sig evasion

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Stefan Etringer 2022-08-31 23:55:40 +02:00
parent 279f3f0c74
commit 62756e0aad
1 changed files with 100 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# Antimalware Signature Evasion
## Check Binary Against AV
* Split the binary to create signature
head --bytes <number of bytes> > sig.exe
* To test running antivirus, split it in half multiple times and check if it would be detected by the AV. Check for bad bytes
### Automation
* [Powersploit's Find-AVSignature]( finds it automatically
* [rasta-mouse's Threat Check](
## Static Code
* Obfuscation of classes
* __Class Hierarchy Flattening__, create proxies via interfaces
* __Class Splitting & Coalescing__, shift variables to other classes
* __Dropping Modifiers__, drop private use public only
* Obfuscation of methods
* __Method Proxy__, proxy method or object replacement
* __Method Scattering & Aggregation__, coalesce or split methods
* __Method Clone__, replication of methods
## Property Based
* Properties may be hash checksum or entropy of a binary
* While having the source code at hand, simple white spaces can change the checksum or adding strings to the text section may lower the entropy
### Bit Flipping
* When only the binary is accessible add some `NOP`s or do bit flipping via
import sys
with open (sys.argc[1], "rb") as _f:
orig = list(
for i,c in enumerate(orig):
current[i] = chr(ord(c) ^ 0xde)
path = f"{i}.exe"
with open (path, "wb") as _f:
_f.write(''.join(str(x) for x in current)
print("[+] Success")
return 0
* Verify if the portable executables generated from the script above are still well formed
FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,10000) DO (
signtool verify /v /a flipped\\%%A.exe
## Behavior Based
* __Import Adress Table (IAT)__ is the PLT of windows. It contains addresses of the (standard) lib functions provided by DLLs.
* IAT can be found in a PE's header under `IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER`. The references are provided by an API call or the __Thunk Table__
* __Dynamic Loading__ can be used to call the address of a library function instead of IAT
### Dynamic Loading
* The structure of a call has to be defined, an example is [GetComputerNameA](
* Get the handle of the module where the address that will be called resides in
* Get the process address of the loaded function address
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <lm.h>
// Compilation via i686-w64-mingw32-g++ -fPIC nosig.c -o nosig.exe
typedef BOOL (WINAPI* myNotGetComputerNameA)(
LPSTR lpBuffer,
int main ( void ) {
HMODULE hkernel32 = LoadLibraryA("kernel32.dll");
myNotGetComputerNameA notGetComputerNameA = (myNotGetComputerNameA) GetProcAddress(hkernel32, "GetComputerNameA");
printf("GetComputerNameA: 0x%p\\n", notGetComputerNameA);
CHAR hostName[260];
DWORD hostNameLength = 260;
if (notGetComputerNameA(hostName, &hostNameLength)) {
printf("hostname: %s\\n", hostName);