| -l | Logger mode, target log and alert output directory. Default output folder is tcpdump to /var/log/snort.|
| -K ASCII | Log packets in ASCII format |
| -r | Filter dumped logs in Snort |
| -n | Specify the number of packets that will be read |
### IDS and IPS
* Output is an alert file along an optional log file
| Parameter | Description |
| -c | Defining the configuration file |
| -T | Testing the configuration file |
| -N | Disable logging |
| -D | Background mode |
| -A | Alert modes; __full__: all possible info about alerts, default mode; __fast__ : alert message, timestamp, source and destination IP, port numbers. __console__: Provides fast style alerts on the console screen. __cmg__: CMG style, basic header details with payload in hex and text format. __none__: Disabling alerting |
* Rules found in `/etc/snort/rules/local.rules`
alert icmp any any <> any any (msg: "ICMP Packet Found"; sid: 100001; rev:1;)
### PCAPs
*`snort -c <configfile> -r file.pcap -A console -n <number of packets>`
*`snort -c <configfile> --pcap-list="file1.pcap file2.pcap" -A console -l .`
## Rules
snort -c /etc/snort/rules/local.rules -A console
snort -c /etc/snort/rules/local.rules -A full
* Every rule has an IP source and destination, as well as a port for every endpoint