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AWS S3 Enumeration


A list of services by region is maintained by AWS There are global and regional services.

Watch out for the global and regional Security Token Service (STS) which provides temporary access to third party identities, since regional STS are also valid in other regions. Global STS are only valid in default regions.

In aws cli, Regions go the cli argument --region

Simple Storage Service (S3)

S3 is an object storage without volume limits. The names of buckets are unique and the namespace of buckets is global but they are stored regionally.

Methods of access control are as follows

  1. Bucket policies
  2. S3 ACL

The aws cli scheme is


  • List content of public bucket via
aws s3 ls s3://<bucketname>/ --no-sign-request

Download via curl, wget or s3 cli via

aws s3 cp s3://<bucketname>/foo_public.xml . --no-sign-request


If the ACL is set to

  • Anyone, just curl
  • AuthenticatedUsers, s3 cli with aws key


Permissions are granted directly through user accounts or indirectly through roles the user has joined. users and groups

Gaining access to important roles like maintenance opens the door to higher permissions. An always unique AWS Account ID has a length of 12 digits.

The IAM is not necessarily used by S3. AK/SK is sufficient for authentication and authorization.

  • Access key ID, starts with AKIA + 20 chars
  • Secret access key (SK)
  • Session token, ASIA + sessionToken
  • AWS Organizations control accounts who joined
  • Third party identity providers are supported
  • IAM identity center of an organization allows provision of accounts from third parties through the AWS SSO

Root Accounts

Every AWS account has a single root account bound to an email address. This account has got the all privileges over the account. A root account has MFA disabled by default.

The account is susceptible to an attack if the mail address is accessible but MFA is not activated.

If the MFA is not set, it is an opportunity for a password reset attack when the account the vulnerable root belongs to is part of an AWS Organization.

User Policies

After authentication of a user (or principal) policies of the account are checked if the request is allowed. Policy evaluation can be found in the AWS docs. The following graph is taken from the documentation, it shows the evaluation logic inside an account policy evaluation

Policies like assume-role and switch-role can lead to the gain of roles with higher permissions

User Provisioning

When using the cli command, the aws configuration and credentials are stored at ~/.aws

Add credentials to profile via

aws configure --profile PROFILENAME

Sanity test a profile through checking its existance via

aws s3 ls --profile PROFILENAME

Find account ID to an access key

aws sts get-access-key-info --access-key-id AKIAEXAMPLE

Find username to an access key

aws sts get-caller-identity --profile PROFILENAME

Listing EC2 instances of an account

aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --profile PROFILENAME

In another region

aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --region us-east-1 --profile PROFILENAME


Unique ID is create through the following scheme



aws secretsmanager help
aws secretsmanager list-secrets
ws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id <Name> --region <region>

Check Permissions on S3 Bucket

Do a PUT method to see if the bucket may be writeable to upload a file via

curl -vvv -X PUT $BUCKET_URL  --data "Test of write permissions"