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OpenSSL Cheatsheet

Read X.509 Certificate

  • A certificate can be read via
openssl x509 -in $CERT -text

Generate CSR

  • A Certificate Signing Request needs a private alongside the request for a cert. This is done in the following way
openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout $PRIVATE_KEY -out $CERT_CSR

Create an X.509 Certificate

  • Create a X.509 certificate via
openssl x509 -newkey -nodes rsa:4096 -keyout $PRIVATE_KEY -out $CERT -sha256 -days 365
openssl req -new -x509 -keyout cert.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes

Extract Keys from PFX Cert

  • Key and cert form PFX
openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -nocerts -out key.pem -nodes
openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -out cert.pem -clcerts -nokeys

Extract & Repack PFX Cert

  • Extract & Repack with another password, e.g. from mimikatz to cqure
openssl pkcs12 -in *.pfx -out temp.pem -nodes
openssl pkcs12 -export -out *.pfx -in temp.pem


Read Parameters of a RSA Key

  • Show parameters of the private key
openssl rsa -in $PRIVATE_KEY -text -noout

Create RSA Key

  • Generate an OpenSSL RSA key via
openssl genrsa -out $PRIVATE_KEY 4096
  • Generate an OpenSSl RSA public key from a private key
openssl rsa -in $PRIVATE_KEY -pubout -out public-key.pem

Encrypt RSA

  • Encrypt RSA current and deprecated
openssl pkeyutl -encrypt -in $CLEAR_TEXT -out $CLEAR_TEXT -pubin -inkey $PUBLIC_KEY
openssl rsautl -encrypt -in $CLEAR_TEXT -out $ENCRYPTED -pubin -inkey $PUBLIC_KEY

Decrypt RSA

  • Decrypt a RSA cipher with the private key
openssl pkeyutl -decrypt -in $CIPHER -out $PLAIN_TEXT -inkey $PRIVATE_KEY
  • Deprecated version of RSA decryption is the following
openssl rsautl -decrypt -in $CIPHER -out $PLAIN_TEXT -inkey $PRIVATE_KEY


Read Parameters of a DH Keys

  • Output of a DH key is done the following way
openssl dhparam -in $PRIVATE_KEY  -text -noout

Create DH Key

  • A Diffie-Hellman key can be created via
openssl dhparam -out $PRIVATE_KEY 4096


Encrypt AES

  • Encrypt AES
openssl aes-256-cbc -e -in $PLAIN_TEXT -out $CIPHER

Decrypt AES

  • Decrypt AES
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in $CIPHER -out $PLAIN_TEXT


Encrypt PBKDF2

  • Encrypt file via PBKDF2 with 128000 iterations
openssl aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 128000 -e -in $PLAIN_TEXT -out $CIPHER

Decrypt PBKDF2

  • Decrypt file via PBKDF2 with an iteration of 128000
openssl aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 128000 -d -in $CIPHER -out $PLAIN_TEXT

ECPoint (EC)

  • RFC5480

Read PEM Public Key

openssl ec -pubin -in publickey.pem -noout -text