added details on Lambda functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -931,26 +931,91 @@ https://<urlId>.lambda-url.<region>
Vulnerabilities include
* Missing input validation on the event sent as user input to the Lambda function
* Missing input validation and sanitizaiton on the event sent as user input to the Lambda function
* Sensitive data written to stdout and stderr, which is then sent to CloudWatch
* Lambda in a VPC
* Permissive roles for function execution
Examples of exciting permissions are ReadAccess in general or the following roles.
* Privilege escalation through access to environment variables `$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`, `$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` and `$AWS_SESSION_TOKEN` inside the Lambda container from function execution or from the webc console
Use the found environment variables to get find the AccountId via aws cli.
aws sts get-caller-identity
* Access to the unencrypted secrets inside environment variables through function execution inside the container
* Use of `lambda:*` instead of `lambda:invokeFunction` as part of a resource policy
* Use of `Principal: *` inside an IAM policy
Check invocation policies of lambda functions via aws cli.
List functions and check invocation policies of lambda functions via aws cli.
aws lambda get-function --function-name arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<AccountId>:function:<functionName>
aws lambda get-policy --query Policy --output text --function-name arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<AccountId>:function:<functionName> | jq .
Check policies of the found functions of the Lambda functions via aws cli.
func="<function1> <function2> <function3>"
for fn in $func; do
role=$(aws lambda get-function --function-name <functionName> --query Configuration.Role --output text | aws -F\/ '{print $NF}'
echo "$fn has $role with following policies"
aws iam list-attached-role-policies --role-name $role
for policy in $(aws iam list-role-policies --role-name $role --query PolicyNames --output text); do
echo "$role for $fn has policy $policy"
aws iam get-role-policy --role-name $role --policy-name $policy
* Modifying Lambda layers through malicious code
* Use the concurrency of Lambda functions as a DoS measurement
* Get the function ZIP file through the URL or the following aws cli line to iinspect the code for sensitive data
##### Invoke Modified Functions
Get the function ZIP file through the URL or the following aws cli line to inspect the code for sensitive data
aws lambda get-function --function-name arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<AccountId>:function:<functionName>
func="<function1> <function2> <function3>"
for fn in $func; do
url=$(aws lambda get-functions --function-name $fn --query Code.Location --output text)
curl -s -o $ $url
mkdir -p $fn
unzip $ -d $fn
Invoke a function with a predefined event, after getting intel from the zip, stored in `event.json` via aws cli.
aws lambda invoke --function-name <functionName> --payload fileb://event.json out.json
Update a function through modified source code in a ZIP file via aws cli.
aws lambda update-function-code --region <region> --function-name <functionName> --zip-file fileb://
Create a payload `next_event.json` and invoke the function via aws cli.
aws lambda invoke --function-name <functionName> --payload fileb://next_event.json out.json
### CloudFront
@ -1393,3 +1458,12 @@ aws route53 get-change --id <ChangeInfo/Id>
Describe the certificate to see the details via aws cli, like mentioned in the
ACM chapter above.
### API Gateway
An HTTP API consists of the following parts.
* HTTP Request Body
* HTTP Response
* Specific HTTP headers
* HTTP Method
* Endpoint the request is queried
Reference in New Issue