reworked encode octal, decode octal has an issues with missing leading zeros in an octal value
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
-- Regex imports
import Text.Regex.TDFA
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Char (ord, chr, intToDigit)
import Data.Char (ord, chr, intToDigit, digitToInt)
data Based = Decode {
b91 :: Bool,
@ -269,29 +269,93 @@ enc10 :: String -> String
-- enc10 = C.unpack . BSU.fromString . intToHexString . decimalStringToInt -- Depending on what you want, do enc10 = show . map ord
enc10 str = C.unpack $ C.pack $ Prelude.foldl (\acc char -> acc ++ show (ord char)) "" str
-- decode octal
octalToChar :: String -> Char
octalToChar str = chr $ Prelude.foldl (\acc c -> acc * 8 + read [c]) 0 str
chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunksOf _ [] = []
chunksOf n xs = Prelude.take n xs : chunksOf n (Prelude.drop n xs)
decodeOctal :: String -> String
decodeOctal = map octalToChar . words
-- decodeOctal :: String -> String
-- decodeOctal = map (octalToChar . padOctal) . words
-- where
-- -- Function to pad an octal number string with leading '0's if needed
-- padOctal str
-- | Prelude.length str == 1 && str /= "0" = "00" ++ str
-- | Prelude.length str == 2 && str /= "0" = "0" ++ str
-- | otherwise = str
-- Function to decode a string of octal numbers to characters
dec8 :: String -> String
dec8 = C.unpack . encodeUtf8 . toText . showbOct . hexStringToInt
dec8 = map octalToChar . chunksOf 3 . filter (/= ' ')
-- dec8 :: String -> String
-- dec8 = C.unpack . encodeUtf8 . toText . showbOct . hexStringToInt
-- newtype Octal = Octal Int
-- octalToString :: Octal -> String
-- octalToString (Octal n) = show n
-- dec8 = map (chr . octalToDecimal) . chunksOf 3
-- where
-- octalToDecimal :: Octal -> Int
-- octalToDecimal (Octal n) = Prelude.foldl (\acc c -> acc * 8 + digitToInt c) O (show n)
-- chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
-- chunksOf _ [] = []
-- chunksOf n xs = Prelude.take n xs : chunksOf n (Prelude.drop n xs)
-- enc8 :: String -> String
-- enc8 = C.unpack . BSU.fromString . intToHexString . octToInt . (reverse . (map fromJust . (map fromOctDigit)))
unicodeToOctal :: Char -> String
unicodeToOctal c = reverse $ padTo3Bits $ decimalToOctal' (ord c)
-- unicodeToOctal :: Char -> String
-- unicodeToOctal c
-- | ord c >= 0 && ord c <= 7 = ['0', intToDigit (ord c)]
-- | otherwise = padTo3Bits $ decimalToOctal' (ord c)
-- where
-- decimalToOctal' 0 = ""
-- decimalToOctal' m = let (q, r) = m `divMod` 8 in intToDigit r : decimalToOctal' q
-- padTo3Bits :: String -> String
-- padTo3Bits bits
-- | Prelude.length bits < 3 = replicate (3 - Prelude.length bits) '0' ++ bits
-- | otherwise = bits
-- enc8 :: String -> String
-- enc8 = unwords . map (concatMap unicodeToOctal . (:[]))
unicodeToOctal :: Char -> [String]
unicodeToOctal c = chunksOf 3 $ reverse $ decimalToOctal' (ord c)
decimalToOctal' 0 = "0"
decimalToOctal' m = let (q, r) = m `divMod` 8 in intToDigit r : decimalToOctal' q
padTo3Bits :: String -> String
padTo3Bits bits = replicate (3 - Prelude.length bits) '0' ++ bits
decimalToOctal' m = let (q, r) = m `divMod` 8 in intToDigit r : if q == 0 then "" else decimalToOctal' q
enc8 :: String -> String
enc8 = concatMap unicodeToOctal
enc8 = unwords . concatMap unicodeToOctal
-- unicodeToOctal :: Char -> String
-- unicodeToOctal c = reverse $ padTo3Bits $ decimalToOctal' (ord c)
-- where
-- decimalToOctal' 0 = "0"
-- decimalToOctal' m = let (q, r) = m `divMod` 8 in intToDigit r : decimalToOctal' q
-- padTo3Bits :: String -> String
-- padTo3Bits bits = replicate (3 - Prelude.length bits) '0' ++ bits
-- enc8 :: String -> String
-- enc8 = concatMap unicodeToOctal
dec2 :: String -> String
-- dec2 = C.unpack . encodeUtf8 . toText . showbBin . hexStringToInt
dec2 = TL.unpack . toLazyText . showbBin . hexStringToInt
-- dec2 = TL.unpack . toLazyText . showbBin . hexStringToInt . enc16
dec2 = TL.unpack . toLazyText . showbBin . hexStringToInt
enc2 :: String -> String
-- enc2 = C.unpack . BSU.fromString . intToHexString . binToInt . (reverse . (map fromJust . (map fromBinDigit)))
Reference in New Issue