194 lines
7.7 KiB
194 lines
7.7 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main where
import System.Console.CmdArgs
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Text (pack, unpack)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import TextShow (toText)
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.Util (hexStringToInt, intToHexString, decimalStringToInt)
import TextShow.Data.Integral (showbBin, showbOct)
import Text.Ascii (fromBinDigit, fromOctDigit)
import Codec.CBOR.Magic (intToWord64)
import qualified Data.Either.Unwrap as U
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base91 as B91
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base85 as B85
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64L
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base64Url as B64U
import qualified Network.HTTP.Base as HB
import qualified Data.Word.Base62 as B62
import qualified Haskoin.Address.Base58 as B58
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base32 as B32
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base16 as B16
import qualified Codec.Binary.QuotedPrintable as QP
import qualified Codec.Binary.Uu as UU
import qualified Codec.Binary.Xx as XX
import qualified Codec.Binary.Yenc as Y
import qualified Data.Bytes as Bytes
import qualified Data.Bytes.Text.Ascii as ASCII
import Data.Bytes.Get (getWord64host)
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSU -- from utf8-string
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
data Based = Decode {
b91 :: Bool,
b85 :: Bool,
b64 :: Bool,
b64url :: Bool,
url :: Bool,
b62 :: Bool,
b58 :: Bool,
b32 :: Bool,
b16 :: Bool,
b10 :: Bool,
b8 :: Bool,
b2 :: Bool,
qp :: Bool,
uu :: Bool,
xx :: Bool,
yenc :: Bool
| Encode {
b91 :: Bool,
b85 :: Bool,
b64 :: Bool,
b64url :: Bool,
url :: Bool,
b62 :: Bool,
b58 :: Bool,
b32 :: Bool,
b16 :: Bool,
b10 :: Bool,
b8 :: Bool,
b2 :: Bool,
qp :: Bool,
uu :: Bool,
xx :: Bool,
yenc :: Bool
deriving(Show, Data, Typeable)
-- helper functions
binToInt :: [Int] -> Int
binToInt [] = 0
binToInt (x : xs) = x + 2 * binToInt xs
octToInt :: [Int] -> Int
octToInt [] = 0
octToInt (x : xs) = x + 8 * octToInt xs
-- base functions
-- without the show func, sequences like \n will not be shown as characters but will be executed as newline
dec91 = C.unpack . B91.decode
enc91 = B91.encode . BSU.fromString
dec85 = C.unpack . U.fromRight . B85.decode . BSU.fromString
enc85 = C.unpack . B85.encode . BSU.fromString
-- dec64 = C.unpack . U.fromRight . B64.decode . BSU.fromString
dec64 = C.unpack . B64L.decodeLenient . BSU.fromString
enc64 = C.unpack . B64.encode . BSU.fromString
dec64url = C.unpack . U.fromRight . B64U.decode . BSU.fromString
enc64url = C.unpack . B64U.encode . BSU.fromString
decurl = HB.urlDecode
encurl = HB.urlEncode
dec62 = show . fromJust . B62.decode128 . (Bytes.fromByteString . BSU.fromString)
enc62 = C.unpack . BSU.fromString. Bytes.toLatinString . (Bytes.fromByteArray . ( B62.encode64 . (intToWord64 . decimalStringToInt)))
dec58 = C.unpack . fromJust . B58.decodeBase58 . pack
enc58 = unpack . B58.encodeBase58 . BSU.fromString
dec32 = C.unpack . U.fromRight . B32.decode . BSU.fromString
enc32 = C.unpack . B32.encode . BSU.fromString
dec16 = C.unpack . U.fromRight . B16.decode . BSU.fromString
enc16 = C.unpack . B16.encode . BSU.fromString
dec10 = show . hexStringToInt
enc10 = C.unpack . BSU.fromString . intToHexString . decimalStringToInt -- Depending on what you want, do enc10 = show . map ord
dec8 = C.unpack . encodeUtf8 . toText . showbOct . hexStringToInt
enc8 = C.unpack . BSU.fromString . intToHexString . octToInt . (reverse . (map fromJust . (map fromOctDigit)))
dec2 = C.unpack . encodeUtf8 . toText . showbBin . hexStringToInt
enc2 = C.unpack . BSU.fromString . intToHexString . binToInt . (reverse . (map fromJust . (map fromBinDigit)))
decqp = C.unpack . U.fromRight . QP.decode . BSU.fromString
encqp = C.unpack . QP.encode . BSU.fromString
decuu = C.unpack . U.fromRight . UU.decode . BSU.fromString
encuu = C.unpack . UU.encode . BSU.fromString
decxx = C.unpack . U.fromRight . XX.decode . BSU.fromString
encxx = C.unpack . XX.encode . BSU.fromString
decy = C.unpack . U.fromRight . Y.decode . BSU.fromString
ency = C.unpack . Y.encode . BSU.fromString
optionHandler Decode{b91=True} = dec91
optionHandler Encode{b91=True} = enc91
optionHandler Decode{b85=True} = dec85
optionHandler Encode{b85=True} = enc85
optionHandler Decode{b64=True} = dec64
optionHandler Encode{b64=True} = enc64
optionHandler Decode{b64url=True} = dec64url
optionHandler Encode{b64url=True} = enc64url
optionHandler Decode{url=True} = decurl
optionHandler Encode{url=True} = encurl
optionHandler Decode{b62=True} = dec62
optionHandler Encode{b62=True} = enc62
optionHandler Decode{b58=True} = dec58
optionHandler Encode{b58=True} = enc58
optionHandler Decode{b32=True} = dec32
optionHandler Encode{b32=True} = enc32
optionHandler Decode{b16=True} = dec16
optionHandler Encode{b16=True} = enc16
optionHandler Decode{b10=True} = dec10
optionHandler Encode{b10=True} = enc10
optionHandler Decode{b8=True} = dec8
optionHandler Encode{b8=True} = enc8
optionHandler Decode{b2=True} = dec2
optionHandler Encode{b2=True} = enc2
optionHandler Decode{qp=True} = decqp
optionHandler Encode{qp=True} = encqp
optionHandler Encode{uu=True} = decuu
optionHandler Decode{uu=True} = encuu
optionHandler Decode{xx=True} = decxx
optionHandler Encode{xx=True} = encxx
optionHandler Decode{yenc=True} = decy
optionHandler Encode{yenc=True} = ency
decodeMode :: Based
decodeMode = Decode {
b91 = def &= help "decode base91",
b85 = def &= help "decode base85",
b64 = def &= help "decode base64",
b64url = def &= help "decode base64Url",
url = def &= help "decode URI",
b62 = def &= help "decode base62",
b58 = def &= help "decode base58",
b32 = def &= help "decode base32",
b16 = def &= help "decode base16",
b10 = def &= help "decode decimal from hex",
b8 = def &= help "decode octal from hex",
b2 = def &= help "decode binary from hex",
qp = def &= help "decode quoted-printable",
uu = def &= help "decode uu",
xx = def &= help "decode xx",
yenc = def &= help "decode yEncode"
} &= help "Decode chosen base" &=auto
encodeMode :: Based
encodeMode = Encode {
b91 = def &= help "encode base91",
b85 = def &= help "encode base85",
b64 = def &= help "encode base64",
b64url = def &= help "encode base64Url",
url = def &= help "encode URI",
b62 = def &= help "encode base62",
b58 = def &= help "encode base58",
b32 = def &= help "encode base32",
b16 = def &= help "encode base16",
b10 = def &= help "encode base10 to hex",
b8 = def &= help "encode octal to hex",
b2 = def &= help "encode binary to hex",
qp = def &= help "encode quoted-printable",
uu = def &= help "encode uu",
xx = def &= help "encode xx",
yenc = def &= help "encode yEncode"
} &= help "Encode chosen base"
main :: IO()
main = cmdArgs (modes[decodeMode, encodeMode] &= help "Anybased, when Cyberchef simply doesn't cut it.\nTo see every parameter of every mode use --help=all" &= program "based" &= summary "based v0.4") >>= interact . optionHandler