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Windows Task Scheduler
Files & Paths
By default, scheduled tasks are saved inside C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\
Use Task Scheduler
There is a Task Scheduler
GUI application, which uses the XML files inside
the (default) path mentioned above to display information about the scheduled
Malicious Findings: Compare mismatches between modification dates of the XML files and the displayed values inside the GUI app
There is also a Powershell Command-Let which works with the tasks.
List enabled, scheduled tasks via Get-ScheduledTask or use schtasks.exe
get CSV output in the following way.
Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object {$_.State -ne "Disabled"}
schtasks.exe /query /fo CSV | findstr /V Disabled
List scheduled tasks by creation date through Get-ScheduledTask
in the
following way.
Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object {$_.Date -ne $null -and $_.State -ne "Disabled"} | Sort-Object Date | Select Date,TaskName,Author,State,TaskPath | ft