killchain-compendium/Post Exploitation/Windows/Powershell Scripts/windows-service-accounts-en...

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Service account report scrip that reads service configuration from
all Windows servers in the current domain and generate a report listing all
domain accounts used as service logon account.
By Andrea Fortuna (
*** Based on "report-service-accounts.ps1" by Gleb Yourchenko ( ***
$reportFile = ".\report.html"
$maxThreads = 10
$currentDomain = $env:USERDOMAIN.ToUpper()
$serviceAccounts = @{}
[string[]]$warnings = @()
$readServiceAccounts = {
# Retrieve service list form a remote machine
param( $hostname )
if ( Test-Connection -ComputerName $hostname -Count 3 -Quiet ){
try {
$serviceList = @( gwmi -Class Win32_Service -ComputerName $hostname -Property Name,StartName,SystemName -ErrorAction Stop )
"Failed to retrieve data from $hostname : $($_.toString())"
"$hostname is unreachable"
function processCompletedJobs(){
# reads service list from completed jobs,updates $serviceAccount table and removes completed job
$jobs = Get-Job -State Completed
foreach( $job in $jobs ) {
$data = Receive-Job $job
Remove-Job $job
if ( $data.GetType() -eq [Object[]] ){
$serviceList = $data | ? { $_.StartName.toUpper().StartsWith( $currentDomain )}
foreach( $service in $serviceList ){
$account = $service.StartName
$occurance = "`"$($service.Name)`" service on $($service.SystemName)"
if ( $script:serviceAccounts.Contains( $account ) ){
$script:serviceAccounts.Item($account) += $occurance
else {
$script:serviceAccounts.Add( $account, @( $occurance ) )
elseif ( $data.GetType() -eq [String] ) {
$script:warnings += $data
Write-warning $data
################# MAIN #########################
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# read computer accounts from current domain
Write-Progress -Activity "Retrieving server list from domain" -Status "Processing..." -PercentComplete 0
$serverList = Get-ADComputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -like "Windows Server*"} -Properties DNSHostName, cn | ? { $_.enabled }
# start data retrieval job for each server in the list
# use up to $maxThreads threads
$count_servers = 0
foreach( $server in $serverList ){
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $readServiceAccounts -Name "read_$($" -ArgumentList $server.dnshostname | Out-Null
Write-Progress -Activity "Retrieving data from servers" -Status "Processing..." -PercentComplete ( $count_servers * 100 / $serverList.Count )
while ( ( Get-Job -State Running).count -ge $maxThreads ) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 }
# process remaining jobs
Write-Progress -Activity "Retrieving data from servers" -Status "Waiting for background jobs to complete..." -PercentComplete 100
Wait-Job -State Running -Timeout 30 | Out-Null
Get-Job -State Running | Stop-Job
# prepare data table for report
Write-Progress -Activity "Generating report" -Status "Please wait..." -PercentComplete 0
$accountTable = @()
foreach( $serviceAccount in $serviceAccounts.Keys ) {
foreach( $occurance in $serviceAccounts.item($serviceAccount) ){
$row = new-object psobject
Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Account" -Value $serviceAccount
Add-Member -InputObject $row -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Usage" -Value $occurance
$accountTable += $row
# create report
$report = "
<!DOCTYPE html>
TABLE{border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;white-space:nowrap;}
TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 4px;border-style: solid;border-color: black}
TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 2px 10px;border-style: solid;border-color: black}
<H1>Service account report for $currentDomain domain</H1>
$($serverList.count) servers processed. Discovered $($serviceAccounts.count) service accounts.
<H2>Discovered service accounts</H2>
$( $accountTable | Sort Account | ConvertTo-Html Account, Usage -Fragment )
<H2>Warning messages</H2>
$( $warnings | % { "<p>$_</p>" } )
Write-Progress -Activity "Generating report" -Status "Please wait..." -Completed
$report | Set-Content $reportFile -Force
Invoke-Expression $reportFile