This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
extern crate tokio_postgres;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate tokio;
use serde::ser::{Serialize, Serializer, SerializeStruct};
mod parser;
use std::fs::File;
use serde_json::json;
use tokio_postgres::types::ToSql;
//use futures::{TryStreamExt};
use tokio_postgres::{NoTls, Error};
impl Serialize for parser::QryData {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
// 34 is the number of fields in the struct.
let mut state = serializer.serialize_struct("parser::QryData", 34)?;
state.serialize_field("time", &self.time)?;
state.serialize_field("ether_header.ether_dhost", &self.ether_header.ether_dhost)?;
state.serialize_field("ether_header.ether_shost", &self.ether_header.ether_shost)?;
state.serialize_field("ether_header.ether_type", &self.ether_header.ether_type)?;
state.serialize_field("ipv4_header.ip_version", &self.ipv4_header.ip_version)?;
state.serialize_field("ipv4_header.ip_ihl", &self.ipv4_header.ip_ihl)?;
state.serialize_field("ipv4_header.ip_dscp", &self.ipv4_header.ip_dscp)?;
state.serialize_field("ipv4_header.ip_ecn", &self.ipv4_header.ip_ecn)?;
state.serialize_field("ipv4_header.ip_total_length", &self.ipv4_header.ip_total_length)?;
state.serialize_field("ipv4_header.ip_identification", &self.ipv4_header.ip_identification)?;
state.serialize_field("ipv4_header.ip_df", &self.ipv4_header.ip_df)?;
state.serialize_field("ipv4_header.ip_mf", &self.ipv4_header.ip_mf)?;
state.serialize_field("ipv4_header.ip_fragment_offset", &self.ipv4_header.ip_fragment_offset)?;
state.serialize_field("ipv4_header.ip_source_address", &self.ipv4_header.ip_source_address)?;
state.serialize_field("ipv4_header.ip_destination_address", &self.ipv4_header.ip_destination_address)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.source_port", &self.tcp_header.source_port)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.destination_port", &self.tcp_header.destination_port)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.seq_num", &self.tcp_header.seq_num)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.ack_num", &self.tcp_header.ack_num)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.data_offset", &self.tcp_header.data_offset)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.reserved", &self.tcp_header.reserved)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.ns", &self.tcp_header.ns)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.cwr", &self.tcp_header.cwr)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.ece", &self.tcp_header.ece)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.urg", &self.tcp_header.urg)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.ack", &self.tcp_header.ack)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.psh", &self.tcp_header.psh)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.rst", &self.tcp_header.rst)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.syn", &self.tcp_header.syn)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.fin", &self.tcp_header.fin)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.window_size", &self.tcp_header.window_size)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.checksum", &self.tcp_header.checksum)?;
state.serialize_field("tcp_header.urgent_pointer", &self.tcp_header.urgent_pointer)?;
state.serialize_field("data", &;
fn serialize_packets ( v: Vec<parser::QryData> ) -> Vec<serde_json::Value> {
let mut packets_serialized: Vec<_> = Vec::new();
for packet in v.iter() {
fn query_string ( insert_max: &usize ) -> String {
let mut insert_template: String = "INSERT INTO json_dump (packet) Values ".to_owned();
for insert in 0..insert_max-1 { insert_template.push_str( &(format!("(${}), ", insert+1)) );}
insert_template.push_str( &(format!("(${})", insert_max)) );
#[tokio::main(core_threads = 4)] // By default, tokio_postgres uses the tokio crate as its runtime.
async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
/* Init values from file */
let file = File::open("parser.json").expect("file should open read only");
let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_reader(file).unwrap();
let filter = json.get("filter").unwrap().as_str().unwrap();
let insert_max = json.get("insert_max").unwrap().as_u64().unwrap() as usize;
let pcap_file = json.get("pcap_file").unwrap().as_str().unwrap();
let host = ["host=", json.get("database_host").unwrap().as_str().unwrap()].join("");
let user = ["user=", json.get("database_user").unwrap().as_str().unwrap()].join("");
let password = ["password=", json.get("database_password").unwrap().as_str().unwrap()].join("");
let connection = [host, user, password].join(" ");
let device = json.get("parse_device").unwrap().as_str().unwrap();
let is_device = json.get("from_device").unwrap().as_bool().unwrap();
/* db connection */
let (client, connection) =
tokio_postgres::connect(&connection, NoTls).await?;
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(e) = connection.await {
eprintln!("connection error: {}", e);
client.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS json_dump", &[]).await?;
client.execute("CREATE TABLE json_dump ( ID serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, packet json NOT NULL)", &[]).await?;
/* device or file input */
if false == is_device {
let v: Vec<parser::QryData> = parser::parse(&pcap_file, &filter );
let packets_serialized = serialize_packets( v );
/* Query */
//let insert_max = 60;
let chunk_count = packets_serialized.len()/insert_max;
let remainder: usize = packets_serialized.len() % insert_max;
let chunker = &packets_serialized.len() < &insert_max;
match chunker {
true => {
let insert_str = query_string( &packets_serialized.len() );
let statement_false = client.prepare( &insert_str ).await?;
client.query_raw(&statement_false, packets_serialized.iter().map(|p| p as &dyn ToSql)).await?;
false => {
let insert_str = query_string( &insert_max );
let statement = client.prepare( &insert_str ).await?;
for _i in 0..chunk_count {
let (_input, _)= packets_serialized.split_at(insert_max);
client.query_raw(&statement, _input.to_vec().iter().map(|p| p as &dyn ToSql)).await?;
println!("Packets, total:{:?}",packets_serialized.len());
println!("Chunks, total:{}", chunk_count);
println!("Chunks, remainder{}", remainder);
if remainder > 0 {
let rem_str = query_string( &remainder );
let statement_remainder = client.prepare(&rem_str).await?;
let (_garbage, _input) =packets_serialized.split_at(packets_serialized.len()-remainder);
client.query_raw(&statement_remainder, _input.to_vec().iter().map(|p| p as &dyn ToSql),).await?;
} else {
let insert_str = query_string(&insert_max);
let statement = client.prepare(&insert_str).await?;
loop {
let v: Vec<parser::QryData> = parser::parse_device(&device, &filter, &insert_max);
let packets_serialized = serialize_packets( v );
client.query_raw(&statement, packets_serialized.iter().map(|p| p as &dyn ToSql),).await?;
fn test_insert_json () {
use serde_json::json;
let mut client = Client::connect("host=localhost user=postgres password=password", NoTls).unwrap();
let john = json!({
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 43,
"phones": [
"+44 1234567",
"+44 2345678"
"empty": []
client.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS json_dump", &[]).unwrap();
client.execute("CREATE TABLE json_dump ( ID serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data json NOT NULL)", &[]);
client.query("INSERT INTO json_dump ( data ) VALUES ($1)", &[&john]);
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"insert_max": 80,
"filter": "tcp && !ip6",
"from_device": true,
"parse_device": "enp7s0",
"pcap_file": "../target/wohnung2.pcapng",
"database_user": "postgres",
"database_host": "localhost",
"database_password": "password"
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
extern crate byteorder;
extern crate bitfield;
extern crate eui48;
mod packet_handler;
use pcap::Capture;
use eui48::MacAddress;
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr};
use std::str;
fn build_ether () -> packet_handler::EtherHeader {
packet_handler::EtherHeader {
ether_dhost: (MacAddress::new([0;6])).to_hex_string(),
ether_shost: (MacAddress::new([0;6])).to_hex_string(),
ether_type: 0,
fn build_ipv4 () -> packet_handler::IpV4Header {
packet_handler::IpV4Header {
ip_version: 0,
ip_ihl: 0,
ip_dscp: 0,
ip_ecn: 0,
ip_total_length: 0,
ip_identification: 0,
ip_df: 0,
ip_mf: 0,
ip_fragment_offset: 0,
ip_time_to_live: 0,
ip_protocol: 0,
ip_header_checksum: 0,
ip_source_address: IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(0,0,0,0)),
ip_destination_address: IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(0,0,0,0)),
fn build_tcp () -> packet_handler::TcpHeader {
packet_handler::TcpHeader {
source_port: 0,
destination_port: 0,
seq_num: 0,
ack_num: 0,
data_offset: 0,
reserved: 0,
ns: 0,
cwr: 0,
ece: 0,
urg: 0,
ack: 0,
psh: 0,
rst: 0,
syn: 0,
fin: 0,
window_size: 0,
checksum: 0,
urgent_pointer: 0,
// TODO: wrap packet_handler types inside Option<T>
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct QryData{
pub id: i32,
pub time: f64,
pub data: Option<Vec<u8>>,
pub ether_header: packet_handler::EtherHeader,
pub ipv4_header: packet_handler::IpV4Header,
pub tcp_header: packet_handler::TcpHeader,
pub fn parse (parse_file: &str, filter_str: &str) -> Vec<QryData> {
let ether_init = build_ether();
let ipv4_init = build_ipv4();
let tcp_init = build_tcp();
let mut me = QryData {
id: 0,
time: 0.0,
data: None,
ether_header: ether_init,
ipv4_header: ipv4_init,
tcp_header: tcp_init,
let mut v: Vec<QryData> = Vec::new();
//let mut cap = Capture::from_file("../target/wohnung2.pcapng").unwrap();
let mut cap = Capture::from_file(parse_file).unwrap();
//let filter_str: String = "tcp && !ip6".to_owned();
//let filter_str: String = "tcp && ip dst".to_owned();
//let filter_str: String = "tcp && ip dst".to_owned();
//println!("{:?}", filter_str);
Capture::filter(&mut cap, &filter_str).unwrap();
while let Ok(packet) = {
me.time = (packet.header.ts.tv_usec as f64 / 1000000.0) + packet.header.ts.tv_sec as f64;
|||| = Some(;
me.ether_header = packet_handler::ethernet_handler( );
if 8 == me.ether_header.ether_type {
me.ipv4_header = packet_handler::ip_handler( );
if 6 == me.ipv4_header.ip_protocol {
me.tcp_header = packet_handler::tcp_handler( me.ipv4_header.ip_ihl, );
|||| packet_handler::payload_handler( me.ipv4_header.ip_ihl, me.tcp_header.data_offset,;
v.push(QryData{id:0, time:me.time, data:, ether_header:me.ether_header, ipv4_header: me.ipv4_header, tcp_header: me.tcp_header});
pub fn parse_device (parse_device: &str, filter_str: &str, insert_max: &usize) -> Vec<QryData> {
let ether_init = build_ether();
let ipv4_init = build_ipv4();
let tcp_init = build_tcp();
let mut me = QryData {
id: 0,
time: 0.0,
data: None,
ether_header: ether_init,
ipv4_header: ipv4_init,
tcp_header: tcp_init,
let mut v: Vec<QryData> = Vec::new();
let mut cap = Capture::from_device(parse_device).unwrap().open().unwrap();
Capture::filter(&mut cap, &filter_str).unwrap();
'parse: while let Ok(packet) ={
me.time = (packet.header.ts.tv_usec as f64 / 1000000.0) + packet.header.ts.tv_sec as f64;
|||| = Some(;
me.ether_header = packet_handler::ethernet_handler( );
if 8 == me.ether_header.ether_type {
me.ipv4_header = packet_handler::ip_handler( );
if 6 == me.ipv4_header.ip_protocol {
me.tcp_header = packet_handler::tcp_handler( me.ipv4_header.ip_ihl, );
|||| packet_handler::payload_handler( me.ipv4_header.ip_ihl, me.tcp_header.data_offset,;
v.push(QryData{id:0, time:me.time, data:, ether_header:me.ether_header, ipv4_header: me.ipv4_header, tcp_header: me.tcp_header});
if &v.len() >= insert_max {
break 'parse;
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
extern crate eui48;
extern crate byteorder;
extern crate bitfield;
use byteorder::{ByteOrder, LittleEndian};
use eui48::{MacAddress, Eui48};
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr};
use bitfield::bitfield;
/* ethernet */
const ETH_ALEN: usize = 6;
const ETH_TLEN: usize = 2;
const ETHER_HDRLEN: usize = 14;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct EtherHeader {
// pub ether_dhost: MacAddress,
// pub ether_shost: MacAddress,
pub ether_dhost: String,
pub ether_shost: String,
pub ether_type: i32,
pub fn ethernet_handler ( packet_data: &[u8] ) -> EtherHeader {
let mut _ether_dhost: [u8; ETH_ALEN] = [0; ETH_ALEN];
let mut _ether_shost: [u8; ETH_ALEN] = [0; ETH_ALEN];
let mut _ether_type: u16 = 0;
//println!("{:?}", (&(_ether_dhost).to_owned()));
_ether_type = LittleEndian::read_u16(&packet_data[ETH_ALEN*2..(ETH_ALEN*2)+ETH_TLEN]);
EtherHeader {
ether_dhost: (MacAddress::new(_ether_dhost as Eui48).to_hex_string()),
ether_shost: (MacAddress::new(_ether_shost as Eui48).to_hex_string()),
ether_type: _ether_type as i32,
/* ip */
#[derive(Debug,Copy, Clone)]
pub struct IpV4Header {
pub ip_version: u32,
pub ip_ihl: u32,
pub ip_dscp: u32,
pub ip_ecn: u32,
pub ip_total_length: u32,
pub ip_identification: u32,
pub ip_df: u32,
pub ip_mf: u32,
pub ip_fragment_offset: u32,
pub ip_time_to_live: u32,
pub ip_protocol: u32,
pub ip_header_checksum: u32,
pub ip_source_address: IpAddr,
pub ip_destination_address: IpAddr,
bitfield! {
struct BitfieldIpV4Header(MSB0 [u8]);
impl Debug;
get_version, _: 3, 0;
get_ihl, _: 7, 4;
get_dscp, _: 13, 8;
get_ecn, _: 15, 14;
get_total_length, _: 31, 16;
get_identification, _: 47, 32;
get_df, _: 49;
get_mf, _: 50;
get_fragment_offset, _: 63, 51;
get_time_to_live, _: 71, 64;
get_protocol, _: 79, 72;
get_header_checksum, _: 95, 80;
u8, get_source_address, _: 103, 96, 4;
u32, into Ipv4Addr, get_destination_address, _: 159, 128;
impl<T: AsRef<[u8]> + AsMut<[u8]>> BitfieldIpV4Header<T> {
fn get_source_as_ip_addr(&self) -> Ipv4Addr {
let mut src = [0; 4];
for (i, src) in src.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*src = self.get_source_address(i);
pub fn ip_handler ( packet_data: &[u8] ) -> IpV4Header {
let (_head, tail) = packet_data.split_at(ETHER_HDRLEN);
let (raw_hdr, _) = tail.split_at(20);
let mut _tail: [u8; 20] = [0; 20];
let ip_header = BitfieldIpV4Header(_tail);
IpV4Header {
ip_version: ip_header.get_version(),
ip_ihl: ip_header.get_ihl(),
ip_dscp: ip_header.get_dscp(),
ip_ecn: ip_header.get_ecn(),
ip_total_length: ip_header.get_total_length(),
ip_identification: ip_header.get_identification(),
ip_df: ip_header.get_df().into(),
ip_mf: ip_header.get_mf().into(),
ip_fragment_offset: ip_header.get_fragment_offset(),
ip_time_to_live: ip_header.get_time_to_live(),
ip_protocol: ip_header.get_protocol(),
ip_header_checksum: ip_header.get_header_checksum(),
ip_source_address: IpAddr::V4(ip_header.get_source_as_ip_addr()),
ip_destination_address: IpAddr::V4(ip_header.get_destination_address()),
/* tcp */
pub struct TcpHeader {
pub source_port: u32,
pub destination_port: u32,
pub seq_num: u32,
pub ack_num: u32,
pub data_offset: u32,
pub reserved: u32,
pub ns: u32,
pub cwr: u32,
pub ece: u32,
pub urg: u32,
pub ack: u32,
pub psh: u32,
pub rst: u32,
pub syn: u32,
pub fin: u32,
pub window_size: u32,
pub checksum: u32,
pub urgent_pointer: u32,
bitfield! {
struct BitfieldTcpHeader (MSB0 [u8]);
get_source_port, _: 15, 0;
get_destination_port, _: 31,16;
get_seq_num, _: 63,32;
get_ack_num, _: 95,64;
get_data_offset, _: 99,96;
get_reserved, _: 102,100;
get_ns, _: 103;
get_cwr, _: 104;
get_ece, _: 105;
get_urg, _: 106;
get_ack, _: 108;
get_psh, _: 108;
get_rst, _: 109;
get_syn, _: 110;
get_fin, _: 111;
get_window_size, _: 127,112;
get_checksum, _: 143,128;
get_urgent_pointer, _: 159,144;
pub fn tcp_handler ( ip_hlen: u32, packet_data: &[u8] ) ->TcpHeader {
let (_head, tail) = packet_data.split_at(ETHER_HDRLEN+ip_hlen as usize * 4);
let (raw_hdr, _) = tail.split_at(20);
let mut _tail: [u8; 20] = [0; 20];
let tcp_header = BitfieldTcpHeader(_tail);
TcpHeader {
source_port: tcp_header.get_source_port(),
destination_port: tcp_header.get_destination_port(),
seq_num: tcp_header.get_seq_num(),
ack_num: tcp_header.get_ack_num(),
data_offset: tcp_header.get_data_offset(),
reserved: tcp_header.get_reserved(),
ns: tcp_header.get_ns().into(),
cwr: tcp_header.get_cwr().into(),
ece: tcp_header.get_ece().into(),
urg: tcp_header.get_urg().into(),
ack: tcp_header.get_ack().into(),
psh: tcp_header.get_psh().into(),
rst: tcp_header.get_rst().into(),
syn: tcp_header.get_syn().into(),
fin: tcp_header.get_fin().into(),
window_size: tcp_header.get_window_size(),
checksum: tcp_header.get_checksum(),
urgent_pointer: tcp_header.get_urgent_pointer(),
/* payload */
pub fn payload_handler ( ip_hlen: u32, data_offset: u32, packet_data : &[u8] ) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let (_head, tail)= packet_data.split_at(ETHER_HDRLEN+ip_hlen as usize * 4+data_offset as usize * 4);
Reference in New Issue