* Any other binary works as well. Copy the compiled portable executable from the `service_escalation` onto the binary path.Restart the service afterwards.
#### accesschk64 for Services
accesschk64 -qlc "service.exe"
* If permission `SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS` is set it is configurable upload a reverse shell
* Check services, watch out for `BINARY_PATH_NAME` and `SERVICE_START_NAME`
sc qc apphostsvc
* Check found permissions via
* If the service binary path is writeable move the payload to its path and grant permissions
icacls <Payload_Service.exe> /grant Everyone:F
sc stop <service>
sc start <service>
* Catch the reverse shell service
Others ways are:
* Discretionary Access Control (DACL) can be opened via right click on the service and go to properties
* All services are stored under `HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\`
### Unquoted Service Path
* If `BINARY_PATH_NAME` spaces are escaped incorrectly. Its path will be resolved to every space from left to right. If there is a binary with a matching name inside the directory it will be started.
* A created directory at install time inherits the permissions from its parent. Check it via
icacls <directory>
* Use `service-exe` payload in msfvenom upload the payload and move it on the path with the a fitting parital name of the service path
*`+!` calls `mimidrv.sys`, __therefore mimikatz has to be executed inside the same directory the this file lies__
### Windows Credential Manager
* Can be found via `Control Pane` -> `User Accounts` -> `Credential Manager`
* Alternatively, command line can be used
vaultcmd /list
vaultcmd /listproperties:"Web Credentials"
vaultcmd /listcreds:"web credentials"
* Extract the password via powershell script [Get-WebCredentials from nishang](https://github.com/samratashok/nishang/blob/master/Gather/Get-WebCredentials.ps1)
powershell -ex bypass
* Via mimikatz if administrative permissions have been gained
### Ntdsutil
* If administrative permissions on the DC have been gained this can be done
* Used to maintain the AD database, delete objects, snapshotting, set Directory Service Restore Mode (DSRM)
#### Locally extracting ntds.dit
* This can be done to gather the system boot key
* No AD credentials are needed
* Three files are needed
* C:\Windows\NTDS\ntds.dit
* C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM
* C:\Windows\System32\config\SECURITY
* Locally dumping all three needed file is done via
powershell "ntdsutil.exe 'ac i ntds' 'ifm' 'create full C:\Windows\Temp\ntds' q q"
* Use `secretsdump` to extract `ntds.dit`
secretsdump.py -security ./SECURITY -system ./SYSTEM -ntds ./ntds.dit local
#### Remotely dumping ntds
* Needs the following AD credentials
* Replicating Directory Changes
* Replicating Directory Changes All
* Replicating Directory Changes in Filtered Set
* Mimikatz or impacket can be used to gain credentials
* This is possible if the user which credentials we posses is member of the group to make password changes
* Replaces GPP, see below
* There are two interesting attributes
* __ms-mcs-AdmPwd__ contains plain text password of the local Administrator
* __ms-mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime__ contains the expiration date of the admin password
* __admpwd.dll__ is used to update the password inside __ms-mcs-AdmPwd__
* If LAPS is enabled the dll can be found in `C:\Program Files\LAPS\CSE`
* List the cmdlets for LAPS
Get-Command *AdmPwd*
* Find the Organisational Unit with extended rights and take a look at the group under `ExtendedRightsHolder` in the output
Find-AdmPwdExtendedRights -Identity <OU>
* Enumerate which hosts have LAPS enabled
* Impersonate the user and execute the following which displays the password
Get-AdmPwdPassword -ComputerName <targethost>
* Use the property name displayed under `ExtendedRightsHolder` to enumerate groups and their users
net groups <ExtendedRightsHolder>
net user <GroupMemberUsername>
#### Group Policy Preferences
* Provisions administrational groups through the domain via SYSVOL
* Distribution is done through XML files on SYSVOL. These contain a password encrypted with [the published private key](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-gppref/2c15cbf0-f086-4c74-8b70-1f2fa45dd4be?redirectedfrom=MSDN)
* Use [Powersploit's Get-GPPPassword](https://github.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/blob/master/Exfiltration/Get-GPPPassword.ps1) to decrypt it
### Kerberoasting
* Inital (low level) credentials are needed
* __Service Principal Name (SPN)__ account must be known, e.g. from web IIS user or SQL users
GetUserSPNs.py -dc-ip $DC_IP <domain>/<user>
* Take a look at `Name` in the output and use it to query a TGS ticket