Compare commits
No commits in common. "master" and "v0.4.3" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,19 +1,5 @@
Revision history for based
|||| -- 2024-09-25
Added tap code
Removed some bugs of the solve functions
Added bindings for morse code, bug fix
Simplified functions, ignore non ascii characters
Added test for rotate function and yencode/decode
|||| -- 2024-06-09
Added tests for every encode function included
Moved from String to ByteString for input and output, so binary data is encoded and decoded correctly
Fixed several issues with incorrect encodings
|||| -- 2024-05-22
Added rotate function to encode and decode
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
# based
A commandline binary-to-text encoder which has most
common bases included.
A commandline tool that lets you encode and decode most of the bases.
Release binary is statically linked and stripped via
@ -9,13 +8,9 @@ cabal v2-build --enable-executable-static -O2
strip --strip-all based
Do not forget to set `$LD_LIBRARY_PATH` to the directory of your static libs,
e.g. `export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu`.
## Compilation
* If you want to compile your own build, link it dynamically via
git clone
cd based/
@ -23,11 +18,6 @@ cabal install
cabal run
## Download Binary
If you want to download the statically linked binary, fetch the latest release
from .
## Usage
* Pipe via stdin to transcode
@ -43,29 +33,23 @@ echo '>OwJh>}AQ;r@@Y?FF' | based --b91
Hello, World!
### Tests
Run `cabal test`
## What is Transcoded?
The following are the supported encodings
* Base91
* Base85
* Base64
* Base64url
* URL Encoding
* URI Encoding
* Base62
* Base58
* Base45
* Base32
* Base16
* Base10
* Base2
* Quoted-Printable
* UU Encoding
* XX Encoding
* yEncoding
* Rotate (1..26)
* Char to Hex and vice versa
* Decimal to Hex and vice versa
* Oktal to Hex and vice versa
* Binary to Hex and vice versa
@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main where
import System.Console.CmdArgs
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Control.Arrow
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU -- from utf8-string
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Text.Regex.TDFA
import Encoding.Base2 (enc2, dec2)
import Encoding.Base8 (enc8, dec8)
import Encoding.Base10 (enc10, dec10)
import Encoding.Base16 (enc16, dec16)
import Encoding.Base32 (enc32, dec32)
import Encoding.Base45 (enc45, dec45)
import Encoding.Base58 (enc58, dec58)
import Encoding.Base62 (enc62, dec62)
import Encoding.Base64 (enc64, dec64, enc64url, dec64url)
@ -21,11 +23,7 @@ import Encoding.Xx (encxx, decxx)
import Encoding.QuotedPrintable (encqp, decqp)
import Encoding.UnixToUnix (encuu, decuu)
import Encoding.Yenc (ency, decy)
import Encoding.LetterToNumber (encltn, decltn)
import Encoding.Rotate (rotate)
import Encoding.Morse (encmorse, decmorse)
import Encoding.Tap (enctap, dectap)
import Encoding.Solve (solveEnc)
data Based = Decode {
@ -36,7 +34,6 @@ data Based = Decode {
url :: Bool,
b62 :: Bool,
b58 :: Bool,
b45 :: Bool,
b32 :: Bool,
b16 :: Bool,
b10 :: Bool,
@ -46,10 +43,7 @@ data Based = Decode {
uu :: Bool,
xx :: Bool,
yenc :: Bool,
a1z26 :: Bool,
rot :: Maybe Int,
morse :: Bool,
tap :: Bool,
solve :: Bool
| Encode {
@ -60,7 +54,6 @@ data Based = Decode {
url :: Bool,
b62 :: Bool,
b58 :: Bool,
b45 :: Bool,
b32 :: Bool,
b16 :: Bool,
b10 :: Bool,
@ -70,15 +63,89 @@ data Based = Decode {
uu :: Bool,
xx :: Bool,
yenc :: Bool,
a1z26 :: Bool,
morse :: Bool,
tap :: Bool,
rot :: Maybe Int
deriving(Show, Data, Typeable)
-- helper functions
optionHandler :: Based -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
-- convertToByteString :: String -> Either String C.ByteString
-- convertToByteString str =
-- case BSU.fromString str of
-- Just bs -> Right bs
-- Nothing -> Left "Failed to convert string to ByteString."
-- decodeFromBase91 :: String -> Either String C.ByteString
-- decodeFromBase91 decoded =
-- case B91.decode of
-- decoded | C.null decoded -> Left "Failed to decode from base91"
-- | otherwise -> Right decoded
binToInt :: [Int] -> Int
binToInt [] = 0
binToInt (x : xs) = x + 2 * binToInt xs
octToInt :: [Int] -> Int
octToInt [] = 0
octToInt (x : xs) = x + 8 * octToInt xs
-- base functions
-- without the show func, sequences like \n will not be shown as characters but will be executed as newline
base91Regex = "^[!-~]*$"
base85Regex = "^[0-9A-Za-z!#$%&()*+,-;<=>?@^_`{|}~]+$"
-- base85Regex = "^[A-Za-u0-9!\"#$%&((*+,-./;:<=@[]\\`]*$"
base64Regex = "^([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==)?$"
base58Regex = "^[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]+$" -- incorrect
base32Regex = "^(?:[A-Z2-7]{8})*(?:[A-Z2-7]{2}={6}|[A-Z2-7]{4}={4}|[A-Z2-7]{5}={3}|[A-Z2-7]{7}=)?$"
base16Regex = "^[0-9A-FXx]*$"
base10Regex = "^[0-9]*$"
base8Regex = "^[0-7]*$"
base2Regex = "^[01]*$"
urlRegex = "^[a-zA-Z0-9%]*$"
solveEnc :: String -> String
solveEnc input =
let isBase91 = BSU.fromString input =~ base91Regex :: Bool
isBase85 = BSU.fromString input =~ base85Regex :: Bool
isBase64 = BSU.fromString input =~ base64Regex :: Bool
isBase58 = BSU.fromString input =~ base58Regex :: Bool
isBase32 = BSU.fromString input =~ base32Regex :: Bool
isBase16 = BSU.fromString input =~ base16Regex :: Bool
isBase10 = BSU.fromString input =~ base10Regex :: Bool
isBase8 = BSU.fromString input =~ base8Regex :: Bool
isBase2 = BSU.fromString input =~ base2Regex :: Bool
isURL = BSU.fromString input =~ urlRegex :: Bool
base91Result = if isBase91 then "\nTrying base91:\n" ++ dec91 input else ""
base85Result = if isBase85 then "\nTrying base85:\n" ++ dec85 input else ""
base64Result = if isBase64 then "\nTrying base64:\n" ++ dec64 input else ""
base58Result = if isBase58 then "\nTrying base58:\n" ++ dec58 input else ""
base32Result = if isBase64 then "\nTrying base32:\n" ++ dec32 input else ""
base16Result = if isBase16 then "\nTrying base16:\n" ++ dec16 input else ""
base10Result = if isBase10 then "\nTrying base10:\n" ++ dec10 input else ""
base2Result = if isBase2 then "\nTrying base2:\n" ++ dec2 input else ""
base8Result = if isBase8 then "\nTrying base8:\n" ++ dec8 input else ""
urlResult = if isURL then "\nTrying URL decode:\n" ++ decurl input else ""
results = filter (not . null) [base91Result, base85Result, base64Result, base58Result, base32Result, base16Result, base10Result, base8Result, base2Result, urlResult]
if null results
then "Not able to solve the encoding.\n"
else unlines results
-- | input =~ base64Regex = dec64 input
-- | input =~ base32Regex = dec32 input
-- | otherwise = "Cannot decode: " ++ input
-- if BSU.fromString input =~ base64Regex :: Bool
-- then dec64 input
-- else "Not Base64.\n"
-- ++ if BSU.fromString input =~ base32Regex :: Bool
-- then dec32 input
-- else "Not able to solve the encoding.\n"
-- optionHandler :: EncodeOptions -> Text -> Text
optionHandler Decode{b91=True} = dec91
optionHandler Encode{b91=True} = enc91
optionHandler Decode{b85=True} = dec85
@ -93,8 +160,6 @@ optionHandler Decode{b62=True} = dec62
optionHandler Encode{b62=True} = enc62
optionHandler Decode{b58=True} = dec58
optionHandler Encode{b58=True} = enc58
optionHandler Decode{b45=True} = dec45
optionHandler Encode{b45=True} = enc45
optionHandler Decode{b32=True} = dec32
optionHandler Encode{b32=True} = enc32
optionHandler Decode{b16=True} = dec16
@ -113,14 +178,8 @@ optionHandler Decode{xx=True} = decxx
optionHandler Encode{xx=True} = encxx
optionHandler Decode{yenc=True} = decy
optionHandler Encode{yenc=True} = ency
optionHandler Decode{a1z26=True} = decltn
optionHandler Encode{a1z26=True} = encltn
optionHandler Decode{rot=Just n} = rotate n
optionHandler Encode{rot=Just n} = rotate n
optionHandler Decode{morse=True} = decmorse
optionHandler Encode{morse=True} = encmorse
optionHandler Decode{tap=True} = dectap
optionHandler Encode{tap=True} = enctap
optionHandler Decode{rot=Just n} = rotate n
optionHandler Decode{solve=True} = solveEnc
decodeMode :: Based
@ -129,23 +188,19 @@ decodeMode = Decode {
b85 = def &= help "decode base85",
b64 = def &= help "decode base64",
b64url = def &= help "decode base64Url",
url = def &= help "decode URL",
url = def &= help "decode URI",
b62 = def &= help "decode base62",
b58 = def &= help "decode base58",
b45 = def &= help "decode base45",
b32 = def &= help "decode base32",
b16 = def &= help "decode base16",
b10 = def &= help "decode decimal",
b8 = def &= help "decode octal",
b2 = def &= help "decode base2",
b10 = def &= help "decode decimal from hex",
b8 = def &= help "decode octal from hex",
b2 = def &= help "decode binary from hex",
qp = def &= help "decode quoted-printable",
uu = def &= help "decode UnixToUnix",
xx = def &= help "decode xx, without padding",
uu = def &= help "decode uu",
xx = def &= help "decode xx",
yenc = def &= help "decode yEncode",
a1z26 = def &= help "decode letter to number",
rot = def &= help "rotate characters by n positions",
morse = def &= help "decode morse",
tap = def &= help "decode tap code using a Polybius square (5x5 grid Latin alphabet)",
solve = def &= help "solve encoding"
} &= help "Decode chosen base" &=auto
@ -155,27 +210,20 @@ encodeMode = Encode {
b85 = def &= help "encode base85",
b64 = def &= help "encode base64",
b64url = def &= help "encode base64Url",
url = def &= help "encode URL",
url = def &= help "encode URI",
b62 = def &= help "encode base62",
b58 = def &= help "encode base58",
b45 = def &= help "encode base45",
b32 = def &= help "encode base32",
b16 = def &= help "encode base16",
b10 = def &= help "encode decimal",
b8 = def &= help "encode octal",
b2 = def &= help "encode base2",
b10 = def &= help "encode base10 to hex",
b8 = def &= help "encode octal to hex",
b2 = def &= help "encode binary to hex",
qp = def &= help "encode quoted-printable",
uu = def &= help "encode UnixToUnix",
xx = def &= help "encode xx, without padding",
uu = def &= help "encode uu",
xx = def &= help "encode xx",
yenc = def &= help "encode yEncode",
a1z26 = def &= help "encode letter to number",
rot = def &= help "rotate characters by n positions",
morse = def &= help "encode morse",
tap = def &= help "encode tap code using a Polybius square (5x5 grid Latin alphabet)"
rot = def &= help "rotate characters by n positions"
} &= help "Encode chosen base"
main :: IO()
main = do
args <- cmdArgs(modes[decodeMode, encodeMode] &= help "Based, Binary to text encoding.\nTo see arguments of encode and decode modes use --help=all" &= program "based" &= summary "based v0.4")
input <- B.getContents
B.putStr $ optionHandler args input
main = cmdArgs (modes[decodeMode, encodeMode] &= help "Based, when Cyberchef doesn't cut it.\nTo see every parameter of every mode use --help=all" &= program "based" &= summary "based v0.4") >>= interact . optionHandler
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cabal-version: 2.4
name: based
license-file: LICENSE
author: Stefan Friese
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ library
@ -25,10 +24,6 @@ library
-- Data.Bytes.Text.Ascii
@ -45,12 +40,7 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
executable based
@ -64,7 +54,6 @@ executable based
-- base64-bytestring,
-- sandi,
-- base62,
@ -91,7 +80,5 @@ test-suite based-test
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -3,16 +3,12 @@ module Encoding.Base10
, dec10
) where
import Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.Char (ord, chr, digitToInt, intToDigit)
-- dec10 :: String -> String
-- dec10 = map (chr . read) . words
dec10 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
dec10 = BC.pack . (chr . read) . words . BC.unpack
dec10 :: String -> String
dec10 = map (chr . read) . words
-- enc10 :: String -> String
enc10 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
enc10 = BC.pack . unwords . (show . ord) . BC.unpack
enc10 :: String -> String
enc10 = unwords . map (show . ord)
-- enc10 str = C.unpack $ C.pack $ Prelude.foldl (\acc char -> acc ++ show (ord char)) "" str
@ -3,27 +3,18 @@ module Encoding.Base16
, dec16
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU
import Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base16 as B16
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- dec16 :: String -> String
-- dec16 input =
-- case B16.decode (BSU.fromString input) of
-- Right decoded -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decoded)
-- Left _ -> "Error decoding Base16.\n"
dec16 :: String -> String
dec16 input =
case B16.decode (BSU.fromString input) of
Right decoded -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decoded)
Left _ -> "Error decoding Base16.\n"
dec16 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
dec16 input = case B16.decode input of
Right byteString -> byteString
Left _ -> BC.pack "Error: Invalid Hexadecimal input"
-- enc16 :: String -> String
-- enc16 = C.unpack . B16.encode . BSU.fromString
enc16 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
enc16 = B16.encode
enc16 :: String -> String
enc16 = C.unpack . B16.encode . BSU.fromString
@ -1,69 +1,23 @@
-- module Encoding.Base2
-- ( enc2
-- , dec2
-- ) where
-- import Data.Char (ord, chr, digitToInt, intToDigit)
-- binaryToChar :: String -> Char
-- binaryToChar binStr = chr $ binaryToInt binStr
-- binaryToInt :: String -> Int
-- binaryToInt binStr = Prelude.foldl (\acc x -> acc * 2 + digitToInt x) 0 binStr
-- dec2 :: String -> String
-- dec2 input = map binaryToChar $ words input
-- charToBinary :: Char -> String
-- charToBinary char = let binaryStr = intToBinary $ ord char
-- in replicate (7 - Prelude.length binaryStr) '0' ++ binaryStr
-- intToBinary :: Int -> String
-- intToBinary n = reverse $ decimalToBinary' n
-- where
-- decimalToBinary' 0 = "0"
-- decimalToBinary' m = let (q, r) = m `divMod` 2 in intToDigit r : decimalToBinary' q
-- enc2 :: String -> String
-- enc2 input = unwords $ map charToBinary input
module Encoding.Base2
( enc2
, dec2
, binaryToChar
) where
import Data.Char (ord, chr, digitToInt, intToDigit)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Bits ((.&.), shiftR)
import Data.List (unfoldr)
binaryToChar :: ByteString -> Char
binaryToChar binStr = chr $ binaryToInt (BC.unpack binStr)
binaryToChar :: String -> Char
binaryToChar binStr = chr $ binaryToInt binStr
binaryToInt :: String -> Int
binaryToInt binStr = foldl (\acc x -> acc * 2 + digitToInt x) 0 binStr
binaryToInt binStr = Prelude.foldl (\acc x -> acc * 2 + digitToInt x) 0 binStr
dec2 :: ByteString -> ByteString
dec2 input = BC.pack . map binaryToChar . BC.words $ input
dec2 :: String -> String
dec2 input = map binaryToChar $ words input
-- charToBinary :: Char -> ByteString
-- charToBinary char = BC.pack $ replicate (7 - length binaryStr) '0' ++ binaryStr
-- where
-- binaryStr = intToBinary (ord char)
charToBinary :: Char -> ByteString
charToBinary char = BC.pack $ replicate (8 - length binaryStr) '0' ++ binaryStr
codePoint = ord char
binaryStr = padToLength 8 (intToBinary' codePoint)
padToLength :: Int -> String -> String
padToLength len str
| length str >= len = take len str
| otherwise = replicate (len - length str) '0' ++ str
charToBinary :: Char -> String
charToBinary char = let binaryStr = intToBinary $ ord char
in replicate (7 - Prelude.length binaryStr) '0' ++ binaryStr
intToBinary :: Int -> String
intToBinary n = reverse $ decimalToBinary' n
@ -71,8 +25,6 @@ intToBinary n = reverse $ decimalToBinary' n
decimalToBinary' 0 = "0"
decimalToBinary' m = let (q, r) = m `divMod` 2 in intToDigit r : decimalToBinary' q
intToBinary' :: Int -> String
intToBinary' n = reverse $ take 8 $ unfoldr (\x -> if x == 0 then Nothing else Just (intToDigit $ x .&. 1, x `shiftR` 1)) n
enc2 :: String -> String
enc2 input = unwords $ map charToBinary input
enc2 :: ByteString -> ByteString
enc2 input = BC.unwords . map charToBinary . BC.unpack $ input
@ -4,27 +4,18 @@ module Encoding.Base32
) where
import Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU -- from utf8-string
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base32 as B32
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- dec32 :: String -> String
-- dec32 input =
-- case B32.decode (BSU.fromString input) of
-- Right decoded -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decoded)
-- Left _ -> "Error decoding Base32.\n"
dec32 :: String -> String
dec32 input =
case B32.decode (BSU.fromString input) of
Right decoded -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decoded)
Left _ -> "Error decoding Base32.\n"
dec32 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
dec32 input = case B32.decode input of
Right byteString -> byteString
Left _ -> BC.pack "Error: Invalid Base32 input"
-- enc32 :: String -> String
-- enc32 = C.unpack . B32.encode . BSU.fromString
enc32 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
enc32 = B32.encode
enc32 :: String -> String
enc32 = C.unpack . B32.encode . BSU.fromString
@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-- module Encoding.Base45
-- ( enc45
-- , dec45
-- ) where
-- import Data.Char (chr, ord)
-- import Data.List (elemIndex)
-- import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
-- base45Alphabet :: String
-- base45Alphabet = ['0'..'9'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ " " ++ "$%*+-./:"
-- enc45 :: String -> String
-- enc45 = concatMap (reverse . encodeChunk) . chunkBy 2 . map ord
-- chunkBy :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
-- chunkBy _ [] = []
-- chunkBy n xs = take n xs : chunkBy n (drop n xs)
-- encodeChunk :: [Int] -> String
-- encodeChunk [x1, x2] = map (base45Alphabet !!) [c, b, a]
-- where
-- n = x1 * 256 + x2
-- a = n `mod` 45
-- b = (n `div` 45) `mod` 45
-- c = n `div` 2025
-- encodeChunk [x1] = map (base45Alphabet !!) [b, a]
-- where
-- a = x1 `mod` 45
-- b = x1 `div` 45
-- encodeChunk _ = error "Invalid chunk length"
-- -- Decode
-- dec45 :: String -> String
-- dec45 encoded = bytesToChars decodedBytes
-- where
-- numericValues = map charToNumeric encoded
-- groups = groupIntoThrees numericValues
-- base45Values = map toBase45 groups
-- decodedBytes = concatMap fromBase45 base45Values
-- charToNumeric :: Char -> Int
-- charToNumeric c = case c of
-- '0' -> 0
-- '1' -> 1
-- '2' -> 2
-- '3' -> 3
-- '4' -> 4
-- '5' -> 5
-- '6' -> 6
-- '7' -> 7
-- '8' -> 8
-- '9' -> 9
-- 'A' -> 10
-- 'B' -> 11
-- 'C' -> 12
-- 'D' -> 13
-- 'E' -> 14
-- 'F' -> 15
-- 'G' -> 16
-- 'H' -> 17
-- 'I' -> 18
-- 'J' -> 19
-- 'K' -> 20
-- 'L' -> 21
-- 'M' -> 22
-- 'N' -> 23
-- 'O' -> 24
-- 'P' -> 25
-- 'Q' -> 26
-- 'R' -> 27
-- 'S' -> 28
-- 'T' -> 29
-- 'U' -> 30
-- 'V' -> 31
-- 'W' -> 32
-- 'X' -> 33
-- 'Y' -> 34
-- 'Z' -> 35
-- ' ' -> 36
-- '$' -> 37
-- '%' -> 38
-- '*' -> 39
-- '+' -> 40
-- '-' -> 41
-- '.' -> 42
-- '/' -> 43
-- ':' -> 44
-- _ -> error "Invalid Base45 character"
-- groupIntoThrees :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
-- groupIntoThrees [] = []
-- groupIntoThrees xs
-- | length xs < 3 = [xs ++ replicate (3 - length xs) 0]
-- | otherwise = take 3 xs : groupIntoThrees (drop 3 xs)
-- toBase45 :: [Int] -> Int
-- toBase45 [c, d, e] = c + d * 45 + e * (45 * 45)
-- fromBase45 :: Int -> [Int]
-- fromBase45 n
-- | n >= 256 = fromBase45 (n `div` 256) ++ [n `mod` 256]
-- | otherwise = [n]
-- bytesToChars :: [Int] -> String
-- bytesToChars = map chr
module Encoding.Base45
( enc45
, dec45
) where
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Word (Word8)
base45Alphabet :: ByteString
base45Alphabet = BC.pack $ ['0'..'9'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ " " ++ "$%*+-./:"
enc45 :: ByteString -> ByteString
enc45 = BC.concat . map (BC.reverse . encodeChunk . map fromIntegral) . chunkBy 2 . B.unpack
chunkBy :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunkBy _ [] = []
chunkBy n xs = take n xs : chunkBy n (drop n xs)
encodeChunk :: [Int] -> ByteString
encodeChunk [x1, x2] = BC.pack $ map (BC.index base45Alphabet) [c, b, a]
n = x1 * 256 + x2
a = n `mod` 45
b = (n `div` 45) `mod` 45
c = n `div` 2025
encodeChunk [x1] = BC.pack $ map (BC.index base45Alphabet) [b, a]
a = x1 `mod` 45
b = x1 `div` 45
encodeChunk _ = error "Invalid chunk length"
dec45 :: ByteString -> ByteString
dec45 encoded = B.pack decodedBytes
numericValues = map charToNumeric (BC.unpack encoded)
groups = groupIntoThrees numericValues
base45Values = map toBase45 groups
decodedBytes = concatMap fromBase45 base45Values
charToNumeric :: Char -> Int
charToNumeric c = fromJust $ BC.elemIndex c base45Alphabet
groupIntoThrees :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
groupIntoThrees [] = []
groupIntoThrees xs
| length xs < 3 = [xs ++ replicate (3 - length xs) 0]
| otherwise = take 3 xs : groupIntoThrees (drop 3 xs)
toBase45 :: [Int] -> Int
toBase45 [c, d, e] = c + d * 45 + e * (45 * 45)
toBase45 _ = error "Invalid Base45 group"
-- fromBase45 :: Int -> [Int]
-- fromBase45 n = unfoldr (\x -> if x == 0 then Nothing else Just (x `mod` 256, x `div` 256)) n
fromBase45 :: Int -> [Word8]
fromBase45 n = reverse $ unfoldr (\x -> if x == 0 then Nothing else Just (fromIntegral $ x `mod` 256, x `div` 256)) n
bytesToChars :: [Int] -> [Char]
bytesToChars = map chr
@ -3,27 +3,19 @@ module Encoding.Base58
, dec58
) where
import Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU -- from utf8-string
import qualified Haskoin.Address.Base58 as B58
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- dec58 :: String -> String
-- dec58 input =
-- case B58.decodeBase58 (T.pack input) of
-- Just decodedStr -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decodedStr)
-- Nothing -> "Error decoding Base58.\n"
dec58 :: String -> String
dec58 input =
case B58.decodeBase58 (T.pack input) of
Just decodedStr -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decodedStr)
Nothing -> "Error decoding Base58.\n"
dec58 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
dec58 input = case B58.decodeBase58 (T.decodeUtf8 input) of
Just byteString -> byteString
Nothing -> BC.pack "Error: Invalid Base58 input"
-- enc58 :: String -> String
-- enc58 = T.unpack . B58.encodeBase58 . BSU.fromString
enc58 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
enc58 = BC.pack . T.unpack . B58.encodeBase58
enc58 :: String -> String
enc58 = T.unpack . B58.encodeBase58 . BSU.fromString
@ -1,91 +1,32 @@
-- module Encoding.Base62
-- ( enc62
-- , dec62
-- ) where
-- import qualified Data.Word.Base62 as B62
-- import Text.Read (readMaybe)
-- import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-- import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU -- from utf8-string
-- import qualified Data.Bytes as Bytes
-- import Data.Bytes.Text.Latin1 as Latin1
-- import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
-- import qualified Data.Text as T
-- import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
-- -- import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- dec62 :: String -> String
-- dec62 input =
-- let decoded = B62.decode128 (Bytes.fromByteString (BSU.fromString input))
-- in fromMaybe "Error decoding Base62.\n" (show <$> decoded)
-- let decoded = BC.unpack $ B62.decode128
-- stringToInt :: String -> Maybe Integer
-- stringToInt = readMaybe
-- enc62 :: String -> String
-- enc62 input =
-- let intValue = fromMaybe (error "Error: Unable to convert input string to integer") (stringToInt input)
-- encoded = B62.encode64 (fromIntegral intValue)
-- encodedText = T.decodeUtf8 (BSU.fromString (Latin1.toString (Bytes.fromByteArray encoded)))
-- in T.unpack encodedText
module Encoding.Base62
( enc62
, dec62
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w, w2c)
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import qualified Data.Word.Base62 as B62
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Numeric (showIntAtBase)
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU -- from utf8-string
import qualified Data.Bytes as Bytes
import Data.Bytes.Text.Latin1 as Latin1
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified Data.List as List
-- import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
base62Chars :: String
base62Chars = ['0'..'9'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z']
-- Convert a ByteString to an Integer
byteStringToInteger :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
byteStringToInteger = BC.foldl' (\acc w -> acc * 256 + fromIntegral (c2w w)) 0
-- Convert an Integer to a ByteString
integerToByteString :: Integer -> BS.ByteString
integerToByteString 0 = BC.singleton (w2c 0)
integerToByteString i = BC.reverse $ BC.unfoldr step i
step 0 = Nothing
step x = Just (w2c (fromIntegral (x `mod` 256)), x `div` 256)
-- Encode an Integer to a Base62 ByteString
encodeBase62 :: Integer -> BS.ByteString
encodeBase62 0 = BC.singleton (base62Chars !! 0)
encodeBase62 n = BC.reverse $ BC.unfoldr step n
step 0 = Nothing
step x = let (q, r) = x `divMod` 62
in Just (base62Chars !! fromIntegral r, q)
decodeBase62 :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
decodeBase62 = BC.foldl' (\acc w -> acc * 62 + fromIntegral (fromMaybe 0 (elemIndex w base62Chars))) 0
elemIndex :: Char -> String -> Maybe Int
elemIndex c str = List.findIndex (== c) str
enc62 :: BC.ByteString -> BC.ByteString
enc62 input =
let intValue = byteStringToInteger input
in encodeBase62 intValue
dec62 :: BC.ByteString -> BC.ByteString
dec62 :: String -> String
dec62 input =
let decoded = decodeBase62 input
in integerToByteString decoded
let decoded = B62.decode128 (Bytes.fromByteString (BSU.fromString input))
in fromMaybe "Error decoding Base62.\n" (show <$> decoded)
stringToInt :: String -> Maybe Integer
stringToInt = readMaybe
enc62 :: String -> String
enc62 input =
let intValue = fromMaybe (error "Error: Unable to convert input string to integer") (stringToInt input)
encoded = B62.encode64 (fromIntegral intValue)
encodedText = T.decodeUtf8 (BSU.fromString (Latin1.toString (Bytes.fromByteArray encoded)))
in T.unpack encodedText
@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ module Encoding.Base64
) where
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU -- from utf8-string
import Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64L
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base64Url as B64U
@ -16,56 +15,38 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- encodeToBase64 :: C.ByteString -> Either String C.ByteString
-- encodeToBase64 bs =
-- case B64.encode bs of
-- encoded | C.null encoded -> Left "Failed to encode Base64.\n"
-- | otherwise -> Right encoded
encodeToBase64 :: C.ByteString -> Either String C.ByteString
encodeToBase64 bs =
case B64.encode bs of
encoded | C.null encoded -> Left "Failed to encode Base64.\n"
| otherwise -> Right encoded
-- decodeFromBase64 :: C.ByteString -> Either String C.ByteString
-- decodeFromBase64 bs =
-- case B64L.decodeLenient bs of
-- decoded | C.null decoded -> Left "Failed to decode from Base64.\n"
-- | otherwise -> Right decoded
decodeFromBase64 :: C.ByteString -> Either String C.ByteString
decodeFromBase64 bs =
case B64L.decodeLenient bs of
decoded | C.null decoded -> Left "Failed to decode from Base64.\n"
| otherwise -> Right decoded
-- | otherwise -> Right (BSU.toString decoded)
-- Left err -> Left $ "Failed to decode from base64: " ++ err
-- Right decoded -> Right decoded
-- dec64 :: String -> String
-- dec64 input =
-- case decodeFromBase64 (BSU.fromString input) of
-- Right byteString -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 byteString)
-- Left errMsg -> "Error: " ++ errMsg
dec64 :: String -> String
dec64 input =
case decodeFromBase64 (BSU.fromString input) of
Right byteString -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 byteString)
Left errMsg -> "Error: " ++ errMsg
enc64 :: String -> String
enc64 input =
case encodeToBase64 (BSU.fromString input) of
Right byteString -> C.unpack byteString
Left errMsg -> "Error: " ++ errMsg
-- enc64 :: String -> String
-- enc64 input =
-- case encodeToBase64 (BSU.fromString input) of
-- Right byteString -> C.unpack byteString
-- Left errMsg -> "Error: " ++ errMsg
dec64url :: String -> String
dec64url input =
case B64.decode (BSU.fromString input) of
Right decoded -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decoded)
Left _ -> "Error decoding Base64 for URLs.\n"
dec64 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
dec64 input = case B64.decode input of
Right byteString -> byteString
Left _ -> BC.pack "Error: Invalid Base64 input"
enc64 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
enc64 = B64.encode
-- dec64url :: String -> String
-- dec64url input =
-- case B64.decode (BSU.fromString input) of
-- Right decoded -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decoded)
-- Left _ -> "Error decoding Base64 for URLs.\n"
-- enc64url :: String -> String
-- enc64url = C.unpack . B64U.encode . BSU.fromString
dec64url :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
dec64url input = case B64U.decode input of
Right byteString -> byteString
Left _ -> BC.pack "Error: Invalid Base64URL input"
enc64url :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
enc64url = B64U.encode
enc64url :: String -> String
enc64url = C.unpack . B64U.encode . BSU.fromString
@ -1,60 +1,30 @@
-- module Encoding.Base8
-- ( enc8
-- , dec8
-- ) where
-- import Data.Char (ord, chr, intToDigit)
-- octalToChar :: String -> Char
-- octalToChar octal = chr (read ("0o" ++ octal)) -- Assumes input is in base 8 (octal)
-- -- Function to split a string into chunks of three characters each
-- chunksOf3 :: String -> [String]
-- chunksOf3 [] = []
-- chunksOf3 str = Prelude.take 3 str : chunksOf3 (Prelude.drop 3 str)
-- dec8 :: String -> String
-- dec8 = map octalToChar . words
-- chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
-- chunksOf _ [] = []
-- chunksOf n xs = Prelude.take n xs : chunksOf n (Prelude.drop n xs)
-- unicodeToOctal :: Char -> [String]
-- unicodeToOctal c = chunksOf 3 $ reverse $ decimalToOctal' (ord c)
-- where
-- decimalToOctal' 0 = "0"
-- decimalToOctal' m = let (q, r) = m `divMod` 8 in intToDigit r : if q == 0 then "" else decimalToOctal' q
-- enc8 :: String -> String
-- enc8 = unwords . concatMap unicodeToOctal
module Encoding.Base8
( enc8
, dec8
) where
import Data.Char (ord, chr, intToDigit)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
octalToChar :: ByteString -> Char
octalToChar octal = chr (read ("0o" ++ BC.unpack octal)) -- Assumes input is in base 8 (octal)
octalToChar :: String -> Char
octalToChar octal = chr (read ("0o" ++ octal)) -- Assumes input is in base 8 (octal)
chunksOf :: Int -> ByteString -> [ByteString]
chunksOf n bs
| B.null bs = []
| otherwise = BC.take n bs : chunksOf n (BC.drop n bs)
-- Function to split a string into chunks of three characters each
chunksOf3 :: String -> [String]
chunksOf3 [] = []
chunksOf3 str = Prelude.take 3 str : chunksOf3 (Prelude.drop 3 str)
dec8 :: ByteString -> ByteString
dec8 = BC.pack . map octalToChar . BC.words
dec8 :: String -> String
dec8 = map octalToChar . words
unicodeToOctal :: Char -> [ByteString]
unicodeToOctal c = chunksOf 3 (BC.pack $ reverse $ decimalToOctal' (ord c))
chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunksOf _ [] = []
chunksOf n xs = Prelude.take n xs : chunksOf n (Prelude.drop n xs)
unicodeToOctal :: Char -> [String]
unicodeToOctal c = chunksOf 3 $ reverse $ decimalToOctal' (ord c)
decimalToOctal' 0 = "0"
decimalToOctal' m = let (q, r) = m `divMod` 8 in intToDigit r : if q == 0 then "" else decimalToOctal' q
enc8 :: ByteString -> ByteString
enc8 = BC.unwords . concatMap unicodeToOctal . BC.unpack
enc8 :: String -> String
enc8 = unwords . concatMap unicodeToOctal
@ -5,25 +5,17 @@ module Encoding.Base85
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base85 as B85
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU -- from utf8-string
import Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
-- dec85 :: String -> String
-- dec85 input =
-- case B85.decode (BSU.fromString input) of
-- Right decodedStr -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decodedStr)
-- Left _ -> "Error decoding Base85.\n"
dec85 :: String -> String
dec85 input =
case B85.decode (BSU.fromString input) of
Right decodedStr -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decodedStr)
Left _ -> "Error decoding Base85.\n"
dec85 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
dec85 input = case B85.decode input of
Right byteString -> byteString
Left _ -> BC.pack "Error: Invalid Base85 input"
enc85 :: String -> String
enc85 = C.unpack . B85.encode . BSU.fromString
-- enc85 :: String -> String
-- enc85 = C.unpack . B85.encode . BSU.fromString
enc85 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
enc85 = B85.encode
@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ module Encoding.Base91
, dec91
) where
import Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base91 as B91
@ -12,12 +10,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
-- import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
-- dec91 :: String -> String
-- dec91 = T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8 . B91.decode
dec91 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
dec91 = B91.decode . BC.unpack
dec91 :: String -> String
dec91 = T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8 . B91.decode
-- enc91 :: String -> String
-- enc91 = B91.encode . BSU.fromString
enc91 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
enc91 = BC.pack . B91.encode
enc91 :: String -> String
enc91 = B91.encode . BSU.fromString
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
module Encoding.LetterToNumber
( encltn
, decltn
) where
import Data.Char (ord, chr, isAscii, isAlpha, isSpace, isDigit, toUpper)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
-- This encodes ASCII characters only and ignores all other characters
charToNumber :: Char -> ByteString
charToNumber c
| not (isAscii c) = BC.pack ""
| isAlpha c = BC.pack $ show $ ord (toUpper c) - ord 'A' + 1
| isSpace c = BC.pack "0"
| otherwise = BC.singleton c
numberToChar :: ByteString -> ByteString
numberToChar s
| s == BC.pack "0" = BC.singleton ' '
| BC.all isDigit s = BC.singleton $ chr $ (read $ BC.unpack s) + ord 'A' - 1
| otherwise = s
encltn :: ByteString -> ByteString
encltn input = BC.unwords $ filter (not . BC.null) $ map charToNumber $ BC.unpack input
decltn :: ByteString -> ByteString
decltn input = BC.concat $ map numberToChar $ BC.words input
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
module Encoding.Morse
( encmorse
, decmorse
) where
import Text.Morse as M
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
encmorse :: ByteString -> ByteString
encmorse input = BC.pack $ encodeValidMorseChars (BC.unpack input)
encodeValidMorseChars :: String -> String
encodeValidMorseChars = concatMap (\c -> M.encodeMorse [c])
decmorse :: ByteString -> ByteString
decmorse input = case M.decodeMorse (BC.unpack input) of
"" -> BC.pack "Invalid Morse Code"
decoded -> BC.pack decoded
@ -3,27 +3,20 @@ module Encoding.QuotedPrintable
, decqp
) where
import Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Codec.Binary.QuotedPrintable as QP
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU -- from utf8-string
-- import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
-- import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- decqp :: String -> String
-- decqp input =
-- case QP.decode (BSU.fromString input) of
-- Right decoded -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decoded)
-- Left _ -> "Error decoding QP.\n"
decqp :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
decqp input = case QP.decode input of
Right byteString -> byteString
Left _ -> BC.pack "Error: Invalid Quoted Printable input"
decqp :: String -> String
decqp input =
case QP.decode (BSU.fromString input) of
Right decoded -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decoded)
Left _ -> "Error decoding QP.\n"
encqp :: String -> String
encqp = C.unpack . QP.encode . BSU.fromString
-- encqp :: String -> String
-- encqp = C.unpack . QP.encode . BSU.fromString
encqp :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
encqp = QP.encode
@ -2,33 +2,21 @@ module Encoding.Rotate
( rotate ) where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
upperCase = BC.pack ['A' .. 'Z']
lowerCase = BC.pack ['a' .. 'z']
upperCase = ['A' .. 'Z']
lowerCase = ['a' .. 'z']
-- rotate :: Int -> String -> String
-- rotate n s = map (rotchar n) s
-- where
-- rotchar n c =
-- case (lookup c $ transp n lowerCase) of
-- Just x -> x
-- Nothing -> fromMaybe c (lookup c $ transp n upperCase)
rotate :: Int -> BC.ByteString -> BC.ByteString
rotate n s = (rotchar n) s
-- rotate :: Int * -> String
rotate :: Int -> String -> String
rotate n s = map (rotchar n) s
rotchar :: Int -> Char -> Char
rotchar n c =
case (lookup c $ transp n lowerCase) of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> fromMaybe c (lookup c $ transp n upperCase)
-- transp :: Int -> [Char] -> [(Char, Char)]
-- transp n x = zip x ((drop n x) ++ (take n x))
transp :: Int -> BC.ByteString -> [(Char, Char)]
transp n x = (BC.unpack x) (BC.unpack $ BC.append (BC.drop n x) (BC.take n x))
transp :: Int -> [Char] -> [(Char, Char)]
transp n x = zip x ((drop n x) ++ (take n x))
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
module Encoding.Solve
(solveEnc) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Text.Regex.TDFA
import Encoding.Base2 (enc2, dec2)
import Encoding.Base8 (enc8, dec8)
import Encoding.Base10 (enc10, dec10)
import Encoding.Base16 (enc16, dec16)
import Encoding.Base32 (enc32, dec32)
import Encoding.Base45 (enc45, dec45)
import Encoding.Base58 (enc58, dec58)
import Encoding.Base62 (enc62, dec62)
import Encoding.Base64 (enc64, dec64, enc64url, dec64url)
import Encoding.Base85 (enc85, dec85)
import Encoding.Base91 (enc91, dec91)
import Encoding.Url (encurl, decurl)
import Encoding.Xx (encxx, decxx)
import Encoding.QuotedPrintable (encqp, decqp)
import Encoding.UnixToUnix (encuu, decuu)
import Encoding.Yenc (ency, decy)
import Encoding.Rotate (rotate)
base91Regex = "^[!-~]*$"
base85Regex = "^[0-9A-Za-z!#$%&()*+,-;<=>?@^_`{|}~]+$"
base64Regex = "^([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==)?$"
base58Regex = "^[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]+$" -- incorrect
base32Regex = "^(?:[A-Z2-7]{8})*(?:[A-Z2-7]{2}={6}|[A-Z2-7]{4}={4}|[A-Z2-7]{5}={3}|[A-Z2-7]{7}=)?$"
base16Regex = "^[0-9A-FXx]*$"
base10Regex = "^[0-9 ]*$"
base8Regex = "^[0-7 ]*$"
base2Regex = "^[01 ]*$"
urlRegex = "^[a-zA-Z0-9%]*$"
solveEnc :: BC.ByteString -> BC.ByteString
solveEnc input =
let isBase91 = input =~ base91Regex :: Bool
isBase85 = input =~ base85Regex :: Bool
isBase64 = input =~ base64Regex :: Bool
isBase58 = input =~ base58Regex :: Bool
isBase32 = input =~ base32Regex :: Bool
isBase16 = input =~ base16Regex :: Bool
isBase10 = input =~ base10Regex :: Bool
isBase8 = input =~ base8Regex :: Bool
isBase2 = input =~ base2Regex :: Bool
isURL = input =~ urlRegex :: Bool
base91Result = if isBase91 then BC.pack "\nBase91:\n" `BC.append` dec91 input else BC.empty
base85Result = if isBase85 then BC.pack "\nBase85:\n" `BC.append` dec85 input else BC.empty
base64Result = if isBase64 then BC.pack "\nBase64:\n" `BC.append` dec64 input else BC.empty
base58Result = if isBase58 then BC.pack "\nBase58:\n" `BC.append` dec58 input else BC.empty
base32Result = if isBase64 then BC.pack "\nBase32:\n" `BC.append` dec32 input else BC.empty
base16Result = if isBase16 then BC.pack "\nBase16:\n" `BC.append` dec16 input else BC.empty
base10Result = if isBase10 then BC.pack "\nBase10:\n" `BC.append` dec10 input else BC.empty
base2Result = if isBase2 then BC.pack "\nBase2:\n" `BC.append` dec2 input else BC.empty
base8Result = if isBase8 then BC.pack "\nBase8:\n" `BC.append` dec8 input else BC.empty
urlResult = if isURL then BC.pack "\nTrying URL decode:\n" `BC.append` decurl input else BC.empty
in BC.concat [base91Result, base85Result, base64Result, base58Result, base32Result, base16Result, base10Result, base8Result, base2Result, urlResult]
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Encoding.Tap
( enctap
, dectap
) where
import Data.Char (isAsciiUpper, isAsciiLower, toLower, chr, ord, toUpper)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
enctap :: ByteString -> ByteString
enctap = BC.concatMap encodeChar
encodeChar ' ' = BC.singleton ' '
encodeChar 'K' = BC.pack "22" -- Special case: 'K' is encoded as "22"
encodeChar c
| isAsciiUpper c || isAsciiLower c =
let (row, col) = positionInGrid c
in BC.pack [chr (ord '0' + row), chr (ord '0' + col)]
| otherwise = BC.empty -- Handle non-alphabet characters or errors
positionInGrid c =
let idx = ord (toUpper c) - ord 'A'
row = idx `div` 5 + 1
col = idx `mod` 5 + 1
in (row, col)
dectap :: ByteString -> ByteString
dectap = BC.concat . map decodePair . chunkPairs . BC.filter (/= ' ')
chunkPairs :: ByteString -> [ByteString]
chunkPairs bs
| BC.null bs = []
| otherwise = let (pair, rest) = BC.splitAt 2 bs in pair : chunkPairs rest
decodePair pair
| pair == "22" = BC.singleton 'K' -- Special case: "22" is decoded as 'K'
| BC.length pair == 2 =
let [row, col] = BC.unpack pair
rowIdx = ord row - ord '0'
colIdx = ord col - ord '0'
idx = (rowIdx - 1) * 5 + (colIdx - 1)
in BC.singleton $ chr (ord 'A' + idx)
| otherwise = error $ "Invalid Tap Code sequence: " ++ show pair
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
module Encoding.Unary
( encunary
, decunary
) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.List (group)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Encoding.Base2 (dec2, enc2, binaryToChar)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
encodeChuckNorris :: ByteString -> ByteString
encodeChuckNorris binary =
let cleanBinary = BC.filter (/= ' ') binary
in BC.unwords . concatMap encodeRunLength . group $ BC.unpack cleanBinary
encodeRunLength :: String -> [ByteString]
encodeRunLength xs@(x:_) = [prefix x, BC.pack (replicate (length xs) '0')]
encodeRunLength [] = []
prefix '0' = BC.pack "00"
prefix '1' = BC.pack "0"
prefix c = error $ "Invalid binary character encoding" ++ show c
pairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
pairs (x:y:rest) = (x, y) : pairs rest
pairs _ = []
encunary :: ByteString -> ByteString
encunary input = encodeChuckNorris $ enc2 input
decodeChuckNorris :: ByteString -> ByteString
decodeChuckNorris encoded = BC.pack . concatMap (BC.unpack . decodeRunLength) . pairs . BC.words $ encoded
decodeRunLength :: (ByteString, ByteString) -> ByteString
decodeRunLength (prefix, zeros)
| prefix == BC.pack "00" = BC.replicate (BC.length zeros) '0'
| prefix == BC.pack "0" = BC.replicate (BC.length zeros) '1'
| otherwise = error "Invalid Unary encoding"
-- pairs (x:y:rest) = (x, y) : pairs rest
-- pairs _ = []
-- decodeRunLength ("00", zeros) = replicate (BC.length zeros) '0'
-- decodeRunLength ("0", zeros) = replicate (BC.length zeros) '1'
-- decodeRunLength _ = error "Invalid Unary encoding"
decunary :: ByteString -> ByteString
decunary encoded =
let binaryStr = decodeChuckNorris encoded
in BC.pack $ map binaryToChar (chunkBinaryString binaryStr)
chunkBinaryString :: ByteString -> [ByteString]
chunkBinaryString bs
| BC.null bs = []
| otherwise = let (chunk, rest) = BC.splitAt 8 bs
in chunk : chunkBinaryString rest
-- encunary input =
-- let binaryStr = enc2 input
-- in trace (show binaryStr) $ encodeChuckNorris binaryStr
-- decunary :: ByteString -> ByteString
-- decunary encoded = dec2 $ decodeChuckNorris encoded
@ -1,115 +1,23 @@
-- module Encoding.UnixToUnix
-- ( encuu
-- , decuu
-- ) where
-- import Data.ByteString as B
-- import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
-- import qualified Codec.Binary.Uu as UU
-- import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU -- from utf8-string
-- import qualified Data.Text as T
-- import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
-- import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- -- decuu :: String -> String
-- -- -- decuu = C.unpack . U.fromRight . UU.decode . BSU.fromString
-- -- decuu input =
-- -- case UU.decode (T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack input)) of
-- -- Right decoded -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decoded)
-- -- Left _ -> "Error decoding UU.\n"
-- decuu :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
-- decuu input = case UU.decode input of
-- Right byteString -> byteString
-- Left _ -> BC.pack "Error: Invalid Unix to Unix encoding input"
-- -- encuu :: String -> String
-- -- -- encuu = C.unpack . UU.encode . BSU.fromString
-- -- encuu = T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8 . UU.encode . T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack
-- encuu :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
-- encuu = UU.encode
module Encoding.UnixToUnix
( encuu
, decuu
) where
import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR, (.&.), (.|.))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import qualified Codec.Binary.Uu as UU
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU -- from utf8-string
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
uuAlphabet :: String
uuAlphabet = " !" ++ ['"'..'~']
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- Convert a 6-bit integer to a UUEncode character
toUUChar :: Int -> Char
toUUChar n = uuAlphabet !! n
decuu :: String -> String
-- decuu = C.unpack . U.fromRight . UU.decode . BSU.fromString
decuu input =
case UU.decode (BSU.fromString input) of
Right decoded -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decoded)
Left _ -> "Error decoding UU.\n"
-- Convert a UUEncode character to a 6-bit integer
fromUUChar :: Char -> Int
fromUUChar c = maybe (error "Invalid UUEncode character") id (lookup c (zip uuAlphabet [0..]))
encuu :: String -> String
encuu = C.unpack . UU.encode . BSU.fromString
encuu :: ByteString -> ByteString
encuu bs = BC.concat . map encodeLine . chunkBy 45 $ B.unpack bs
encodeLine :: [Word8] -> ByteString
encodeLine line =
let lenChar = toUUChar (length line)
encodedData = concatMap (map toUUChar . encodeChunk) (chunkBy 3 line)
in BC.pack (lenChar : encodedData)
encodeChunk :: [Word8] -> [Int]
encodeChunk [x1, x2, x3] = [ fromIntegral ((x1 `shiftR` 2) .&. 0x3F)
, fromIntegral (((x1 `shiftL` 4) .&. 0x30) .|. ((x2 `shiftR` 4) .&. 0x0F))
, fromIntegral (((x2 `shiftL` 2) .&. 0x3C) .|. ((x3 `shiftR` 6) .&. 0x03))
, fromIntegral (x3 .&. 0x3F)
encodeChunk [x1, x2] = [ fromIntegral ((x1 `shiftR` 2) .&. 0x3F)
, fromIntegral (((x1 `shiftL` 4) .&. 0x30) .|. ((x2 `shiftR` 4) .&. 0x0F))
, fromIntegral ((x2 `shiftL` 2) .&. 0x3C)
encodeChunk [x1] = [ fromIntegral ((x1 `shiftR` 2) .&. 0x3F)
, fromIntegral ((x1 `shiftL` 4) .&. 0x30)
encodeChunk _ = error "Invalid chunk length"
decuu :: ByteString -> ByteString
decuu = B.concat . map decodeLine . BC.lines
decodeLine :: ByteString -> ByteString
decodeLine line =
let lenChar = BC.head line
len = fromUUChar lenChar
encodedData = BC.unpack (BC.tail line)
in B.pack $ take len (concatMap decodeChunk (chunkBy 4 encodedData))
decodeChunk :: [Char] -> [Word8]
decodeChunk [c1, c2, c3, c4] =
let n1 = fromUUChar c1
n2 = fromUUChar c2
n3 = fromUUChar c3
n4 = fromUUChar c4
in [ fromIntegral ((n1 `shiftL` 2) .|. (n2 `shiftR` 4))
, fromIntegral ((n2 `shiftL` 4) .|. (n3 `shiftR` 2))
, fromIntegral ((n3 `shiftL` 6) .|. n4)
decodeChunk [c1, c2, c3] =
let n1 = fromUUChar c1
n2 = fromUUChar c2
n3 = fromUUChar c3
in [ fromIntegral ((n1 `shiftL` 2) .|. (n2 `shiftR` 4))
, fromIntegral ((n2 `shiftL` 4) .|. (n3 `shiftR` 2))
decodeChunk [c1, c2] =
let n1 = fromUUChar c1
n2 = fromUUChar c2
in [ fromIntegral ((n1 `shiftL` 2) .|. (n2 `shiftR` 4))]
decodeChunk _ = error "Invalid encoded chunk length"
chunkBy :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunkBy _ [] = []
chunkBy n xs = take n xs : chunkBy n (drop n xs)
@ -4,12 +4,10 @@ module Encoding.Url
) where
import qualified Network.HTTP.Base as HB
import Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU
decurl :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
decurl = BSU.fromString . HB.urlDecode . BSU.toString
decurl :: String -> String
decurl = HB.urlDecode
encurl :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
encurl = BSU.fromString . HB.urlEncode . BSU.toString
encurl :: String -> String
encurl = HB.urlEncode
@ -3,15 +3,18 @@ module Encoding.Xx
, decxx
) where
import Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Codec.Binary.Xx as XX
-- import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU -- from utf8-string
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU -- from utf8-string
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
decxx :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
decxx input = case XX.decode input of
Right byteString -> byteString
Left _ -> BC.pack "Error: Invalid XX encoding input"
decxx :: String -> String
decxx input =
case XX.decode (BSU.fromString input) of
Right decoded -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decoded)
Left _ -> "Error decoding XX.\n"
encxx :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
encxx = XX.encode
encxx :: String -> String
encxx = C.unpack . XX.encode . BSU.fromString
@ -4,28 +4,20 @@ module Encoding.Yenc
) where
import Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU -- from utf8-string
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Codec.Binary.Yenc as Y
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- decy :: String -> String
-- -- decy = C.unpack . U.fromRight . Y.decode . BSU.fromString
-- decy input =
-- case Y.decode (BSU.fromString input) of
-- Right decoded -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decoded)
-- Left _ -> "Error decoding Y.\n"
decy :: String -> String
-- decy = C.unpack . U.fromRight . Y.decode . BSU.fromString
decy input =
case Y.decode (BSU.fromString input) of
Right decoded -> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 decoded)
Left _ -> "Error decoding Y.\n"
decy :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
decy input = case Y.decode input of
Right byteString -> byteString
Left _ -> BC.pack "Error: Invalid YEncoding input"
-- ency :: String -> String
-- ency = C.unpack . Y.encode . BSU.fromString
ency :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
ency = Y.encode
ency :: String -> String
ency = C.unpack . Y.encode . BSU.fromString
@ -1,275 +1,89 @@
module Main where
import Test.HUnit
import Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU
import Encoding.Base91 (enc91, dec91)
import Encoding.Base85 (enc85, dec85)
import Encoding.Base64 (enc64, dec64, enc64url, dec64url)
import Encoding.Url (encurl, decurl)
import Encoding.Base62 (enc62, dec62)
import Encoding.Base45 (enc45, dec45)
import Encoding.Base64 (enc64, dec64)
import Encoding.Base32 (enc32, dec32)
import Encoding.Base16 (enc16, dec16)
import Encoding.Base10 (enc10, dec10)
import Encoding.Base8 (enc8, dec8)
import Encoding.Base2 (enc2, dec2)
import Encoding.QuotedPrintable (encqp, decqp)
import Encoding.UnixToUnix (encuu, decuu)
import Encoding.Xx (encxx, decxx)
import Encoding.Yenc (ency, decy)
import Encoding.Rotate (rotate)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
helloWorldBS :: B.ByteString
helloWorldBS = BSU.fromString "Hello, World!"
haskellBS :: B.ByteString
haskellBS = BSU.fromString "Haskell"
emojiBS :: B.ByteString
emojiBS = BSU.fromString "😂"
testEnc91 :: Test
testEnc91 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc91 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString ">OwJh>}AQ;r@@Y?F") (enc91 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc91 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "3D8=d,[*G") (enc91 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc91 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "=~m6g") (enc91 emojiBS)
testDec91 :: Test
testDec91 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec91 \">OwJh>}AQ;r@@Y?F\")," helloWorldBS (dec91 $ BSU.fromString ">OwJh>}AQ;r@@Y?F")
assertEqual "for (dec91 \"3D8=d,[*G\")," haskellBS (dec91 $ BSU.fromString "3D8=d,[*G")
assertEqual "for (dec91 \"=~m6g\")," emojiBS (dec91 $ BSU.fromString "=~m6g")
testEnc85 :: Test
testEnc85 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc85 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "87cURD_*#4DfTZ)+T") (enc85 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc85 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "87?RTASc/") (enc85 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc85 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "n=Q)\"") (enc85 emojiBS)
testDec85 :: Test
testDec85 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec85 \"87cURD_*#4DfTZ)+T\")," helloWorldBS (dec85 $ BSU.fromString "87cURD_*#4DfTZ)+T")
assertEqual "for (dec85 \"87?RTASc/\")," haskellBS (dec85 $ BSU.fromString "87?RTASc/")
assertEqual "for (dec85 \"n=Q)\"\")," emojiBS (dec85 $ BSU.fromString "n=Q)\"")
-- Test cases for enc64 function
testEnc64 :: Test
testEnc64 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc64 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==") (enc64 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc64 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "SGFza2VsbA==") (enc64 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc64 \"\x00\x01\x02\")," (BSU.fromString "AAEC") (enc64 $ BSU.fromString "\x00\x01\x02")
-- assertEqual "for (dec64 \"\xFB\xFF\")," (BSU.fromString "+/8=") (dec64 $ BSU.fromString "\xFB\xFF")
assertEqual "for (enc64 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "8J+Ygg==") (enc64 emojiBS)
assertEqual "for (enc64 \"hello\")," "aGVsbG8=" (enc64 "hello")
assertEqual "for (enc64 \"Haskell\")," "SGFza2VsbA==" (enc64 "Haskell")
assertEqual "for (enc64 \"\x00\x01\x02\")," "AAEC" (enc64 "\x00\x01\x02")
assertEqual "for (enc64 \"😂\")," "8J+Ygg==" (enc64 "😂")
-- Test cases for dec64 function
testDec64 :: Test
testDec64 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec64 \"SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==\")," helloWorldBS (dec64 $ BSU.fromString "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==")
assertEqual "for (dec64 \"SGFza2VsbA==\")," haskellBS (dec64 $ BSU.fromString "SGFza2VsbA==")
assertEqual "for (dec64 \"AAEC\")," (BSU.fromString "\x00\x01\x02") (dec64 $ BSU.fromString "AAEC")
-- assertEqual "for (dec64 \"+/8=\")," (BSU.fromString "\xFB\xFF") (dec64 $ BSU.fromString "+/8=")
assertEqual "for (dec64 \"8J+Ygg==\")," (BSU.fromString "😂") (dec64 $ BSU.fromString "8J+Ygg==")
testEnc64Url :: Test
testEnc64Url = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc64url \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==") (enc64url helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc64url \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "SGFza2VsbA==") (enc64url haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc64url \"\x00\x01\x02\")," (BSU.fromString "AAEC") (enc64url $ BSU.fromString "\x00\x01\x02")
-- assertEqual "for (enc64url \"\xFB\xFF\")," (BSU.fromString "-_8=") (enc64url $ BSU.fromString "\xFB\xFF")
assertEqual "for (enc64url \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "8J-Ygg==") (enc64url emojiBS)
testDec64Url :: Test
testDec64Url = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec64url \"SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==\")," helloWorldBS (dec64url $ BSU.fromString "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==")
assertEqual "for (dec64url \"SGFza2VsbA==\")," haskellBS (dec64url $ BSU.fromString "SGFza2VsbA==")
assertEqual "for (dec64url \"AAEC\")," (BSU.fromString "\x00\x01\x02") (dec64url $ BSU.fromString "AAEC")
-- assertEqual "for (dec64url \"-_8=\")," (BSU.fromString "\xFB\xFF") (dec64url $ BSU.fromString "-_8=")
assertEqual "for (dec64url \"8J-Ygg==\")," (BSU.fromString "😂") (dec64url $ BSU.fromString "8J-Ygg==")
testEncUrl :: Test
testEncUrl = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (encurl \"Hello, World\")," (BSU.fromString "Hello%2C%20World%21") (encurl helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (encurl \"\")," (BSU.fromString "") (encurl $ BSU.fromString "")
assertEqual "for (encurl \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "%F0%9F%98%82") (encurl emojiBS)
testDecUrl :: Test
testDecUrl = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (decurl \"Hello%2C%20World%21\")," helloWorldBS (decurl $ BSU.fromString "Hello%2C%20World%21")
assertEqual "for (decurl \"\")," (BSU.fromString "") (decurl $ BSU.fromString "")
assertEqual "for (decurl \"%F0%9F%98%82\")," (BSU.fromString "😂") (decurl $ BSU.fromString "%F0%9F%98%82")
testEnc62 :: Test
testEnc62 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc62 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "1wJfrzvdbtXUOlUjUf") (enc62 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc62 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "1VJEByfMCK") (enc62 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc62 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "4PCnnm") (enc62 emojiBS)
testDec62 :: Test
testDec62 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec62 \"1wJfrzvdbtXUOlUjUf\")," helloWorldBS (dec62 $ BSU.fromString "1wJfrzvdbtXUOlUjUf")
assertEqual "for (dec62 \"1VJEByfMCK\")," haskellBS (dec62 $ BSU.fromString "1VJEByfMCK")
assertEqual "for (dec62 \"4PCnnm\")," emojiBS (dec62 $ BSU.fromString "4PCnnm")
testEnc45 :: Test
testEnc45 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc45 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "%69 VDK2E:3404ESVDX0") (enc45 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc45 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "Y69RQE: CI2") (enc45 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc45 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "*IURCJ") (enc45 emojiBS)
testDec45 :: Test
testDec45 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec45 \"%69 VDK2E:3404ESVDX0\")," helloWorldBS (dec45 $ BSU.fromString "%69 VDK2E:3404ESVDX0")
assertEqual "for (dec45 \"Y69RQE: CI2\")," haskellBS (dec45 $ BSU.fromString "Y69RQE: CI2")
assertEqual "for (dec45 \"*IURCJ\")," emojiBS (dec45 $ BSU.fromString "*IURCJ")
testEnc32 :: Test
testEnc32 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc32 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "JBSWY3DPFQQFO33SNRSCC===") (enc32 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc32 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "JBQXG23FNRWA====") (enc32 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc32 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "6CPZRAQ=") (enc32 emojiBS)
assertEqual "for (dec64 \"aGVsbG8=\")," "hello" (dec64 "aGVsbG8=")
assertEqual "for (dec64 \"SGFza2VsbA==\")," "Haskell" (dec64 "SGFza2VsbA==")
assertEqual "for (dec64 \"AAEC\")," "\x00\x01\x02" (dec64 "AAEC")
assertEqual "for (dec64 \"8J+Ygg==\")," "😂" (dec64 "8J+Ygg==")
testDec32 :: Test
testDec32 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec32 \"JBSWY3DPFQQFO33SNRSCC===\")," helloWorldBS (dec32 $ BSU.fromString "JBSWY3DPFQQFO33SNRSCC===")
assertEqual "for (dec32 \"JBQXG23FNRWA====\")," haskellBS (dec32 $ BSU.fromString "JBQXG23FNRWA====")
assertEqual "for (dec32 \"JBSWY3DPFQQFO33SNRSCC===\")," "Hello, World!" (dec32 "JBSWY3DPFQQFO33SNRSCC===")
assertEqual "for (dec32 \"JBQXG23FNRWA====\")," "Haskell" (dec32 "JBQXG23FNRWA====")
-- assertEqual "for (dec32 \"AAEC\")," "\x00\x01\x02" (dec32 "AAEC")
assertEqual "for (dec32 \"6CPZRAQ=\")," emojiBS (dec32 $ BSU.fromString "6CPZRAQ=")
assertEqual "for (dec32 \"6CPZRAQ=\")," "😂" (dec32 "6CPZRAQ=")
testEnc32 :: Test
testEnc32 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc32 \"Hello, World!\")," "JBSWY3DPFQQFO33SNRSCC===" (enc32 "Hello, World!")
assertEqual "for (enc32 \"Haskell\")," "JBQXG23FNRWA====" (enc32 "Haskell")
assertEqual "for (enc32 \"😂\")," "6CPZRAQ=" (enc32 "😂")
testEnc16 :: Test
testEnc16 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc16 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "48656C6C6F2C20576F726C6421") (enc16 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc16 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "4861736B656C6C") (enc16 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc16 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "F09F9882") (enc16 emojiBS)
assertEqual "for (enc16 \"Hello, World!\")," "48656C6C6F2C20576F726C6421" (enc16 "Hello, World!")
assertEqual "for (enc16 \"Haskell\")," "4861736B656C6C" (enc16 "Haskell")
assertEqual "for (enc16 \"😂\")," "F09F9882" (enc16 "😂")
testDec16 :: Test
testDec16 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec16 \"48656C6C6F2C20576F726C6421\")," helloWorldBS (dec16 $ BSU.fromString "48656C6C6F2C20576F726C6421")
assertEqual "for (dec16 \"4861736B656C6C\")," haskellBS (dec16 $ BSU.fromString "4861736B656C6C")
assertEqual "for (dec16 \"F09F9882\")," emojiBS (dec16 $ BSU.fromString "F09F9882")
testEnc10 :: Test
testEnc10 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc10 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "72 101 108 108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33") (enc10 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc10 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "72 97 115 107 101 108 108") (enc10 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc10 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "240 159 152 130") (enc10 emojiBS)
testDec10 :: Test
testDec10 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec10 \"72 101 108 108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33\")," helloWorldBS (dec10 $ BSU.fromString "72 101 108 108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33")
assertEqual "for (dec10 \"72 97 115 107 101 108 108\")," haskellBS (dec10 $ BSU.fromString "72 97 115 107 101 108 108")
assertEqual "for (dec10 \"240 159 152 130\")," emojiBS (dec10 $ BSU.fromString "240 159 152 130")
assertEqual "for (dec16 \"48656C6C6F2C20576F726C6421\")," "Hello, World!" (dec16 "48656C6C6F2C20576F726C6421")
assertEqual "for (dec16 \"4861736B656C6C\")," "Haskell" (dec16 "4861736B656C6C")
assertEqual "for (dec16 \"F09F9882\")," "😂" (dec16 "F09F9882")
testEnc8 :: Test
testEnc8 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc8 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "110 145 154 154 157 54 40 127 157 162 154 144 41") (enc8 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc8 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "110 141 163 153 145 154 154") (enc8 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc8 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "360 237 230 202") (enc8 emojiBS)
assertEqual "for (enc8 \"Hello, World!\")," "110 145 154 154 157 54 40 127 157 162 154 144 41" (enc8 "Hello, World!")
assertEqual "for (enc8 \"Haskell\")," "110 141 163 153 145 154 154" (enc8 "Haskell")
assertEqual "for (enc8 \"😂\")," "360 237 230 202" (enc8 "😂")
testDec8 :: Test
testDec8 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec8 \"110 145 154 154 157 54 40 127 157 162 154 144 41\")," helloWorldBS (dec8 $ BSU.fromString "110 145 154 154 157 54 40 127 157 162 154 144 41")
assertEqual "for (dec8 \"110 141 163 153 145 154 154\")," haskellBS (dec8 $ BSU.fromString "110 141 163 153 145 154 154")
assertEqual "for (dec8 \"360 237 230 202\")," emojiBS (dec8 $ BSU.fromString "360 237 230 202")
assertEqual "for (dec8 \"110 145 154 154 157 54 40 127 157 162 154 144 41\")," "Hello, World!" (dec8 "110 145 154 154 157 54 40 127 157 162 154 144 41")
assertEqual "for (dec8 \"110 141 163 153 145 154 154\")," "Haskell" (dec8 "110 141 163 153 145 154 154")
assertEqual "for (dec8 \"360 237 230 202\")," "😂" (dec8 "360 237 230 202")
testEnc2 :: Test
testEnc2 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc2 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00100001") (enc2 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc2 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "01001000 01100001 01110011 01101011 01100101 01101100 01101100") (enc2 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc2 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "11110000 10011111 10011000 10000010") (enc2 emojiBS)
assertEqual "for (enc2 \"Hello, World!\")," "01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00100001" (enc2 "Hello, World!")
assertEqual "for (enc2 \"Haskell\")," "01001000 01100001 01110011 01101011 01100101 01101100 01101100" (enc2 "Haskell")
assertEqual "for (enc2 \"😂\")," "11110000 10011111 10011000 10000010" (enc2 "😂")
testDec2 :: Test
testDec2 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec2 \"01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00100001\")," helloWorldBS (dec2 $ BSU.fromString "01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00100001")
assertEqual "for (dec2 \"01001000 01100001 01110011 01101011 01100101 01101100 01101100\")," haskellBS (dec2 $ BSU.fromString "01001000 01100001 01110011 01101011 01100101 01101100 01101100")
assertEqual "for (dec2 \"11110000 10011111 10011000 10000010\")," emojiBS (dec2 $ BSU.fromString "11110000 10011111 10011000 10000010")
testEncQp :: Test
testEncQp = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (encqp \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "Hello,=20World!") (encqp helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (encqp \"QP works by using the equals sign = as an escape character. It also limits line length to 76, as some software has limits on line length.\")," (BSU.fromString "QP=20works=20by=20using=20the=20equals=20sign=20=3D=20as=20an=20escape=20=\r\ncharacter.=20It=20also=20limits=20line=20length=20to=2076,=20as=20some=20=\r\nsoftware=20has=20limits=20on=20line=20length.") (encqp $ BSU.fromString "QP works by using the equals sign = as an escape character. It also limits line length to 76, as some software has limits on line length.")
assertEqual "for (encqp \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "=F0=9F=98=82") (encqp emojiBS)
testDecQp :: Test
testDecQp = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (decqp \"Hello,=20World!\")," helloWorldBS (decqp $ BSU.fromString "Hello,=20World!")
assertEqual "for (decqp \"QP=20works=20by=20using=20the=20equals=20sign=20=3D=20as=20an=20escape=20=\r\ncharacter.=20It=20also=20limits=20line=20length=20to=2076,=20as=20some=20=\r\nsoftware=20has=20limits=20on=20line=20length.\")," (BSU.fromString "QP works by using the equals sign = as an escape character. It also limits line length to 76, as some software has limits on line length.") (decqp $ BSU.fromString "QP=20works=20by=20using=20the=20equals=20sign=20=3D=20as=20an=20escape=20=\r\ncharacter.=20It=20also=20limits=20line=20length=20to=2076,=20as=20some=20=\r\nsoftware=20has=20limits=20on=20line=20length.")
assertEqual "for (decqp \"=F0=9F=98=82\")," emojiBS (decqp $ BSU.fromString "=F0=9F=98=82")
testEncUu :: Test
testEncUu = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (encuu \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "-2&5L;&\\L(%=O<FQD(0") (encuu helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (encuu \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "'2&%S:V5L; ") (encuu haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (encuu \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "$\\)^8@@") (encuu emojiBS)
testDecUu :: Test
testDecUu = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (decuu \"-2&5L;&\\L(%=O<FQD(0\")," helloWorldBS (decuu $ BSU.fromString "-2&5L;&\\L(%=O<FQD(0")
assertEqual "for (decuu \"'2&%S:V5L;\")," haskellBS (decuu $ BSU.fromString "'2&%S:V5L; ")
assertEqual "for (decuu \"$\\)^8@@\")," (BSU.fromString "😂") (decuu $ BSU.fromString "$\\)^8@@")
testEncXx :: Test
testEncXx = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (encxx \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "G4JgP4wg63RjQalY6E") (encxx helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (encxx \"foobar\")," (BSU.fromString "NaxjMa3m") (encxx $ BSU.fromString "foobar")
assertEqual "for (encxx \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "w7yMUU") (encxx emojiBS)
testDecXx :: Test
testDecXx = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (decxx \"G4JgP4wg63RjQalY6E\")," helloWorldBS (decxx $ BSU.fromString "G4JgP4wg63RjQalY6E")
assertEqual "for (decxx \"NaxjMa3m\")," (BSU.fromString "foobar") (decxx $ BSU.fromString "NaxjMa3m")
assertEqual "for (decxx \"w7yMUU\")," (BSU.fromString "😂") (decxx $ BSU.fromString "w7yMUU")
testEncYenc :: Test
testEncYenc = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (ency \"Hello, World!\")," (B.pack [114, 143, 150, 150, 153, 86, 74, 129, 153, 156, 150, 142, 75]) (ency helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (ency \"😂\")," (B.pack [26, 201, 194, 172] ) (ency emojiBS)
testDecYenc:: Test
testDecYenc= TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (decy \"r<8f><96><96><99>VJ<81><99><9c><96><8e>K\")," helloWorldBS (decy $ B.pack [114, 143, 150, 150, 153, 86, 74, 129, 153, 156, 150, 142, 75] )
assertEqual "for (decy \"^Z<c9>¬\")," (BSU.fromString "😂") (decy $ B.pack [26, 201, 194, 172])
testRotate :: Test
testRotate = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (rotate 13 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "Uryyb, Jbeyq!") (rotate 13 (BSU.fromString "Hello, World!"))
assertEqual "for (rotate 8 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "Pmttw, Ewztl!") (rotate 8 (BSU.fromString "Hello, World!"))
assertEqual "for (rotate 2 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "😂") (rotate 2 (BSU.fromString "😂"))
assertEqual "for (dec2 \"01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00100001\")," "Hello, World!" (dec2 "01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00100001")
assertEqual "for (dec2 \"01001000 01100001 01110011 01101011 01100101 01101100 01101100\")," "Haskell" (dec2 "01001000 01100001 01110011 01101011 01100101 01101100 01101100")
assertEqual "for (dec2 \"11110000 10011111 10011000 10000010\")," "😂" (dec2 "11110000 10011111 10011000 10000010")
tests :: Test
tests = TestList [TestLabel "Test enc91" testEnc91,
TestLabel "Test dec91" testDec91,
TestLabel "Test enc85" testEnc85,
TestLabel "Test dec85" testDec85,
TestLabel "Test enc64" testEnc64,
tests = TestList [TestLabel "Test enc64" testEnc64,
TestLabel "Test dec64" testDec64,
TestLabel "Test enc64url" testEnc64Url,
TestLabel "Test dec64url" testDec64Url,
TestLabel "Test url" testEncUrl,
TestLabel "Test url" testDecUrl,
TestLabel "Test enc62" testEnc62,
TestLabel "Test dec62" testDec62,
TestLabel "Test enc45" testEnc45,
TestLabel "Test dec45" testDec45,
TestLabel "Test enc32" testEnc32,
TestLabel "Test dec32" testDec32,
TestLabel "Test enc16" testEnc16,
TestLabel "Test dec16" testDec16,
TestLabel "Test enc10" testEnc10,
TestLabel "Test dec10" testDec10,
TestLabel "Test enc8 " testEnc8 ,
TestLabel "Test dec8 " testDec8 ,
TestLabel "Test dec2 " testDec2 ,
TestLabel "Test enc2 " testEnc2 ,
TestLabel "Test decqp" testDecQp,
TestLabel "Test encqp" testEncQp,
TestLabel "Test decuu" testDecUu,
TestLabel "Test encuu" testEncUu,
TestLabel "Test decuu" testDecXx,
TestLabel "Test encuu" testEncXx,
TestLabel "Test ency" testEncYenc,
TestLabel "Test rot" testRotate]
TestLabel "Test enc2 " testEnc2 ]
-- main :: IO Counts
Reference in New Issue