added details on Lambda functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -931,26 +931,91 @@ https://<urlId>.lambda-url.<region>
Vulnerabilities include
Vulnerabilities include
* Missing input validation on the event sent as user input to the Lambda function
* Missing input validation and sanitizaiton on the event sent as user input to the Lambda function
* Sensitive data written to stdout and stderr, which is then sent to CloudWatch
* Sensitive data written to stdout and stderr, which is then sent to CloudWatch
* Lambda in a VPC
* Permissive roles for function execution
* Permissive roles for function execution
Examples of exciting permissions are ReadAccess in general or the following roles.
* Privilege escalation through access to environment variables `$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`, `$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` and `$AWS_SESSION_TOKEN` inside the Lambda container from function execution or from the webc console
* Privilege escalation through access to environment variables `$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`, `$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` and `$AWS_SESSION_TOKEN` inside the Lambda container from function execution or from the webc console
Use the found environment variables to get find the AccountId via aws cli.
aws sts get-caller-identity
* Access to the unencrypted secrets inside environment variables through function execution inside the container
* Access to the unencrypted secrets inside environment variables through function execution inside the container
* Use of `lambda:*` instead of `lambda:invokeFunction` as part of a resource policy
* Use of `lambda:*` instead of `lambda:invokeFunction` as part of a resource policy
* Use of `Principal: *` inside an IAM policy
* Use of `Principal: *` inside an IAM policy
Check invocation policies of lambda functions via aws cli.
List functions and check invocation policies of lambda functions via aws cli.
aws lambda get-function --function-name arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<AccountId>:function:<functionName>
aws lambda get-policy --query Policy --output text --function-name arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<AccountId>:function:<functionName> | jq .
aws lambda get-policy --query Policy --output text --function-name arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<AccountId>:function:<functionName> | jq .
Check policies of the found functions of the Lambda functions via aws cli.
func="<function1> <function2> <function3>"
for fn in $func; do
role=$(aws lambda get-function --function-name <functionName> --query Configuration.Role --output text | aws -F\/ '{print $NF}'
echo "$fn has $role with following policies"
aws iam list-attached-role-policies --role-name $role
for policy in $(aws iam list-role-policies --role-name $role --query PolicyNames --output text); do
echo "$role for $fn has policy $policy"
aws iam get-role-policy --role-name $role --policy-name $policy
* Modifying Lambda layers through malicious code
* Modifying Lambda layers through malicious code
* Use the concurrency of Lambda functions as a DoS measurement
* Use the concurrency of Lambda functions as a DoS measurement
* Get the function ZIP file through the URL or the following aws cli line to iinspect the code for sensitive data
##### Invoke Modified Functions
Get the function ZIP file through the URL or the following aws cli line to inspect the code for sensitive data
aws lambda get-function --function-name arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<AccountId>:function:<functionName>
func="<function1> <function2> <function3>"
for fn in $func; do
url=$(aws lambda get-functions --function-name $fn --query Code.Location --output text)
curl -s -o $ $url
mkdir -p $fn
unzip $ -d $fn
Invoke a function with a predefined event, after getting intel from the zip, stored in `event.json` via aws cli.
aws lambda invoke --function-name <functionName> --payload fileb://event.json out.json
Update a function through modified source code in a ZIP file via aws cli.
aws lambda update-function-code --region <region> --function-name <functionName> --zip-file fileb://
Create a payload `next_event.json` and invoke the function via aws cli.
aws lambda invoke --function-name <functionName> --payload fileb://next_event.json out.json
### CloudFront
### CloudFront
@ -1393,3 +1458,12 @@ aws route53 get-change --id <ChangeInfo/Id>
Describe the certificate to see the details via aws cli, like mentioned in the
Describe the certificate to see the details via aws cli, like mentioned in the
ACM chapter above.
ACM chapter above.
### API Gateway
An HTTP API consists of the following parts.
* HTTP Request Body
* HTTP Response
* Specific HTTP headers
* HTTP Method
* Endpoint the request is queried
Reference in New Issue