192 lines
11 KiB
192 lines
11 KiB
module Main where
import Test.HUnit
import Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU
import Encoding.Base91 (enc91, dec91)
import Encoding.Base85 (enc85, dec85)
import Encoding.Base64 (enc64, dec64)
import Encoding.Base45 (enc45, dec45)
import Encoding.Base32 (enc32, dec32)
import Encoding.Base16 (enc16, dec16)
import Encoding.Base8 (enc8, dec8)
import Encoding.Base2 (enc2, dec2)
import Encoding.QuotedPrintable (encqp, decqp)
import Encoding.UnixToUnix (encuu, decuu)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
helloWorldBS :: B.ByteString
helloWorldBS = BSU.fromString "Hello, World!"
haskellBS :: B.ByteString
haskellBS = BSU.fromString "Haskell"
emojiBS :: B.ByteString
emojiBS = BSU.fromString "😂"
testEnc91 :: Test
testEnc91 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc91 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString ">OwJh>}AQ;r@@Y?F") (enc91 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc91 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "3D8=d,[*G") (enc91 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc91 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "=~m6g") (enc91 emojiBS)
testDec91 :: Test
testDec91 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec91 \">OwJh>}AQ;r@@Y?F\")," helloWorldBS (dec91 $ BSU.fromString ">OwJh>}AQ;r@@Y?F")
assertEqual "for (dec91 \"3D8=d,[*G\")," haskellBS (dec91 $ BSU.fromString "3D8=d,[*G")
assertEqual "for (dec91 \"=~m6g\")," emojiBS (dec91 $ BSU.fromString "=~m6g")
testEnc85 :: Test
testEnc85 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc85 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "87cURD_*#4DfTZ)+T") (enc85 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc85 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "87?RTASc/") (enc85 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc85 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "n=Q)\"") (enc85 emojiBS)
testDec85 :: Test
testDec85 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec85 \"87cURD_*#4DfTZ)+T\")," helloWorldBS (dec85 $ BSU.fromString "87cURD_*#4DfTZ)+T")
assertEqual "for (dec85 \"87?RTASc/\")," haskellBS (dec85 $ BSU.fromString "87?RTASc/")
assertEqual "for (dec85 \"n=Q)\"\")," emojiBS (dec85 $ BSU.fromString "n=Q)\"")
testEnc64 :: Test
testEnc64 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc64 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==") (enc64 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc64 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "SGFza2VsbA==") (enc64 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc64 \"\x00\x01\x02\")," (BSU.fromString "AAEC") (enc64 $ BSU.fromString "\x00\x01\x02")
assertEqual "for (enc64 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "8J+Ygg==") (enc64 emojiBS)
testDec64 :: Test
testDec64 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec64 \"SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==\")," helloWorldBS (dec64 $ BSU.fromString "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==")
assertEqual "for (dec64 \"SGFza2VsbA==\")," haskellBS (dec64 $ BSU.fromString "SGFza2VsbA==")
assertEqual "for (dec64 \"AAEC\")," (BSU.fromString "\x00\x01\x02") (dec64 $ BSU.fromString "AAEC")
assertEqual "for (dec64 \"8J+Ygg==\")," (BSU.fromString "😂") (dec64 $ BSU.fromString "8J+Ygg==")
testEnc45 :: Test
testEnc45 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc45 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "%69 VDK2E:3404ESVDX0") (enc45 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc45 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "Y69RQE: CI2") (enc45 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc45 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "*IURCJ") (enc45 emojiBS)
testDec45 :: Test
testDec45 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec45 \"%69 VDK2E:3404ESVDX0\")," helloWorldBS (dec45 $ BSU.fromString "%69 VDK2E:3404ESVDX0")
assertEqual "for (dec45 \"Y69RQE: CI2\")," haskellBS (dec45 $ BSU.fromString "Y69RQE: CI2")
assertEqual "for (dec45 \"*IURCJ\")," emojiBS (dec45 $ BSU.fromString "*IURCJ")
testEnc32 :: Test
testEnc32 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc32 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "JBSWY3DPFQQFO33SNRSCC===") (enc32 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc32 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "JBQXG23FNRWA====") (enc32 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc32 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "6CPZRAQ=") (enc32 emojiBS)
testDec32 :: Test
testDec32 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec32 \"JBSWY3DPFQQFO33SNRSCC===\")," helloWorldBS (dec32 $ BSU.fromString "JBSWY3DPFQQFO33SNRSCC===")
assertEqual "for (dec32 \"JBQXG23FNRWA====\")," haskellBS (dec32 $ BSU.fromString "JBQXG23FNRWA====")
-- assertEqual "for (dec32 \"AAEC\")," "\x00\x01\x02" (dec32 "AAEC")
assertEqual "for (dec32 \"6CPZRAQ=\")," emojiBS (dec32 $ BSU.fromString "6CPZRAQ=")
testEnc16 :: Test
testEnc16 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc16 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "48656C6C6F2C20576F726C6421") (enc16 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc16 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "4861736B656C6C") (enc16 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc16 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "F09F9882") (enc16 emojiBS)
testDec16 :: Test
testDec16 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec16 \"48656C6C6F2C20576F726C6421\")," helloWorldBS (dec16 $ BSU.fromString "48656C6C6F2C20576F726C6421")
assertEqual "for (dec16 \"4861736B656C6C\")," haskellBS (dec16 $ BSU.fromString "4861736B656C6C")
assertEqual "for (dec16 \"F09F9882\")," emojiBS (dec16 $ BSU.fromString "F09F9882")
testEnc8 :: Test
testEnc8 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc8 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "110 145 154 154 157 54 40 127 157 162 154 144 41") (enc8 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc8 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "110 141 163 153 145 154 154") (enc8 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc8 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "360 237 230 202") (enc8 emojiBS)
testDec8 :: Test
testDec8 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec8 \"110 145 154 154 157 54 40 127 157 162 154 144 41\")," helloWorldBS (dec8 $ BSU.fromString "110 145 154 154 157 54 40 127 157 162 154 144 41")
assertEqual "for (dec8 \"110 141 163 153 145 154 154\")," haskellBS (dec8 $ BSU.fromString "110 141 163 153 145 154 154")
assertEqual "for (dec8 \"360 237 230 202\")," emojiBS (dec8 $ BSU.fromString "360 237 230 202")
testEnc2 :: Test
testEnc2 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (enc2 \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00100001") (enc2 helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (enc2 \"Haskell\")," (BSU.fromString "01001000 01100001 01110011 01101011 01100101 01101100 01101100") (enc2 haskellBS)
assertEqual "for (enc2 \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "11110000 10011111 10011000 10000010") (enc2 emojiBS)
testDec2 :: Test
testDec2 = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (dec2 \"01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00100001\")," helloWorldBS (dec2 $ BSU.fromString "01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00100001")
assertEqual "for (dec2 \"01001000 01100001 01110011 01101011 01100101 01101100 01101100\")," haskellBS (dec2 $ BSU.fromString "01001000 01100001 01110011 01101011 01100101 01101100 01101100")
assertEqual "for (dec2 \"11110000 10011111 10011000 10000010\")," emojiBS (dec2 $ BSU.fromString "11110000 10011111 10011000 10000010")
testEncQp :: Test
testEncQp = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (encqp \"Hello, World!\")," (BSU.fromString "Hello,=20World!") (encqp helloWorldBS)
assertEqual "for (encqp \"QP works by using the equals sign = as an escape character. It also limits line length to 76, as some software has limits on line length.\")," (BSU.fromString "QP=20works=20by=20using=20the=20equals=20sign=20=3D=20as=20an=20escape=20=\r\ncharacter.=20It=20also=20limits=20line=20length=20to=2076,=20as=20some=20=\r\nsoftware=20has=20limits=20on=20line=20length.") (encqp $ BSU.fromString "QP works by using the equals sign = as an escape character. It also limits line length to 76, as some software has limits on line length.")
assertEqual "for (encqp \"😂\")," (BSU.fromString "=F0=9F=98=82") (encqp emojiBS)
testDecQp :: Test
testDecQp = TestCase $ do
assertEqual "for (decqp \"Hello,=20World!\")," helloWorldBS (decqp $ BSU.fromString "Hello,=20World!")
assertEqual "for (decqp \"QP=20works=20by=20using=20the=20equals=20sign=20=3D=20as=20an=20escape=20=\r\ncharacter.=20It=20also=20limits=20line=20length=20to=2076,=20as=20some=20=\r\nsoftware=20has=20limits=20on=20line=20length.\")," (BSU.fromString "QP works by using the equals sign = as an escape character. It also limits line length to 76, as some software has limits on line length.") (decqp $ BSU.fromString "QP=20works=20by=20using=20the=20equals=20sign=20=3D=20as=20an=20escape=20=\ncharacter.=20It=20also=20limits=20line=20length=20to=2076,=20as=20some=20=\nsoftware=20has=20limits=20on=20line=20length.")
assertEqual "for (decqp \"=F0=9F=98=82\")," emojiBS (decqp $ BSU.fromString "=F0=9F=98=82")
-- testEnUu :: Test
-- testEnUu = TestCase $ do
-- assertEqual "for (encuu \"Hello, World!\")," "110 145 154 154 157 54 40 127 157 162 154 144 41" (encuu "Hello, World!")
-- assertEqual "for (encuu \"Haskell\")," "110 141 163 153 145 154 154" (encuu "Haskell")
-- assertEqual "for (encuu \"😂\")," "360 237 230 202" (encuu "😂")
-- testDecUu :: Test
-- testDecUu = TestCase $ do
-- assertEqual "for (decuu \"110 145 154 154 157 54 40 127 157 162 154 144 41\")," "Hello, World!" (decuu "110 145 154 154 157 54 40 127 157 162 154 144 41")
-- assertEqual "for (decuu \"110 141 163 153 145 154 154\")," "Haskell" (decuu "110 141 163 153 145 154 154")
-- assertEqual "for (decuu \"360 237 230 202\")," "😂" (decuu "360 237 230 202")
tests :: Test
tests = TestList [TestLabel "Test enc91" testEnc91,
TestLabel "Test dec91" testDec91,
TestLabel "Test enc85" testEnc85,
TestLabel "Test dec85" testDec85,
TestLabel "Test enc64" testEnc64,
TestLabel "Test dec64" testDec64,
TestLabel "Test enc45" testEnc45,
TestLabel "Test dec45" testDec45,
TestLabel "Test enc32" testEnc32,
TestLabel "Test dec32" testDec32,
TestLabel "Test enc16" testEnc16,
TestLabel "Test dec16" testDec16,
TestLabel "Test enc8 " testEnc8 ,
TestLabel "Test dec8 " testDec8 ,
TestLabel "Test dec2 " testDec2 ,
TestLabel "Test enc2 " testEnc2 ,
TestLabel "Test decqp" testDecQp,
TestLabel "Test encqp" testEncQp]
-- main :: IO Counts
-- main = runTestTT tests >>= \counts -> print counts >> runTestTTAndExit tests
-- runAndPrint :: Test -> IO Counts
-- runAndPrint t = do
-- counts <- runTestTT t
-- let label = case t of
-- TestLabel l _ -> l
-- _ -> "Unnamed test."
-- putStrLn $ label ++ ": " ++ if errors counts + failures counts == 0 then "[OK]" else "[FAIL]"
-- return counts
main :: IO ()
main = do
counts <- runTestTT tests
print counts
if errors counts + failures counts == 0
then exitSuccess
else exitFailure