>\n<path d=\"M0 0\n");
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { // xPredicted from localMean
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { // xPredicted from localMean
sprintf(_buffer, "L %f %f\n", points[i].xVal[1], points[i].yVal[1]);
strcat(buffer, _buffer);
strcat(buffer, "\" fill=\"none\" id=\"svg_2\" stroke=\"green\" stroke-width=\"0.4px\"/>\n<path d=\"M0 0\n");
for (i = 0; i <= mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { //xPreddicted from directPredecessor
for (i = 0; i <= mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { //xPredicted from directPredecessor
sprintf(_buffer, "L %f %f\n", points[i].xVal[2], points[i].yVal[2]);
strcat(buffer, _buffer);
strcat(buffer, "\" fill=\"none\" id=\"svg_3\" stroke=\"blue\" stroke-width=\"0.4px\"/>\n<path d=\"M0 0\n");
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { //xPredicted from diff Pred
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) { //xPredicted from diff Pred
sprintf(_buffer, "L %f %f\n", points[i].xVal[3], points[i].yVal[3]);
strcat(buffer, _buffer);
@ -578,9 +580,9 @@ double sum_array(double x[], int xlength) {
returns length of new array without NAN values
returns new array without NAN values
@ -603,10 +605,8 @@ double *popNAN(double *xError) {
counter += 1;
more_tmp = (double *) realloc ( tmp, counter * sizeof(double) );
tmp = more_tmp;
*tmp = tmpLength; // Length of array has to be stored in tmp[0],
// Cause length is needed later on in the math functions.
// xError counting has to begin with 1 in the other functions !
printf("tmpLength in tmp:%lf, %lf\n", tmp[counter-2], *tmp);
*tmp = tmpLength; // Length of array is stored inside tmp[0]. tmp[0] is never used anyways
return tmp;
@ -651,20 +651,20 @@ void mkSvgGraph(point_t points[]) {
FILE *input = fopen("graphResults_template.html", "r");
FILE *target = fopen("graphResults.html", "w");
char line[512];
char firstGraph[15] = { "<path d=\"M0 0" };
char firstGraph[15] = { "<path d=\"M0 0" }; // Position where points will be written after
if (input == NULL) {
char buffer[131072] = "";
char buffer[131072] = ""; // Bit dirty
memset(buffer, '\0', sizeof(buffer));
while (!feof(input)) {
fgets(line, 512, input);
while (!feof(input)) { // parses file until "firstGraph" has been found
fgets(line, 512, input);
strncat(buffer, line, strlen(line));
if (strstr(line, firstGraph) != NULL) {
bufferLogger(buffer, points);
if (strstr(line, firstGraph) != NULL) { // Compares line <-> "firstGraph"
bufferLogger(buffer, points); // write points
@ -708,18 +708,18 @@ static imagePixel_t *rdPPM(char *fileName) {
c = getc(fp);
ungetc(c, fp);
if (fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &image->x, &image->y) != 2) {
if ( fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &image->x, &image->y) != 2 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid image size in %s\n", fileName);
if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &rgbColor) != 1) {
if ( fscanf(fp, "%d", &rgbColor) != 1 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid rgb component in %s\n", fileName);
if (rgbColor != RGB_COLOR) {
if ( rgbColor != RGB_COLOR ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid image color range in %s\n", fileName);
while (fgetc(fp) != '\n');
while ( fgetc(fp) != '\n' );
image->data = (colorChannel_t *)malloc(image->x * image->y * sizeof(imagePixel_t));
if (!image) {
fprintf(stderr, "malloc() failed");
@ -738,8 +738,8 @@ static imagePixel_t *rdPPM(char *fileName) {
gets output from the result of rdPpmFile and writes a new PPM file. Best Case is a
carbon copy of the source image. Build for debugging
gets output from result of rdPPM and writes a new PPM file. Best Case is a
carbon copy of the source image. Build for debugging.
@ -766,35 +766,30 @@ gets one of the rgb color channels and writes them to a file
int ppmColorChannel(FILE* fp, imagePixel_t *image, char *colorChannel, mldata_t *mlData) {
// int length = (image->x * image->y) / 3;
unsigned i = 0;
printf("colorChannel in Function: %s", colorChannel);
if (image) {
if (strcmp(colorChannel, "green") == 0){
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].green);
printf("colorChannel : %s\n", colorChannel);
if ( image ) { // RGB channel can be set through args from cli
if ( strcmp(colorChannel, "green") == 0 ){
for ( i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++ ) {
fprintf ( fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].green );
} else if (strcmp(colorChannel, "red") == 0){
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++) {
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].red);
} else if ( strcmp(colorChannel, "red") == 0 ){
for ( i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++ ) {
fprintf ( fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].red );
} else if (strcmp(colorChannel, "blue") == 0 ) {
for (i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++ ) {
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].blue);
for ( i = 0; i < mlData->samplesCount - 1; i++ ) {
fprintf ( fp, "%d\n", image->data[i].blue );
} else {
printf("Colorchannels are red, green and blue. Pick one of them!");
return mlData->samplesCount;
return mlData->samplesCount; // returned for debugging, TODO: void PPmcolorChannel
@ -809,13 +804,13 @@ creating the SVG graph
void colorSamples ( FILE* fp, mldata_t *mlData ) {
int i = 0;
//char buffer[NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES];
char *buffer = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * mlData->samplesCount);
while (!feof(fp)) {
if (fgets(buffer, mlData->samplesCount, fp) != NULL) {
if (fgets(buffer, mlData->samplesCount, fp) != NULL) {
sscanf(buffer, "%lf", &xSamples[i]);
//printf("%lf\n", xSamples[i] );
points[i].yVal[0] = xSamples[i];
points[i].yVal[0] = xSamples[i]; // Fills points so actual input values can be seen as a graph
points[i].xVal[0] = i;
@ -828,7 +823,7 @@ void colorSamples ( FILE* fp, mldata_t *mlData ) {
returns mean value of given input, which has a length of WINDOWSIZE
returns mean value of given input
@ -836,7 +831,7 @@ double windowXMean(int _arraylength, int xCount) {
double sum = 0.0;
double *ptr;
for (ptr = &xSamples[xCount - _arraylength]; ptr != &xSamples[xCount]; ptr++) { //set ptr to beginning of window
for (ptr = &xSamples[xCount - _arraylength]; ptr != &xSamples[xCount]; ptr++) { // Set ptr to beginning of window
sum += *ptr;
return sum / (double)_arraylength;

View File

@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ There are a bunch of options you can predefine but do not have to. The only para
| -n | Amount of input data used | 500 |
| -w | Size of M (window) | 5 |
| -c | Choose RGB color channel, green has least noise. | green |
| -l | Learnrate of machine learning | 0.8 |
| -l | Learnrate of machine learning | 0.4 |
| -s | Seed randomizing weights. Choose for repoducability. | time(NULL)|