
397 lines
14 KiB

#nullable disable
using Seatbelt.Commands;
using Seatbelt.Interop;
using Seatbelt.Util;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Seatbelt.Output.Sinks;
using System.Management;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader;
namespace Seatbelt
internal class Runtime
public List<CommandBase> AllCommands { get; private set; } = new List<CommandBase>();
public readonly IOutputSink OutputSink;
private IEnumerable<string> Commands { get; set; }
private IEnumerable<string> CommandGroups { get; set; }
public bool FilterResults { get; }
public string ComputerName { get; } // for remote connections
private string UserName { get; } // for remote connections
private string Password { get; } // for remote connections
private ManagementClass wmiRegProv { get; }
public Runtime(IOutputSink outputSink, IEnumerable<string> commands, IEnumerable<string> commandGroups, bool filter)
: this(outputSink, commands, commandGroups, filter, "", "", "")
public Runtime(IOutputSink outputSink, IEnumerable<string> commands, IEnumerable<string> commandGroups, bool filter, string computerName)
: this(outputSink, commands, commandGroups, filter, computerName, "", "")
public Runtime(IOutputSink outputSink, IEnumerable<string> commands, IEnumerable<string> commandGroups, bool filter, string computerName, string userName, string password)
OutputSink = outputSink;
Commands = commands;
CommandGroups = commandGroups;
FilterResults = filter;
ComputerName = computerName;
UserName = userName;
Password = password;
// test a remote connection first if a remote system is specified
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(computerName))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
OutputSink.WriteHost($"[*] Running commands remotely against the host '{computerName}' with credentials -> user:{UserName} , password:{Password}\r\n");
var options = new ConnectionOptions();
options.Username = UserName;
options.Password = Password;
options.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate;
options.EnablePrivileges = true;
var scope = new ManagementScope($"\\\\{computerName}\\root\\cimv2", options);
OutputSink.WriteHost($"[*] Running commands remotely against the host '{computerName}' with current user credentials\r\n");
var scope = new ManagementScope($"\\\\{computerName}\\root\\cimv2");
catch (Exception e)
OutputSink.WriteError($"Error connecting to \"{computerName}\" : {e.Message}");
throw e;
wmiRegProv = WMIUtil.WMIRegConnection(computerName, userName, password);
public ManagementObjectSearcher GetManagementObjectSearcher(string nameSpace, string query)
// helper that takes the current configuration for a remote management and builds the proper ManagementObjectSearcher object
// used for WMI searching
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ComputerName))
return new ManagementObjectSearcher(nameSpace, query);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password))
var options = new ConnectionOptions
Username = UserName,
Password = Password,
Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate,
EnablePrivileges = true
var scope = new ManagementScope($"\\\\{ComputerName}\\{nameSpace}", options);
var queryObj = new ObjectQuery(query);
return new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, queryObj);
var scope = new ManagementScope($"\\\\{ComputerName}\\{nameSpace}");
var queryObj = new ObjectQuery(query);
return new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, queryObj);
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception($"Error connecting to \"{ComputerName}\" : {e.Message}");
public string[]? GetSubkeyNames(RegistryHive hive, string path)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ComputerName))
return RegistryUtil.GetSubkeyNames(hive, path, wmiRegProv);
return RegistryUtil.GetSubkeyNames(hive, path);
public string? GetStringValue(RegistryHive hive, string path, string value)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ComputerName))
return RegistryUtil.GetStringValue(hive, path, value, wmiRegProv);
return RegistryUtil.GetStringValue(hive, path, value);
public uint? GetDwordValue(RegistryHive hive, string path, string value)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ComputerName))
return RegistryUtil.GetDwordValue(hive, path, value, wmiRegProv);
return RegistryUtil.GetDwordValue(hive, path, value);
public byte[]? GetBinaryValue(RegistryHive hive, string path, string value)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ComputerName))
return RegistryUtil.GetBinaryValue(hive, path, value, wmiRegProv);
return RegistryUtil.GetBinaryValue(hive, path, value);
public Dictionary<string, object> GetValues(RegistryHive hive, string path)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ComputerName))
return RegistryUtil.GetValues(hive, path, wmiRegProv);
return RegistryUtil.GetValues(hive, path);
public string[] GetUserSIDs()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ComputerName))
return RegistryUtil.GetUserSIDs(wmiRegProv);
return RegistryUtil.GetUserSIDs();
public string[] GetDirectories(string relPath)
relPath = relPath.Trim('\\');
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ComputerName))
return System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories($"\\\\{ComputerName}\\C$\\{relPath}\\");
return System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories($"{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemDrive")}\\{relPath}\\");
public EventLogReader GetEventLogReader(string path, string query)
// TODO: investigate
var eventsQuery = new EventLogQuery(path, PathType.LogName, query) { ReverseDirection = true };
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ComputerName))
//EventLogSession session = new EventLogSession(
// ComputerName,
// "Domain", // Domain
// "Username", // Username
// pw,
// SessionAuthentication.Default); // TODO password specification!
var session = new EventLogSession(ComputerName);
eventsQuery.Session = session;
var logReader = new EventLogReader(eventsQuery);
return logReader;
public string GetEnvironmentVariable(string variableName)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ComputerName))
var result = "";
var wmiData = this.GetManagementObjectSearcher(@"root\cimv2", $"SELECT VariableValue from win32_environment WHERE name='{variableName}' AND UserName='<SYSTEM>'");
foreach (var wmiResult in wmiData.Get())
result = wmiResult["VariableValue"].ToString();
return result;
return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(variableName);
public bool ISRemote()
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ComputerName);
private void InitializeCommands()
foreach (var type in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes())
if (!type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(CommandBase)) || type.IsAbstract)
var instance = (CommandBase)Activator.CreateInstance(type, new object[] { this });
if (instance.Command != "TEMPLATE")
AllCommands = AllCommands.OrderBy(c => c.Command).ToList();
public void Execute()
foreach (var group in CommandGroups)
if (!ProcessGroup(group))
OutputSink.WriteError($"Invalid command group \"{group}\"");
foreach (var command in Commands)
if (!ProcessCommand(command))
OutputSink.WriteError($"Error running command \"{command}\"");
catch (Exception e)
OutputSink.WriteError($"Error running {command}: {e}");
private bool ProcessGroup(string command)
var commandGroupStrings = Enum.GetNames(typeof(CommandGroup)).ToList().Select(g=> g.ToLower());
if (!commandGroupStrings.Contains(command.ToLower()))
return false;
List<CommandBase> toExecute;
switch (command.ToLower())
case "all":
toExecute = AllCommands.ToList();
CommandGroup commandGroup;
var groupName = Enum.GetNames(typeof(CommandGroup)).FirstOrDefault(c => c.ToLower() == command.ToLower());
commandGroup = (CommandGroup)Enum.Parse(typeof(CommandGroup), groupName);
catch (ArgumentException)
return false;
toExecute = AllCommands.Where(g => g.Group.Contains(commandGroup)).ToList();
toExecute.ForEach(c =>
ExecuteCommand(c, new string[] { });
return true;
private bool ProcessCommand(string commandLine)
var args = Shell32.CommandLineToArgs(commandLine);
var commandName = args[0];
var command = AllCommands.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Command.Equals(commandName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
if (command == null)
return false;
var commandArgs = new string[] { };
if (args.Length > 1)
commandArgs = args.SubArray(1, args.Length - 1);
ExecuteCommand(command, commandArgs);
return true;
private void ExecuteCommand(CommandBase? command, string[] commandArgs)
OutputSink.WriteOutput(new HostDTO($"====== {command.Command} ======\n"));
var results = command.Execute(commandArgs);
if (results != null)
// OutputSink.BeginOutput();
foreach (var result in results)
// pass the command version from the command module to the DTO
// OutputSink.EndOutput();
catch (Exception e)
// TODO: Return an error DTO
OutputSink.WriteError($" [!] Terminating exception running command '{command.Command}': " + e);
#nullable enable