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<section id="title-slide">
<h1 class="title">Introduction to Reverse Engineering</h1>
<p class="author">Stefan Friese</p>
<p class="date">02 November, 2023</p>
<section id="topics" class="slide level1">
<li class="fragment">Effective Reverse Engineering</li>
<li class="fragment">Reversing with Ghidra</li>
<section class="slide level1">
<h2 id="how-do-you-reverse">How Do You Reverse</h2>
<p>Reverse Engineering demands a lot of knowledge in multiple
<p><strong>Some topics are</strong></p>
<li class="fragment">Assembly Language</li>
<li class="fragment">ANSI C</li>
<li class="fragment">Other Languages</li>
<li class="fragment">Syscalls</li>
<li class="fragment">Cryptography</li>
<section class="slide level1">
<p>How do you reverse engineer without knowing little about these
<section class="slide level1">
<h2 id="reversing-is-work">Reversing is Work</h2>
<p>Work is a product of power by time.<br />
<code>P</code> is your power to solve an issue.</p>
<p><code>W = P x t</code></p>
<p>The smarter you tackle work, the less time you need to solve an
<section class="slide level1">
<h2 id="knowledge-is-a-map">Knowledge is a Map</h2>
<p>You conventiently drive around the city using the underground. That’s
how you get to know the main spots of the city.</p>
<p><img src="./images/london_underground.jpg" alt="London Underground" width="50%" height="auto"></p>
<section class="slide level1">
<h2 id="knowledge-is-a-map-1">Knowledge is a Map</h2>
<p>Invest some time and explore deeper on foot. That’s how you get to
know the back alleys.</p>
<p><img src="./images/london_by_foot.jpg" alt="London by Foot" width="50%" height="auto"></p>
<section id="ghidra-an-overview" class="slide level1">
<h1>Ghidra – an Overview</h1>
<section class="slide level1">
<img data-src="./images/Ghidra-Overview.png"
alt="Main View of Ghidra" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Main View of Ghidra</figcaption>
<section class="slide level1">
<h2 id="watch-out-for-low-hanging-fruits">Watch Out for Low Hanging
<section class="slide level1">
<li class="fragment">Data Segment</li>
<li class="fragment">Names of Functions</li>
<li class="fragment">Conditions & Comparisons</li>
<li class="fragment">Strings: Usernames, Passwords</li>
<li class="fragment">URLs, IP & Port Numbers</li>
<p><strong>Do not try to understand the whole code at once, it will only
drive you mad.</strong></p>
<section class="slide level1">
<h3 id="data-segments">Data Segments</h3>
<img data-src="./images/data-segments.png"
alt="A look into the read only data segment" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">A look into the read only data
<section class="slide level1">
<h3 id="name-of-functions">Name of Functions</h3>
<img data-src="./images/symbol-tree.png"
alt="Functions contained in the binary a.k.a. Symbol Tree" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Functions contained in the binary a.k.a.
Symbol Tree</figcaption>
<section class="slide level1">
<h3 id="conditions-comparisions">Conditions & Comparisions</h3>
<p><img src="./images/decompiled-code.png" alt="Input is Compared to a Hard Coded String" width="50%" height="auto"></p>
<p>Input is compared to a hard coded string</p>
<section class="slide level1">
<h3 id="function-graph">Function Graph</h3>
<p><img src="./images/function-graph.png" alt="Take a Look at the Flow Graph of Functions" width="50%" height="auto"></p>
<p>Take a look at the flow graph of functions</p>
<section class="slide level1">
<h3 id="strings">Strings</h3>
<p><img src="./defined-strings-menu.png" alt="Open the Defined Strings Menu" width="50%" height="auto"></p>
<p>Strings can not only be located in data but also in other code
segments, sometimes obfuscated</p>
<section class="slide level1">
<h3 id="strings-1">Strings</h3>
<img data-src="./images/defined-strings.png" alt="An old friend" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">An old friend</figcaption>
<section class="slide level1">
<h3 id="do-it-yourselves">Do It Yourselves!</h3>
<li class="fragment"><a href="">Download
<li class="fragment"><a href="">Download binaries at
<li class="fragment"><a href="">Find more binaries
on hackthebox</a></li>
<li class="fragment"><a href="">Or Find even more
on tryhackme</a></li>
<li class="fragment">Download firmware of your favorite IoT
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% Introduction to Reverse Engineering
% Stefan Friese
% 02 November, 2023
# Topics
* Effective Reverse Engineering
* Reversing with Ghidra
## How Do You Reverse
Reverse Engineering demands a lot of knowledge in multiple fields.
**Some topics are**
* Assembly Language
* Other Languages
* Syscalls
* Cryptography
How do you reverse engineer without knowing little about these topics?
## Reversing is Work
Work is a product of power by time.
`P` is your power to solve an issue.
`W = P x t`
The smarter you tackle work, the less time you need to solve an issue.
## Knowledge is a Map
You conventiently drive around the city using the underground.
That's how you get to know the main spots of the city.
<img src="./images/london_underground.jpg" alt="London Underground" width="50%" height="auto">
## Knowledge is a Map
Invest some time and explore deeper on foot.
That's how you get to know the back alleys.
<img src="./images/london_by_foot.jpg" alt="London by Foot" width="50%" height="auto">
# Ghidra -- an Overview

## Watch Out for Low Hanging Fruits
* Data Segment
* Names of Functions
* Conditions & Comparisons
* Strings: Usernames, Passwords
* URLs, IP & Port Numbers
**Do not try to understand the whole code at once, it will only drive you mad.**
### Data Segments

### Name of Functions

### Conditions & Comparisions
<img src="./images/decompiled-code.png" alt="Input is Compared to a Hard Coded String" width="50%" height="auto">
Input is compared to a hard coded string
### Function Graph
<img src="./images/function-graph.png" alt="Take a Look at the Flow Graph of Functions" width="50%" height="auto">
Take a look at the flow graph of functions
### Strings
<img src="./images/defined-strings-menu.png" alt="Open the Defined Strings Menu" width="50%" height="auto">
Strings can not only be located in data but also in other code segments, sometimes obfuscated
### Strings

### Do It Yourselves!
* [Download Ghidra](
* [Download binaries at](
* [Find more binaries on hackthebox](
* [Or Find even more on tryhackme](
* Download firmware of your favorite IoT appliances