rework layout, bugfixing
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
import os
import os
#import toml
#base_url = toml.load('settings.toml')["general"]["base_url"]
def make_tree(path="templates/content"):
if '/' in path:
@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ def build_index(path, file_ending):
data = _f.readlines()
data[0] = data[0].strip('# \n')
#searchable[data[0]] = [''.join(data), item[len(path):-len(file_ending)]]
searchable["index"].append(dict(uri=item[len(path):-len(file_ending)] + '.html', title=data[0],tags=[],content=''.join(data), description=""))
searchable["index"].append(dict(uri= "/" + item[len(path):-len(file_ending)] + '.html', title=data[0],tags=[],content=''.join(data), description=""))
#searchable[str(uuid.uuid1())] = (dict(href=item[len(path):-len(file_ending)], title=data[0],tags=[],content=''.join(data)))
if isinstance(item, dict):
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
path = "templates/content/"
style = "material" # Take a look at
style = "one-dark" # Take a look at
@ -34,17 +34,15 @@ def index():
@app.route('/', defaults={'path': 'README'})
def content(path="README"):
with open(os.path.join(app.root_path, f'{content_path}{path}.md'), "r") as _f:
with open(os.path.join(app.root_path, content_path, f'{path}.md'), "r") as _f:
md_file =
if not md_file.startswith("[TOC]"):
md_file = "[TOC]\n" + md_file
md_template_string = markdown.markdown(md_file, extensions=["fenced_code", "codehilite", "toc", TocExtension(toc_class="column column-3", title=""), "mdx_math"],
extension_configs={"mdx_math": {"enable_dollar_delimiter": True}})
md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['toc',TocExtension(toc_class="HolyGrail-ads", title=""),"fenced_code", "codehilite", "mdx_math"], extension_configs={"mdx_math": {"enable_dollar_delimiter": True}})
html = md.convert(md_file)
formatter = HtmlFormatter(style=highlight_style, full=True, cssclass="codehilite")
css_string = formatter.get_style_defs()
md_css_string = "<style>" + css_string + "</style>"
md_template = md_css_string + md_template_string
res = render_template("documentation.html", md_doc=md_template, tree=
md_template = md_css_string + html
res = render_template("documentation.html", toc=md.toc, md_doc=md_template, tree=
make_tree(content_path), content_path, ".md")
@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ $( document ).ready(function() {
divsuggestion.setAttribute("data-title", item.title);
divsuggestion.setAttribute("data-uri", item.uri);
divsuggestion.setAttribute("data-context", item.context);
divsuggestion.innerText = '» ' + item.title;
divsuggestion.innerText = '>> ' + item.title;
return divsuggestion.outerHTML;
/* onSelect callback fires when a search suggestion is chosen */
onSelect: function(e, term, item) {
location.href = item.getAttribute('data-uri');
console.log("this is " + location.href);
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ details > summary{ background-color: #eee; font-size: 18px;}
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details summary::-webkit-details-marker,
details summary::marker { content: "\20\00BB\20";}
ul { padding-left:0em; padding: 0px 8px;}
details summary::marker { content: "\1F5C0\20";}
ul {}
ul:active {}
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@ -27,76 +27,82 @@ ul:active {}
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@ -15,8 +15,9 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
{% endblock %}
<!-- topmenu -->
<body class="HolyGrail">
<div class="menu">
<a href="{{ url_for('content') }}" style="text-decoration:none">Husk</a>
@ -28,14 +29,10 @@
<div class="menu">
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<!-- Sidebar -->
<div class="column column-1">
<div class="HolyGrail-body">
<nav class="HolyGrail-nav">
{%- for item in tree.children recursive %}
{%- set name ='/')[-1] -%}
@ -51,18 +48,19 @@
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
<div class="column column-2">{% block content %}{% endblock %}</div>
<div id="footer">
<main class="HolyGrail-content">{% block content %}{% endblock %}</main>
{{ toc | safe }}
{% block footer %}
© Stefan Friese
{% endblock %}
function linkClick(obj) {
if ( {
Reference in New Issue